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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. and people who have LIVED IT, will insist that it IS TRUE. https://www.theblaze.com/news/venezuela_socialism_warning_entrepreneur VIDEO: Venezuelan entrepreneur has a warning for Americans: Socialism literally kills people
  2. classy - to let quiet set in so that the dr can communicate with the person having trouble. Hope they are fine.
  3. ah, LIFE LESSONS. Reality vs emotional utopia.
  4. yep =- the deep state demands to keep the power to run our country, and increase it. or, OUR ELECTED PRESIDENT AND REPS IN CONGRESS (the reps with a backbone) will take it and keep our country on course. our side must win. or we all lose.
  5. Interesting - I'd have to take some time to look at that one. One similarity - that Bryant db? about the same size as the one I drafted in the sixth round. Interesting. Offhand, I'd hate to take Mekhi so high, and have him have trouble with speed rushers - and I'd hate to pass on him and have him be all-pro at LT. lol
  6. I believe Eastwood's dry wit was missed in that article - it would be good to see bloopberg get it - because he'd have zero chance to win much of anything. He'd probably lose NY. and, the resident woodpecker can't stop ridiculing other posters - as his only contribution to the board. sick, sad stuff. https://genius.com/Faith-no-more-woodpecker-from-mars-lyrics
  7. tex is just flat out happily buying with the clapper and brennan corrupt hate fest keeps throwing against the wall. from the link that Steve just posted: 'The disclosure of Russian assistance to Sanders follows a briefing to lawmakers last week in which a senior intelligence official said that Russia wants to see Trump reelected, viewing his administration as more favorable to the Kremlin’s interests, according to people who were briefed on the comments. In that closed hearing for the House Intelligence Committee, lawmakers were also told that Sanders had been informed about Russia’s interference. The prospect of two rival campaigns both receiving help from Moscow appears to reflect what intelligence officials have previously described as Russia’s broader interest in sowing division in the United States and uncertainty about the validity of American elections. The russkies did the same thing - supported both higgardly and Pres Trump to raise division in America - cause the American people to doubt their elections. If they can cause enough division - we will be powerless to stop them from taking the Ukraine, the Baltic States - and that is exactly what they want.'
  8. so, a couple driving their car, drives teens off the road. because they hate Trump. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-teens-assaulted-by-couple-caught-snapchat The incident allegedly occurred in July in Hobart, Indiana. Hobart police say that a woman and a man drove up to two teenage boys who were riding their bikes and asked if they supported President Donald Trump. When they answered yes, the couple swerved to drive them off the road. They told police that the male exited his vehicle in order to rip one of the flags from their bike. He then tossed it on the ground and ran over it with his vehicle. A police affidavit says they threatened the boys, saying, "Don't let me see you downtown." Hobart police say in the affidavit that they were able to identify the suspects from video posts to Snapchat from the incident. They describe the pair of videos that allegedly show the suspects threatening the teens. Police say one video shows the female say "Ya'll scared, just like your president!" to the teens, and follow up with, "America is not great!" Police have charged 23-year-old Kyren Gregory Perry-Jones and 18-year-old Cailyn Marie Smith with felony counts of intimidation and criminal recklessness. They also were charged with misdemeanor counts of theft and criminal mischief. Smith was in police custody on Friday, but they were still seeking Perry-Jones.
  9. woodpecker strikes out again. stupid retorts instead of anything legitmate to add to any discussion. But he did avoid the "f" word after Steve called him out on it.
  10. however, under "probable cause" it's easy to establish a pattern of criminal behavior., asking for ID is obviously valid. now, it is required to show ID to fly. Greyhound buses are also public transportation. In a traffic accident, you are required to show ID and insurance papers. Illegal immigrants have no protection to remain illegal. That is just my opinion - I'm no legal beagle. But traveling -in your own car- is the same as being in your home. Actually, camping out in a tent - same thing. 4th Amendment applies. I would say, the passenger has no obligation to answer, and no obligation to submit to a search without a warrant - but that is suspicious behavior when trying to simply enforce immigration laws.
  11. no. they cannot board a bus and search the traveler's persons, papers, and luggage without a warrant. but asking for ID, which is required when an officer asks, is fine by me, given the establishment of greyhound buses assisting illegals as a policy. In effect, they are with crime - as sanctuary cities are.
  12. ...from pressure in several states from the ACLU, and democrat prosecutors etc etc etc. They claim it a violation of consumer law. But, regardless of their agreeing - it hasn't been uphead by the Supreme Court. to whit: https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Fourth+Amendment Fourth Amendment Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia. Fourth Amendment The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ************************************************************************** Now, public available transportation is NOT LISTED. Especially in the commission of a crime - being here illegally and traveling while illegally here. The pattern has been well established that illegal immigration is happening on a regular basis. It's a leftwing political claim that inevitably will not hold water with the courts. Two points - illegals are NOT American citizens. they are criminals being here, they have no Constitution rights when it comes to immigration law. and, I don't know how they apply consumer law, but that is also a reach. I doubt, taken to the U.S. Supreme Court, that it would decide that illegals are not allowed to be arrested if they ran onto a bus, or are riding public transportation. We'll see. If the illegals are traveling IN THEIR OWN CAR - their car is the same as their home. you need a warrant to search it. OTH, the warrants should fly fast and furiously, given that illegals have no ownership of vehicles, and can only, and DO take public transportion. So, "probable cause" is established, I think.
  13. Get search warrants fast and furiously - and go after Greyhound buses as illegal sanctuary vehicles involved in crime. Looks Like The Migrant Crisis Is Keeping Greyhound Buses ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2019/05/27/looks-the-migrant-crisis-is... May 27, 2019 · The New York Times reports that due to the surge of migrant families and illegal aliens at the southern border, bus companies like Greyhound buses are experiencing an increase in …
  14. New details in police chase of Greyhound bus with 40 ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-details-in-police-chase-of-greyhound-bus Jan 13, 2018 · New details in police chase of Greyhound bus with 40 people on board. January 13, ... The suspect is an illegal immigrant who had been deported to Mexico in 2012, the sheriff said.
  15. the claim "4th Amendment". they are wrong, https://www.theblaze.com/news/greyhound-says-border-patrol-may-no-longer-search-for-illegal-immigrants-on-buses-without-a-warrant
  16. woodpecker never thinks, he only "feels", and his emotional beak-jerking just bitches at people, and tries to tell them what to do.
  17. woodypecker must have learned the "f" word. it keeps showing up in most of his stupid posts. bitch and peck at people, sources, and act like a sick birdbrain is all he does. Woodpecker should just go AGAIN, but the next time, stay in his nest fiddling with his....beak.
  18. yep, early summer - we are going to drive to Texas, not fly. camp along the way with friends.
  19. oh, really now? a simple phone call from clapper or brennan I suppose? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_Pierson 2020 election security coordinator Pierson told NPR in January 2020 that election interference "isn't a Russia-only problem" and that "we're still also concerned about China, Iran, non-state actors, 'hacktivists.' And frankly ... even Americans might be looking to undermine confidence in the elections." She said the Russians "are already engaging in influence operations" but "we do not have evidence at this time that our adversaries are directly looking at interfering with vote counts."[8] To deter election interference, "it's important for us to keep messaging our adversaries that this activity will not be tolerated and there will be consequences," she told NBC News.[9]
  20. the dishonest judge should have recused herself. But the left thinks they are above the law, and will do anything for advantage. anything. EXCLUSIVE: How Roger Stone Was Railroaded By The Deep ... https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-how-roger-stone-was-railroaded-by-the-deep-state 6 days ago · Roger Stone was the last victim of Mueller’s Witch Hunt. He was railroaded in a vindictive, politically motivated prosecution by a biased Judge and a stacked jury. He now faces 25 years in prison. He and his family have been bankrupted, having lost their home, their savings, their insurance and Stone’s ability to make a living. EXCLUSIVE: How Roger Stone Was Railroaded By The Deep ... https://conservativewar.com/exclusive-how-roger-stone-was-railroaded-by-the-deep-state... President Trump tweeted minutes after Stone’s conviction, “So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come.” “Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all the others, including even Mueller himself, didn’t they lie?” Roger Stone Railroaded In Kangaroo Court – Now It’s Trump ... www.dailypundit.com/dailypundit.wordpress/2020/02/20/roger-stone-railroaded-in... Feb 20, 2020 · Roger Stone Railroaded In Kangaroo Court – Now It’s Trump’s Move. Posted on February 20, 2020 by Bill Quick February 20, 2020 4. 0 (0) BREAKING: Roger Stone Is Sentenced In D.C. Courtroom | News and Politics. Roger Stone, the long-time political advisor to presidents and friend of Donald Trump, has found out his fate on obstruction and ..
  21. they are stepping up because they don't want us to lose our country. I'm going to see about donating to them.
  22. it's getting to a point where every single democrat everywhere is all in on corruption, arrogance, and hate... and fear of them losing power. another fake leftie emotional knee jerk lie goes down in flames John Bolton breaks his silence - and admits his testimony wouldn't have hurt Pres Trump at all. but the open question lingered to sell his book. Even HE admits the phony democrat attempt at impeachment was a scam.
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