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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. we hope that is true - but I'm not sure that the left wants the same power to own and control that sanders does. History says that a country should never let it happen. Thank GOD for all the Constitution based judges Pres Trump has put in place.
  2. of course that is who he is - he's a sick sob who dreams of being famous with that kind of power. https://www.theblaze.com/news/bernie-sanders-doubles-down-on-his-support-for-communist-fidel-castro-in-60-minutes-interview
  3. again, you are such a woodypeckerhead - go back and read my post - says nothing of the sort. as usual. make up a paraphrase that you can smart off about, except it makes you look like you really do have a learning disability with reading comprehension. which, would explain so many of your posts that don't make you look smart at all.
  4. these arrogant, dangerous sombeitches have to GO. https://www.redstate.com/slee/2020/02/23/brennan-insists-acting-dni-being-replaced-by-grenell-is-like-decapitation-the-truth-is-way-less-dramatic/
  5. well, NOW? she did her damage. now a NEW report from intel says... not true. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-report-undercuts-claim-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-trumps-re-election-intelligence-doesnt-say-that New report undercuts claim that Russia is trying to help Trump's re-election: 'Intelligence doesn't say that'
  6. https://www.sentinelsource.com/opinion/editorial/who-borrowed-the-social-security-taxes-we-paid/article_691d6976-e4a1-5d21-96d3-aa8871f86c92.html "In 1983, Congress and the Reagan administration adjusted Social Security taxes and benefits to put the program on an even keel that began to build up a huge surplus for investment. But Congress decided to “borrow” the surplus instead of investing. They’ve been using it to help pay for things that have nothing to do with Social Security, things the political establishment and tax-averse Americans wanted but didn’t want to pay for: invasions, education, highway repairs and so on. And, without giving any thought to paying the surplus money back, the federal government has been trading it for special Treasury bonds that politicians used to assure us were safe in a lockbox." "Just IOUs. In a lockbox. They are, however, IOUs that are supposed to be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. So this year, as the Social Security Administration is beginning to fall short of what it needs to pay retiree benefits, it is cashing in $45 billion of the bonds. And because the country is upside down in debt, it has to borrow the $45 billion from China or somewhere else to make older people’s ends meet. Those maneuvers will presumably continue until 2037 unless the system is adjusted in the meantime or Uncle Sam’s credit line runs out." "It would be nice if we could drag the past five presidents and all members of Congress since 1983 into court and squeeze the $2.6 trillion out of them. But we can’t. We elected them, and they did all the borrowing for us. Given the lack of attention we self-governing Americans paid over all those years, we would be wise not to get too huffy about the situation. According to a recent poll conducted for Investor’s Business Daily, only 40 percent of us realize that the Social Security trust fund is composed of IOUs. "
  7. absolutely true - and borrowing from SS is a huge disgrace. The federal government has borrowed from Social Security during every presidency since FDR. According to the Social Security Administration, there has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government since 1939.
  8. said the supreme woodpecker so called "millenial" who thinks he will take over the world after all the other real human beings die off..... and who ridicules Christians and God. and who is happy with infanticide no matter when or why. a birdbrain who would have made a fine nazi at nazi detainee camps. Intstead of cultural superiority - with him it's college degree superiority.
  9. NAILED. and very ,very funny LOL LOL EDIT: I'm going to try to follow this guy's columns and podcasts.
  10. woodpecker's dreams of a young people's workers birdbrain society party are being dashed. they can't get the pronouns right, have no solutions, they poop on their feathers heads... but they know it all cause they have college, so "socialism is utopia the way they would chirp it"
  11. true, but "rotten egg" applies to her lack of integrity, and disregard for our Constitution in her decision making. And yes, I wish previous rep presidents had put in originalist judges.
  12. socialism - as understood by those who never expeienced it, and don't understand the tragic, devastating failures of it from the beginning of the first socialist gov........ sounds good on a shallow, utopian promise level. It's far more complicated than young people dancing around chanting keywords like "fairness", and slogans like "everybody wins", "everybody gets a piece of the pie", and of course, "spread the wealth". There is no "Robin Hood" in socialism. The reason is far more complex than a simple emotional reaction to the idea that "everybody gets big bucks", and free hc, college, paid off loans, free houses...etc etcetc etc etc etc etc. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-socialism-fails too many folks, young and old, who tend toward accepting the idea - don't care about the history of socialism always failing. As usual, they simply think that THEY are the super smart ones who can make utopia work. the bigger problem is - it won't. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/13/why-socialism-fails/ 'According to Mark J. Perry, Ph.D., a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus, and a scholar at American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a conservative D.C.-based think tank, socialism fails “because it’s a flawed system based on completely faulty principles that aren’t consistent with human behavior and can’t nurture the human spirit.” '
  13. you cross the deep state, you end up six feet under. just like in the movie and tv series. Killed himself bs. It keeps happening. Study: Knowing Hillary Clinton Raises Your Chance Of ... https://newspunch.com/hillary-clinton-suicide/ Oct 25, 2017 · But Clinton compatriots tend to off themselves without the slightest hint of an issue and, sometimes, in the most unusual ways. There are dozens of people surrounding the Clintons who wake up dead from various causes; out of that group, 15 killed themselves, including: 2 that warned Family ahead of time that they we going to be killed
  14. and, btw, how stupid is it, to make a point about how many times Pres Trump had to go get a stay? Every move he makes, the deep state/leftwing groups find a corrupt lefty hack judge to try to stop him again. of COURSE he's going to have more stays. yeesh. what a turd or two obaMao put on the court. If Sander's people got in, and they started building gulags... four on the court, the lefty court, would vote that they are fine.
  15. really. the vote went down party lines, as always, the left votes in a block always, but now sotowhoremore bitches that the majority went by our Constitution and not her demands. obaMao laid a rotten egg with her nomination to the court. https://www.theblaze.com/news/justice-sonia-sotomayor-lashes-out-at-conservative-justices-accuses-them-of-pro-trump-bias
  16. the crux of the matter is... if you knowingly transport a criminal to escape capture, etc, you are aiding and abetting. The pattern was established that illegals were using the Greyhound buses to avoid capture and deported - by getting out of the border towns to towns where nobody ? looks for illegals. So, if Greyhound keeps making $$$$$$$ (paid for, by whom? btw) by knowingly selling tickets to illegals, they are guilty of said aiding and abetting. It is no huge matter, I suppose, to get a warrant to ask for ID before getting on the buses, but they should not sell the tickets in the first place. or, be fined hugely and lose those profits and a lot more. this illegal alien garbage must be stopped NOW.
  17. 1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/.../22/14-million-illegals-working-stolen-social-security Jun 22, 2017 · Most illegal immigrants who pay taxes have stolen someone else’s legal identity, and the IRS doesn’t do a very good job of letting those American citizens and legal immigrants know they’re being impersonated, the tax agency’s inspector general said in a new report released Thursday.
  18. even the lefties' hero Pres Trump hater... is worried. https://www.theblaze.com/news/matthews_democrats_better_off_trump_winning
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