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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. "woodpecker is a moron, woodpecker is a moron" hook line and sinker.
  2. Bernie Sanders Has an MSNBC Problem | The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/156545/bernie-sanders-msnbc-problem Bernie Sanders Has an MSNBC Problem Cable news networks, particularly the "liberal" one, are a growing barrier to his surging campaign.
  3. really bad. sanders... supported the marxist sandinistas? really now. woodpecker will be so proud of him. Bernie Sanders under scrutiny for backing Sandinistas in 1980s https://nypost.com/2020/02/24/bernie-sanders-under-scrutiny-for-backing-sandinistas-in... 7 hours ago · Bernie Sanders’ praise of Cuba and Fidel Castro on Sunday is just the tip of the iceberg. The Democratic front-runner had a romance with the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua in
  4. Bernie Sanders is the Worst Presidential Candidate in ... https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/02/bernie-sanders-is-the-worst... Bernie’s promises are pie-in-the-sky. Literally none of his so-called “democratic socialist” programs have ever been successfully implemented in any government in world history, except for all the other major nations in the modern world, and also America during our most prosperous period.
  5. Bernie Sanders's bad polling showing - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/02... Jul 03, 2019 · Some bad — and some even worse — poll news for Bernie Sanders. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) waits to speak near the stage at James Clyburn's Fish Fry in late June. ... And the bad news
  6. yes, yes, yes, I know. LOL it was the U.S. Attorney IN VERMONT. What state does sanders represent? VERMONT. LOL >OL >OL l.ol lol which way does vermont lean? toward sanders. lol you should have let woodpecker jump in there on that one. I was ready for it. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast/vermont/ Who will win the Vermont primary? 'Sanders is forecasted to win an average of 59% of the vote in Vermont. In 80% of simulations, he wins between 44% and 73% of the vote. He has a 99 in 100 (>99%) chance of winning the most votes, much better than the second most likely winner, Warren, who has a <1 in 100 (0.4%) chance
  7. let's see... sanders would lose PA, WV, Kentucky, Wyoming, Illinois, Montana LOL LOL LOL
  8. lol Bad News for Bernie Sanders | The Liberty Conservative https://libertyconservative.com/bad-news-bernie-sanders Jun 26, 2017 · Bernie Sanders has been getting a lot of bad news lately to cancel out his good news. The good news is that he has a lovely new lakeside retreat. The bad news is that, according to 18 US code 1344, the penalty for defrauding a bank is a fine up to a million dollars and up to thirty years in prison.
  9. https://miami.cbslocal.com/2020/02/24/sen-bernie-sanders-cuban-revolution-wasnt-all-bad/ Sen. Bernie Sanders Says Cuban Revolution Wasn’t All Bad https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bad+news+bernie+sanders&amp;view=detail&amp;mid=CEF3369BBBCEAD938D51CEF3369BBBCEAD938D51&amp;FORM=VIRE Sanders’s Comments on Fidel Castro Provoke Anger in Florida NY Times · 5 hr ago · by Patricia Mazzei
  10. oh, HAPPY DAY ! woodpecker bites fish hook, gets reeled in ! LOL LOL LOL LOL oh, crap....LOL LOL LOL see, woodpecker - that thing about sanders' campaign - was just the tiny bit of icing on the great big corrupt old socialist is a disaster and will never win cake ! LOL. crap. LOL
  11. the ones to Pres Trump's campaign don't matter - Pres Trump is going to win the election anyways. but your commie boy sanders... isn't. lol Joe Biden excoriates Bernie Sanders in scathing statement about 'offensive' Cuba comments ‘The View’s’ Meghan McCain goes after co-hosts for ignoring Bernie Sanders and alleged Russia ties In socialist Venezuela, 1 in 3 are going dangerously hungry. But Bernie won’t denounce the regime. AIPAC blasts 'truly shameful' Bernie Sanders in blistering statement over claims of 'bigotry' Bernie Sanders pressed in interview about how much his agenda will cost. He admits he doesn't know. Sanders doubles down on support for communist dictator Fidel Castro in '60 Minutes' interview Sanders is an important step to full-blown socialism and 'huge leftward shift,' say leading leftists Top Dem panics: Sanders' socialism would be a 'burden' on Democrats, places House majority 'in danger' Leftists explode at Chris Matthews, demand his firing over Bernie comparison to victorious Nazis James Carville rips DNC as Bernie Sanders wins Nevada: 'One of the truly stupid parties in the world' Chris Matthews: Dems may be better off with Trump re-elected than Sanders 'taking over' the party Poll shows bad news for Democrats in swing House districts as the party lurches leftward
  12. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/02/24/788513/ Stephen A. Somma. deeper and more dangerous all the time. Too deep to drain the swamp? hope not. if so, we will completely lose control over our government, eventually.
  13. how bad and dangerously poor can Venezuela get? Bernie Sanders = eventual Venezuela. https://www.theblaze.com/news/1-in-3-people-face-hunger-in-venezuela
  14. looking bad for corrupt old socialist/communist sanders: https://www.theblaze.com/news/fec-flags-over-500-pages-of-sanders-campaign-donations-for-apparent-problems they surely won't actually let him be the nominee. Stayed tuned.
  15. you have defended abortion all this time - own it. "women's right to choose" right down to having your tail feathers plucked by code pink.
  16. that is historically and consistently woodpecker. you are it - own up to it, birdbrain. Frequently asked Questions about Woodpeckers | Woodpecker ... allstateanimalcontrol.com/animals/woodpeckers/woodpecker_faq.php A. Woodpeckers carry a variety of mites, ticks, fleas and other insects, especially woodpecker bugs. Woodpecker bugs are blood-sucking and known to bite humans and pets. The bugs access your home through tiny cracks from nest sites in the walls and end up in your beds or on the kitchen table.
  17. sadly, but true - that also happens, of course. But not, I don't think, a subculture.
  18. 80000 cases worldwide? Did you know who could fly to china and get a chinese version of aids?
  19. actually, I was yelling at the weasel to get off your back if he didn't want to get a TDS disease.
  20. A friend of mine - from India - talked a lot about the poverty there. He said it was everywhere. He said it was getting better, but the poverty there was unheard of in the United States. He said he would love to go back - beautiful place - but with all the dire poverty - etc etc drug use, crime.... he said their kids born here would die of culture shock, so they never will leave. They were working hard on becoming American citizens. One thing I never wanted to do - was go overseas and see just how great our U.S.A. is - I already knew that, so...
  21. Same old, same old. a subculture of young people who believe they are so superior as a "class": - that they are entitled to not pay consequences for their stupid actions. Like going into permanent debt in student loans... casual sex/pregnancies not wanted....drug use and health problems, selling dope and getting arrested...being a woodpecker and never taking a bird bath and getting fired... whatever it is - they think they shouldn't have to be responsible for their choices. Their failures are always somebody or something else's fault. They want a giant government safety net to take care of them.
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