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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. excellent article - the left has stooped to the lowest of the lowest low possible. Surely a vast majority of the American people are going to vote accordingly and decidedly for Pres Trump.
  2. I have this inclination to go out and stock up on tissues, toilet paper, gatorade, paper towels.... going to a store ---- not wanting to - and a panic would empty the shelves, especially if related employees start getting hit. I don't think it will. But Mexico - illegals with it could bring a lot of it here - their hc/welfare is primitive, so many are dirt poor... not good.
  3. https://www.theblaze.com/news/dos_and_donts_coronavirus 'DO NOT: Contrary to what you may have heard, health officials are recommending Americans to avoid wearing masks unless they are sick. "Masks help protect others from catching the virus, but wearing one when you're healthy won't do much." Demand for N95 masks have boomed since the start of the outbreak, causing shortages, which is why WebMD recommends leaving the masks "for people who really need them, like the sick or health care professionals." ' ***************************************************** Now, I've never been too proud to ask a dumb question. But, here goes - if health officials say if you're healthy, DON'T wear a mask -- if you're healthy it won't do much... who are they kidding? as in, why do THEY wear masks, even full coverage suits? eh? if wearing one keeps you from spreading the virus, then how in the heck can it be worthless when wearing one to keep from getting it? Outside of it can enter the eye tear ducts ... it's primarily a lung disease symptom virus? so, it won't go through a mask if you had the virus, but it won't stop it if you don't? I'm just not buying. It sounds self-serving to me - like "we want to see only virus sick people wearing them so we can get them and quarantine them", and "we don't want people to panic". I think, when we drive to Texas, by golly, I go through a state and stop in at bathrooms etc, you betcha we would wear our masks. That make any sense, what they say about this - to anybody?
  4. it didn't occur to me til yesterday.... that another linebacker I met in college - I and a few friends collected several extra tickets from other students who weren't going...- for a bunch of his and his roommate's family and friends for a big game. The guy who called was TE Gary Pinkel, and the linebacker's name was... Jack Lambert. They both stopped in for the tickets and told us they really appreciated it...for a few seconds I met him again at the Robin Hood Inn a few weeks later - Jack was certainly tall, but at 6'4", he only weighed in about 223 lbs. Of course, that was long ago - but he slammed people with leverage and violence, and he was sideline to sideline. He looked lanky, but I wouldn't say skinny. Interesting - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Lambert_(American_football) "Lambert was the prototypical middle linebacker for what became the Tampa Two defense. Bud Carson, in his "Double-Rotating Zone" defense where safeties played back in a two-deep zone and the corner-backs played in two shallow zones or in bump-and-run coverage, instead of having the middle linebacker close to the line in run support, had the middle linebacker drop back into a middle zone to cover the seam between the safeties. Middle linebackers had not been tasked in such a way previously (Dick Butkus and Ray Nitschke being the epitomes of the run-support middle linebacker), but Lambert's size, speed, and talents facilitated the new role.[4]" ************************************************************* I haven't seen Simmons slamming people into the turf like that - but maybe his weight isn't going to keep him from being a great player. who knows?
  5. I listened to several speakers events - the hilarious reading (think theater) of page and strzok's emails/texts to each other.... some great speeches. We joined "FoxNation" on our phones, etc - https://nation.foxnews.com/?cmpid=org=NAT::ag=MediaStorm::mc=paidsearch::src=bing::cmp=brandcore&utm_source=paidsearch&utm_medium=bing&utm_campaign=brandcore&msclkid=c6aa615cea7e138248033f07f7345b4b&gclid=CP6_-uCc-OcCFcGXxQIdRwMNWA&gclsrc=ds Thank GOD for PRESIDENT TRUMP ! https://www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/02/29/golden-nuggets-from-president-trumps-speech-at-cpac-2020/ Golden Nuggets From President Trump’s Speech at CPAC 2020 President Trump gave yet another bang-up speech at CPAC 2020. But then every speech he gives keeps getting better and better. It brought the house down. Here are a few nuggets from Saturday afternoon’s speech: We filled up the stadium in South Carolina last night. Our competitors had like two people. No administration has ever done what we’ve done in the first three years. We’re defending our faith, our values, our borders, and our God-given rights. We are exposing the corruption of the Washington Democrats and are draining the Washington swamp. I think justice will be had (giving a facial reaction that was entirely positive about that). They gave us Mueller hoax, the Russia-Russia-Russia crap, the phone call hoax, … We are preserving this exceptional nation that our ancestors fought and died for. One of my most important promises was to end America’s long-standing wars in the Middle East. We knocked out Soleimani, the father of the roadside bomb. Sometimes our allies treat us very badly. Nobody has a military like we have. The professionalism of our people is incredible. We cannot be the policeman of the world and the democracy-builder for every other nation in the world that has problems. Today we signed a deal with the Taliban and can hopefully bring our troops back home. 19 years later. We have to thank our wounded warriors who came home from there. Especially the ones who lost limbs. If the Taliban and Afghanistan government live up to their obligations, the longest war in American history will be over. After years of rebuilding other nations, we are finally rebuilding ours. It would be so much easier for our country if we had a press that told the truth. We are committed that those who would do us harm, including those who would come to our country, will be kept out of our country. My administration is taking the most stringent actions to control the coronavirus. We started with tough travel restrictions. Nothing will deter us from protecting the well-being of the American people. My job is protect Americans and their health – and we will do it with vigor. We are banning the travel to the US of Iranians and anyone who as traveled there [the new coronavirus hotspot]. We have State Dept advisories for “do not travel” for South Korea and Italy. We will do everything we can to keep the virus out of the US. It’s time for all Americans to put politics aside and work together for the health and security of the American people. This is very different; we have to be very careful with this. We are in the midst of the Great American Comeback. Our economy is roaring, jobs are booming, crime is falling, … We have restored our standing in the world, and America is respected like never before. Unemployment has reached the lowest rate in over 51 years. The average unemployment rate for my administration is the lowest for any president. Young people have seen their wages rise by 16%. More than 2 million millennials have gotten jobs, and we have lifted 10 million people off welfare rolls. You can’t buy an election [Mini-Mike]; you have to bring the goods at some point. Pocahontas nailed Mini-Mike during the debate. Mike was saying, “Get me off the stage; get me off the stage.” [President Trump squatted behind the podium imitating Bloomberg’s lack of stature and the crowd at CPAC erupted!] The Democrats want to take away everything from you (religion, guns, etc.), including your freedom. But we will never let them do that. This is my fourth time at CPAC, and I’ll be here next year, too. All of the Left’s schemes to remove me have been defeated. The Democrats want sanctuary cities where they protect bad people. We just won the case where we don’t have to pay sanctuary cities any more [withholding federal law enforcement funding is legal]. Regulation is stealth taxation, especially on the poor. We have ended the war on American energy. We are not hostage to foreign hostile suppliers of energy because we are energy-independent now. We’ve had a lot of nice people running our country over the years. Maybe I’m not nice, but I’m doing a great job for you. [The President took an unofficial poll of CPAC participants on who he should hope will be the Democrat candidate in terms of being easiest to beat. The vote was overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders.] The Left think I’m not leaving the Oval Office until I die. Bill Maher thinks I won’t leave. The big rip-off is over. I signed USMCA into law; the biggest trade deal ever. The estate tax for small farms and small businesses is now gone. China is going to buy $50 billion of US agricultural products under the Phase I China trade deal. The most we’ve ever sold to the Chinese before is $16 billion. Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The Democrat Party wants to give illegal aliens free healthcare now, too. We believe in strong borders and quick deportation of captured illegal aliens. We have ended catch-and-release. We are up to 163 miles of border wall. We imposing price transparency on healthcare services. I have asked Congress to prohibit late-term abortion. I have asked Congress for funds to provide school choice options for 1,000,000 American children. I have signed out criminal justice reforms that will give non-violent criminals a second chance. We have confirmed a record number of judges who will interpret the Constitution as written. We are proudly depending free speech on American campuses. Those who deny free speech rights will risk the loss of all of their federal dollars. We know that America is the greatest force for good in history. This is the home that we want our children to inherit. There are still more records to be shattered and more amazing history to be written. There is no limit to what we can do. America is driving like never before. And the best is yet to come! God Bless America!
  6. Yes - states/cities/counties... imagine a pandemic in Mexico - then they keep coming here illegally for treatment - and spread it all over our southern states. I warned about that a few times - this virus seems to be designed? to hit slowly and be contagious before symptoms hit. That is exactly how those who want to design an offensive bio-weapon would want it to do. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-strongly-considering-serious-action-at-us-mexico-border-to-stop-spread-of-coronavirus
  7. I hope they are successful - it makes sense - and when sanders loses ...they will stay home in november. or, sanders goes ahead and runs on the independent...er....communist ticket. the dems are toast in the Pres election. they are so corrupt and country/self-destructive leftwing they have to lose.
  8. https://www.theblaze.com/news/first-american-confirmed-dead-from-coronavirus BREAKING: First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm More than five dozen Americans had the disease as of Saturday ************************************************ Seems to act like a stealth bio-weapon not ready for wartime yet. California, oregon and Washington State.
  9. it's been reported the cases involved no travel outside of our U.S..... oh, btw, they are two of the most liberal activist illegal immigration sanctuary cities/states. stay tuned.....
  10. Really cool mock ! Andrew Thomas, if there, would be the perfect pick for the Browns. I just kept thinking he'd be gone. Ashtyn Davis - amazing talent - I kinda over-looked him because I thought he'd take some time before starting. Davon Hamilton - I undervalued him, had him a below radar 6th round pick - first pick in third round far more likely as you did it. Trautman - my pick in the third round. He might go earlier in the second, who knows. Shane Lemieux - I didn't have him on my list. I think maybe I like your guy better - he's stronger, and similar. Interesting how the top olinemen are different - and similar - ?
  11. dems have no chance. Pres Trump is keeping his promises, doing great things for all the American people.
  12. except there was no "poor response" - the hater dem mayor of New Orleans, and the democrat gov Blanco.... refused the aid that could have saved lives... until right before the hurricane hit. Clarence Ray Nagin Jr., also known as C. Ray Nagin (born June 11, 1956), is an American former politician and convicted felon who was the 60th Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana, from 2002 to 2010. A Democrat, Nagin became internationally known in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Before the storm hit, Amtrak ran equipment out of the city. With rooms for several hundred evacuees, they offered the spots to the city. Officials declined, so the train left with no passengers. Within four days of Katrina’s landfall on Monday, Aug. 29, 2005, then-President George W. Bush signed a $10.4 billion aid package and ordered 7,200 National Guard troops to the region. A few days later, he requested — and Congress approved — an additional $51.8 billion in aid. https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/HurricaneKatrina/blame-delayed-response-katrina/story?id=1102467
  13. Dumb? question: Simmons, 6'3"/6'4", 230-238 lbs, 92.5 coverage grade, NFL.com grade 7.02..., legit 4.4 speed. 104 tackles (16½ for losses), eight sacks, three interceptions and eight pass break-ups. I agree he won't play safety - but I think he can be all pro as a coverage lb, sideline to sideline play stopper - and behind the los play disrupter. Is it far fetched to see him as a Ray Lewis type player? Lewis was very ,very fast, 6'1", 240. I'd hate to pass on a player that could end up all pro.
  14. there is a mention of hints that hammers will fall on the guilty deep state parties - no hint as to a grand jury at all...... one way or another. But it's coming along - a few new whistleblowers on comey/brennan/clapper, etc... one journalist who has a ton of inside information says, look for major actions this spring or early summer. Stuff is seriously going on behind the scenes, and it's dramatic.
  15. starting to hit close to home. https://www.theblaze.com/news/thousands-in-california-massachusetts-monitored-for-coronavirus
  16. the utopian nonsense is impossible to pay for. but too many college "kids" think fake utopia is worth it. It...sounds good to their emotions..... https://www.theblaze.com/news/study-finds-green-new-deal-could-cost-american-households-over-75000-in-first-year
  17. Excellent question. btw, I think with Ogunjobi - the interior run failure is due party to, imho, a defensive emphasis on pass rushing. He had 5.5 sacks, and that is tough with injuries to our starting db's....and safety play. As to Derrick Brown? I believe the OT class is well deep enough to wait til later - find a few gems there. There are out there. Derrick Brown is good enough to go #1 overall in a draft where the top ten doesn't need qb's/ot's. If it was me, I couldn't pass on Brown - he would make the dline rotation one of the best in the NFL - and he can play anywhere on the line. That is scary stuff. Personally, I hate to take an OT tackle so high - but, with Simmons and Brown gone, I'm good with it. The trouble is, if Simmons or especially Brown - the exception would be Joe Thomas. You hope to have your high first round pick to be a dynamic instant starter - a huge difference maker from day one. But are there other dlinemen somewhere near Brown's ability? Probably not - he's THAT good. Passing on Derrick Brown would be really dumb. But the Jags and Detroit are destined to take top defensive players - and Simmons, Brown, especially Young, will be gone, I think.
  18. about Marcus Norman - he is a sleeper, for sure. S. Florida - overlooked. https://www.nfldraftdiamonds.com/2019/09/marcus-norman/ https://gousfbulls.com/sports/football/roster/marcus-norman/11762 but I would love to see him succeed in the NFL - just an instinct on my part. I listen to Joe Thomas talking about being an offensive lineman... and I think I'd look for an OT with the heart, character, smarts, and intensity that Joe Thomas has. In my mock, I drafted Marcus real high - 3rd round....but it is more for the intangibles that I did. Without the intangibles, he's more of a 6th/7th rounder...even UDFA. https://www.thedailystampede.com/2019/7/23/20707974/usf-football-ot-marcus-norman-named-to-outland-trophy-watch-list-for-second-straight-year-aac-award
  19. I believe bringing up the stock market was in response to the knee jerk antagonism from the dems blaming something he did that caused it. right now, globally - our U.S.A. is rated #1 in the entire world, of countries ready to fight this kind of outbreak. It could happen here, folks. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/27/coronavirus-update-cdc-test-covid-community-spread-case/4889999002/
  20. I believe Pres Trump should assign some secret service folks to protect Mr. Yousseff 24 x 7
  21. police say "suicide" was misinformation. being investigated now. https://www.theblaze.com/news/police-say-initial-reports-calling-obama-era-whistleblowers-death-a-suicide-were-misinformation
  22. too fast again. dammit. lol. if you want peace, prepare for war
  23. It's just so much garbage that obaMao did at every turn. He undermined who we are as a greatest nation at every chance. https://www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/02/26/obama-social-engineering-policies-continue-to-wreck-the-military/
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