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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Thanks Gorka ! I keep having a problem with links. I post them, but they are just text. Then I edit the post, re-paste the exact same thing, and then it goes into the post as a link. I haven't been able to figure it out yet.... )(&&^* and the article is brilliant - I'll be watching for these confirmation hearings to happen.- the left has thrown any and all decency and honesty out the window. they are a true "democratic party" crime syndicate of revolutionary sorts - so going after an outstanding Real American general - would be par for the course.
  2. and yet, you haven't. a lot of your tepid responses are sarcastic misdirection, and you keep right on making a bijillion claims of Pres Trump having "orange skin", "king liar" and all the other stupid ass epithets you spew, with no legit explanation, of which, I don't believe there can be any. Your TDS is all bs - you don't have a case. He's doing GREAT things for America, and the warped idea that the grass is greener on the socialist side of the fence - is just worse than pitiful. It's 100% inexcusable. Your constant fake slurs against OUR President - just take up space and get you undeserved attention.
  3. Stay tuned. I predict they most certainly will. and will be further destroying themselves at election day as a result. https://www.redstate.com/diary/martin_a_knight/2020/03/03/792892/
  4. as a person before he was pres, I liked Reagan more. as a president, Reagan was second best - because Pres Trump is accomplishing a long list of accomplishments that is actually amazing, given that the msm is all leftwing activist, with leftwing federal judges stopping him at every chance, and a corrupt bunch of dems in the House refusing to help him accomplish anything, to the point of trying to ruin him and his family with vicious lies, and a completely bogus "impeachment". and given the troubles we face today, outside of the cold war vs the soviets, Pres Trump has maintained a wonderful sense of humor about it, while "suffering the slings and arrows" of hatred from the hateful side. Tonight, we watched him in a townhall on Fox News. He rocked the place - and the questions from dem voters as well as republican voters were not the usual soft questions - they were hard hitting, most all of them. He handled them intelligent, humorously at times, and he charmed the whole set of folks. He was asked about the deficit, and what he planned to do - when it was actually up. His answer was detailed, honest, etc etc - which was really impressive due to the applause he kept getting. His new trade deals will really make a difference over the years. We need a democrat house to add to the improvement of Real America, away from liberal "calfornia" corrupt hell America.
  5. ok, which one of you taught woodpecker to use the "s" word? next thing you know, he'll learn another one and another one...til he has a 10 word nasty phony bird squawk vocabulary.
  6. woodpecker backwards tailfeather illogical retort. "people who only vote for a woman also won't vote for a woman, and/or people who voted for other women, or people who voted for other men because no other...er...." haha. Are you sure you aren't really in the sixth grade, woodpecker?
  7. so, Cysko - stop being an arrogant twit and back up why you believe as you do. your emotional knee jerking has never gotten you anywhere. No wonder you keep leaving the board - you can't handle the truth. Too bad.
  8. as usual, I can prove the possibility is a valid concern. It is quite possible the corona virius is a developmental research stage - albeit of elementary danger, like a regular flu. But it lasts for days outside in the air, instead of hours. That has been said on the radio and tv. Evidence that Wuhan Coronavirus Is Genetically Engineered https://www.opednews.com/Quicklink/Coronavirus-Is... Feb 02, 2020 · QuickLink: Evidence that Wuhan Coronavirus Is Genetically Engineered - (Image by ZeroHedge) Details DMCAChinese authorities have released the full genome of the 2019-nCoV virus that has prompted ... Author: Josh Mitteldorf Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists ... https://www.dcclothesline.com/2020/02/04/irrefutable-the-coronavirus-was-engineered-by... Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint” (Natural News) Every virology lab in the world that has run a genomic analysis of the coronavirus now knows that the coronavirus was engineered by human scientists. https://trueconservativepundit.com/2020/02/04/meet-dr-francis-boyle-he-believes-the-coronavirus-is-a-lethal-engineered-bioweapon/ Recently, American Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas also dismantled the mainstream media’s claim on Thursday that pinned the coronavirus outbreak on a market selling dead and live animals. In a video accompanying his post, Cotton explained that the Wuhan wet market (which Cotton incorrectly referred to as a seafood market) has been shown by experts to not be the source of the deadly contagion. Cotton referenced a Lancet study which showed that many of the first cases of the novel coronavirus, including patient zero, had no connection to the wet market — devastatingly undermining mainstream media’s claim. “As one epidemiologist said: ‘That virus went into the seafood market before it came out of the seafood market.’ We still don’t know where it originated,” Cotton said. “I would note that Wuhan also has China’s only bio-safety level four super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens to include, yes, coronavirus.”
  9. who is being stupid? look in a mirror and get back to me. I did not say it WAS a bioweapon, but apparently, this is a virus that was engineered in a lab. Experiemental on duplicating certain advantageous qualities. Like - a regular flu virus can remain on furniture etc for 6-8 hrs. This coron 19 sp? virus can stay alive for 4-14 DAYS. Go read a frickin book on the subject.
  10. they demand their free speech. First Amendment. Guaranteed by our Constitution/Bill of Rights. except when they want to keep you from having the same rights. It's emotional knee jerk time again. https://www.theblaze.com/news/washington-city-adopts-noise-ordinance-aimed-at-pro-life-protests
  11. speakin of that - double tap, I want to practice shooting with one hand. Been trying to study up on it. Should be a cinch with my 9mm.
  12. yet I'm smarter than you, Sheply. Go figure. You liberals just have to attack personally because your emotions cause you to not be able to justify why you feel about things the distorted knee jerk way you do.
  13. this illegal immigration farce must be STOPPED NOW. the left can shove it - how can the left believe that illegal immigration isn't a crime? they are THAT stupid (and/or) that CORRUPT ? https://www.theblaze.com/news/hundreds-of-chinese-nationals-have-been-caught-this-year-illegally-crossing-the-us-mexico-border
  14. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/03/04/beneath-him-and-his-office-even-laurence-tribe-is-hammering-chuck-schumer-for-his-unhinged-rant-about-kavanaugh-and-gorsuch/
  15. threatening the Supreme Court is so over the line - a lot of folks are saying there needs to be consequences. the left is unhinged - no matter what they vent about, or how dishonestly they vent, they still lose. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/04/schumer-threatens-supreme-court-justices-trump-takes-him-apart-some-calling-for-his-censure/
  16. yep. and who wants to deliver supplies door to door in a quarantine situation? not me.
  17. and New York City.. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-york-officials-order-1-000-quarantined-fearing-possible-contact-with-coronavirus-patients
  18. twat? a "cold" designed maybe in a bioweapons facility? nope. 1,000 folks in New York have been ordered QUARANTINED. ever hear of that over colds and the regular flu? nope.
  19. more than the flu, folks. It's just smart to stock up on necessary items - food water, medicine, tp, whatever... just in case you end up in a real crisis mode. After it hits, it's too late - everybody is depleting the shelves. Best to gradually have a stock of supplies. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-york-officials-order-1-000-quarantined-fearing-possible-contact-with-coronavirus-patients
  20. the serious damage done to our U.S.A. is still being discovered. ObaMao TERMINATED the program to stop hezbollah drug running from mexico. https://www.redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/03/04/breaking-defense-department-linguist-charged-with-espionage/ Barack Obama terminated Operation Cassandra, which had targeted stopping Hezbollah-backed drug trafficking through Latin America. Glad to see anecdotal evidence that the Trump Administration is going after Hezbollah with this announced indictment. so Pres Trump rightfully starts it back up again. and one of obaMao's kind of gov employee, sells out a lot of people, our country, because she already had pro-radical arabic groups feelings. Traitors should get the death penalty I think. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-03-04/military-contractor-charged-with-giving-up-military-secrets
  21. sure..... in gulags....(for those who give up their guns and ammo....)
  22. shouldn't woodpecker wear a mask? his posts are sick. his life is sick. his bitching is sick. not in a good way.
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