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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. The National Debt Is Down $100 Billion Under Trump https://thepoliticalinsider.com/trump-national-debt Aug 01, 2017 · The National Debt Is Down $100 Billion Under Trump There were times in Barack Obama’s presidency where he would brag about having had lowered the deficit — which were hilarious examples of how to lie with statistics.
  2. they can't control an outsider president WE ELECTED, unless they have insider spy information, some of them come forward and lie, and have deliberate fake "opinions". like vindman traitor. like eric ciaramella. and rex tillerson. john kelly, and james mattis. All giant arrogant bighead deep staters who insisted the deep state control the gov, not our President. Tillerson insisted we stay with the iran deal. seriously? I'm glad Pres Trump kept that promise, as well as all the other promises. obaMao/deep state loyalists are all over our government. Get them OUT before we lose our country, and we won't be able to elect an outsider president anymore.
  3. in fact, the entire deep state is like a nest of nazis in our government today. They will use fake witnesses to ruin lives, destroy the reputations of political opponents whenever they want to, put SPIES to get even fake damaging information on political opposition, they encourage hatred for a general class of Real American citizens.... like this: https://thedcpatriot.com/report-fbi-had-multiple-informants-working-against-trump-campaign/
  4. - what the nazis did pre WW II to get more and more power. with the dems - it isn't just a few nutjobs. It's a movement - revolutionary leftwing hatemongering acting out. A lot of pitiful people out there, who don't ..feeeelllll... pitiful when they act out in nazi-like hatred and harassment...and violence...and threats... https://www.theblaze.com/news/elise_stefanik_grocery_store_note
  5. it's the same, basically, as wanting illegals committing crimes here, serious crimes, then continually letting them go to commit more crimes, defending antifa violence, anything that destroys the status quo of Real America - they want it. "let no crisis go to waste". They want that unlimited power so badly, and want it permanently. https://www.theblaze.com/news/the_squad_opposes_anti_terrorist_amendment https://www.redstate.com/jeffc/2020/03/07/‘the-squad’-opposes-amendment-preventing-tsa-from-hiring-sex-offenders-and-terrorists/ ‘The Squad’ Opposes Amendment Preventing TSA From Hiring Sex Offenders and Terrorists Posted at 10:00 pm on March 7, 2020 by Jeff Charles
  6. nope - they only get $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from soros to bash conservatism, America, all republicans who are Real Americans. If it was a republican house plan? "FASCIST REPUBLICANS PUT AMERICA'S DEBT ONTO THE BACKS OF WORKING AMERICANS" you betcha.
  7. nobody is stupid on this board, birdbrain woodpecker. You would vote for higgardly in a NY second over Pres Trump. You are just all wet in Egypt. Apparently you were not smart enough to not fall in.
  8. and lied and lied to keep it a secret, Obamao even said in his book - he learned how to tell white people things they wanted to hear to get their approval. *** insert "votes" for "approval"
  9. OH, HOORTA - (from Steve's post - just can't wait for you to read it...lol) sad news for Pres Trump won the election haters... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/05/us-trade-deficit-december-2019.html?__source=sharebar|facebook&par=sharebar Key Points The U.S. trade deficit fell for the first time in six years in 2019 as President Donald Trump hammered China with import taxes. The Commerce Department said Wednesday that the gap between what the United States sells and what it buys abroad fell 1.7% last year to $616.8 billion. Trump has imposed tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese imports in a battle over Beijing’s aggressive drive to challenge American technological dominance. The U.S. trade deficit fell for the first time in six years in 2019 as the White House’s trade war with China curbed the import bill, keeping the economy on a moderate growth path despite a slowdown in consumer spending and weak business investment. The report from the Commerce Department on Wednesday also showed the Trump administration’s “America First” agenda decreased the flow of goods last year, with exports tumbling for the first time since 2016. President Donald Trump, who has dubbed himself “the tariff man,” has pledged to shrink the deficit by shutting out more unfairly traded imports and renegotiating free trade agreements. Trump has argued that substantially cutting the trade deficit would boost annual economic growth to 3% on a sustainable basis. The economy has, however, failed to hit that mark, growing 2.3% in 2019, which was the slowest in three years, after expanding 2.9% in 2018. The trade deficit dropped 1.7% to $616.8 billion last year, declining for the first time since 2013. That represented 2.9% of GDP, down from 3.0% in 2018. Goods imports tumbled 1.7% last year amid steep declines in industrial materials and supplies, consumer goods and other goods. The 1.3% drop in exports was led by decreases in shipments of capital goods, industrial supplies and materials, as well as other goods. At the height of the U.S.-China trade war last year, Washington slapped tariffs on billions worth of Chinese goods, including consumer products, leading to a decline in imports. The politically sensitive goods trade deficit with China plunged 17.6% to $345.6 billion in 2019. The White House has also sparred with other trading partners, including the European Union, Brazil and Argentina, accusing them of devaluing their currencies at the expense of U.S. manufacturers. The goods trade deficit with Mexico jumped to a record high of $101.8 billion last year. The deficit with the European Union also reached an all-time high of $177.9 billion. Tensions in the 19-month U.S.-China trade war have eased, with Washington and Beijing signing a Phase 1 trade deal last month. The deal, however, left in place U.S. tariffs on $360 billion of Chinese imports, about two-thirds of the total. As a result, goods imports rebounded sharply in December, boosting the trade deficit 11.9% to $48.9 billion that month. Data for November was revised to show the gap tightening to $43.7 billion instead of $43.1 billion as previously reported. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the trade gap would widen to $48.2 billion in December. U.S. stock index futures were trading higher while prices of U.S. Treasuries were lower. The dollar was slightly stronger against a basket of currencies. Imports rebound in December When adjusted for inflation, the goods trade deficit increased $4.3 billion to $80.5 billion in December. Trade added almost 1.5 percentage points to GDP growth in the fourth quarter, exceeding the 1.20 percentage points contribution from consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity. The economy grew at a 2.1% annualized rate in the fourth quarter, matching the pace notched in the July-September period. In December, goods imports surged 3.2% to a seven-month high of $207.5 billion, after declining for three straight months. Goods imports were boosted by a $1.7 billion increase in crude oil imports, which contributed to a $4.0 billion jump in imports of industrial supplies and materials. There was also a $1.2 billion increase in imports of other goods. Economists believe a 15% tariff on $110 billion worth of Chinese goods that came into effect on Sept. 1 had weighed on imports in the prior months. They also say anticipation that the Phase 1 trade agreement would roll back the tariffs could have encouraged companies to hold off on imports in late 2019. Goods exports rose 0.9% to $137.7 billion in December. They were lifted by a $1.5 billion jump in shipments of crude oil as well as a $1.0 billion increase in exports of other goods. But motor vehicle and parts exports fell $1.0 billion to $12.4 billion, the lowest since November 2016. At $17.1 billion, petroleum exports in December were the highest on record.
  10. that is the left. they dream of having total power - enough power they can rig elections with illegals voting, enough power to buy illegals' votes with skyrocketing taxes on every single American who works, enough power to render the American people powerless to stop them. Which, is why they encourage violence on their behalf, but want to get rid of our gun rights in America. total, absolute power. they dream of it - demand it - just like the nazis did.
  11. instead of totally corrupt fake investigation for political attacks... we are going to start getting real corrupt actions brought into the limelight - and the courts ! it's taken too long - the house's fake crap lasted three years because they were enraged they lost the pres election. I'm Happy, Happy, Happy !
  12. Hoorta - we have a SPENDING PROBLEM. and a democrat hostile House of Reps, who do the budget. you want a smaller debt? support giving Pres Trump line item veto over the budget the next time the demo left sends one to him. support STOPPING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - it's a devastating over time social welfare killer of the chance of reducing our debt. We have more people working than ever before, more taxes being collected - your democrats keep spending it and spending more and more and more - to buy votes. Which, is why they support wanton illegal immigration. Pres Trump has the economy roaring, by cutting our taxes and and stupid repetitive unnecessary regulations on business, stock market WAY HIGH (corona hit it a bit), employment all time LOW... things you complainers only complained about with republican presidents... and still you hate him? for TWEETS? At the last town hall meeting I just watched? Pres Trump was on the "hot seat" and seems like he won every single person over - detailed answers, no stupid teleprompter (the left loves teleprompters)....
  13. yep. the left all the way up to higgardly, schumer, NAACP, etc... are outraged. Trouble is... the convicted felon was NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE. mebbe...if the left would get ALL THE ILLEGALS out of the line, it wouldn't be so long. LOL get em out of our country, all illegals. Actually, the guy will be eligible to vote in June. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hold-texas-man-heralded-in-media-for-waiting-almost-7-hours-at-end-of-line-to-cast-super-tuesday-ballot-reportedly-isnt-eligible-to-vote
  14. egad. gotta pay for all that welfare, education, cars, houses , health care and votes from all those illegals.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden_tax_increases_4_trillion
  15. those with severe TDS will HATE THIS: https://www.theblaze.com/news/february-job-growth-numbers-far-exceed-projections-unemployment-drops-to-50-year-low
  16. NOTE: as a straight up question - I accepted Woody's question as valid. I gave him an honest valid answer.
  17. so...........you'd rather a failure be president, that crashes out economy, raises our taxes skyrocket high, sends inflation (oh wait, you did mention Jimmy Carter...) to double digit highs, double our debt, ruins our military... just so you can feel good about how he is ...not doing tweets? Come ON, man.
  18. I know a lot of conservatives. None of them ever say "s***" like that all the time. Woodpecker invents it, as a general truth, so he can ....feeeeeeellllll....that he is finally making a legit point. You'd think a woodpecker wouldn't need a feather in his cap, unless he has molted.
  19. the VAST MAJORITY, as in, nearly all? don't fit your bigotry excuse, bigot bird. God help us - if there was a forum on gardening - woodpecker would turn it into arguments about his favorite subject - gay everything.
  20. https://reason.com/2012/05/10/gay-marriage-vs-civil-unions/ "The New York Times reports that most Americans "say they support gay marriage or domestic partnerships." The or is a crucial part of that statement. While recent surveys indicate that more Americans support gay marriage than oppose it, the plurality ranges from slightly less than half to slightly more, and the polls' margin of error is typically three or four percentage points in either direction. You get a clear majority only if you include respondents who support "domestic partnerships" (a.k.a. "civil unions") but not "marriage" for same-sex couples. " " In a February New York Times/CBS News poll, 40 percent of respondents supported "legal marriage" for gay couples, while an additional 23 percent favored "civil unions"; 31 percent said there should be "no legal recognition at all," and 6 percent were undecided. An August 2010 Fox News poll had similar results, with 37 percent saying gay couples "should be allowed to get legally married," 29 percent saying they should be "allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage," 28 percent favoring "no legal recognition," and 6 percent undecided. "
  21. that, coming from the woodpecker who voted for higgardly because she was a woman, albeit a fake, corrupt and mean-spirited frail witch. that really must have twitched his tailfeathers. thought woodpecker did NOT LIKE POLLS ? LOL https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-most-americans-support-same-sex-unions/
  22. very true. I can't imagine the trade giving up the #10 pick though, like mentioned in one article I read. Doesn't make sense to give up the #10 pick, only to have that team draft one of the top OT's on the board.🙄
  23. HA ! Hence the probability that Simmons, Dugger, or Tiam's "Chinn" will be a Cleveland Brown. Hybrid safety/lb !
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