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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. biden only wants to be able to pardon his brother james and his son hunter biden... and then make 1.5 billion bucks from China himself. scumbuckets.
  2. true, it doesn't stop all flues...flus? either. But I'd hate to get the flu, and then get covid19.... not too worried, I'm only about 31
  3. Well, after years of my Wife and I not getting flu shots, way, way before last winter, she decided that maybe we should get our flu shots this year, on a hunch...so we did. Now, she's always been brilliant - and after all this corona balogna - it's ironic we got them and all this started to happen about three months later. I have great instincts - hers are much better.
  4. I still say the EU has caused this problem - unrestricted travel to member countries. just stupid. Freedom of travel - EU https://europarlamentti.info/en/European-union/significance-of-the-EU/freedom-of-travel EU citizens – meaning the citizens of every EU member state – are free to travel in all other member states. The countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement do not have border checks between the signatory countries. No visa is necessary inside the Schengen Area. There is …
  5. Tues - except she talked to her brother up here, and they decided to cancel the party til later. She didn't think it was a risk for everybody - they can have their party later in the summer... just as well - being on a plane with recirculating air... not a good idea right now.
  6. they are NOT ABOVE The law. I hope he gets hammered - he was/is out of control, not normal behavior. and corrupt to the max. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/12/fcc-commissioner-calls-out-adam-schiff-over-his-secret-subpoenas-may-take-action/
  7. question - how are these people, desperate to get here for a free ride, ...paying thousands to get to our border? is it being paid FOR them? Face it - we can't destroy our country by letting all of central america come here to live. Why don't they fight and clean up their own backyards? Tragic story - why not try to cross where there isn't any fence? The left's greed - wanting the future voting block of illegals given everything, dependent on the left's giving them the free ride... are responsible for the attraction. If they had their own thousands of dollars, why not get a jeep and drive themselves? just.... reckless and irresponsible.
  8. Worse - I've never seen a president be attacked, falsely - with malice - because one side lost a pivotal election. The dems' corruption drove us to a critical turning point after eight years of corrupt obaMao garbage, then, when they could have had it all - they lost most of it. so they attacked - went on the offensive as a way of defending what they had done. There is zero honor in the dem hater party. Fox News is one of ....well...maybe the only news network that defends Pres Trump - as compared to all the rest who distort/lie/invent/slander Pres Trump no matter what/when/how he does anything at all.
  9. Just.... something wrong with people who are anything like sanders - it's an emotional/mental disorder. "Elitism" comes to mind - extreme arrogance and self-importance that "demands" authority over others, even all of society. Elitism Elitism is the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite—a select group of people with an intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience—are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others. The term elitism may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of a limited number of people.
  10. Historically, the stock market ALWAYS rebounds. You have to ride out the storm. There is also how you invest - putting it all in one thing doesn't balance out. There's high risk/big return, and low risk/smaller return, and stocks vs bonds. That's all I know - my Wife and her friends were in a stock club together - they did really, really well.... at one especially high point, they cashed in. Pretty cool, if it works.lol
  11. yep. I hope our niece and kids don't catch it on the plane from Texas up here. They are staying with us. crap.
  12. I don't believe obaMao commie was said to be responsible for ebola. the msm gave him a pass on every fricking failure of his. Pres Trump has been blamed for everything the left can think of. Not very persuasive when when an edited clip of Fox News shows up on twiiter. I mean, really.... like blaming Bush for Katrina. it's just gutter leftist politics, hatemongering and just not according to hoyle.
  13. so, China makes 90% of our pharmaceuticals??? who the hell decided that was a good idea? answer: the ones who got $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off China. just sickening. after that threat - why even trade with China at all? what a clusterfook. Time to ramp up our pill production right HERE in our Good Old U.S.A. Global ignoble.
  14. I'm worried about our farmer friends - well into their eighties - both with various health problems. Have to call them tomorrow. Ohio schools are closing for three weeks starting Monday. Just seems weird - never seen a flu season with the transport of the virus all over the entire globe? like this.
  15. you can't see me, I'm invisible:
  16. time to drain the swamp of traitorous, supremely corrupt arrogant players that believe they own America, and will run it regardless of who we elect. https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/03/10/intelligence-community-hits-the-panic-button-as-deep-staters-are-thrown-out-and-sidelined/
  17. I think the dedication to "Q" is unhealthy...reminds me of the evil all knowing "Q" on Star Trek. I think "Q" reminds me of one of those spies in the movies that keeps giving tiny little nonsense fake secrets to the enemy spies, for big money, with a promise to have it all add up to a blockbuster that never happens. Except, the continual big bucks with every piece of "secrets" passed keeps happening, so... and the conclusive big secret never does happen. stupid movie.
  18. not really. Adding England to it is still a possibility. The difference is, the EU mandates free travel between countries, like it's all one country. England bailed on that fiasco. Now they are free to decide their own immediate actions to try to keep England as free from (too much) corona virus. The EU is a conglomerate of "we tell you what you can do, and you do it" goofs. China takes serious blame for it escaping China, but I believe the EU takes serious blame for expanding the spread of the virus. So, the delay in banning travel to and from England makes sense. for now.
  19. basically, one of those necessity items - you go out and buy it, before everyone else panics and buys it all, cause if you don't, you won't have any. This time of year, there aren't any maple leaves etc, ....older folks back in the day figured out how solutions to problems. Now? too many college kids would think you can't go to the bathroom without tp. Older folks who grew up during the depression had to solve all sorts of problems in every day living, and learn how to do without, or at least figure out a replacement. Too many ...liberal kids today feeeellll like they are entitled to not have to solve problems - it must be solved for them, like participation trophies so "everybody wins".
  20. yep, you betcha. Then he won't have time to read any of them. lol
  21. yep. bout where we are at - we went with friends and stocked up bigtime ...just because we can....on our favorite items, necessary stuff= they had run out of toilet paper at Sam's Club ! apparently, a delivery was made and they were dishing the packages out like it was life-saving stuff. Really busy. Carts with water, tp, fruit drinks, all sorts of stuff. Big thing also is white vinegar - vinegar kills bacteria, you can pickle produce to keep it, etc etc etc. We have a big bag of rice - never goes bad, would make a whole meal out of a squirrel... lol crap. I was going to stock up on lysol. forgot that.
  22. Scientific Proof of the Bible. The Bible is estimated to have been written between 1450 B.C. and 95 A.D. This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries.
  23. "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind." (Albert Einstein)
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