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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yes I did - it's stupid. It's stupid because back before the 17th amendment, it was racist in effect, NOT by intent. The point of the 17th amendment, was to make it NOT racist. She's a liar - the claim of "it's racist" is just really stupid. and extremely dishonest. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/311882-liberals-who-claim-electoral-college-is-racist-need The infamous “Three-Fifths Compromise” determined how the population would be counted, with each slave counting as just three-fifths of a person. This racist way of counting determined the number of congressional representatives in each state and thus the number of electors. But the Three-Fifths Compromise was eliminated by way of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, and the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that “representatives shall be apportioned… counting the whole number of persons in each State… .” *********************************************************** And as Allen Guelzo and James Hulme write in the Washington Post: “The electoral college (itself) had nothing to do with slavery … the discussions of the electoral college and the method of electing a president never occur in the context of any of the convention’s two climactic debates over slavery.” In other words, the Electoral College was not a racist conception, and the inequitable way electors were counted was remedied in the abolition of the Three-Fifths Compromise. *************************************************************** Did you even bother to research the subject? Abrams is your kind of gal, Tour?
  2. Tour - really now. Every country on the planet didn't "anticipate the size of this threat"... due to china's deliberate misleading numbers and refusal to let the CDC help, etc etc. Who could have predicted that? We have plenty of experts in our country. How can you blame Pres Trump for having leftwing obaMao appointees try to ruin him with lies at every turn? https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/02/25/fact-check-no-trump-did-not-fire-pandemic-specialist-or-defund-cdc/ FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not ‘Fire’ Pandemic Specialist or ‘Defund’ CDC https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/feb/28/michael-bloomberg/did-donald-trump-fire-pandemic-officials-defund-cd/ Instead, Trump has looked within his administration to fill roles for the coronavirus response. Last month, Trump appointed his Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, to chair a coronavirus task force. On Feb. 26, he announced that Vice President Mike Pence would be taking charge of the U.S. response to the coronavirus. And the following day, Pence announced he was appointing Ambassador Debbie Birx to assist the effort as "White House coronavirus response coordinator." Birx is a physician and global health expert who is currently responsible for coordinating the State Department's HIV/AIDS task force. The White House said she will be supported by NSC staff in her role. It isn't like the CDC is only one or two people.
  3. ok, I'm happy to never eat one now, too. egad.
  4. your side started it - Democrats call for national emergencies on guns and ... https://www.businessinsider.com/democrats-call-for-national-emergencies-on-guns-and... Democrats responded to President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency on Friday by calling for executive action on what they say are more pressing crises, including gun violence and ...
  5. A. It isn't the wrong link. (ok, I fixed it...lol) B. Devos was hated from the gitgo - the nea's serious fault. Hated because she wasn't NEA. That is a threat to them. C. She hasn't been perfect, but has had little help from the NEA, who loves any democrat. Our schools were NOT HELPED by obaMao commie/Biden etc. D. Replace Devos with who? Dr. Ben Carson? It MUST be someone outside of NEA circles. They will hate it. I don't give a frack. E. Trying to help underperforming charter schools is a bad thing? well, the NEA HATES charter schools - they are their competition. and they don't have to join the NEA and pay dues, right? So much money is WASTED by public schools. transgender studies? in high school? elementary school? moochelle lunches that kids refuse to eat? Common core standards that totally ignore those schools with special education departments? F. I say, get rid of the US Dept of Education altogether. We have education depts in every state in the union, I think. Let them run their states' schools. The NEA is a giant liberal "pac" of sorts - where do they get all that much money to solely? donate to democrat politicians ? I remember years ago - my Wife, highly respected teacher - was being harassed by a lefty union rep, demanding to know that she'd be voting for Gore. Our friends, several teachers there, went and told her to STFU and leave my Wife alone, unless she wanted to meet me in a very defensive mood. So, that rep did, even apologized. I have met all sorts of teachers who are far left dem back in the day, to let them pick the replacement for Devos. Every single dept head that doesn't kiss up to them, isn't one of them.... will be getting angry low marks, regardless of how hard they try, and how good a job they do. E. I love vouchers for students to go to the school of their parents' choice. I don't care if the public schools hate the competition. Let public schools that are crap get their act together if they can't stand losing students who choose to go elsewhere. They would have far, far more political power if private schools were not in existence. I don't care. Do not put NEA people in charge of the Dept of Ed
  6. so, last time I went to the store, yesterday morning, I brought more green tea. And, I bought a ginger/lime/White hybiscus tea. Great for immunity. I made myself some - I like it strong - but this stuff tasted like fermented horsecrap with a lot of black pepper. Way too much ginger, which I don't like anyways. what in the ... dammit. Had to toss it in the sink, and I'll throw it out.
  7. the trouble is, all those hot pockets have to be refrigerated. If the power goes off (corona catastrophe lol), you'd have to disperse all of them that day to neighbors and homeless people, after chowing down yourself.
  8. more like three steps away from it. Some other dem politicians are talking about going after guns because "it's an emergency". the corrupt politicization of this virus spread is nauseating. I'm back to wondering about this particular virus being a low threat bio weapon version of certain traits. Before, I decided it must not be, or we'd know it by now. Now I'm reconsidering, because if it was, all ? governments would keep it a secret as to not cause more harm by entire populations panicking. Whatever. I'll have my best garden in years this year.
  9. Note - investing in your 401K program at work, again, is one of the absolute best things you can ever do for yourself. Years from now - the accrued worth will have you doing a happy dance.
  10. Exactly. They already ruined Flynn - lost his home, finances, went broke to try to save himself, then they were going to go after his son. The corrupt prosecutions in this whole TDS "we are not losing this election" garbage must never happen again.
  11. but Woodpeckers believes he knows better. lol nope. https://www.theblaze.com/news/coronavirus_experts_shut_down_blame_trump
  12. what a pitiful union. too bad - teachers deserve better. "biden gonna build nice schools etc etc etc" where was all that support for new innovative schools during eight years of the obaMao commie/bite me quip pro corrupt joe years? gone. nothin. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/14/national-education-association-endorses-joe-biden-129794
  13. frickin serously? what in the heyl is Wray DOING ? This corruption has gone way ,way, way too far for no trials for these deep state traitorous sombeitches. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/03/15/judge-on-lost-michael-flynn-documents-things-happen/
  14. yep. solar power would be good. but I'm not buying this much equipment lol https://apnews.com/355c96b2eebe575e42a2bb4dcdd2d7fc
  15. tomorrow we're going to call several neighbors to see if they are settled in, and have what they need. Vinegar(s) come in handy, seriously. have some more fruit to dehydrate. Kiwi's dehydrate beautifully, so do mangoes. apple slices... keeps in fridge for months and months, even on a shelf keeps for weeks/months depending. Have nice stock of flour, rice, tomato sauce, macaroni, tuna fish, in case we have to make our own bread. I hope everybody here is fine and suffers no hardship and have what you and yours need to get by.
  16. some friends have short wave radios... maybe I'll get one eventually. In case cell towers go out.
  17. https://www.theblaze.com/news/coronavirus_testing_free_mike_pence
  18. https://www.theblaze.com/news/coronavirus_testing_free_mike_pence
  19. yep. at 1.36 we went out and filled up 6 5-gallon gas cans. No rush, no line. But watch the frantic lines when someday we have pumps shut down all over.
  20. yep. that is sick... I guess we'll get no more "hahahaha" when we talk about doing little things to be prepared in case of a national emergency. Our relatives have stocked up a bit on certain things - and now, they could stay home, and go next door, and between the two families who are great friends - they could eat well for months, etc. Being prepared, regardless of the remote chance it could happen, prevents the rush and sellouts/bare shelves....etc. It can happen, folks. We just hope it never does. This corona virus is a wake up call. God help us if we ever get hit by a calamity far worse.
  21. most everything. You spew statements out of your tail feathers like you have the flu. Learn to research before you spew, get a clue, stop with the bird flu. you...woodpecker. ******************************************************* The Trump administration has indeed proposed cuts to the CDC, but they have not been passed by Congress. Trump has not “defunded” the agency, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar has said that the new proposed budget would, in fact, prioritize the fight against coronavirus. ****************************************** so, woodpecker - blame and vent against your democrats. their political fighting Pres Trump is shooting America in the foot. and yes, you like to use the adjective "stupid", but look in a freakin mirror.
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