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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. apparently so, for you - the exercise was designed with an emphasis based on PERSON TO PERSON CONTAGION. The WHO, AGAIN, and CHINA, DECLARED THAT THE CORONA VIRUS WAS NOT TRANSMITTABLE PERSON TO PERSON> therefore, the exercise, if it actually did exist as reported, had nothing to do with the corona virus, until it was WAY TOO LATE and it spread all around the world. That is the freaking point. They denited it was a problem, the WHO even went with the lie. and that's that. If you did a wartime exercise with aliens from another galaxy coming here to take our planet - do you throw all your available funding to get ready to fight that ? Of course not. IN CONCLUSION - the dirty commie chinese and the WHO could have admitted the truth way, way early, and the results of the exercise would be been applicable.
  2. your dems were too busy with hate over losing the last pres election. Pollak: Democrats Pushed Impeachment While Coronavirus Spread https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/13/... 7 days ago · When Republicans warned Democrats that impeachment was a waste of time, a divisive partisan exercise, and a distraction from the real issues facing the country — a lesson Republicans learned the hard way, in Bill Clinton’s impeachment, 21 years before — Democrats ignored them.
  3. oh, baloney. The WHO and china SAID IT WAS NOT CONTAGIOUS HUMAN TO HUMAN BEFORE IT LEFT CHINA. which, under the tests you mention, it WAS. Half truth + facts = you got no point on the op.
  4. their lies LED to the world being caught off guard, and with insiders saying they are telling more lies now, trying to say they have no more "reported cases"... they will be giving too many people hope that they can just stop quarantining and be fine. https://www.theblaze.com/news/china-may-be-faking-its-recovery-from-the-coronavirus-outbreak-report
  5. our favorite two restaurants are open for carry out. They are really, really busy. We tipped them ten bucks to thank them for staying open.
  6. he's been doing the right moves. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump_polls_coronavirus_high_ratings Poll: Americans rally around Trump with 56% approving of his handling of the coronavirus crisis Americans also gave Trump high marks on the economy, jobs, and other key issues
  7. Greek festival? Canadian Bacon? Russian Roulett? (now there's a dangerous game.)
  8. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/new-york-times-chinese-propaganda " It is still jarring, though, to see what unbelievable suckers NYT writers can apparently be for even the most fantastic and unbelievable claims, as long as those claims are made by a totalitarian communist regime. The actual thesis of Thursday's piece was that China has done a much better job of containing the coronavirus than has most of the West and that the Chinese government (and people!) are now sitting around wondering why we in the West are all so bad at containing the coronavirus. " "... Seriously. Here is just one of the pieces of obvious bovine fecal material that slipped through the layers and layers of editors and fact checking that we are constantly assured exist at the Times: "But on Thursday, [China] reported no new local cases for the first time since the outbreak began. Its uncompromising response — locking down cities, shutting factories, testing thousands — seems to have brought China's contagion under control." Now, it might be technically true that China reported no new local cases on Thursday. However, only the world's most irresponsible journalist — or the world's biggest idiot — would print that claim without pointing out that it's obviously false. The chances that there were zero new cases of coronavirus in China on Thursday are, well, zero. You do not have to be an expert in infectious diseases to know that this is not how they work. You just have to be possessed of the common sense and skepticism that God gave the average fifth-grader. If President Donald Trump had announced Thursday that there were no new cases of coronavirus reported by the United States government, the Times would have printed five news articles debunking the claim and three opinion columns about what an irresponsible leader Trump was for making such an obviously false claim. But when the Chinese government — which has literally kicked out Western journalists so no one can see what is going on — made the same claim, the Times just uncritically printed it. Of course, numerous courageous whistleblowers from inside China have stated the obvious — that the Chinese government's claims of a miraculous recovery are fake. But no one should need those whistleblowers to know that the ChiComms' claims were obvious lies, any more than North Korea needs whistleblowers to tell the world that Kim Jong Il did not actually bowl a perfect 300 the first time he ever bowled. Making up fantastic lies about the perfection of their government and leadership is what communist governments do. It's a signature hallmark of communism to never ever admit that the government has made a mistake and to further claim that the government has accomplished fantastic miracles that Western governments could not replicate (because, in every case, no government could actually do those things). But even if you got a job at the Times without somehow being aware of how communist governments have operated for the last 100 years, any person possessed of a fully formed cerebral cortex should have known not to uncritically reprint such fantastical claims about China's success at controlling the spread of the virus, especially after China kicked out all journalists who don't work for its state-sanctioned media. So why didn't these reporters and editors from the Times? I think a lot about Stephen Glass, in my line of work. Glass, if you will remember, hoodwinked his editors at the liberal New Republic for years with stories that were entirely made up. He quoted people who didn't exist. He retold stories that never happened. And when his malfeasance was finally exposed, his editors had a day of reckoning. And what they admitted, frankly, was that they did not check his work as diligently as they should have because his stories confirmed their pre-existing biases and beliefs. Newspaper editors ought to have pictures of Stephen Glass hung on their walls, if they don't want to end up getting embarrassed like the New Republic was. Because that lesson — always question stories that confirm your beliefs the most — is a necessary one." "And this, I think, is where the Times got suckered into being a national laughingstock Thursday — again. The media have somehow convinced themselves that it's really important to obsess about the fact that President Trump refers to coronavirus sometimes as a "Chinese virus," and they hate him so much that they would like to believe that even the obviously corrupt and dishonest Chinese government is doing better at controlling coronavirus than he is. After all, that would help sell their most treasured belief, which is that he should be defeated at the ballot box in November. "
  9. I'm still waiting for the guilty party to fess up and admit they taught Woody the "F" word...........
  10. I don't recall Woody ever complaining about Pres Trump being made a victim of the left's tainted set up gotcha questions. Only now he complains? huh.
  11. I disagree. The Chinese lied, the WHO said what the Chinese told them to say. that it was not human to human transmitted. That lie costs thousands of lives around the world, after the virus went entirely global. China REFUSED help from the CDC and our experts. As in, what were they hiding? Maybe just hiding the grim truth and trying not to embarrass themselves badly in the eyes of the rest of the world? That would be easier to believe, if Wuhan wasn't the site of the bio lab. After seeing a pic of a huge pile of dead rats for sale at a food market - I would chip in to buy a one way ticket for sanders to go there and not come back. of course there's AOC, tlaib, van jones, brennan, etc etc etc....
  12. I was wondering what happened to Damon Sheehy-Guiseppi, who was eventually cut by the Browns - didn't make the final 53 man roster. I hope he is doing well, and still with the New York Guardians in the XFL. the xfl I will never watch.... Timeline 2016: There, Sheehy-Guiseppi was named a first-team NJCAA All-American in 2016, after leading the nation in kick return yardage and touchdowns. 2019: The Browns officially signed him on April 5, 2019. 2019: On November 22, 2019, Sheehy-Guiseppi was drafted by the New York Guardians in the XFL Supplemental Draft.
  13. more like, what goes around, comes around. The negative belligerent smart ass attempts at "gotcha" has gotten so much attention - it was bound to cause a reaction in the more honest press. Pres Trump rarely ever gets "softball" questions. That's a fact.
  14. I thought that was just for having a baby. Tour.......
  15. Denial of the FACT that it started in China glosses over the problem that must not happen again - China denied the problem, the who helped them cover it up as to the danger of it, it spread all the way around the world..... The complaining of it being a CHINESE VIRUS, or MUHAN virus, is just political theater. We all need to pull together, absolutely. Americans need to pull together. And if we can come up with effective treatments, we can share them with the world. But our financial loss = as a nation, and as individuals, needs to be compensated for, plain and simple. Pull together, and stop the bitching about what the virus is accurately called. Seriously.
  16. I would think that's insider trading. Up to the lawyers/prosecutors. We'll see in the coming weeks/months.
  17. per his agent, apparently? rumor so far https://nfltraderumors.co/browns-signing-dt-andrew-billings/
  18. Interesting article, since I don't know that much a difference about field vs boundary safety play, lol, but Joseph seems to be able to switch roles on no-huddle drills. I think. https://theozone.net/2018/05/field-boundary-different-interchangeable/
  19. It's crazy. and complicated. I really like Kyle Dugger in the second round. I have no idea about Delpit's fluctuating value in lists. He's rated #4 in this list. and Tiam's Jeremy Chinn is right up in the top ten, too. Just one list. But my 2nd round draft pick Dugger is hanging in there, so there's that. 1 15 +6 Xavier McKinney Alabama 6'0" 201 JR BIO 2 31 +1 Antoine Winfield Jr. Minnesota 5'9" 203 RSO BIO 3 34 +2 Grant Delpit LSU 6'2" 213 JR BIO 4 42 +3 Kyle Dugger Lenoir-Rhyne 6'1" 217 SR BIO 5 95 +3 Ashtyn Davis California 6'1" 202 RSR BIO 6 96 -19 Jeremy Chinn S. Illinois 6'3" 221 SR BIO
  20. inexcusable. They need to be brought up for charges if they don't accept responsibility. - once again, the U.N. is completely worthless. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/18/who-claimed-in-january-wuhan-virus-couldnt-be-transmitted-to-humans-because-china-said-it-wasnt-contagious-destroyed-evidence/
  21. everybody has to be careful right now. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/younger-adults-comprise-big-portion-of-coronavirus-hospitalizations-in-us/ar-BB11nGEB?li=BBnb7Kz
  22. that is the sexiest "V" you'll ever see.
  23. wrong again. President Donald Trump, asked at Wednesday’s coronavirus press briefing about a White House official using the term “Kung-Flu,” brushed off the question while also claiming that he believes “100 percent” of Asian-Americans would agree with his use of “Chinese Virus” to describe COVID-19.
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