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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. only? a birdbrain bitches about sources every single thread when arguing with somebody. How the heyl are we supposed to give you a cnn or msnbc link you WOULD ? respect, when they will never print the truth about anything? https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/03/03/pelosi-delayed-vote-on-coronavirus-funding-so-dccc-could-run-super-tuesday-ads-against-7-gop-candidates/ Speaking with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday night, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “Look how much politics they want to play. The dirty little secret. We have the coronavirus. We need to fund this. You know what Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker, did? She withheld the bill last week. You know why? So the DCCC could run ads against seven Republicans.” Ingraham asked, “How many people ran ads on the coronavirus, fundraising appeals?” “I don’t know how many ran, but they actually took the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, spent money, went into these seven Republican seats to campaign against them about the coronavirus when she’s the Speaker of the House. Instead of putting America first, she put her politics first and kept the bill from coming to the floor,” McCarthy explained. What a scam—Speaker Pelosi held up the vote on coronavirus funding so that her campaign team could run ads against Republicans for Super Tuesday. Instead of putting America first, she is putting politics first. pic.twitter.com/ws0nn0hUXP — Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) March 3, 2020 This is not surprising. For the Democrats, the coronavirus outbreak has become their latest weapon with which to damage the President. McCarthy brought this up during a GOP press conference today. He told reporters: Last week, we had an opportunity to bring forth the Supplemental, the needed funds for public health and others to deal with this item. We are not the majority. We cannot determine the floor, so Speaker Pelosi left, and had us leave Congress. This week, we hope we’re going to be able to bring it up. The one concerning issue that I have, not as just the leader of the Republicans, but really as an American. Why didn’t we vote on it last week? And why now is the Democratic arm of the DCCC running ads against seven Republicans? On something they could not vote on, because they could not control it. Are they playing politics and holding the money up so their political arm can attack Republicans on this issue? Can they, for one time put people before politics? I think they owe the American people an apology. I think the Speaker needs to apologize. Cheri Bustos needs to take those ads down and stop playing politics with this. America is nervous. We’ve been preparing for years in advance. We’ve got to make sure we have all the needed resources there. So bring the bill to the floor. Earlier in the conference, the ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), spoke and said that Democrats were trying to include HR3 (Elijah Cummings’ Lower Drug Costs Now Act) with the bill for coronavirus funding. HR3 is a very controversial bill which will require some debate. Walden basically said, let’s keep this separate, because the funds to fight the coronavirus crisis are needed now. It was a valiant effort Republicans, but unfortunately, I doubt too many of the journalists in the room will be reporting on it.
  2. ah, that is why they demand gun control. So they can buy more votes. and why they let illegals roam free even after committing heinous crimes. votes. enables them getting more power and more wealth.
  3. Yes, I do once in a while, just to see if it has anything of merit yet. It's a bit curious, as to how far the thread will go to keep updating itself to the top of the page.
  4. so, you are mocking that I'm somehow "definitive proof............", then you turn around and say you are not saying either one is right. I'm not saying definitely either, but the left is saying it's a facepalm.
  5. the birdbrain woody will be so disappointed.
  6. so STFU woodpecker. You brought up "no republican pork in the bill" to the subject Pelosi stalls the pandemic cash help bill. What the hell does republican pork have to do with anything? She is a democrat, and is stopping the passage of the cash to Americans in time of crisis bill. You are just being an azzhole woodypeckerhead. All you can do is ask stupid ass questions to any subject, and ridicule/argue with anyone you can, who isn't a possible future "friend me". you really are a sad birdbrain. Bird flu on you?
  7. so, you're saying pelosi, a democrat, is actually secretly a republican? do you ever THINK before you ask stupid questions? forget that. You don't, I already know the answer.
  8. leave it to a woodypeckerhead to think this SCIENTIST isn't smart enough to embarrass himself in disagreeing with Pres Trump openly, for all the media who wants to "gotcha". So, we DON'T KNOW. So why do you support the "facepalm" idea? "deep state dept" is funny.
  9. or, Pres Trump could have been making a woodpecker joke, which really would have been funny enough to have everyone laugh everywhere.
  10. and the dirty $$$$$$$$$$$$$ demoquack picture gets clearer all the time: https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/03/21/speaks-volumes-chinese-ambassador-praises-hillary-clinton-for-standing-up-for-china-against-trump-criticism/ organized corruption/criminal activity, you betcha: Chinese company pledged $2 million to Clinton Foundation ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-company... Mar 16, 2015 · Asked about donations from foreign governments last week, Hillary Clinton defended the foundation's work, saying "I think that to people who want to support the foundation, know full well what it ... Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection ... https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/07/chinese-illegally-donated-bill-clinton... The most suspect funds were brought in by Johnny Chung, a bagman for the Asian billionaire Riady family. Chung confessed that at least $35,000 of his donations to the Clinton campaign and the DNC...
  11. yep. The head of the WHO (America is the biggest donor, as usual) defended china's lack of candor and lies...because... Ethiopia gets big money from china. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/03/20/803121/
  12. so Tour, you have until 4 PM today to sing the "I'm So Sorry" song. Or I lol in your direction.
  13. "...slaps forehead in disagreeing with Pres Trump"... turns out to be laughing at Pres Trump's joke. as usual, Tour and Woodpecker bizarro world spin. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/21/fauci-cracks-up-at-trump-joke-the-left-naturally-gets-it-wrong/
  14. Tour and ?Woodpecker take links out of context - they read long enough to distort what the point is and get all happy that they made a point, albeit not valid. Emotional knee jerky.
  15. extortion/coercion to put political pork into the bill. this garbage needs to stop. The dems are going to get hammered this November even worse.
  16. ...add in "to illegals...." why should the gov be allowed to buy votes, Woody?
  17. one friend texted me - saying the online place she orders emergency food from... is entirely sold out today. and another friend told me that at Fin Feathers and Fur outdoors store, the entire rack of emergency dried "backpacking" meals...was entirely sold out. Next time we talk about prepping, I don't imagine we'll hear much "haha" in response.
  18. extortion, of sorts. "you want to save Americans? then pad it with a lot of money that has nothing to do with the virus or else" scum move.
  19. I've explained that. I was just being honest. But, I'll explain it again. I have often stated, I didn't like Trump earlier on. Everybody who was here, knows it, I suppose. But, when he started winning, and I started listening to him OBJECTIVELY, and I started understanding that he was serious. The caricature was gone, the Real American was stepping forward. I saw that he was very, very strong in will, defiant to bs, totally able to stand on his own two feet. Best, he was an outsider, and everything he said - a lot of my friends and I, were saying. I grew to understand that the corrupt left would never compromise him, or scare him. After watching Reagan and Bush get ridiculed over false flags, etc, Pres Trump was the right pick. And, he has proven us right this entire three years. I figure, my own opinion, that in a surprising way, he is similar a bit to Ben Franklin and George Washington. Those are the first two men written about in a brilliant book - "Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny = The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries" by Richard B. Morris. Franklin and Washington both had failures in their lives, struggled at times, both weren't the most prudish about their sexual activity - both were brash often, eloquent more and more as they aged. Both were exceptionally intelligent and determined... a lot of similarities to Pres Trump. The others are John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. It's a brilliant work - with deep research done to paint the history of these men. How they struggled in their lives...and became to be famous great leaders of their time.
  20. "gulp....Tour....will YOU be my friend? Please, please, please?" ........................ pretty please?
  21. so did i. I'm retired. You just stepped in it - unless you had it on record. You aren't retired, right? lol You're having too much fun being wrong.
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