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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. pitifully stupid and corrupt. they think the virus is only in iran? or just attacking iranians around the world?
  2. truths hurts you where, woodypeckerhead? you are too young, and you know nearly nothing about anything. You're a birdbrained disgrace to the political board, and you have no cred on the football side either.
  3. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/coronavirus/os-ne-spring-break-coronavirus-cases-20200322-grzmaf7brjfrxjg3cnwlnz3z7a-story.html
  4. Planned Parenthood is not a "small business" and non-profits, as their name implies, aren't "businesses" either. Tens of millions of dollars -- or more -- could be denied to real small businesses who need that cash as well.
  5. just filthy dirty politics over having lost the election for pres in 2016. https://www.theblaze.com/news/democrats_coronavirus_relief_bill
  6. but woody loves him all of obaMao commie and pres at the time mooochelle.
  7. LOL LO(OL LOL LOL LOL cough LOL LOL Tex got the wrong "king liar", Tour is all wet in Egypt,
  8. oh... "he was told to lie so he lied, but they didn't tell him it was really a lie, but he ..." LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
  9. I don't know of any poster who blamed the rollout on obaMao. He didn't do the website. You two need to get your facts straight, strawmen.
  10. https://prepperswill.com/mre-meals-for-survival-scenarios/
  11. Well, I'm assuming that you are talking about the donations to run for office the next time, etc etc etc. ? The trouble is, how do you outlaw donations from lobbyists ? we have billionaires on the far left and right throwing money all over the place. They just throw them at "pacs" I think, to avoid the personal donation laws. If it isn't money buying their influence - it's always the number of voters in a bloc, which is the way it should be I suppose. BTW, I did get mail from the GOC - "Gun Owners Care". I ignored it for a while, but it seems very legit - I just never heard of it before. Right now, I'm no longer a member of the NRA, just joined the Buckeye Firearms Association instead. Rich tycoon Wayne LaPeiu needs to leave.
  12. I admire stuff like this. I wish my garden was planted, etc, so I could donate a lot of it to food banks and neighbors. but NO, it's March. I don't know if I'll have over 800 tomatoes, though. It's tough to get it all planted in time.
  13. great. Our famous one of the top experts in all this is a liberal leftie? Maybe it was lol facepalm after all. one of the comments below the article said a lot: ***************************************** "Reply lftpm says: March 22, 2020 at 1:23 am My hunch is that we should hit the plateau in early May, and it will be low enough to assure the nation that hospital resources are nowhere close to being overwhelmed, so the social-distancing orders can be relaxed. Then we will have to trust Trump to promulgate a plan to get the economy to bounce back. I trust his instincts and problem-solving skills. We made a wise decision to elect a master executive to run the Executive Branch of government. 0’bama had zero, zilch, nada executive experience or skill, and it showed. The Tump-hating nincompoops Biden and Hillary have no executive experience. HRC spent more time running the CF grifting operation than managing the State Department, and Joe was doing similarly for his family members as VP."
  14. bringing back the survival thread - prepping isn't all that goofy when an actual, real crisis hits. The idea is, to be prepared at least a good bit, before it might ever happen. It has now.
  15. it's good that you will be woodpecker's friend. He gets so freaking hostile every time somebody disagrees with him - he's lonely. Smaller government doesn't mean smaller Congress, smaller President. Lobbyists try to persuade those who make the laws, to make laws that they agree with, like the NRA lobbyists persuade on the basis of our second amendment. Smaller government means that the government control/interference with Business and American's lives is restricted to a necessary minimum. The truth is, you want smaller government, Logic - it's lobbyists from the conservative side who work very hard to try to attain smaller government ! You should encourage those lobbyists ! lol
  16. FIFY you throw out false accusations and slimes to folks on this board to try to look smart. You're not. It's called "what goes around, comes around, you a**whole woodpecker" FYI - NOBODY is "stupid" on this board. However, you are by FAR the most ignorant on issues birdbrain on the entire forum, ever. that is really, really ignorant, just so ya know.
  17. ANOTHER knee jerk reaction from the most ignorant-on-issues sassy kid on the board. Just keeps pecking, that woodpecker does. Along with always getting a participation trophy for every single thing in school, he learned how to invent false narratives so he could argue with said false narratives. So he would....FEEL.... smart. ************************************************************************ A Washington D.C. lobbyist is someone who understands how the federal government works. A multitude of legislative decisions are made every day and their broader impacts are often unclear. A lobbyist provides a voice to make members of Congress and others in the government aware of the issues and concerns of a segment of American society.
  18. that makes woodpecker's lowblow ridicule of the flu virus only killing those old people.
  19. they don't care about dividing us up into oblivion, but seriously? how do you do something so STUPID and CORRUPT with a straight face? Apparently he things he's pretty so that will get him votes. Pretty sick stuff, and far worse than fake. "look how pretty I look when I talk nonsense to the nation I'm embarrassing more than I'm embarrassing the socialist hater movement" https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe-biden-will-hold-shadow-briefings-on-coronavirus
  20. sad. EU countries getting slammed - the EU - is now reversing their free travel guidelines. It was a disaster begging to happen.The World is becoming a smaller, more dangerous place all the time. If not terrorism hitting anywhere in the world, now, it's contagious disease going everywhere in the world. With our American advanced medical tech and initiative, we surely are far closer to being able to handle an outbreak of disease, as compared to decades ago. I say that because it's fascinating that Edward Jenner, a Brit, developed the smallpox vaccine - in1796 !
  21. White House Senior Officials Exposes How Pelosi Tried To ... https://illicitinfo.com/pelosi/2020/03/12/white-house-senior-officials-exposes-how... What a scam—Speaker Pelosi held up the vote […] White House Senior Officials Exposes How Pelosi Tried To Force Americans To Pay For Abortions Via The CV Stim Bill According to Report | Illicit Info
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