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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. that is a BRILLIANT ARTICLE ! I'm going to start following Daniel Mitchell. Really well written. From his earlier work he refers to = https://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2020/03/22/coronavirus-and-big-government/ "For what it’s worth, the stories I shared above are just a small sampling. I could have shared dozens of additional reports. But rather than beat a dead horse, let’s focus on the key takeaway from this tragedy. David Harsanyi of National Review nicely summarizes the lessons we should be learning. …the coronavirus crisis has only strengthened my belief in limited-government conservatism — classical liberalism, libertarianism, whatever you want to call it. Years of government spending and expanding regulation have done nothing to make us safer during this emergency; in fact, our profligate spending during years of prosperity has probably constrained our ability to borrow now. …government does far too much of what it shouldn’t, and is far too incompetent at doing what it should. The CDC, an agency specifically created to prevent the spread of dangerous communicable diseases, has failed. Almost everyone would agree that its core mission should be under the bailiwick of government. Yet, for the past 40 years, its mission kept expanding as it spent billions of dollars and tons of manpower worrying about how much salt you put on your steaks and imploring you to do more jumping jacks. …The CDC — and other federal agencies such as the FDA — haven’t just moved too slowly in tapping the expertise of our academic and private sectors to fight COVID-19; they’ve actively impeded such private efforts. …The CDC didn’t merely botch the creation of a COVID-19 test, it failed to turn to private companies that could have created a test faster and better. …I’d simply like government to do much less much better."
  2. Let's hope we can get some of that in woodpecker suet.
  3. It's hopeless, he never thinks. He ...feeeeels. And his feelings are never about the op directly, he misdirects so he can vent and argue and argue on a point that was his own feeble making. A few years of that... he became the bottom dwelling woodpecker.
  4. Well, the op talks about how the ObaMao regime used up 3/4 of the masks and didn't replace them. That doesn't mean that in the last three years, the Pres Trump admin couldn't have replaced them, except the corrupt dems are ONLY interested in reversing their loss in the 2016 election, and helping themselves to an expanded, illegal, leftwing voter base. So, the OP discusses a FACT. Woodpecker doesn't know anything about life, love or politics etc etc etc, so he bitches about a source, bitches about a poster, bitches about what the op doesn't say that isn't relevant at all.... the best bet around here, is when woodpecker tries for the zillionth time to make himself look like a know-it-all, which never works. He just ends up making a fool of himself. Because, as Steve rightly noted...woodpecker is a little dick.
  5. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/03/23/dems-block-bill-again-want-even-more-crazy-pork-demands/
  6. It's a long story, but we have "adopted grandkids" lol But after the stay at home shutdown - we decided to have them not come over for a couple of weeks. the risk is too great. We'll give their parents the keys to our 4 wheeler so they can still go on rides, etc... but it seems after I pick up groceries tomorrow, through the drive through, we are going to be in two week seclusion mode. I had to go to the drug store today, I actually wore a mask and nitrile gloves I use for wood finishing, etc. A few other folks wore masks. It's time to just shut the world out few weeks. I really, really, really, REALLY hate china now.
  7. When I did my mock, well before the combine - I knew I'd be disagreed with. lol I disagreed with myself, often, in studying each pick at length, then trying to figure who would be there, and who would be gone, etc etc etc. Then there is the "can I get about as good a player later?" question. My biggest struggle was the 2nd round - it was tempting to take a wr - that class is deep, and first round quality will surely be there. But I ended up wishing Simmons would fall to ten in the first round, but couldn't make it make sense. So, I looked at some of the top big safety/lb hybrids - and I ended up with Dugger in the second round. I admit I never even looked at Tiam's Jeremy Chinn - who really is right up there in "special player" status. SD, I'd love to see your mock. It's complicated to do one. Even the "experts" on TV get all the picks wrong often.
  8. oh, stop, grasshopper. MYOB. Woodpecker started his crap long, long ago. He can't quit for long. He starts it right back up again - or he wouldn't have any substantial contribution, negative such as it is, to this forum. All that happened before you came on board matters. That's...eh...."ATHBYCOBM" as an acronym. at·tack (ə-tăk′) v. at·tacked, at·tack·ing, at·tacks v.tr. To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner. To act on in a detrimental way; cause harm to (as in now, "...to any legit discussion or thread") ******************************************************************************* defense [ dih-fens or especially for 7, 9, dee-fens ] SEE SYNONYMS FOR defense ON THESAURUS.COM noun resistance against attack; protection: something that defends, the defending of a cause or the like by speech, argument, etc.: He spoke in defense of the nation's foreign policy. a speech, argument, etc., in vindication: She delivered a defense of free enterprise. ****************************************************************** Now, buttinski - hang around long enough, and you will see how woodpecker attacks - and I defend, albeit strongly and more humor than verbal malice. So, "don't come after me, and I won't defend in response". . Definitions matter. Liberals misuse words intentionally for the emotionalism benefit they thrive on. Have a nice day
  9. I don't see that you are red-green colorblind - I'll give you an example. You never once cross Woodpecker on any of his posts. Now, you'll cross conservatives on their posts. So, your claim about red-green, and your tendencies in posting are confusing. Let's leave it at that. I generally just guess at your motivation for that, what I see as, "conflicting". Have a nice day.
  10. it was sarcasm. I didn't say joke. Some sarcastic comments can be jokes. That wasn't, I was just getting smart back at you. You don't screw with other people, you don't get it in return. Liberals do this so much on this forum.
  11. Fauci - a huge loving fan of Higgardly the bottom feeder Clinton - still says the response of Pres Trump has been IMPRESSIVE. Fauci doesn't like OUR PRESIDENT saying "Chinese virus". I'm with President Trump. You can shove that, Dr. Fauci. ******************************************************************* Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/03/23/fauci_the_response_of_trump_admin... 10 hours ago · Fauci said Trump has never challenged him on the science of coronavirus on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.' MARK LEVIN: Welcome back. Dr. Fauci, let
  12. too soon - I was just going to comment. Ran out of "attaboys" again.... It's been established, that the obaMao regime used up 3/4 of the N95 masks, which makes the 201 studies even more concerning. and that swine flu disaster was in 2009. The masks were never re-stocked. But past that, I would have thought over the last few decades, planning would have developed with various admins, to account for a disaster like we saw then, and now. What is troubling, is that flu shots don't account for all various strains of flu viruses - so when a new one pops up, only then can a vaccine be researched, proven to be safe, and implemented. I saw a blurb somewhere that it is being questioned - the possibility of the corona virus quickly mutating. Which, is one of the desired characteristics of a bio-weapon. If that is true, I'm back to wondering about that wuhan facility again.
  13. A FEW STRINGS? Have you seen the list? of course not. It's substantial. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/03/23/nancy-pelosi-has-packed-coronavirus-stimulus-liberal-wish-list-column/2903577001/ "Liberal special interests The 1119-page bill is Christmas in March for liberal special interests. It imposes racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements. It increases the collective bargaining power for unions and cancels all the debt owed by the U.S. Postal Service to the U.S. Treasury. For the global warming crowd there are increased fuel emission standards and required carbon offsets for airlines, plus tax credits for alternative energy programs. For the kids there is a provision for student loan payment deferment, and for the education bureaucrats who overcharge them a $9.5 billion giveaway to colleges and universities. It gives $100 million to juvenile justice programs, and suspends various aspects of enforcement of immigration laws. Perhaps the most troubling sections of the bill are under the rubric ‘‘American Coronavirus/COVID–19 Election Safety and Security” or ‘‘ACCESS” Act. This section would impose requirements on states for early voting, voting by mail, required mailing of absentee ballots to everyone, ballot harvesting (i.e., having third parties deliver absentee ballots), online voter registration, same-day registration and other practices which undermine confidence in the integrity of the ballot. In these days of increasing threats to election security we should be moving rapidly back to in-person paper ballots, but this bill would be a radical step in the wrong direction. It is hard quickly to root out whatever other aspects of this bill bear no relationship to COVID-19, but to its backers that is the point. We can’t really know what’s in it until they pass it, to paraphrase Speaker Pelosi on another such memorable occasion. The politics of the Democratic proposal are not hard to figure. Democrats are concerned that the Coronavirus crisis could be a “9/11 moment” for President Trump, that people might put aside partisanship for a moment to rally around a leader trying his best to help the country cope. " ****************************************** "a few" YEESH. That's sad.
  14. He is a woodpecker dick ! That is it! I was close. "Picidae reality". Nails it !
  15. that explains that. Probably used the money for trans education..... https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-administration-n95-stockpile-coronavirus Reports: Obama admin used up the stockpile of N95 masks but never replenished the supply, despite recommendations to do so In 2009, the Obama administration pulled three-quarters of the masks to combat the swine flu https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-administration-n95-stockpile-coronavirus
  16. Thanks !!! 28 wonderful, fun years. Yes, life happens to hit troubles, but we have always bounced back. We can't believe it's been so long ! I asked her if she was ever bored during all our years, she laughed and said that was impossible, we've had too much fun. Ya know ya still got it when you get a hug after asking that. I'm one of the luckiest guys ever.
  17. now the are "blackmailing" all of us for......... global warming. https://www.theblaze.com/news/democrats-push-for-environmental-measures-and-increased-union-power-in-coronavirus-stimulus-bill-stalling-progress Democrats push for environmental measures and increased union power in coronavirus stimulus bill, stalling progress 'Millions are losing jobs while they play these games. *********************************************************** Surely they lose the house over this garbage. Americans' lives are being used as leverage.
  18. the left holding the needy American people hostage for more power in return.
  19. you don't even have a life, little birdbrain. You can't even look up your own definitions of words, exactly like I said. I still think you are in the fifth grade. The definition of pandemic IS GLOBAL. lol pandemic [panˈdemik] ADJECTIVE (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world. synonyms: widespread · prevalent · pervasive · rife · rampant · epidemic · universal · global
  20. sure, you can call me "stupid" a bunch of times and when I give you the business back, you cry like a baby woodpecker about how you are so invaded in your phony safe space. Leave people alone and they will leave you alone. or just STFU until you actually have something real to contribute. Most of the time, your infantile ignorant smart alec retorts are all you have. and you are an adult? sad.
  21. " Restaurants (for consumption off-premises.) " Yesterday was our anniversary - we went and picked up our carry out order from Texas Roadhouse, Alliance. A bit of a drive, but it's the best one around. They come out and wait on you in your car, they disinfect/clean the pen, and bring you your food. I would have tipped them ten bucks, but I only had a twenty, so, Wife said to tip them that. We did - thanked them for staying open - they said business was great, under the circumstances. Friends on the neighborhood street - we call each other to check on them, they are calling, just had a call this morning. I wish the garden was in.....
  22. https://www.theblaze.com/news/nancy-pelosi-had-a-wishlist-of-unrelated-demands-for-coronavirus-bill-killed-bipartisan-agreement Report: Nancy Pelosi had 'wishlist' of unrelated demands for coronavirus bill, killing bipartisan agreement 'Jaw dropping' John Bresnahan, Politico's Washington bureau chief, reported that Pelosi had a "laundry list" of new demands, including many items completely unrelated to COVID-19 relief, like election security funding, student loan debt forgiveness, and a "host of other issues." Despite the Senate's agreement, Pelosi also revealed on Sunday that House Democrats would move forward with their own coronavirus relief package. According to Politico, Pelosi's actions even have some members of the Democratic caucus questioning her motives. Many of those same provisions are also being negotiated in the Senate bill but some House Democrats wanted to go even further, using the urgency of the herculean package to achieve broader, long term policy goals like a massive infrastructure deal. But even some House Democrats are privately wondering what is Pelosi's endgame, especially given that lawmakers, including many in her own caucus, don't even want to return to Washington at all, much less for a standoff with the Senate. The motive, according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, is political — it is all about hurting President Donald Trump. "Some Dems are betting that Trump will he received as Bush post-Katrina as opposed to Bush post-9/11. And there's a split among Dems about how they ought to be handling Trump in this moment, which so far has ended up benefiting the president," Haberman reported Sunday. Democrats have already seized on the moment to further demonize Republicans. It is well established that Republicans and Democrats in the Senate had come to an agreement on the relief package. But after Pelosi's bucking, Democrats began circulating talking points that blamed Republicans for the impasse. They claimed Republicans attempted to insert a $500 billion "slush fund" into the bill. But according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Democrats are just playing games. "The notion that we have time to play games here with the American economy and the American people is utterly absurd," he said in a fiery speech on the Senate floor Sunday night. ************************************************************************* of course, Woody pseudo-intellectually flips the truth and inquires about do we know if any republicans....... the DEMS CONTROL THE HOUSE.
  23. AHHHHHHHH- HA !!! The dirty russian gov trying to help quid pro senile Joe Biteme win the election !!!!!!!!!! Where is the msm ???????????
  24. Woody doesn't do definitions - he simply uses words that he ascribes his own meanings to, so he can try to keep up wit the rest of the forum. He asks stupid questions, then insists on answers because he doesn't ever do his own research. And when you answer his questions, he smarts off, starts a personal attack.... if you don't answer his questions because it gets tiresome... he smarts off more about some imaginary emotional "win" of sorts...after a few years of that, he became the Woodpecker.
  25. your wanton threats are duly noted. I even put that part in reddish pink so you would know it was sarcasm. meaning, you are feigning some kind of offense so you can have an excuse to the the usual liberal thing - smart off to people on this forum, until you can try to get them kicked off the forum. It's what liberals do - all the way up to the dem leftists in Congress - demand control, even when they are not in control, like in the senate, and trying to neuter the office of the presidency. I thought you were jabbing at me over here out of goofiness. Alas, you are acting like just another hateful liberal. You liberals "tease" anybody you want to, but you get it back, and you go hater. If you want to live in a glass house, don't throw stones, Tour.
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