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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yet you're the twit that thinks suppositories and tablets on the same........
  2. you can go eat suppositories if you want to, Toursies, but I think it's stupid and could be bad for your health.
  3. LIAR @@@ !!!!!! I AM SO OFFENDED !!!! I"M A VICTIM, YOU HAD BETTER SING THE "I'M SO SORRY SONG BY 8 P.M. !!!!! " oh, wait, I'm not a liberal. "never mind? lol
  4. I might deserve it if you think just voicing my political opinions warrant it. That IS what liberals do, ya know. The old "hate conservatives who disagree with us" emotional knee jerkie. You do that too. My opinions. Have a nice day and don't get the virus.
  5. sadly true. I'm stunned this virus has gotten so far out of hand since it was lied about being non-person to person transmitted. All over the world? nearly every single state in our U.S. ? So many folks on the folks in town are self-quarantining. I've dropped off some groceries for some friends - elderly and health things they are dealing with. I can't even do that right now - I sprained my big toe, twice, but kept going, and sprained my ankle pretty good slipping on the ladder I was using to trim another fruit tree, good thing it was a low rung. Stupid drizzle. Then I kept going and my foot swelled up, so now it's in a star wars looking compression boot. Very painful, I must say. Til the boot. Next day was no pain, could walk on it. very cool. We've been watching movies, lending our ATV keys to the neighbors and their kids. A friend borrowed my tractor sockets and sprained his back pretty bad. Different neighbors are checking on each other by phone - that is pretty cool. Some folks only had food for about a week, it was gone, and they went to the drive through at the grocery - several folks have done that, including us for certain items we hadn't stocked up a bit on. Self-employed - how do they pay rent? the now jobless? how to they pay their mortgage, buy food and medicine...etc? Meanwhile, China sent a bunch of corona virus tests to Spain. They didn't work. Faulty. No wonder their number of cases is lower than ours now. We don't lie. This is a very dangerous nasty virus...all our lives are affected - some lives will be lost. Seems we are so used to being fine, we didn't really think this could happen. But it has. I hope everyone on the board is fine. and tries to stay home.
  6. I guess that pork crap is out of the bill? the fact that they tried it is enough to give most Americans pause at the voting booth for a long time. I think. I hope. It was a disgrace.
  7. if Pres Trump DID follow that rule book, the left would rail against him being a dictator and a tyrant.
  8. Over the years, we worked hard - paid off our home, and our entire farm and barn. Being retired, we're great. Helping others with worse situations sounds good. Since we can't go out and buy a little camper for going out west anyways. lol
  9. I think they should have "oversight" on individuals too. no drugs, no alcohol, no twinkies, no pop, no cake, no chippies or dip, just good healthy lunches that the dems demand that nobody will eat. Woody won't even eat the boiled asparagus. I won't either. but it would be fair. oversight means power to contol, power to wield over people with, to dems.
  10. LOL LOL that is awesome ! His scowl is weird though. You walked into a film shoot. LOL
  11. Wills, but he should be gone. He's always? been a RT, but he could play left. I think Thomas, who has played both L and R, is #2. both will be gone, I think. Then...I'm still looking at Jones to be at LT. I can't see Wirfs at LT vs speed rushers. I actually think Jones is the #3 tackle in the draft. I believe Wirfs will move inside to OG, and be a star. And Becton, I just don't know if he's a LT or ... but he is amazing.
  12. go back and look at the box. It clearly shows "CAPSULES". that makes you #1. idiot.
  13. it was tentative, depending on the available of extra equipment, which makes perfect sense. again, S. Korea has faced threats of war from N. Korea, so they are far more realistically equipped for a bio agent attack. Kinda like making jokes about preppers, then panic buying now that we have a legit crisis on our hands. S. Korea never had the luxury of making jokes about N. Korean threats.
  14. some natural cures. I don't think I'm with the hydrogen peroxide solution, though. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/home-remedies-for-toothache
  15. do your own research, Woody. If you don't want to, why bother posting at all?
  16. one day, her and the rest of her ilk will go to hell, and nobody in Real America will be feeling it was avoidable. Their choice.
  17. Now, BOB. The help to companies to keep them from going completely under because of the virus crisis, IS......NOT......PORK. Again, let's define "pork" Pork barrel is a metaphor for the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district. The usage originated in American English. Scholars use it as a technical term regarding legislative control of local appropriations. Now, in this instance, what the dems are doing isn't all that local, but totally irrelevant money added in, that has NOTHING to do with the virus crisis. Money to help companies helps the companies stay afloat so the unions don't lose their jobs. Money to help unions doesn't help the companies stay afloat. "transparency" is right there - it's IN THE BILL. IT IS NOT UNRELATED TO THE INTENTION OF THE BILL. The "helping companies" is part of the "saving the economy". You equate THAT with abortion funding and all the asinine totally non-related pork the dems put into the bill? Can't buy it. It's more like "the dems look bad, but I support the unions so don't vote for the reps, either". Sorry, makes no sense. the moral equivalency is totally false.
  18. from the link above: “The President has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I’ve made recommendations, he’s taken them. He’s never countered or overridden me,” he continued. “The idea of just pitting one against the other is just not helpful. I wish that would stop and we’d look ahead at the challenge we have. To pull together to get over this thing,” he said. " ******************************************* The left doesn't give a crap. It's sick how little they care about the damage they try to do.
  19. wait, Bob - I don't see any list pork crammed into the bill by republicans. What is this about rep pork??? not one article on that can I find. But the lists of dem pork is all over the place EVEN cnn/msnbc. I can't find any reference to republican pork. only dem pork. MSNBC's Joy Reid hits Dems for including abortion in ... https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbc-joy-reid-abortion-coronavirus 11 days ago · MSNBC host Joy Reid appeared bewildered over reports that the proposed emergency spending bill from House Democrats to combat the coronavirus outbreak was halted over a dispute involving "abortion ..
  20. I don't get into it with people who don't badly smart off to me. It's really very simple. Your claim of "circle jerk" generally means "I can't win with emotions, so I get mad, take my keyboard and go home." and, years ago, I took a color test. I was one of two in the history of that company that got a perfect score. But I did put in LCD bulbs in this computer room, so there's that.
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