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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. oh, not AGAIN ! You did it again, Mr. ??? ******************************************************* and now, for the REST OF THE STORY Tour doesn't tell. The commander was wrong in HOW he did it. Letting the information become public is a disgrace - I suppose politically motivated. Why do I say that? Because one of the most fundamental requirements in the military in dealing with problems, is going through the CHAIN OF COMMAND. he violated that, hugely. He never went through the chain of command. That is UCMJ, Tour, from the gitgo. and, letting it become public - puts America's defense at risk - the destroyer is known to be unable to be deployed over the virus being on the ship. Can you imagine if china was ready to come after us militarily to whatever degree... that they knew this ship and a few other ships, like aircraft carriers, were unable to be deployed over this virus??? It's an open invitation to start up military hostilities in areas of the world they want to take over. Classified military information - is like the maintenance of aircraft engines, wheel bearings, etc. Why? because collectively, an enemy could accrue enough of that kind of information to give them an advantage in battle. If they know how many hrs our planes can fly until they are grounded for repairs, they could try to figure a chance to really hit us at the right time. Stuff like that. Now, sailors with a disease, how many? of course that should have been handled secretly, up through the chain of command. It wasn't. The commander is lucky that it may not have been his fault, but still...it reeks of political partisanship to embarrass a president he doesn't like. The fact that he was a very popular commander doesn't absolve him from following military protocol.
  2. yes, doing what is RIGHT takes courage and leadership, Tour. and the ENTIRE truth shall set you free. This is you:
  3. and now, as usual, we need to learn the REST OF THE STORY about the half Tour DIDN't include: The guy being fired, atkinson, changed the whistleblower requirement from "first hand knowing" to "second hand...". Just in time for the anti-Trumpers to have a secret whistleblower that new nothing, to cause the entire fraud to be able to take place. Meanwhile, atkinson, a biased bigoted dishonest dirtbag, was the subject of a whistleblower that went to the FBI about atkinson and URANIUM ONE coverup. atkinson is just another deep state dishonest hack who covered for the obaMao regime and Uranium One. and helped launch the entire fake impeachment, to try to protect the dishonest set of very, very powerful and corrupt bureaucrats ************************************* https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/01/17/one_america_news_fbi_whistleblower_filed_complaint_against_intel_ig_michael_atkinson_over_uranian_one.html ONE AMERICA NEWS: FBI whistleblower Nate Cain recently revealed he has filed a complaint against Michael Atkinson. Atkinson is the Intelligence Community Inspector General who protected the CIA whistleblower, whose complaint led to President Trump's impeachment. One America's Richard Pollack has more from Washington. Atkinson wanted to lower the bar it takes to become a whistleblower. The FBI whistleblower said in his time, you could not blow the whistle on secondhand information, you had to have direct evidence or witnesses. The whistleblower had a choice to go to Atkinson or to DOJ IG Michael Horowitz. He chose Horowitz because he saw Atkinson as someone who "sat on their hands" while the FBI was assigning agents to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One. "I believe that there is at least circumstantial evidence to indicate that [Atkinson] was part of this plot to bring this impeachment on our president. For that reason, I am very glad I did not go through him. Horowitz had already proven himself to be an honorable man. I knew that he was at least a person that followed the rules and was a by-the-book kind of guy," the whislteblower said.
  4. yeah, whatever. He is an expert. and a former? member of the board - China Medical Board. lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Medical_Board Commie china has been full of lies all along about the covid19. as of 3 hrs ago:
  5. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/03/biden-has-earned-11-pinocchios-from-fact-checkers-and-his-latest-gaffe-is-truly-bizarre/
  6. no, actually that other thread is a bijillion posts of nothing but spooky doo random secret sam crapolas. You ever watch "World War Z" ? Come on, now. The evidence is a bit concerning about the Wuhan lab.
  7. actually, it was not a pun. I did notice it later though. Sorry.
  8. oh, come on, Tour. Ask me what that musical instrument is.
  9. pretty spooky - guy says the Wuhan virus lab wanted to hire... yep. scientists to work on...corona viruses. of bats. Imagine a virus that disfigured people like leprosy, and neurologically damaged brain function like rabies and it spread all around the world. What would you get? zombies. Everybody have a nice day. dammit. It could have been a whole LOT worse. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-evidence-coronavirus-wuhan-lab oh, having said that... guess where the zombies started to break out...in the movie "World War Z". It is theorized that the epidemic began when the People's Republic of China continued biological warfare experiments it had captured from Imperial Japan after World War II. Dr. Kwang Jingshu, who first discovered the boy, reported that when he contacted the Chinese Institute of Infectious diseases, they seemed to already know what zombies were, and promptly responded with a news blackout. World War Z (2013 movie): What caused the start of the ... www.quora.com/World-War-Z-2013-movie-What-caused-the-start-of-the-zombie-vir…
  10. Jordyn Brooks is a lot like my lb pick in the second round with my stupid mock...(extra pick with a trade down) - Logan Wilson, Wyoming. Picked Wilson more for his pass coverage was a bit better. Wilson is more overlooked. But they are very similar.
  11. My ability to help my Wife do jigsaw puzzles has improved....
  12. That's admirable ! But I'll bet you don't know how to run a floor buffer....
  13. That is really good news, for a change.
  14. I don't think so. Don't like commie china from the gitgo anyways, but, if it started in france or wherever ... letting it just keep spreading while you insisted (lied) about it NOT being spread human to human, and having the WHO help them lie about it... if it isn't spread human to human, no big deal. i'd be just as po'd. But it was a lie, the government covered it up. France, Italy, etc would never have lied about it ...but communist governments survive via lies.
  15. granted, but you do not think the dems should be doing the oversight. I know you know better.
  16. Sadly, China did not contain their serious outbreak of the virus. They let it spread outside of their borders, and lied about the danger of the virus ...
  17. that is Pres Trump flipping Tex the bird. lol
  18. Well, regarding large scale farming - it's the ramifications of farmers and/or their family members getting the virus. Can't farm, that sick. Have to out and get seed, fertilizer, etc etc. I don't know if the shops that fix tractors, combines, etc are shut down or not. Hopefully they are the least hit. China may not be able to buy the excess soybeans, leading to a dramatic price reduction, even after the problems last year they had with the swine flu, which also impacts corn. On a smaller level, there is also the shutting down of farmer's markets I think. There are a lot of subtle ways farming can be affected, depending on the crop. I deeply regret not having had a large productive tomato garden. Those 50 canned quarts would be great to have about now. and, my beautiful double, long row of green beans. The deer ate nearly every one of those big plants one night.....jumped over the fence, that is going to be a lot taller this coming season....
  19. Tour's ego extends into every subject. Like military - except he was never in it, I believe. His taking anything Pres Trump does or says out of context just feeds it. Alas, it's appetite knows no bounds - never ending, like space and time. And, when he's silly and funny... it is quite unintentional. When he's wrong, Tour has a "Total Eclipse of the Heart". He's complicated. lol
  20. I note trends. It's like "so and so is heading toward a cliff".... which often, the cliff could be a few miles away, Still, it's true. It isn't over-reacting, it's simply establishing a fact of eventual destination if they don't stop or change directions. Buck up, buttercup, I talk truth to flower. I'm on a roll today.... lol
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