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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I must say, Pres Trump is absolutely right on the money again. Bring back our industry. Greedy corporations/greedy unions/unfair cheap foreign labor etc all played a part. It's time to fix it. The unfair to America trade deals - we can't just be the generous billionaire doling out money to the globe. America First. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/491527-whos-to-blame-for-chinas-industrial-stranglehold-look-in-the-mirror-america
  2. quid pro joe lies again, but the left loves -convenient lies- ... factcheck = TRUE - https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-administration-n95-stockpile-coronavirus Reports: Obama admin used up the stockpile of N95 masks but never replenished the supply, despite recommendations to do so ********************************************** it would be so refreshing and uplifting if folks who hate Pres Trump (for winning the election) would criticize obaMao commie and Joe Biden over this.
  3. so much worse than stupid, I don't believe there is even a word for it. Ranks up there with "I'm concerned that the island of Guam is going to tip over".... and "I've been to 57 states".... lol
  4. The problem is, woodpecker doesn't seem to be able to discuss issues with much substance. He just attacks other posters' opinions, never having his own outlooks, his own opinions on any issue up front. Liberals always try to control the narrative. and if they can't, they FEEL unhappy. and they get MAD. and they complain. and when they don't get their way, they bitch. and peck incessantly.
  5. More to the story - the Commander made a special trip to Guam ?????? to make his speech to people ??? https://www.theblaze.com/news/hold-acting-navy-secretary-tells-uss-theodore-roosevelt-crew-their-former-captain-is-either-naive-or-stupid " The Daily Caller first broke the story of the speech and released the transcript, showing that Modly told the crew that if Crozier "didn't think, in my opinion, that this information wasn't going to get out into the public, in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either A, too naive, or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this. The alternative is that he did this on purpose." "...In response to that, Sec. Modly explained in his speech, "One of the things about his email that bothered me the most was saying that we are not at war, that we aren't technically at war. But let me tell ya something, the only reason we are dealing with this right now is a big authoritative regime called China was not forthcoming about what was happening with this virus and they put the world at risk to protect themselves and to protect their reputations." "...Sec. Modly also disclosed to the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt that it was their shipmates "on the shore right now who told me when Captain Crozier's email made it to the San Francisco Chronicle after working 15 hour days—they were demoralized because they knew what they had been doing for you guys since the 25th of March to get you guys what you needed." ************************************************************ Sec. of the Navy is absolutely correct. I think the Commander panicked, unaware of the logistical problems - and he never communicated with his supervisor over the issue? Doing the right thing at the wrong time the wrong way - I don't know what led him to so publicly break protocol - but a big bad emotional left-handed public splash is NOT done. It's HOW he did it. Too bad - faulty judgement.
  6. https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/04/06/michigan-rep-whitsett-hydroxychloroquine-trump/
  7. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/06/report-who-admitted-taiwan-expressed-concern-about-contagion-between-humans-in-dec.-but-they-didnt-reply-to-them At the end of all this, there has to be a reckoning with China. But there also needs to be a reckoning with the WHO as well. They have been complicit in spreading China’s lives and cost who knows how many lives, illnesses and wrecked economies as a result. In January, WHO was still spreading the nonsense that the Wuhan coronavirus wasn’t contagious between humans based upon what China told them. That’s what they told the world. Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China. pic.twitter.com/Fnl5P877VG — World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) January 14, 2020 It said no travel or trade restrictions were necessary on Jan. 30. Fortunately, President Donald Trump didn’t listen to them and cut travel with China on Jan.31. But one of the problems was China officially knew by Dec.1 (and likely long before) but didn’t tell WHO until Dec. 31. Another interesting event also occurred Dec. 31 – that’s when Taiwan warned WHO about their concerns it could be transmitted between humans. Now, The Economist is reporting that WHO admitted that they didn’t even reply to Taiwan about their information. According to the report, allegedly because they feared hurting the relationship with China. Important reporting from @TheEconomist. @WHO has admitted it did not even REPLY to Taiwan officials raising concerns in late DECEMBER over possible human to human transmission in the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan. For fear of hurting WHO relationship with China. Answers needed. pic.twitter.com/YZmVvfZpxM — Naomi Ackerman (@nomiackerman) April 5, 2020 How many people traveled out of Wuhan while The WHO was spreading false information and bad advice despite having been warned as to the truth? Here’s WHO adviser Bruce Aylward blowing off even any questions related to Taiwan, because he’s not even able to admit it’s a different country. Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization refuses to answer any questions about Taiwan or why they’re banned from the WHO. China controls the WHO. pic.twitter.com/uLXGvuZne4 — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 28, 2020 Here he is, prostituting himself for China.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-nsc/as-trump-administration-debated-travel-restrictions-thousands-streamed-in-from-china-idUSKBN21N0EJ "During that time, the National Security Council staff, the state department and other federal agencies argued about everything from how best to screen for sick travelers to the economic impact of any restrictions, according to two government officials familiar with the deliberations. The NSC staff ultimately proposed aggressive travel restrictions to high-level administration officials - but it took at least a week more for the president to adopt them, one of the government officials said. In meetings, Matthew Pottinger, deputy national security adviser and a China expert, met opposition from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow, said two former NSC officials and one of the government officials involved in the deliberations. The two top aides were concerned about economic fallout from barring travelers from China, the sources said. Each day that the administration debated the travel measures, roughly 14,000 travelers arrived in the United States from China, according to figures cited by the Trump administration. Among them was a traveler who came from Wuhan to Seattle in mid-January, who turned out to be the first confirmed case in the United States."
  9. yep. obaMao was too busy funding transgender and gay sensitivity training in the military and indoctrinating school children with liberalism. etc
  10. not the new normal - the next time, I imagine the normal will be - overstocking on med supplies, and stopping travel immediately if it starts spreading from another country. If china had been honest, they would have quarantined wuhan from the beginning. they would have shut down international travel after seeing it spread. But they didn't, I doubt they'd do it next time either. Consider this: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/10/15/356098903/ebola-in-the-united-states-what-happened-when " President Obama asks Congress for $6.2 billion in emergency funds to help stop the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa and bolster screening and prevention efforts in the U.S. The money would go to the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies. " and rightly so. You stop it asap before it goes everywhere and causes a pandemic. with china, they lied, covered up, denied, still deny. china refused to let the CDC in. expelled western journalists. and, they let it go all over the globe. if they had been forthright and honest - it could have been contained with few exceptions. The new normal is learning the lessons from it, and stopping it from ever happening again, meaning, stopping it as soon as it breaks out somewhere, protecting the rest of the world.
  11. wait a minute here. I wear nitrile gloves I use anyways for fertizlers etc in the garden, when we were flipping houses and was working cleaning sinks etc, and you can just peel them off and toss them. I have a whole box of em. I got tired of scrubbing paint off my hands. absolutely nothing? Wear them into the store, if the virus got on your hands, just peel them off, toss em in the garbage.
  12. Leaked Documents Suggest That China Lied About Coronavirus ... https://gritdaily.com/leaked-documents-suggest... Feb 27, 2020 · Leaked Documents Suggest That China Lied About Coronavirus Case Numbers As the United States braces for the arrival of the Covid-19 novel coronavirus, world governments are scrambling to prepare for what the World Health Organization says is nearly a pandemic. ************************************ It must be just me, Hoorta. yep.
  13. China's Coronavirus Coverup -- Devastating Lies | National ... https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies 13 days ago · On today’s menu: a day-by-day, month-by-month breakdown of China’s coronavirus coverup and the irreparable damage it has caused around the globe. The Timeline of a … Wuhan Virus Cover-Up Exposes a China Built on Lies https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/03/wuhan-corona... Even now, arrests and threats continue throughout China for spreading so-called rumors about the virus. Some of that is directed against genuine misinformation, but some of it is simply the state ... China tried to keep a lid on the coronavirus. It put ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global... Jan 29, 2020 · China’s social media is afire with concern, despite the censors. Some have recalled the HBO television series “Chernobyl” to raise issues of government lying, which happened in …
  14. someone here has evidence to back it up. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/china-coronavirus-cases-lies China lied about the scope of its COVID-19 outbreak, US intelligence report claims https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=china+lied&&view=detail&mid=449E697B8D605CB690CC449E697B8D605CB690CC&&FORM=VDRVRV CHINA LIED: Jeanine Pirro says they also KILLED the DOCTOR who reported the case China Lied And People Died: Chinese Scientists Destroyed ... https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/03/18/... Mar 18, 2020 · China Lied And People Died: Chinese Scientists Destroyed Wuhan Coronavirus Evidence in December GOLDSTEIN: China lied, people died — who will hold the ... https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-china-lied-people-died-who-will... Apr 01, 2020 · This was due to the lead-up to China’s lunar new year celebrations, where widespread travel by rail and air is common, as families reunite. Thousands of travellers, unaware they were infected China's Coronavirus Coverup -- Devastating Lies | National ... https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies 13 days ago · On today’s menu: a day-by-day, month-by-month breakdown of China’s coronavirus coverup and the irreparable damage it has caused around the globe. The Timeline of a … China’s deadly coronavirus-lie co-conspirator — the World ... https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/chinas-deadly... 3 days ago · First, China’s Communist authorities have lied, concealed and misled about the origins of the epidemic and the toll of the virus in China. Second, the World Health Organization has acted as... Intelligence Report Confirms China Lied, People Died https://pjmedia.com/trending/u-s-intelligence-report-confirms-china-lied-people-died 4 days ago · U.S. Intelligence Report Confirms: China Lied, People Died. A U.S. Intelligence report confirms that China lied, people died. China hid its true numbers of
  15. this is my final word on the matter: China Concealed COVID-19, Just Like It Did SARS - Frank ... https://finance.townhall.com/columnists/frankvernu... 9 days ago · “China’s Ministry of Health was aware for months of a dangerous new type of pneumonia in Guangdong province before sharing that information with other nations or issuing a nationwide bulletin ...
  16. te ricky seals-jones is going to sign with the chiefs as of several hours ago. crap.
  17. anti-social behavior to mental illness levels. TDS I think....
  18. well, I've had docs tell me that when the seasons change, people's bodies adapt to the change in weather, and in doing so, their metabolisms are in flux, and their resistance is lower. I've found that to be generally true. So, it stands to reason that when we get a flu shot, our body is building anti-bodies is it? so why wouldn't that leave us temporarily with a slightly lower risk of a flu that isn't covered by the shot?
  19. you keep believing the commie chinese are telling the truth about it, and not cta (takeoff of "cya") and I'm keepin on asayin that medical scientists have said the commie chinese gov was telling LIES. So, I don't understand giving the gov any benefit of the doubt. and, you can't compare the mongols and the great wall of china with Pres Trump's wall to keep indigent mexicans etc out. That's racist. lol
  20. great. actually, I think it would have to do with how soon after you get a flu shot before you are exposed to covid19. While a body would adjust to being resilent to the particular flu the shot is for, the resistance to covid19 would be lessened. something like that.
  21. actually, that's partly true - I was hating on commie china because so much stuff in about any store was made in china. and our trading with them was so one-sided. it was stupid. Thank God we have a REAL AMERICAN President that saw that. and is working to stop illegal immigration. It is not absurd at all. They still don't admit it started in wuhan. that means they NEVER stopped chinese citizens from traveling all over the globe. and remember, or you didn't READ IT - the wuhan lab posted two job descriptions they wanted to fill - studying the corona virus. I'll let you all continue to not admit that there is a bio lab in wuham. You bring up Italy? IT WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN TO ITALY IF THE CHINESE HADN'T LIED AND COVERED UP. Let's let trump haters keep on hating, to the point of defending a corrupt chinese government. it makes them happy for some reason, and they thrive on emotion above all else.
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