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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. not in my opinion. I think they are all funny. If I see one of Trump, I'll probably think that is funny, too. It's meant to be fun. Which means, you are wrong, you hate yourself. I just bumped your thread and you go antagonistic, sarcastic and hater as usual. Try being honest for a change. Liberals never have a real sense of humor, they just get happy when it's in their hateful favor, and when it isn't, they get angry. That is what is means to be a liberal - emotion drives their outlook on everything.
  2. A. he was never my hero. Stop BEING an ass. B. I despised obaMao commie for many legit reasons. C. You haters don't like Trump for fake reasons. He's keeping his promises best he can. D. Keep painting a negative narrative of every single minute of Pres Trump's presidency. Most of it makes no sense. just conspiracy theories. E. Have a nice day.
  3. A. Mattis is a whining deep state bitch, just like clapper and brennan and rice and the clintons...obamao, atkinson, mueller, page, strzok, the list is long. Trump has every right to have people HE TRUSTS, in high places. Obamao had FINE? fine. Trump wants someone different. and the deep state turds hate losing their loyalists/informers. That is another part of DRAINING THE CORRUPT SWAMP. Mattis and the left doesn't like it? I do. Real America does. ***************************************** https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-removes-inspector-general-who-was-to-oversee-2-trillion-stimulus-spending/2020/04/07/2f0c6cb8-78ea-11ea-9bee-c5bf9d2e3288_story.html Trump cast his decision to remove Fine as merely cleaning house of Obama-era holdover appointments, saying those officials could be biased. “We have a lot of IGs in from the Obama era,” he said Tuesday. “And as you know, it’s a presidential decision. And I left them, largely. I mean, changed some, but I left them. . . . But when we have, you know, reports of bias and when we have different things coming in. I don’t know Fine. I don’t think I ever met Fine.”
  4. TDS is a conspiracy theory. you betcha.
  5. I understand. But I don't buy into them, I just wonder. There really IS a wuhan virus study lab. china really DID LIE and coverup. we and all our friends wear masks, self-quarantine. Defend china by coming up with a diss on anyone who puts the blame where it belongs all you want to. People try to understand what is going on - most all of them don't know about diseases and pandemics etc. So, they try to figure it out. I don't know of anyone who constructs "conspiracy" theories in real life - but nearly everybody is wondering how this happened. Refusing to admit it started in china IS a conspiracy theory. But reality is the best way to avoid it happening again. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/08/health/coronavirus-hospital-infections-frieden/index.html try researching "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Stop blaming Pres Trump for it going ALL OVER THE FREAKIN WORLD. Read the book "Germs" that I have talked about. Sincerely, Cal
  6. Watched "Coach Carter" - an EXCELLENT MOVIE. About a basketball coach in a poor inner city neighborhood, lots of crime, upset because his team wasn't getting passing grades. So he cancels the next game. and a lot of hell breaks loose, and the rest of the movie - the acting was so excellent you forget it's a movie. Based on a very true story. I think it was 2005 released. In real life- the real Coach Carter was an amazing man and deserved a movie made about him.
  7. Speaking of "survival items"... gotta have lawnmowing like a nascar race. A necessary thing. had to get the lawnmower fixed. Wife wanted to mow lawn because it was beautiful outside. Starter would hit for a second, and stop and whine. I charged the battery, etc etc. Nothing.It would hit the starter hard, and immediately stop. I call the dealer, 40 min away, took it in.Three weeks backed up, but if it was only the starter, he'd do it asap, it was under warranty. Got there, unloaded, he came out, tried it, did the same thing. He looked at it and raised the hood.Push hard on the top of the engine, and turned the motor over a little bit at a time.Turned the key, took right off. I'm standing there, he nods at us, puts the hood down, it just starts up every time. No charge. I'm standing there analyzing the situation, to see if I am embarrassed, or just po'd at that lawn mower. If I HAD knee jerked, I would have taken a hammer to it. But, I'm no liberal. lol Turns out, it was a khoeler sp? engine, ...rarely, but once in a while, it will turn off exactly at the the peak of the compression cycle.And, normally, a switch decompresses so it will turn over and start. except this time, there was no where for it to go. It was at the top, and the switch doesn't activate then. Got home, went fishing. Pulled out onto the road, Wife says she thinks we need to pull over. Didn't check license plates on the trailer. Expired in dec. We call the BMV, closed in the middle of the day. We go fishing, figuring that in the rare chance we get pulled over, they will understand our dilemma. Out on the lake, it was really, really busy. Nobody was catching a fish. After a while, a cold wind started roaring up, and we decided to go home. The honor saving tactic, is when you don't catch any fish, you simply blame it on the fact that a cold front is moving in. And, eventually, there is always a cold front somewhere sometime going to move in. Got home, a friend texted and said they left us a plate of cookies on our porch, but we weren't home. A neighbor says the UPS guy delivered our package, and figured the cookies were for him, waved at our house and left with the cookies. lol. That's just funny. Hope it makes his day. Except I wonder what kind they were.... BTW, last night, a near tornado came through, never touched down. Neighbors were calling each other, texting, sometime after 11 pm, til about 12. All of us were in our basements. Tonight, more rain. Everybody stay safe.
  8. True, but you have to have a real reason to have done it earlier, and CHINA AND THE WHO LIED AND SAID THE VIRUS WAS NOT TRANSMITTED PERSON TO PERSON. really. Stop and think on that.
  9. has to be embarassing to the liberal "know it all" side of America.
  10. declaring that it is his intention, albeit it also has to be scrutinized as to whose fault it is that the head of the WHO lied. Not all the WHO, but still. Something needs to be done. The head of the WHO is from Nigeria, which gets $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in foreign aid from ... china. and the WHO lied/deliberately went with china's lies. You also have to understand what is said literally, is sometimes not the case. Sometimes you just send a message that you are really serious and not happy with the WHO's complicity with china covering up the crisis and denying where it started. You get the WHO's serious attention, regardless of whether or not you actually go ahead with stopping funding of the WHO.
  11. probably, good point. And the gifts you get from joining the NRA? made in frickin pandemic all over the world china commie sombeitchland.
  12. I'm sure that makes you happy to think that, but it's false. No angry here. I criticized Bush for not stopping illegal immigration, and I'd bash Pres Trump if he ignored it. but he isn't. Facts are what emotions should be based on, but that takes a comprehensive understanding of reality. Although, I am humorously miffed we didn't catch any fish today. Cold and too much wind.
  13. not deflection - comparison. Never remember one time you bashed obaMao commie. but here we are, every single thing Pres Trump does/doesn't do, says/doesn't say, has for breakfast/doesn't have for breakfast, jokes/doesn't joke, etc etc etc etc is BAD. eight years of silence about obaMao commie, and the scandals are very, very real.
  14. Trump’s coronavirus response earns public’s respect, bump ... https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/trumps... Mar 24, 2020 · Of the president's performance, 56% of the second wave approve of the way Trump has handled the COVID-19 crisis, with 44% disapproving. This is …
  15. https://www.westernjournal.com/gallup-poll-finds-60-percent-approve-trumps-handling-coronavirus-media-underwater/ The poll of 1,020 adults in all 50 states was taken from March 13-22, according to Gallup. Respondents were asked if they approved of how the crisis is being handled in nine areas of life: Hospitals; schools or daycares; state governments; individual respondents’ employers; government health agencies; President Donald Trump; Vice President Mike Pence; Congress; and the news media. Of those nine, hospitals scored the highest, with 88 percent approval, followed by schools/daycare, 83 percent; state governments and employers at 82 percent each; Pence at 61 percent; Trump; at 60 percent and Congress at 59 percent. Considering the poll had a margin of error 4 percentage points, that boils down to hospitals alone in front, followed by schools, state governments and employers tied at second, followed by the national political leadership clustered in third – but all well above the 50-percent mark.
  16. https://patriotdepot.com/the-deplorables-t-shirt/?utm_source=display&utm_medium=conservativetribune&utm_campaign=ctsb4dthouse
  17. Gallup Poll Finds 60 Percent Approve of Trump's Handling ... https://www.westernjournal.com/gallup-poll-finds... 13 days ago · Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images President Donald Trump speaks at a February news conference about his administration's plans for handling the coronavirus outbreak. A Gallup poll released this week found 60 percent of Americans approve of how Trump is handling the crisis, versus only 44 percent approval for the media's coverage of it.
  18. https://www.nj.com/coronavirus/2020/03/how-is-trump-handling-the-coronavirus-poll-shows-support-splits-along-party-lines.html Trump has handled current crisis well | Letters to the ... https://www.postregister.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/trump-has-handled-current... 12 days ago · Trump has handled current crisis well ... I believe our president has provided significant leadership in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Early on President Trump … Obama Waited Until 1,000 Americans Died, and 20k ... https://news.thetrumptimes.com/obama-waited-until... Mar 01, 2020 · But when compared to how Obama handled the 2009 H1N1 health crisis, President Trump has been nearly flawless. From the moment Coronavirus started becoming front page news, President Trump’s handling of the potential health crisis has been attacked every which way by the OBAMAmnesia Democrats and their Mainstream Media cohorts.
  19. Thank God Pres Trump won't sell out our uranium to russia, and let our diplomats and staff be murdered and do nothing, after they continually begged for more security, and won't give a lot of high powered weapons to drug cartels to try to turn public opinion against gun owners etc, and Thank GOD Pres Trump doesn't appoint "czars" all over our gov to avoid congressional approval, Thank God Pres Trump KEEPS HIS promises unlike obaMao commie BROKE ALL OF HIS.... and THANK GOD Pres Trump doesn't turn the IRS, CIA, NSA, FBI and DOJ into political hit squads... I could go on.......
  20. these corrupt sombetiches need to be fired. now. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/04/07/admiral-giror-exposes-obama-holdovers-who-released-ig-report-in-the-middle-of-a-pandemic/
  21. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/07/china-does-it-again-u.k.-buys-antibody-tests-for-wuhan-coronavirus-from-china-but-theyre-defective
  22. you don't want to know how they have handled it. It's pretty sick, serious cover up.
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