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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I admire Barr - in a vicious political storm, he's stood on principle and won't back down. Making political opponents afraid is what the left does - being left is what is corrupt. He stands on the CONSTITUTION - that has to be our nation's guide. They want power at any length they have to go to.
  2. That's quite the little show you put on to distract people from the fact that you called Trump, and I quote:- "a farce of a nominee" - "a circus barker/a con man"- "Trump isn't conservative" And then you fell into line like a good little boy because the candidate or your values don't matter, just the party. And you said when he ran for president. He announced his candidacy in 2015, before your post. Cruz, Bush, Trump, etc... they were all running for president. If you want to say you completely changed your mind and did a 180 once he was the Rep nominee, sure. But no shit you did because you had no choice at that point. You had to fall in line. *************************************************** I was the first one to talk about how I called him a "circus barker" early on. I was the first one to talk about how I didn't like him early on. I didn't "fall into line". During the primaries, I was a Ted Cruz guy. I SAID I STARTED LISTENING TO HIM AFTER HE WON THE PRIMARIES and was the nominee that was running for president on the republican ticket. The primaries were over after june 2016. The election was nov 2016. My gosh, you really are ignorant. You need to grow up a good bit. Perhaps I'm not the only one that wonders if you are actually in junior high school still. You never seem to have anything to genuinely talk about on any issue, like I've said several times before. So you bitch and argue and try for fake "gotcha's" to try to contribute instead - I've told you that before. No workie, emotional knee-jerkie. but you just keep making an ignorant ASS of yourself.
  3. Yesterday, I went to the drug store - prescription - and went through the drive-through. It was busy. Lunchtime, only 5 cars in the parking lot, one person walking in wore a mask as I drove in. I would have gone in, but they are probably still out of hand sanitizer and bleach wipes, etc. we still have some. Gave a refill to a neighbor - her husband works in contruction - a medical building. Stopped off at a little family-owned grocery, and wore my disposable gloves and mask. Another lady was in there, she wore a mask, no gloves. The way the virus can exist in the air for three days? For now, I think wearing a mask has been important. But after so many days since that started, I think eventually, it won't be necessary anymore. That time isn't now - just my hunch. Only six people were allowed in the store at one time - another guy walked in with no mask or gloves, and another lady walked in with a mask. the workers weren't wearing anything - but I noticed instead of the two elderly gals there - I believe one was not there - and I suppose it may have been her daughter working instead. Texas Roadhouse - take out only - they deliver it to your car, wearing rubber gloves, have you sign for credit card, and they sanitize the pen each time they go back in, they said. They are really busy. Bank is only open inside by appt, we had to go into the bank to get our safety deposit box when we bought our car. A person had just come out, wearing a mask. Wife wanted to go in, wore the gloves and mask. For now, You can't be too careful. We'll get back to normal, Went fishing day before yesterday. Today - winter storm/snow hit overnight. lol two other guys in the bait shop wore a mask besides me. Let's help NOT SPREAD this virus - we'll defeat it. Seems like plenty of cars out on the road now. Where other folks have been - it could be on a doornob/handle, on a product you buy, on a pen, counter, in the air. But I think we are on our way back to normal. I hope. Self-quarantining - Wife has finished half of a very, very hard 1000 piece puzzle, and I never did find one piece. How the heck... dammit. lol
  4. Service Employees International Union - Conservapedia https://www.conservapedia.com/Service_Employees_International_Union The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a socialist, politically powerful labor union with 2 million members in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, and the largest union of property service workers in the United States. *************************************************** Trump Cuts Off States From Skimming Medicaid Payments For ... https://dailycaller.com/2019/05/03/center-for-medicaid-services-seiu The new regulation will prevent states from skimming up to $150 million per year from Medicaid payments and diverting it to other causes. The Freedom Foundation found that in 2018 eight states – California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Vermont and Washington – were skimming money off Medicaid payments to caretakers. Labor union unveils $150M campaign to help defeat Trump https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/feb/27/... Feb 27, 2020 · WASHINGTON (AP) — One of the nation’s largest labor unions is unveiling plans to invest $150 million in a nationwide campaign to help defeat President Donald Trump, a … *******************************************************
  5. True, but some corps are not soulless, they are just trying to stay in business. Greedy? some are. But some of the bigger unions are destructively corrupt. I'm not defending bad corps. I'm talking about bad, powerful corrupt unions. Unions drove prices up, corps did not. Unions became far too powerful, the union brass got RICH, and eventually, the unions were not needed - they had terrific wages, safe working conditions, justified job security, etc etc. But the union brass didn't want to be not needed anymore - they picked battles that were not necessary, etc, and eventually went way leftwing socialist progressive democrat politically to continue to have a giant fight, albeit a fake one, to continue to focus members on a "struggle", instead of having members say - "well, why do we need a union anymore? why are we always paying union dues, and they back every democrat candidate no matter how corrupt etc" ??? I'm not talking about good unions - this is not about firefighters, etc. *************************************************** The AFL–CIO engages in substantial political spending and activism, typically in support of Democrats and liberal or progressive policies. The AFL–CIO was formed in 1955 when the AFL and the CIO merged after a long estrangement. Membership in the union peaked in 1979, when the AFL–CIO had nearly twenty million members. ************************************************* That is the AFL-CIO, Their president? Richard Trumka. ************************************************* "AFL-CIO's Trumka: 'Socialism would be a step up for me ... https://pjmedia.com/blog/afl-cios-trumka-socialism-would-be-a-step-up-for-me AFL-CIO's Trumka: 'Socialism would be a step up for me' Everyone else is focusing fire on this article because, in it, AFL-CIO poobah Richard Trumka claims that unions just might withhold funds ... Trumka Doesn't Know the Difference Between a Socialist and ... https://www.independentsentinel.com/trumka-doesnt... Sep 12, 2015 · Trumka was behind other acts of violence and the record proves it. He has had a long cozy relationship with socialists and communists. In 1994, Trumka proudly accepted the Eugene Debs Award named after the five-time presidential candidate and labor organizer who founded the Socialist Party of America. Union Head Richard Trumka Sees AFL-CIO as Socialist Vehicle https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/... Jan 10, 2011 · Union Head Richard Trumka Sees AFL-CIO as Socialist Vehicle Though his manner of expression is reminiscent of Boston Mayor Thomas Menino's indefinite grammar, the stark meaning behind Trumka's...
  7. Of course you are - it takes a very obvious and clear cut illegality to refuse, I grant you that. War crimes - you follow an order and do it, you are guilty. My story above is a true story. You can't be ordered to falsely admit guilt. You'd get in trouble for upfront going with the lie after the facts came in. I was between a rock and a hard place, so I kept true to the truth.
  8. actually, I know that from experience. In basic training, one day, (have I told this one before?), we did all our cleaning up early one morning, fell out, and marched for a few hours, and stood at attention for something or another. And one of our TI's was running toward us. Yelling my name, ...he said he was going to kill me, blankety-blank, and he was serious. When he got close enough, my other not as mean TI and the TI of the flight next to us literally grabbed him and stopped him from getting to me. Seriously. They talked him down, he walked away really po'd. So, the other one comes up to me and asked what the heck I did. I told him "Sir, I did nothing wrong, sir" and he looked at me, puzzled. Later on, the TI walked into the cleaning supplies closet and went apecrap after closing the door. Screaming at me, told me I was going to be set back to the very first day, and his friend, a TI will never let me finish basic. He was really pizzed off. Well, I don't know why. And every time he yelled, he got more irate. Turns out, after we fell out, some guy spilled water on the bathroom floor, and panicked, grabbed my perfectly wrung and COMBED strands mop off the hanger, and used it, then threw it into the closet and fell out, last man to get down there. So, he figured I did it. and we just so happened to have had an IG inspection. We flunked it because of the mop. Now, for all those who were never in the service, etc, each can of comet had to be facing directly forward, a pencil width away from each other, each mop - the strands were actually combed straight, etc etc. So, I wouldn't say I did it, and he blew up like a bomb, bumping into my chest and screaming he was giving me a direct order to admit it threw the wet nasty mop into the closet. He directly ordered me to say I did it. So, despite having a terrific sense of humor, and being a great order follower, I got po'd right back him. Ordering me to lie was an illegal order. So, I yelled right back into his face "SIR, I will not lie, I did not do it, SIR" His red face turned enraged and a bit blue, he started screaming "that's it, you _))(*&)(*&, I'm having you court martialed, you just disobeyed my order!". At that point, the other TI threw open the door and yelled at him that that was ENOUGH and to get out of there. He looked at me and shook his head like "what the hell is going on, I believe you". So, my life was screwed up bad. My knee was acting up where it kept me up at night, etc, now I'm going to be courtmartialed... but I didn't quit. I kept right on doing my job, expecting to have MP's come get me and throw me into jail. The next evening, I'm still doing my closet supplies job, and he came back in. I figured that was it. He closed the door behind him, and quietly said we needed to have a talk, man to man. He said a lot of nice things about me, and I'm wondering what is going on. He explained that the guilty party came forward and admitted he did it, only after several friends of mine told him to, or they would out him themselves. He said I was a heck of man to stand up to him. He said in his years, he never once had an airman yell back at him. He said his order to get me to admit guilt was an illegal order, and he admired how I stood up to him. As he left, he stopped, closed the door and came back up to me. He said, "oh, and airman... if you ever tell anybody I was wrong and apologized to you...I'll kill ya. He grinned and left. You just are responsible for refusing to obey a LEGAL order. You just have to know the difference.
  9. yep, and you know as well as I do: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/military-orders-3332819 Lawful Orders Military members failing to obey lawful orders issued by their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) outlines the crime of willful disobedience by a military member a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 covers willful disobedience of a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 conveys what constitutes the crime of disobedience of any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be "willful" under this article). These articles require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. Not only should an unlawful order not be obeyed, obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders.
  10. woodypeckerhead - my post date was March 30, 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries The 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries and caucuses were a series of electoral contests that took place within all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories between February 1 and June *********************************************** So, I said he was a con man in March 2016. It wasn't until he ran for president and won the primaries, and became the nominee that I really started to listen to him and started to believe him. I said " I said I thought he was a con man before he ran for president, and won the primary, but after he was the nominee...then I started listening to him and decided he was really serious. " Pres Trump didn't win the nomination to run for pres until after June 2016. I didn't believe in him before that. March is the third month of the year. June is the sixth. Good golly, you don't know the order of the MONTHS in a year? I repeat....., I said it in March 2016. The primaries were over in June 2016. AFTER HE WON the nomination, and I started listening to him, I got on board with him. He was serious - put aside his circus barker reputation, and became a REal American running for president because warts and all, he LOVES OUR COUNTRY. He has been a GREAT AMERICAN PRESIDENT. what is wrong with you? You say you are good with numbers... Which.....month comes first............the third month... or the sixth month in a year? Take your time. Learn to research on the internet.Phone a friend. Oh, I forgot, never mind.... Go out and have a talk with some homeless person. Use your fingers and a calendar. Does little woodsies have feather moltsies?
  11. The Chinese people there in the pic - look like they were ordered out of town to be used as a publicity stunt. you don't go, you get shot. they don't look happy.
  12. "The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. " Does America enforce martial law? Not in the US it doesn’t Especially since the majority of US troops would dessert or refuse to enforce martial law if they found it unconstitutional or immoral. Soldiers swear to protect the nation and the Constitution not serve a president or even their generals.
  13. I had to go look it up myself: https://www.politicususa.com/2013/04/19/glenn-beck-calls-obamas-impeachment-boston-terrorist-attack.html Glenn Beck has accused the White House covering up suspects in the Boston terrorist attack, and is calling for President Obama to be impeached. Here is the audio via Media Matters: Beck is claiming that Saudi national, who law enforcement already ruled out as a suspect is a suspect. He then blamed the media for covering this up, and called for the impeachment of President Obama. Beck said, “When I found out yesterday, who that guy is and what we have on him, and how our media was rooting for an American to be the killer. And how our president, this administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and everything else. How they have covered this up. How they have aided and abetted this guy is obscene, and it’s criminal. It’s out of control, and when America knows the full story on this, if she doesn’t stand up, and quite honestly, I think demand impeachment and the mass firing if not shutting down of agencies, we don’t stand a chance.” The Saudi national that Beck declared a suspect was cleared by law enforcement two days ago. The man isn’t a suspect. He’s a witness. Of course, this is all part of Beck’s grand conspiracy theory which leads to the impeachment of President Obama. The right has been whining for days that the left is politicizing the events in Boston, but a call for the president’s impeachment based on a conspiracy theory borders on a level betrayal that is almost treasonous.
  14. liar. I said I thought he was a con man before he ran for president, and won the primary, then I started listening to him and decided he was really serious. There you go AGAIN, manufacturing a false narrative so you can argue with it and have a pseudo-point. I guarantee that any dem that runs for big office, is screened for being a leftwing sheep and of course, you probably give those creeps great big smoochies in your birdbrain dreams.
  15. more stupid woodpecker crap. He's kept his promises, and obaMao commie broke all if his. and your "idk" is typical birdbrain TDS. https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-obama-scandals-and-controversies-3367635 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/01/02/18-major-scandals-obama-presidency/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/book-obamas-29-scandals-and-the-medias-campaign-to-hide-them-1 *********************************** Obama has committed several offenses while in office that are impeachable. They include the use of prosecutorial discretion to not enforce provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act; the failure to submit to Congress a breach of Iran deal when Iran launched its first ICBM missiles in March 2016;
  16. Oh, come on. Obamao didn't have fed judges stopping him temporarily for political reasons. He didn't have the msm trying to destroy his presidency, and obaMao commie never had a hostile congress invent fake investigations and a fake impeachment. etc. etc. etc. ObaMao spiked gov hiring - put liberal activists all over our entire gov. Pres Trump has those same people trying to get him out of office by hook or crook. Of COURSE Pres Trump has every right to get rid of the leakers, suspected leakers, liars, and dupes used by the intel services and deep state TDS'ers all around. These deep state dirtbags have everything to lose if they can't get rid of PRes Trump and/or keep him from getting re-elected.
  17. LOL ! I keep teasing her, she drives so fast some of the grass doesn't get cut even around turns, and she always turns left like a Nascar driver. Never one boring second all these years....
  18. Good point - I'll just change it to "deep state loyalist". who bitches a lot, like all the rest of the prominent deep state members.
  19. it's dumb to think that Pres Trump supports blindly support him just because of party. That is lame and fake news-ish. We admire Pres Trump because he promised to put originalists on the Supreme Court. He DID. etc etc etc etc. He promised, he kept the promised. Compare that to obamao who said one thing before elected, and did the opposite after being elected.
  20. yep. wrote about it elsewhere. No fish caught. I decided that it was a cold front - that - and that the fish were social distancing. Haven't spent much time out in the woods, rain, etc, tornado warning night before last... but last year? Year and a half? I took a picture of a baby Great Horned Owl 9' above my head. That was priceless. Another month of all this, and I'm gonna go hunt some canadian geese for supper, if I can find out the proper way to prepare it. And, I'm going to go "Caddyshack" on some groundhogs. They are out again. dammit. Going to start looking for morels soon.
  21. Woody.................... the doctors have emphatically been declaring that PRes Trump IS LISTENING TO THEM, ALL THE TIME, and has NEVER FAILED TO ACT as they advise. all this TDS conspiracy theory crap.
  22. obaMao appointed all those "czars" to bypass Congressional approval. That is kiingly. Not Pres Trump. TEx always gets the wrong pres to blame. TDS
  23. I used to think that, but I found out I could right click on it and pick "view image"
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