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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. listen to experts - former lab head at Walter Reed hospital Mr Chang - I respect him hugely. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/should-trouble-us-deeply-chilling-documentary-maps-out-likely-origin-covid-19?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi.media&utm_campaign=zerohedge
  2. yep. another deep state loyalist - that explains him very well. Sending this to friends -
  3. so, you crave negative attention like woodpecker. too bad - it just adds to the bs on important subjects. yeah, don't listen to the PHD from MIT.
  4. he must be fired. he's a deep state swamp dirtbag. Everybody needs to listen to this (originally posted by Gorka in another thread)
  5. Gorka, this needs to be it's own thread. THANKS for posting this. Fire Fauci absolutely ! We take extra vitamin D and C over the winter - found out other friends have been, too. - Dr.s' advice
  6. it won't be ignored later on, when the swamp hits the fan...er...trials. Like I"ve posted before - the swampy dirtbags mueller, comey and mccabe all KNEW the fake dossier was misinformation crap from russian sources - and they went with it anyways, to protect all of themselves from being found out. Deep state self-appointed controllers of our country. Even to the point of declaring war on a president that won't be controlled by them. and, basically, declaring war on the American people. Liberals demand to control narratives to fit their warped emotions and cover for their emotional weaknesses. It makes them feel like napoleons, or darth vader. or mao. It's history.
  7. Maybe the pansy birdbrain is so desperate for a friend, DH knows better. He's just got a soft spot for a pitiful lonely bird. Dr Fauci explained that it was commie china and the WHO telling the world lies, and he was going by what was alleged to be true. The world found out too late. That is the truth.
  8. it's taken too long, but results are coming in: https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/04/12/solomon-durham-has-subpoenaed-questioned-witnesses-before-a-d.c.-grand-jury
  9. LOL ~ That is some great funny stuff right there !
  10. Okay, I'm still waiting for somebody to fess up to teaching Woody the "F" word. dammit.
  11. or just wait and draft Derrick Brown at ten. If he's there....... there's apt to be some agonizing decisions in the top ten.
  12. okay, I have to give this two - Upvote Haha
  13. IT's the way you post. You don't have opinions much, it's like you are a coward and won't stick your neck out. You just feel like attacking others' opinions makes you safer to feeeeel a fake sense of superiority? Your slurs against other folks don't hold up. I have never called anyone my "enemy" for disagreeing with me. Look, seriously - everybody on this forum has their own expertise, their own experiences in life, their own education, and their own beliefs. Strong belief systems about life are accrued over time, Woodpecker. If I sat around a campfire, with anybody else on this forum, we could both laugh and tell stories all evening long, and disagree for the fun of it. You don't have stories, it seems. You don't have a life, much. You just bitch and sqawk like you are "Darth Vader" online. No sense of humor. From your posts - I think you have no experiences to call your own, not much. Here's a clue - that you won't get - it's called "self-actualization". Look it up. I believe every single one of us have self-actualized long ago. You, my opinion, never have. You have no stories. Seriously - I could tell you some amazing stories just being in the service. and DH was in for an entire career? He could out-story me all evening long! So could plenty of others, I suppose. You bitch at other folks' opinions because you don't have a basis for having your own belief system, it seems to me. You slur, bitch, but you never have reasons. You just have emotions. That's pretty empty, I think. But you will - eventually. or not? Right now - you are the only who is a clay pot that is empty and cracked, because your feeble attempts to contribute constructively don't hold water. Okay, that's funny. Admit it. and try to grow up without the bird flu.
  14. I agree with you - but sometimes you are between a rock and a hard place. It's just me - I think Andrew Thomas is that excellent, and is a not worry about him starting- LT from day one. But, there's demand inflation - and all sorts of teams need LT's to protect their qb's. It's a premium position. To me, the guy you take in the top ten has to be a dramatic immediate addition and a starter from day one. Of the top five, I don't see Becton or Wirfs starting at left tackle. Wills - I suppose it would take time to adapt to playing on the left side...isn't as agile, to me anyways, as Thomas and Jones. Wirfs is amazing, but had an OWI in 2018 - subject as part of an interview maybe.... and Josh Jones, LT ? I think he will be a lot like Thomas, but he'd need more coaching and a strong work ethic, which he has. It's just that trading down - I would lose Jones for sure, now. The big question, to me....what if...Derrick Brown or Simmons falls to the Browns at ten? If I had to decide for a team, could I draft a LT instead of Derrick Brown? In a draft deep in left tackles? If I drafted Derrick Brown, probably All-pro... could I depend on the backup pick at LT to still be there at ten in the second round? If the Giants don't pick with their #4 pick, would they nab the second LT I wanted? Bartch ? Peart? would they be there in the third? probably not? LOL. This draft is going to be fascinating crazy. Maybe Canton Mike should rent a big screen TV out in his backyard, and we could all wear masks and sit six feet apart outside. Hebrew national hotdogs and root beer during the NFL draft first round rocks ! lol I'll have to go buy my own, have me at home...but that's ok.
  15. "conspiracy theory" is just another liberal attempt at a slap down towards the truth about things. Now, there are crazy, stupid conspiracy theories, sure. A true conspiracy theory has zero substance behind it, and various invalid motivations behind it - some of those being basically political, emotional, ornithological, or a result of ignorance and lack of understanding yielding to the desire of getting negative attention. The left equates "obaMao is a socialist" with "this guy says he lived in a town where all the people there looked like people, except they turned into alien lizard people at night" lol That is basically because liberals demand to control narratives, haven't lived much of life to have accrued wisdom, and in the case of you know who, only have three toes and molt. The truth about anything doesn't matter- all what matters is how they feel about themselves. Which, ranges from napoleonic to demonic. The woodpecker sasses like the devil, so I just thought to throw that in there. LOL
  16. all veterans are creepy to you. We stepped out and served, and you don't respect that. and including those who have served in other ways - that's pretty much all of us - all of us have real lives, real opinions, and at least some wisdom. You? not so much. You post like you are on attention deficit meds and haven't learned to fly... Yet? In so many years? you are one that, if you left the board, it would be addition by subtraction.
  17. yet, you never seem to fact check your own antagonistic counter-others' opinions crap. learn to do your own freakin research and have your own point of view. Just because you can't lived enough life to have wisdom, doesn't mean you can't learn. You need to get our of your sassy woodpecker stage of life and get on with your growth as a real person.
  18. the woodpecker seems to ridicule anyone on the board that has an honest opinion - except he never has honest opinions of his own - he feels he gets to "win" that way. when you have nothing going for you as a real human being on a forum, ... well, negative attention is better, to them, than none at all. How can a woodpecker molt 24/7 all year long? We need a scientific study. Maybe we need a scientific study on that, perhaps he should go to China and study bats...because he has nothing legitimate to add to discussions... and he's sqawks fake antagonistic/belligerent put-downs on people like a BAT out of hell.
  19. https://checkyourfact.com/2020/02/29/fact-check-donald-trump-coronavirus-hoax-south-carolina-rally/ “Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,'” reads the headline. Verdict: False Trump referred to the alleged “politicizing” of the coronavirus by Democrats as “their new hoax.” He did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax. Throughout the speech, Trump reiterates his administration is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously.
  20. don't feed the woodpecker...lol He said the pandemic was the DEMOCRATS new hoax - as in, falsely blaming HIM for it. https://checkyourfact.com/2020/02/29/fact-check-donald-trump-coronavirus-hoax-south-carolina-rally/ “Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,'” reads the headline. Verdict: False Trump referred to the alleged “politicizing” of the coronavirus by Democrats as “their new hoax.” He did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax. Throughout the speech, Trump reiterates his administration is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously.
  21. then there is the truth. Jesse Watters had an expert on, and this expert explained that: the virus technically came from a type of bat. He actually knows the "batman" = the chinese investigator that has been going into caves and studying bats - their feces, blood, viruses.... for decades. I believe it was 50 years. and how does he study them? He brings them to the Wuhan Bio Lab, of course, which, btw, the lab is about 600 miles from the caves. Judge Jeanine also had an expert contagious disease/scientist on, and he said: that hydrochoroxine sp? has been approved and used since 1955, on about 10,000,000 patients. He talked about the prescribed amount - 2 pills the first day, one pill for the next 4 or 5 days, I don't remember which. He said there is no reason for the political disinformation that is going around, that Pres Trump asked the FDA to expedite trial critical tests of using it, there have been signs that it shows serious promise. Pres Trump was bitterly criticized by the dems, msm, and the pro commie chinese hack of the WHO for stopping travel. He was the first one who did it. THAT is leadership, people. (and birdbrain) Another guest on Fox explained that the Nigerian head of the WHO - was put in place by the commie chinese - because they do billions of trade with nigeria, etc etc. the head of the WHO is in their back pocket. They both LIED and COVERED UP the danger of the virus. and Dr. Fauci was on, Watters asked him about the confusion - at first - he said it was nothing to worry about, no need to wear a mask. Dr. Fauci explained that the chinese gov and the WHO were complicit in not telling the world about the danger, that is the information they were given, and found out the truth way too late to prevent the current crisis. Meanwhile, the stupid ass msm "gloat" about the United States surpassing Italy in the number of deaths in one day. What they don't tell you - liberal hack style - is that Italy has a population of about 60 million, and the United States has a population about 380 million. Meanwhile... on the list of countries' death rate due to the virus - Italy was first with the worst. then several countries down the list. Germany was last, with the lowest death rate. America was second to last.
  22. well, woodpecker, just once, bird up and tell us how Pres Trump has failed and done bad things. Not that you would know bad things, you wouldn't admit any of them for eight years of your obaMao commie. A LOT of Real Americans LOVE the leadership that Pres Trump has shown. you just bitch at posters on the forum, otherwise, you can't muster much of any kind of legit opinion about anything.
  23. oh, no...... man....get well soon, Prayers from me, too - take care, keep us posted.
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