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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. because he has honest reasons. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/14/tale-of-two-endorsements-obama-finally-comes-out-for-biden-but-this-endorsement-for-trump-is-what-matters/ While Obama’s endorsement is pro forma, Vernon Jones’ endorsement of the Trump is not. Georgia democrat Rep. Vernon Jones endorsed President @realDonaldTrump. Jones views Trump as a transformative figure who has helped the black community.https://t.co/TW7VYOrevs — #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) April 14, 2020 Jones is a Democratic state representative from Georgia, DeKalb County, a big Democratic stronghold. Jones is definitely bucking his party in coming out for Trump. Jones said he viewed Trump as a transformative figure who has helped African American voters, military veterans and farmers with his policies. “It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign,” Jones said. “This is not about switching parties. There are a lot of African Americans who clearly see and appreciate he’s doing something that’s never been done before,” Jones added. “When you look at the unemployment rates among black Americans before the pandemic, they were at historic lows. That’s just a fact.”
  2. Except the WHO lied. The WHO Lied and Created a Global Panic: Second Extensive ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/lied... Apr 12, 2020 · The WHO Lied and Created a Global Panic: Second Extensive Study Finds Coronavirus Mortality Rate Is 0.4% Not 3.4% -- Similar to Seasonal Flu Anything to Make It Easier to Cheat: Soros-Funded Group Pushes Drop Boxes for Voting -- That Way No IDs Are Required!
  3. pretty stupid when all you have to vent about OUR President Trump - is fake news, fake outrage, fake mocking, fake ridicule, false accusations and hateful discriminatory slurs. Our country needs to come together amidst all this... and we get that from the haters. pitiful. Their emotions is all that matters.
  4. DH is a new youtube get attention guy. whatever. False narratives gets it done, too, I suppose.
  5. the marxist pig finally favors the piglet that "won" their primary that they never had. "yay" nothin.
  6. and, the WHO and China complained when Pres Trump did it. It's all so asinine - screw with our president if he does/doesn't/thinks about it/etc etc etc. Like I've said elsewhere- to them, it's a belligerent attention getting game, like posting videos on youtube and getting followers. That is how damn divided obaMao commie and his ilk have done to our country.
  7. While the Fake News Media refuses to report the truth about all of President Trump's efforts to Keep America Safe, he has never stopped delivering on his promises: He closed ALL borders for the time being to Keep Americans Safe He recently signed the CARES Act, which will provide immediate relief to our Nation The WALL is being FINISHED - we recently completed 100 brand-new miles We replaced the failing NAFTA with the USMCA - a massive WIN for American workers He's ensured our military is well-funded, trained, and equipped for battle And, his administration is combating cyberattacks by foreign governments and rogue nations.
  8. dirty dangerously destructive politics works with their twisted emotions. It's a club. "Enraged for no good reason knee-jerking sombeitches"
  9. liberals lie. It makes them happy. Your post is duly noted as proof. No legit reason for your rambling. You can't back it up with facts, just rage. TDS will often do that.liar 'n thief
  10. that is so dumb it isn't funny, which means DH thinks it is real. Pres Trump wasn't president when NY went into the crap hole, never was a politician, nothing like that. Diverting from the truth - your democrats crapped it up.
  11. Hoorta translation: "I know I can't back up what I say, but I keep saying it anyways" yup. TDS
  12. With liberals, wishful thinking is their reality. Makes them FEEL happy.
  13. eh. you haven't backed up your earlier contentions. You got nothin. Duly noted. China is our enemy not our friend. Your point is bs - "psychotic" is on you, not anybody else. You ignore the point about the virus BIO LAB BEING THERE IN WUHAN. And, a famous scientist isolated the genome? whatever, in the virus that caused it to be able to be transmitted to people. And the chinese gov destroyed all samples, hid the research, refused to let any American...or western scientists into China. They wouldn't even let the CDC in. and they lied, lied and covered up. And pressured the director of the WHO to join in with their lies. He is in their back pocket due to being from Nigeria, and the billions of trade with Nigeria. If you don't think the communist chinese gov could lock down the part of Wuhan where this erupted and been honest to the world, etc... then you won't believe the millions and millions murdered by the mao regime. Ignorance is bliss when you can't back up WHY you say what you say. Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years ... https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/... Sep 17, 2010 · Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'. Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday. I'm talking about a vicious evil communist government, Hoorta, NOT NEW YORK. Your point is as dull as woodpecker's beak.
  14. always sarcastic taking out of context. Then we have to give the rest of the story like Axe did here. If it makes liberals feel good, they will twist anything, invent anything to get there.
  15. oops. that last bunch froze up. crap. By deflecting blame where it belongs, and admitting TDS with alleging "xenophobia" over the travel ban, you, by omission, want the focus on Pres Trump as at fault somehow. It's all over the media. I believe there are different strains of TDS....
  16. CHINA IS TO BLAME: One Senator saw the signs that the CCP ... https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/china-is-to-blame... Apr 11, 2020 · RADIO April 11, 2020 CHINA IS TO BLAME: One Senator saw the signs that the CCP lied to the world about coronavirus While the W.H.O. was lying to the world about the strange, new virus making its way through China, Senator Tom Cotton was one of the first to sound the alarm on just how dangerous coronavirus could be. Turns out, he was right. Growing opinion in US that China's coronavirus figures are ... https://en.mercopress.com/2020/04/02/growing... 11 days ago · However, controversy around Beijing's transparency has strained ties, adding to bad feelings triggered by a conspiracy theory in China that the US military was to blame for the virus. China Is Trolling the World and Avoiding Blame - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/... Mar 19, 2020 · China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well … Yes, Blame China - townhall.com https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2020/03/19/yes-blame-china-n2565203 Mar 19, 2020 · Given the Chinese government's disgraceful and documented efforts to lie about what happened and assign bogus responsibility, blaming Beijing is … How China’s Coronavirus Incompetence Endangered the World https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/15/coronavirus... Some China watchers have likened the coronavirus crisis for Chinese President Xi Jinping to the threat the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in 1986 posed to Mikhail Gorbachev’s hold on the Soviet Union. Make China pay! Majority of Brits blame 'utter contempt ... https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1268127/corona... 1 day ago · Make China pay! Majority of Brits blame 'utter contempt' of Beijing for coronavirus - poll MOST Britons blame the Chinese Government for allowing Covid-19 to become a … China’s deadly coronavirus-lie co-conspirator — the World ... https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/chinas-deadly... 11 days ago · China’s deadly coronavirus-lie co-conspirator — the World Health Organization ... They report that a Chinese lab isolated and identified the strange new virus last December — but that the ...
  17. I backed up my contention. You back up yours. You are all wet in Egypt to favor China and slur Pres Trump. Where is your substance behind your contention?
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