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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. That is true - but he is very quick and mirrors very, very well, and in strong. Is it just me? (probably lol) Peart, from reading about him here and there, reminds me of Cameron Erving, OT. 2" less wingspan, but ...Bartch has that mean streak, the physicality... the competitiveness. I think Erving just didn't have the love for the game. He's still around though -
  2. LOL. You're right - Peart is very intriguing - but we need a starter that has the strength - not sure Peart is enough of a weight room guy yet. I like Ben Bartch better - he's meaner, loves the game - he's getting more and more attention: https://www.profootballnetwork.com/kyle-dugger-and-ben-bartch-help-boost-their-2020-nfl-draft-stock/
  3. It's ""easy" lol. Trade down, get Jones, or trade down again, and reach on a LT. Then, "with 2 picks in round 2".... you nab either Tiam's Jeremy Chinn, or Kyle Dugger with one pick, and either another OT, or... you draft one of the top wr's available. In round three (three picks in round 3 >???), I really, really like Logan Wilson, LB.
  4. Atlanta sits at 16. If Thomas and Simmons were both gone by 10... I'd seriously think about trading down absolutely. The trouble is, Jones could be gone... but it's a draft deep in OT's. So, if there is a second tier guy you really believe in, why not? If indeed, Ruggs is in that high a demand - we won't draft a wr in the first (I'm pretty sure)... the extra picks would come in handy, especially with this staff - who I believe will rock every one of their picks. https://www.si.com/nfl/browns/news/atlanta-falcons-potential-trade-partner-for-cleveland-browns
  5. Actually, I found it a bit funny. The idea that "TDS" is a disease is just the usual attempt to focus legit attention to the problem. I think it derives from a basic reliance on emotions, to explain it. I've long wondered - how anyone could go so obviously beligerently wrong, so often, about Pres W. Bush. The close election with Gore was what tipped the scale - the democratic side railed about how "Bush stole the election" , which was obviously bs. But belligerent, repetitive EXTREME bs we see now if often so far out of normalcy - folks how have to wonder. It's like it's a youtube contest to see who can be more outrageous that anybody else, and get fame. Maybe fortune after getting a job repeatedly bashing Pres Trump - not for genuine complaints, which a lot of his tweets would be - but blaming him for any feigned slight on earth they can manufacture. Three years of criminal behavior by the ObaMao's heads of the FBI, CIA, DNC, and the dems in Congress - and they had nothing the entire time. What they did have, was nothing legit - it was a farce - they lied to the FISA court numerous times, lied to Congress to cover it up, and lied to the American people. What the hell? It was a dishonest attempt to malign/get rid of a president WE ELECTED, and that they feared. He wanted to drain the swamp - THEY are the swamp. And it's coming down the pike - per AG Barr. The last election - seems to be the "feather that broke the camel's back"... the left lost another close election. They have been demanding the import of illegals from Mexico, and demand that they become citizens... so they can VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS WHO GIVE THEM A FREE RIDE. So, TDS is an emotional, extremely hostile unhealthy rage over losing. They lost the chance to permanently own the Supreme Court. Lost momentum on the socialist free ride for everybody, lost their chance at owning the federal judiciary, lost their chance at owning America's purse strings.... Greed and desperation for free stuff. That is why illegals come here. There is no common decency with the left now. Any abortion any time, threats to infect Pres Trump's children, etc - a hostile msm that is emotionally all in on the left - they lied about any political opposition. Trump/Republicans/all their voters/any media outlet that contradicts their hateful bs.... Hate historically has manifested itself into destruction of societies. Right now, the left has a war VS Christains and God. They have demanded God be taken out of schools. "Separation of Church and State". Sure. Except the leftwing hate means ... students can't wear a Christian t-shirt on "Tshirt Day" because some lefties FEEL it's "offensive". Kids, they demand, can't silently pray before they eat their lunch? THAT is OFFENSIVE and has nothing to do with "Separation of Church and STate". But the left takes things completely out of context and common sense, totally outside of common sense and legitimacy - it's a hate game to them. Lastly, we bashed ObaMao commie for what he DID, and his LIES. and real scandals and coverups like Benghazi, "Fast and Furious", Real Marriage - he LIED, "if you like your dr you can keep your dr, if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance"...his redline in Syria where he was a "paper tiger" and backed down? If you don't mean it, and it is right, you don't whimper and run and hide.... I've said before - if Pres Trump openly has oatmeal for breakfast, does anybody doubt some hack on MSNBC/CNN/wherever else...would claim that Pres Trump has oatmeal because it's "white" and he's a racist?
  6. Tex's post shows that liberals are fine with slurs, etc... but people on the other political side - if they ever say much of anything, somehow liberals will fake outrage, like woodpecker does, and raise hell about it. THEY need safe spaces. But Real Americans aren't allowed to be safe. It makes liberals very happy when they can control narratives, and stop the ones that don't make them happy.
  7. no - people that diss Hydroxychloroquine seem to be WRONG.
  8. Canton Dawg - you're probably pretty busy laying around in the hospital - but have you any idea how you contracted It? (Note to myself - sure, it feels goofy to wear a mask when going out - using bleach wipes on packages we pick up from the grocery carry out, and spraying my shoes when I get home etc... but more people were wearing masks to go into this popular grocery than I thought would be. The people working in them aren't though.
  9. https://neeworld.wordpress.com/2010/04/07/a-short-story-the-woodpecker/ A short story: The Woodpecker April 7, 2010 // 0 Hope everyone had a good Easter break. As for me, I went on a camping trip and had an awesome time. But details will have to wait till the next post as I have had a sudden urge to try my hand at fiction. I wanted to write a very short story and see how I go with it, so without further ado, here goes: Once upon a time there lived a flock of birds. But this was no ordinary flock of birds. It was very unique because there were many types of birds living together. In this flock there was an Eagle, a Parrot, a Magpie, a Crow, an Asian Paradise Flycatcher, and a Woodpecker. The Eagle was old and wise. The Magpie and the Crow kept mostly to themselves and although they had their differences they were friends. The Parrot was pretty much a Parrot – it would easily go with the flow and repeat anything anyone said. The Paradise Flycatcher was also quite old and spent all her time telling others what to do. Since she was at an advanced age none of the other birds dared to tell her off and listened obediently. The Woodpecker was bigger than all the other birds, even bigger than the Eagle. So the Woodpecker thought he was ‘special’ and started acting pompously. He also could sing better than the other birds and would entertain the others in the flock with many a song. The Parrot was attracted to the many antics that the Woodpecker pulled and they soon became best friends. The Parrot also started being pompous. The Eagle, being wise, noticed this trend and advised the Parrot and the Woodpecker to behave themselves and show some respect around the nest. However, the Flycatcher was already under the spell of the Woodpecker. She was so taken by the singing of the Woodpecker that she would always find an excuse for his behavior. What she didn’t realize was that the Woodpecker was above all very cunning. He pretended to listen to the Flycatcher and be very obedient, bus as soon as her back was turned he was up to no good. In addition to the general boisterous nature, the Woodpecker had become very adept at avoiding any work. He would find a way of passing on his chores to the Magpie and the Crow and occasionally the Parrot. So while the other birds went off looking for food, the Woodpecker and the Parrot would fly off in the other direction and wander about. But, the two of the would return to the nest just before the others came back. This way the other birds were forced to share the food with these two free-riders. This went on for sometime and the Crow and the Magpie started being vocal about the misbehavior of the Woodpecker. However, the Flycatcher was always there to rescue the Woodpecker and find an excuse for him missing chores. She would as things like “Oh, but he sings so nicely” or “He’s just being a boy”. But soon, the Crow and the Magpie had had enough of this nonsense. They went to the Eagle and told him that they were flying away to another flock. By this time the Eagle was also quite disappointing in the Woodpecker and the Parrot. So he gave his blessing to them and bade them farewell. Now, there was no one left in the flock to do the hard laborious tasks of finding food or cleaning up the nest. The Eagle was able to hunt but couldn’t provide for the whole flock by himself. The Flycatcher was too old and fragile to do any work. But none of this mattered to the Woodpecker and he continued to play the fool. He was able to coerce the Parrot into getting food for him. After sometime the Flycatcher got sick due to lack of food. But never did the Woodpecker even give her a passing glance. He didn’t care that the Flycatcher had always protected him when others pointed out his faults. He no longer had a use for the Flycatcher and left her to her fate. Seeing this the Parrot realized that he will be treated the same way by the Woodpecker. So the Parrot talked with the Eagle and decided to leave once the Flycatcher met her inevitable end. Did the Woodpecker notice he had lost everybody around him due to his actions? It was only when the Eagle and the Parrot left that the sad truth hit home. By this time it was too late – the ship had sailed away a long time ago. The Woodpecker was left all alone and had to fend for himself. But, he didn’t know how to, he had gotten so used to relying on others that he didn’t know anything on how to survive. The Woodpecker lived miserably for the rest of his life until he met his untimely death. ~ The End ~
  10. MSNBC talking points: https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/04/15/trump-derangement-syndrome-and-you/
  11. Woodpecker translation: "I love to give my obaMao phone up my tailfeathers because I always post out of that end"
  12. gee, we never said anything like that about your obaMao commie liar sombeitch president. You all would have screamed "THAT's RACIST". When I'm wrong, i'll let you know. Until then, Pres Trump was absolutely RIGHT in cutting travel - china and who told him not to. the blood in on china's hands. But you say it's on Trump? that's dumb. How about all the rest of the countries ON EARTH ? You still can't back up why you say what you say. You just keep saying it. Which is fine, we're used to it with Tex.
  13. I call sleazy men sluts too, stupid woodpecker. I've told you before, but you have a bad understanding of what you read, like Tex. The word "slut" applied to men, in the early usage of the word. and it isn't fake. She is a famous hypocrite, and still, you would love to give her great big beak smoochies.
  14. there was nothing implied. it was plain and simple - you ran with a smartass retort that was completely off base. Just don't teach woody the "B" word.
  15. Tex is very confused. He and DH are craving negative attention. They think it's fun. That makes them FEEL happy. weird.
  16. https://www.wsj.com/articles/possible-chinese-nuclear-testing-stirs-u-s-concern-11586970435 ************************************************* Of course they are. IT's what communists DO. always HAVE done. Read: "Germs" by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and /William Broad. Russia and America signed a bio weapons pact. then they immediately went underground and boosted research for years and years. Advantage - russians of course. Communist/socialist governments exist only by power and intimidation of the folks who live there, and by destructive behavior around the world.
  17. Drain the swamp - that means scumbag biden, and a whole bunch of other nasty corrupt sombeitches. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hunter-biden-may-still-be-a-board-member-of-chinese-firm-he-vowed-to-step-down-from-records-show
  18. what a criminal slut. https://www.theblaze.com/news/while-millions-are-jobless-amid-covid-19-millionaire-nancy-pelosi-shows-off-freezer-full-of-ice-cream-that-gets-her-through-these-trying-times
  19. We got our checks deposited. THANK GOD FOR OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP (and real republican Americans in Congress)
  20. I said "the likes of". Not you two specifically. People LIKE you and DH. asswhole. lol Emotions cause reading comprehension disorder - new guessimate as to the problem there.
  21. the only hope for our country is that most Real Americans will love their country enough to stop voting for these "entertaining" sick corrupt asswhole sombeitches.
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