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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. actually, the woodpecker can't muster his own creative posts, he merely flips the content and throws it back. Pretty much like a woodpecker trans-doll that repeats anything said to it.
  2. Still keenly interested in Logan Wilson, lb. 4th round maybe? https://www.nfl.com/prospects/logan-wilson?id=32195749-4c74-7370-743f-2000a41bbeba
  3. see, it goes back to liberals' emotion driving them in all things. We elected a tough Real American president who will stand up to the sold out msm, and stand up to the corrupt leftwing sombeitches, and STAND UP FOR US AND THE CONSTITUTION, and KEEP HIS PROMISES> Liberals love smooth talking corrupt talkers who don't do anything and if they do, they do it wrong for bad, self serving reasons. Like bill clinton and obaMao commie. And it makes them FEEL good that both of those liars were pretty enough, per the liberals, enough to have sex with. Let me tell you - Pres Trump isn't pretty, not a smooth talker, the rest of America does NOT GIVE A CRAP HOW YOU FEEL. We can see the results of Pres Trump standing up for our Constitution/Bill of Rights, our guns in particular, and standing up to the creeping corrupt bureaucrat deep stinking state of not elected sombeitches. And despite all the terrific things he has done FOR AMERICA and not himself or the left, the left hates him for it, and their emotional knee jerkwagon excuse is... "his tweets" don't get them off - they hate them. Weirdos.
  4. SO.... I was going to have my friend and CCW instructor order me a gun. He said so many were out of stock, he's looking for a wholesaler to find one to order for me. That is amazing. He also said ammo is in short supply because of overwhelming demand. Everybody panic buying. So many folks never thought this crisis would happen to us - especially over the entire country. A lot of folks are ordering online - but Amazon has reported covid19 in some of their employees, and it isn't just a few A lot of folks never thought to have a box of disposable nitrile gloves on hand. Well, hand sanitizer is very, very hard to find now - and bleach cloths and paper towels work great, but bleach is hard on the hands. I know some folks thought prepping in case of...whatever...was silly and that that would never happen here. It has. I'm amazed at how calm America has been so far. Even with resentment of controlling overreach in some states, they defiantly object but are calm. I was wondering if home breakins were going to start happening - but haven't heard of any yet. But the more desperate some people get, some bad actors will start taking desperate measures. It it gets much worse, you would want to be packing walking back out of a grocery or drug store later in the evening, maybe. I heard an expert talking - he said the evidence that this virus came from that lab - is mounting up. He also said, but the rumors that it is genetically engineered as a bioweapon was heartening. BUT....he said this virus ACTS like a bio-weapon. Not good. A friend of mine wondered if that lab combin traits of the rabies virus with covid19 - what would happen if they ever did. I said a lot more people would die - she said "zombie apocalypse". Not good. Might have been funny before all this... not much now. That was her point.
  5. and... Woody won't comment on Joe Biden. I predict Biden will choose Kamala Harris. because, they want to play the race card - get all the black vote again. and, she's a woman. Nope. Dream on buttock and moochelle. Ain't happenin, the American people, Real Americans know better.
  6. the ramblings of an angry attention whore... doesn't add much to the forum.
  7. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2020/04/browns-paul-depodesta-says-the-report-about-trading-odell-beckham-jr-to-vikings-was-completely-false.html
  8. she's getting more and more out of control. and destructive. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/16/pelosi-is-finally-asked-why-dems-are-blocking-refunding-program-to-aid-suffering-americans-her-answer-is-just-awful/
  9. then there is twitter, SUSPENDING the account of the conservative guy who made the funny memes. yep. Like the newspaper that changed their biden sex assault story... because the Biden campaign complained..... https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/04/17/twitter-suspends-prominent-conservative-for-using-joe-bidens-meme-maker/
  10. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/17/yikes-sheriff-allegedly-threatened-teens-family-with-arrest-if-she-didnt-remove-posts-about-having-wuhan-coronavirus/ something is wrong upstairs with a hack sheriff that would allow himself to be a power-seeking hack. It's about protecting our precious CONSTITUTION. and protecting the CITIZENS WHO ELECTED HIM. that's it.
  11. https://www.theblaze.com/news/the-biden-campaign-invited-people-to-make-their-own-team-joe-memes-it-did-not-go-as-planned
  12. Just some opinions - seems to me, that as free Americans - it's a sickening overreach to order people to stay inside their homes, period. Arrested and fined for going fishing, hunting or ALONE? WTF? That is lawsuit territory, and the state loses. I would like to blame in on democrat sombeitches, but I think the Oklahoma gov is a rep. Regardless, what are they going to start doing now? A tornado warning - if they find that you didn't go to your basement, you go to jail and get fined? I can see putting out serious warnings and advisories. But this isn't a martial law type of crisis. Now, if you are exposed and sick, and you go around and infect people to make some warped political statement? Then I would arrest that sicko. It comes down to this - a free people have discretion to run their own lives and make their own decisions. Inform em, advise them, but too many politicians don't understand the power of our Constitution...some willingly ignore it - to their serious discredit. There are sheriffs who are refusing to enforce these asinine declarations. I saw one of em read their mission - it had to do with the Constitution - not the whims of any politician. I've read where "safety" is a lever of power - the gov wants/demands that you be dependent on them for safety - one of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, at or near the top of the pyramid - meaning they must deny as much as possible - gun ownership. So people can't protect themselves. and "guaranteed income" is guaranteed votes and continued wealth and power for leftwing politicians. It's the old progressive/marxist/communist corrupt ploy.
  13. It's time well wasted. I proved your 90% bs totally wrong. it was actually 77% in my favor. You did well to "not read it" lol But anybody else on the board can read it and know. Have a nice day
  14. it's stupid to put people on a pedastal just because they are in a group you belong to. There are low dwelling scumbuckets in most any line of work. Military included. Anything else is emotional knee jerk nonsense.
  15. LOL LOL LOL meanwhile, woodpecker is in a constant state of molted confusion....
  16. I guess lies and other crap is one way to try to contribute to the forum... but it's not constructive or honest. ********************************************** Trump says he could see recommending all Americans wear masks https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/30/politics/trump-masks... Mar 30, 2020 · President Donald Trump said Monday he could foresee a scenario where all Americans are recommended to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
  17. same old crap. democrat - finding ways to claim "victimhood" as a way of getting votes. Actually, it would have been racist if the company refused to honor the region's native folk because the company didn't think they were worth respecting....
  18. the only surprise to me, is Murray. I think that doesn't make sense... a good bit harsh and off the mark. How can he be a risk, he's a lot? like Logan Wilson... beats me. Otherwise, not surprised that Batch is on the list - Divlll to the NFL is a very big jump. There's only 4 offensive linemen in the NFL from Divlll. We'll see if Bartch will be number five. https://www.ncaa.com/news/football/article/2019-09-02/players-diii-football-programs-2019-nfl-rosters
  19. bs. America did the best they could, despite the coverup and lies from China and the WHO.
  20. just to reiterate MY excellent point: As I've said, 90%+ of Americans either don't know, or don't give a rat's ass who's fault it is or what happened when. HOORTA ************************************** No Party Split: Vast Majority of Americans Believe the ... https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/04/09/... Apr 09, 2020 · No Party Split: Vast Majority of Americans Believe the COVID-19 Pandemic Is China’s Fault Despite the best efforts of China and our media. ... A survey from Harris Poll on Wednesday shows that 77 percent of Americans nationally blame the Chinese Communist Party ... ******************************* Like I've said often before - argue with me - it's great- maybe I'm wrong. But try to be able to show why you claim what you claim. Just venting is emotional...yep. Antagonistic Knee jerkie.
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