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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. not much of any other possible explanation fits: https://www.theblaze.com/news/tom-cotton-accuses-china-of-seeding-covid-cases ***************************************** They lost their huge advantage with trade deals with us, had other problems. It seems they tried to corner the market on masks - Calfornia reportedly bought a hell of a lot of em... Economically they were hurting..... and communist governments don't care about human lives. and, they continued insisting on Chinese travel well after it was shown that the virus spread - and had the WHO back them up on it wasn't trammitted between human beings. But it was. They still deny it came from them. They were enraged that Pres Trump cut travel. We don't know the intel Pres Trump has access to. It just seems like it connects everything together, explains it all. Except - you would think they would have had a vaccine already developed to sell to the world, eh? There's that.
  2. the left - during the obaMao regime - fought like hell to keep a wonderful Christian family from Germany from immigrating here, to be allowed to home school their kids. Finally, the Supreme Court had to rule in their favor. Meanwhile, they demand that illegals flood here for whatever reasons, who can't support themselves, so many want that free ride.... that tells the story right there.
  3. which, IMHO, a bunch of bullhockey. Here in America, our size and culture - it was never a lockdown like a lot of other countries could enforce. After the first week of the restrictions - a LOT of folks in our neck of the woods were going into stores with no mask, no gloves, didn't use the wipes to wipe off the carts, etc etc etc. I believe the restrictions did a ton of good - it's hard to say how many Americans might have died with this virus running every damn where. But, the curve in many places has flattened, and it's time by May 1st to let the good times roll and FREEDOM RING. Our lives are different now - this particular virus doesn't die in hrs, it can live for days - 3 to 6 in the last report I saw. It's been plenty enough time to figure that where the virus has burnt itself out - let life get back to normal. People will still tend to be careful. And if we go camping with friends this Sept... we aren't going to use their facilities, we'll bring out own. At least this year.
  4. Dang. I was only in the hospital for about 1.75 days getting a new knee. Klinger thing... LOL
  5. dammit. Who taught Woody the "S***Show" word? The same one who taught him the "F" word? The reason Pres Trump said that - is because it seems to ONLY be democrat govenors who are violating the Constitution/Bill of Rights, and grabbing more and more power they aren't allowed to have - to effect their leftwing agenda. I imagine they were instructed to do it, so Pelosi could use the calamity against Pres Trump again. Openly flouting the restrictions on government - ObaMao commie hated that, and complained openly about it. The left demands more and more power -and they don't have any use for anyone or any famous, one of a kind brilliant Document that stops them. Too freaking bad. I predict a LOT of folks in Michigan and Virginia , to name two, will go FREEDOM and Republican next election.
  6. About Devon Hamilton (oops, fixed) - I think I drafted him in the sixth round in my stupid mock. He isn't overlooked anymore, he'll go earlier. About Geno Stone - the kid seems like he's very, very football smart. If it were me, I could draft this kid in the seventh, or sign him as a UDFA, and he might turn out to be a big player on special teams. He's a rough tough safety - he actually has a higher grade as a safety as Joe Schobert did as a lb. He's smallish - 5'10", 207 lbs. And Joe Schobert made All-pro on guts, smarts and a love for the game. Great instincts. I could guess special teams for Stone, because he is a football player, like Tiam mentioned. I suppose if I were deciding - this kid might surprise a lot of people in the end zone - https://www.nfl.com/prospects/geno-stone?id=32195354-4f39-6630-4d73-2328fd2eb451 http://www.nfl.com/draft/2016/profiles/joe-schobert?id=2555166 I mean - Tyrann Mathieu (of "honey badger" fame), was only 5'9", 190 lbs....he ran a 4.5x, and was a cb. Now listed as a safety. Stone ran a 4.62? Sure, slow for a safety.... but I think he might end up as a role player - and special teams ace - found toward the end of the draft, or afterwards. Me, I wouldn't overlook the kid entirely. Let's put it this way - there is all sorts of kids with a whole lot more going for them physically, and some don't care about the game and don't make it, even drafted high.
  7. But seriously - a lot of folks who vote dem live in the big cities - where wearing a mask is far more seriously expected, I think.
  8. well it's well established that some democrats lie. Look at the obaMao regime, and all the lies told about Pres Trump.
  9. wonder what they did with the money... Shocking photos from inside Wuhan lab show broken seal on ... https://nationaladdictionnews.com/2020/04/19/... Apr 19, 2020 · 'I've seen better seals on my fridge!' Worrying photos have emerged from inside a Wuhan laboratory this week Pictures show a broken seal on the door of one of the refrigerators The fridge holds 1,500 different strains of virus including coronavirus samplesThe images were originally published on Twitter in March, before being deleted It is a rare glimpse…
  10. the wuhan commie virus lab. https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-gave-infamous-wuhan-lab-millions-in-taxpayer-money-trump-has-vowed-to-end-further-grants
  11. Sometimes you are just mean, terrible, wicked bad and nasty. (old Smothers Brothers cliche'" speakin of having fun, this thread needs some laughs:
  12. I don't see "shortness of breath" or "lung damage" anywhere there. What being referred to, is not the typical flu. It's respiratory syncytial virus. It's flu LIKE. Not the same. https://www.self.com/story/respiratory-syncytial-virus-flu-like-illness Respiratory Syncytial Virus Is the Flu-Like Illness You Haven't Heard About "As with a mild cold or flu, respiratory syncytial virus symptoms usually include a runny nose, decrease in appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever, and wheezing, the CDC says. So, it can be tough to distinguish RSV from other upper respiratory infections at first glance. And, like those other illnesses, RSV can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can also get it from kissing the face of a child who has RSV. Because of the overlap with the flu in both symptoms and timing, your doctor (or your child's) will have to be careful when figuring out a diagnosis. RSV cases tend to spike at a certain times of year depending on where you live, and RSV season usually overlaps with flu season. For example, in 2016, RSV season started around mid-September to mid-November in various parts of the country, peaked anywhere from late December to mid-February 2017, and tapered off around mid-April to mid-May, according to CDC data."
  13. What's that old saying... something like "you can use numbers to say anything you want" The plain truth is, a regular flu is more intestinal, and this covid19 is more respiratory. Far more contagious. A regular flu virus floats to the floor in minutes I've read? and covid takes a few hrs? I don't see much point in proving that a lot of people die from both - usually the infirm = with other health problems.
  14. The left likes opening the door to intimidation by...the left. These kinds of laws will be abused, without the law written to hold liars and revenge-seekers seriously responsible in court. ******************************** Woman Abuses Red Flag Law, Lies About Innocent Man To Have ... https://www.westernjournal.com/woman-abuses-red... Jan 19, 2020 · This is the fifth red flag case to be filed since the law took effect on Jan. 1, according to KUSA, and it only took five cases for the law to be abused. “We predicted this and said a falsely accused person has no recourse other than hoping a DA files charges. No recourse to …
  15. Many have heard the phrase “if you see something, say something.” This motto, developed by The Department of Homeland Security in 2010, serves to engage the public in “protecting our homeland.” While “If you see something, say something” was created to raise public awareness of the indicators...
  16. I will say this - one time, just once, I went to delete a thread cause I didn't have time to finish it - had to go - I hit the "report" button - but it was an accident; about a year? ago or more.I don't think there was a "are you sure you want to ..." with it.
  17. LOL. Oh, that one is one of the best !
  18. and, it's a farce that I would ever "report" for disagreeing - I disagree about football and politics. It's the really below the belt threats - and in the distant past - it's happened to different folks. and attacking members' families. I've caught hell in the past for disagreeing about football fer cryin out loud. Rich and I used to argue about football, and I've been told that our "war" was the funniest thing they ever read on the board. lol He never once, NOT ONCE, hit below the belt/said anything that was really wrong. But he really let me have it in funny ways, and I did the same. People complain that conservative posters are "close minded" etc etc, and "keep having the same beliefs/saying the same things"... well, when you base what you believe on a history of doing things, experiencing things, learning history more and more - you develop perceptions that are well-established and hopefully, not wrong. We have friends who are really liberal. We laugh about it if it ever comes up. There is far, far more to life than getting angry because some people won't come over to your side. and it's foolish. Guess who else won't come over to the other person's side? The angry person complaining.
  19. I stand them just fine - and I reserve the right to comment on them -especially when they are just trolling enraged. Whatsamatter Hoorta ? You can't stand me opposing their opposing? but you are opposing my op.... never mind.😀
  20. I like a good trade down - it can reap tremendous rewards. But, when you draft stupidly, it's not worth it. That has been the Browns' problem. If Thomas, Simmons, or Jones are there, I think I would stay and pick one. That's just me - but if I "knew" a LT would be just as good as Jones... I could trade down and pick that LT AND get another first round pick. Meanwhile, I wonder...the Browns have signed two safeties - would that mean they would take a safety later on, past the second round now? If the Browns pick brilliantly - draft football players instead of combine guys who don't love the game... trading down could really reap huge rewards. I swear I'd like to put our TV out on the deck and watch in around the fire. This is going to be FUN.
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