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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I cringed when Pres Trump spouted that one. He isn't perfect - but he's being a GREAT American President. You have to separate the two. ObaMao was smoooooth, and read from a teleprompter real good. But he was destructive and completely a dishonest leftwing hack sombietch as a man who lied and postured to get the office.
  2. yep - "Zelenko said that he has been using a cocktail of drugs on his patients: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin — an antibiotic to treat secondary infections — and zinc sulfate, which studies have suggested slows down virus replication in the body. "
  3. I don't want to mock anybody's disability - it's more that I'm mocking the idea that people will ignore it over politics and vote for him as the best choice of president. That just is worth laughing at, not the disability.
  4. Upvote we took our car in, didn't wear masks, but when anyone hands them the keys, the attendant has a couple of bleach wipes the keys go directly into and they are cleaned. This place - is sterilized professionally every morning and evening and few customers. A few more came in yesterday, so maybe today when we pick it up ... but everyone working there is perfectly healthy. One service guy wore a mask. some wear gloves. If they do go ahead and have our usual yearly big campout - I wonder how it will be different to be safe. I'll be they will have servers at the pot luck, instead of everybody serving themselves... we don't have the luxury of taking it all for granted now.
  5. seems the good reports are hydroxycholoroquine PLUS one or two other meds....
  6. Yes, it is. Wife's Dad is 97, and they are doing great in assisted living. Her brother in Ft. Worth can't visit him yet, though. He thought it amusing that he either could see her on facetime, or hold it up to his ear... they should have turned the speaker on? lol. I do question why - the amount of illegals? The heat? I saw a blurb somewhere that this virus does well in hot climates. I believe a lot of the country has to ease restrictions, educate people as to how to go back to normal, except going normal things in terms of not spreading a virus around. We're a free country - we obeyed, we stayed at home, but we won't give up our freedom - we just stayed home on our own. There no "new normal" where that isn't voluntary. Arresting somebody because they go for a walk? not in America you don't. I suppose liberals will start figuring to be a lot more dedicated to our Constitution/Bill of Rights these days.
  7. I think we are doing pretty good in our county - people wear masks, some people don't - plastic shields are in place for most cashiers.. I have always worn a mask, but don't use the nitrile gloves anymore- I just use hand sanitizer/bleach wipes as soon as I get back to the car....etc. Used a couple kleenex to handle the gas pump...have backup clothes when I get home, toss my worn clothes into the washing machine, and literally use bleach wipes to clean all the packages, wash all the fruit in strong vinegar water with a few drops of bleach..with skins like bananas oranges etc. I haven't done it yet, but I'm thinkin the best way to wash grapes. lol This virus can float in the air for far, far longer than a regular flu virus. It attaches itself to cells in the lungs if I was understanding correctly - listening to a dr on the radio. Just wash your hands and clothes. Wear a hat, or take a shower when you get home. My opinion, I wear a mask to try to be sure not to inhale this crap. My goal is to never bring anything home. and I try to change masks often, and put them into the wash with bleach. They are pretty flimsy after that, though.
  8. The crisis emergency is subsiding in places. Go back to near...normal in NYC? nope. The more I look at this map, it looks like going back to near...normal is soon to be the right course. You have to go to the link - I can't get the map to come here... but it's okay libs, it's CNN so it won't hurt you... lol It looks like a lot of the country can ease stay at home orders, ...but still be careful of actions that might spread any occurrence of the virus. Like shaking hands won't get back to normal for a long time... requiring bathrooms,showers at... truck stops/camping areas etc be sanitized a lot more often. Even if you have a tiny bit of a cough - wear a mask. Cold- stay at home. But there are some parts of the country that should not "go back to near normal" by their own choice. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/health/coronavirus-us-maps-and-cases/ now, for whatever reasons - unhealthy homeless? too many people in one place? The "why" is yet to be determined... but folks, the top dramatically most damaged states..... are heavily democrat. Bit cities.. NY, NY, MASS, CALI, Penn at times, ILL, MICH... and the numbers keep going down from there. Covid19 doesn't lay around for years, it dies over 6? days. I just spreads and spreads. (damn china and the who for their blatant lies...look at the damage to the world)... Cases …per 100K residents Deaths …per 100K residents New York 258,589 1,329 19,118 98 New Jersey 92,387 1,040 4,753 54 Massachusetts 41,199 598 1,961 28 California 35,845 91 1,326 3 Pennsylvania 35,339 276 1,614 13 Illinois 33,059 261 1,468 12 Michigan 32,967 330 2,700 27 Florida 27,869 130 867 4 Louisiana 24,854 535 1,405 30 Texas 20,975 72 545 2 Connecticut 20,360 571 1,423 40 Georgia 20,166 190 818 8 Maryland 14,193 235 652 11 Ohio 13,725 117 557 5 Indiana 12,097 180 635 9 Washington 11,997 158 644 8
  9. We've been over the corrupt john mccain stuff for years before Pres Trump ever ran for pres. Now, we bring it up AGAIN, and it's Pres Trump's fault? "Stupid is as stupid does"
  10. The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides - VVOF www.Vvof.org/mccain_hides.htm of Adm. John S. McCain II, who was then the CINCPAC — commander in chief of all U.S. forces in the Pacific region, including Vietnam. (His captors considered him a prize catch and nicknamed him the “Crown Prince.”) Also in the book, the Arizona Senator repeatedly expresses guilt and disgrace at having McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/... Jul 01, 2010 · The pressure from the families and Vietnam veterans finally forced the creation, in late 1991, of a Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. The chairman was John Kerry. McCain, as a former POW,...
  11. I'm sure there are people on the edge, that it makes a difference for. Outside of that, it won't save patients. More study needed.
  12. a lot like blackmail. dem voters.....are well advised to start thinking about who they are going to vote for. https://www.theblaze.com/news/progressive-jayapal-blocking-money-leverage
  13. Democrats’ role for Mattis: The anti-Trump - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/james... James Mattis is the one Donald Trump Cabinet pick whom Democrats could unilaterally block. Instead, they made clear Thursday their resounding support for the retired Marine Corps general, touting him as their best hope for reining in a president-elect who has …
  14. Mattis swipes at Trump, warns of ‘storm clouds gathering ... https://www.Foxnews.com/politics/mattis-swipes-at-trump-warns-of-storm-clouds... But Trump then announced the secretary would be removed from his post on Jan. 1, 2019 — nearly two months before Mattis had planned. Trump, in October 2018, told CBS News’ “60 Minutes” that he had a “very good relationship” with Mattis, but described him as “sort of a Democrat.”.
  15. EXCLUSIVE: Mattis Considered Presidential Run in 2020 Back ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/12/exclusive... Dec 20, 2018 · Outgoing Defense Secretary General James Mattis explored the possibility of a presidential run against Trump in 2020, according to a leaked NDA sent to multiple political consulting firms in May this year and exclusively obtained by The Gateway Pundit. ******************** LOL
  16. Corruption: Former Defense Secretary Mattis’ Secret $10 ... https://www.teaparty247.org/corruption-former... Corruption: Former Defense Secretary Mattis’ Secret $10 Billion No-Bid Pentagon Contract With Amazon Now, we are told by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. As defense secretary, Mattis made a secret, no-bid $10 billion Pentagon contract with Amazon.com. My post of May 24, 2019 was on what may be the real reason why Mattis resigned or was fired: At least seven months before he resigned, Mattis had put together a plan to challenge Trump in the 2020 Republican primary elections. Now, we are told by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. As defense secretary, Mattis made a secret, no-bid $10 billion Pentagon contract with Amazon.com. ************************************** The corrupt deep state can't control Pres Trump, THANK GOD, but mattis planned to replace him...while working for him? corrupt you betcha.
  17. I love "Sniper Ghost Warrior 3". It's amazing - I haven't played for a while - been busy with other stuff - but it is impressive -
  18. I believe it's getting near time to get back ...closer...to regular every day life. We can do that, while still being careful, not taking anything for granted or being careless. Some societal norms will go by the wayside - shaking hands/hugging etc...I think the use of public bathrooms might be "only in case of emergency" kind of thing - hand sanitizer everywhere. I do wonder how the camp out in Sept will go...if it does at all. We may not ever be the same again - but eventually, we will find a vaccine etc and get past it for the most part.
  19. DH went angrily to the darkside after a few of us criticized his two heroes, Retired generals Mattis and Kelly...that is what all his crap is about. ********************************************** Flynn resigns after Mattis and Kelly repeatedly steal his ... https://www.duffelblog.com/2017/02/flynn-resigns... Flynn resigns after Mattis and Kelly repeatedly steal his lunch money by Lee Ho Fuk 3 years ago 3 years ago WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned his post amid constant bullying from Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, sources confirmed. Bob Woodward's new book describes Mattis, Kelly ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/4/... Sep 04, 2018 · A new book about the Trump White House portrays top aides such as Defense Secretary James N. Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly criticizing President Trump behind his back as incompetent and attorney John Dowd warning the president that he would end up in “an orange jumpsuit” if he testified in special counsel Robert Mueller’s ... The corruption of John Kelly https://www.Theweek.com/articles/732632/corruption-john-kelly Oct 25, 2017 · Mattis, of course, became Trump's defense secretary. ... The corruption of John Kelly reminds us that, no matter how accomplished and courageous one may be, Donald Trump's generals work for Donald ... James Mattis is linked to Theranos’s massive corporate ... https://www.Vox.com/2018/3/16/17124288/mattis-theranos-board-trum Mar 16, 2018 · James Mattis is linked to a massive corporate fraud and nobody wants to talk about it. Better let a scandal slide than risk a nuclear war. By Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias Mar 16, ... Now We Know Why Trump Fired General John Kelly https://theblacksphere.net/2019/03/now-we-know-why... Mar 11, 2019 · Trending: President Trump Issues Ominous Warning to Democrats In yet another case, we learn that General John Kelly is a closet Democrat. According to The Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s former chief of staff Gen. John Kelly said Wednesday that he probably would have worked for a potential President Hillary Clinton had she asked him to, saying that service to the country is more .
  20. and I went and put and Uncle Si being funny so you could understand I was responding in kind. But you emotionally knee jerked too fast, before I could edit my post... Now, if you just ever had a serious contribution to a discussion that you could back up with legitimacy, that would cause for celebration!.
  21. do you get cookies for asking stupid questions and declaring stupid antagonistic threads that have zero merit? What the heck - are you counting on opening up an internet cookie business??? They kept 6 feet away. It was outdoors. No fruit trees grow in the house. I wish hardcore liberals would learn to think instead of outrageously emote for negative attention.
  22. I'm finding it tough to come up with a different plausible explanation that explains all the timeline. It's crazy.
  23. typical Pennsylvania voter - democrat for govenor
  24. LOL, me personally, I was going to call Pres Trump and tell him we desperately need an instant knee jerkie 380,000,000 tests done by TOMORROW, but we took the new fancy spaceship car to the dealer to get it undercoated/weather sealed, and ordered our steak dinners for pickup on the way home, and a neighbor wanted to borrow the big tractor rototiller, and we had to start a new jigsaw puzzle, and, with all the quarantine thing - Wife wanted to nascar around on her hotrod lawn mower, so I had to pick up all the fruit tree branches from trimming the trees so I helped the economy by hiring two little neighborhood kids who stopped by to help me....and I got pretty sore later on. I'm baking bread and taking it easy. I think.
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