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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. it's sad all over. My Wife wants to go see her Dad, he's goin on 98, but can't. The social isolation is tough on the really elderly.
  2. but the dems have called HIM everything in and out of the book of derogatory terms, and that's ok with you?
  3. it's getting worse and worse. the left is more and more looking like the PRE-WWII nazi party. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/04/29/bill-de-blasio-threaten-to-arrest-jews-in-bonkers-tweet/
  4. the story the msm and tds hacks spouted off immediately, (see: "emotional knee jerk")... was just the superficial TDS part of it. The rest of the story - the truth - comes later, again. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/29/paging-media-police-now-investigating-the-death-of-the-man-from-fish-tank-cleaner/
  5. and dirty susan rice - another one of obaMao commie's corrupt hacks - is also part of the big fake dossier story: https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/04/29/steeles-alpha-bank-testimony-yields-first-connection-between-his-research-and-white-house/
  6. the corruption in our government was out of control, and we didn't know it til after we elected OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP ! Yes, Virginia, there really is a dangerous, corrupt deep state. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/04/29/chuck-grassley-reveals-that-rod-rosenstein-knew-of-flynn-case-corruption-resisted-oversight-anyway/ Chuck Grassley Reveals That Rod Rosenstein Knew of Flynn Case Corruption, Resisted Oversight Anyway
  7. can you imagine none of the TDS haters on the forum have one word to say about the op? really? they never criticize their own people. It's like a cult.
  8. nope, hurts the cap? his big contract? and we got our eventual premier LT. I'm good with not getting Williams. As I see it - (Wills, Harrison and Phillips) > Williams. It's a simple view - but it works for me.
  9. How Canton Dawg is doing? He was commenting on being in the hospital....been missing from the forum for a bit...
  10. has ANY of the board liberals/haters ever said one word about the difference in the media? seriously, people.
  11. said the woodpecker that smarts off about everything he's completely ignorant about... which is nearly every single subject on the forum....who never "free learns" anything in his few years of existence.
  12. It should also be noted here, that those who defend mattis kelly and dirtbag Lt. worm vindman... won't defend Flynn. /That says a heck of a lot about the bigotry and tds emotional knee jerk garbage the last 3+ years. ********************************** https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/04/28/827526/ More Government Misconduct Revealed as the Matter of General Flynn Heads Towards Its Final Act A Happy Ending for Gen. Michael Flynn? DOJ Finally Turns Over Long Withheld Brady Docs and His Lawyer is Smiling Maria Bartiromo: Sources Say General Flynn Will Be Completely Exonerated This Week; Victory at Last? Flynn Lawyer Files New Motion; Prosecutor Made ‘Secret Side Deal’ with Flynn’s Now-Fired Legal Team to Force Guilty Plea Report: FBI Director Christopher Wray Pushed to Withhold Exculpatory Evidence In Michael Flynn Case Gen. Flynn’s Attorney: Plea Was Coerced by a Threat to Indict His Son
  13. Oh, the corruption on the left/democrat side of our government is worse than the mafia in Italy etc. Had we not elected OUR Pres Trump, they would have clinched owning America, and all of us. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/04/28/steele-claims-he-had-meetings-with-clintondnc-lawyers-and-that-one-was-source-for-debunked-russia-collusion-story/
  14. eh...what? Pelosi has ravaged Pres Trump, and HE is the bully? they've lied about him a bijjilion times, investigated him with zero evidence they ever could manufacture, etc etc etc etc... why not SHE is the bully? come on, man.
  15. oh, well. I've been busy a lot. My bad. But it was cool. lol
  16. Exactly. So many times, the Browns have drafted on physical talent, combine stats etc. But they end up with guys who flunk out in the NFL. What is missing is the love for the game. Guys like Joe Thomas - his story of refusing to come out of a game on his long streak when a coach sent in another LT to give him a break. Then there are guys who want the paychecks, but are more interested in their parties and dope, etc. I'm curious bigtime to see how Kyle Dugger (safety) and Logan Wilson (lb), and Jeremy Chinn... how they do in the NFL. I had Dugger and Wilson in my stupid mock draft because I decided they were football players.
  17. wait... you crap on who?... so that means your a libertarian because? I've come to figure you are a woodpecker supporter. Antagonistic to the end. something like that.
  18. Meawhile, an upset Australia is demanding an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION on how and where this virus pandemic started. and ... China is threatening them unless they back off. Explain that, lefties. China’s scary warning to Australia amid fears of a rising ... china is using economic pandemic disaster as their weapon of war. THAT is why they are covering up and not stopping the spread of the virus out of their country and making the WHO lie about it. AND refusing independent journalists/scientists from going to wuhan. https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/china-has-issued-a-direct-warning-to-australia-in-a-blistering-new-editorial/news-story/2dc17494e63803c4fba6cd7940b44165 Oct 16, 2018 · CHINA has issued a stern new direct warning to Australia, saying we’re walking a “tightrope” between the US and China. In a blistering editorial, state media outlet The China Daily warned the nation not to be “led by the nose by America, cautioning the Morrison government against adopting a “Cold War” mentality. China issues a chilling warning to Australia to keep out ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7809081/China-issues-chilling-warning-Australia-affairs-lose-650-000-jobs.html Dec 19, 2019 · Australia is in danger of losing billions in Chinese investment and almost 650,000 jobs unless the nation keeps quiet about alleged humans rights abuses. That was China 's
  19. worse yet - all these years, the left has demanded a continuous flow of uneducated, often diseased, illegal immigrants from our southern border, who know little of our Constitution/Bill of Rights, and who are completely dependent on government handouts for a living. To that point, the obaMao commie regime fought like hell to kick a nice, educated Christian family back out of our country, after they wanted to live here for the freedom to home school their children, which was illegal in Germany. ObaMao/holder and co. fought all the way to the Supreme Court to stop them from living in American. Go figure. I'm still waiting for somebody on the left to explain those contradictions. The fall of America? that would make the UN, commie chine and russia delighted. They can't beat us in a war. But china can devastate the world down to controllable levels. Like they intimidate the EU. Like they control the WHO and the fake dr they put in place. Like russia demands to control the globes oil. Why now? Let's see - our economy was booming like crazy, we were energy independent, Pres Trump fixed the stupid America-short changing trade deals and their country is spiraling downward population wise. They need to own Taiwan for the wealth. Just like russia needed the Ukraine - the "breadbasket" for food. They took it all, and let millions of folks die. and now? after decades of trying to foster socialism/communism all around the world, ... the dems want socialism. A guaranteed income for all Americans. Using this crisis like commie china is. Meanwhile, https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Pelosi-says-guaranteed-income-plan-for-15229004.php?ipid=newsrecirc "We may have to think in terms of some different ways to put money in people's pockets," Pelosi said on MSNBC. "Others have suggested a minimum income, a guaranteed income for people. Is that worthy of attention now? Perhaps so."
  20. you should probably put the whole forum on ignore - this is the kind of stupid retort that makes you a weasel bird.
  21. well, I don't think it's bs - the stay at home shut down was necessary to try to keep infections down as much as possible, then let it die out as much as possible. Living in fear isn't any good ,either. It's Apr 27, almost May 1st. It' s just about time to start getting back to our normal ? lives again. It's easier on us - we're happily retired. But the virus doesn't last for weeks or months - it survives for 3 - 5? days. Time for it to go away. Trouble is, those people who keep traveling sick and still spread it, but those events should be minimal. If this doesn't get people to start stop buying commie chinese crap - I don't know what will. Oh, and the magazine mechanism jobbie. I installed that. Everything works beautiful - I did lose a tiny spring for about 15 minutes. It popped out, went flying somewhere, I turned off the light and was laying on the floor searching with my flashlight about ten minutes while my Wife was amused.
  22. Self-quarantine. I have a lot more time on the computer. dammit. lol In my defense, it is not the first time, either.
  23. some of it's work. We re-did our garage of a lot of stuff. Jigsaw puzzles, usually 1000 pieces, and sent them to some older folks who are bored.. I sat down one evening, late, and started on my AR-15 lower. Lots of pieces. I'm great with tools - installed the trigger, safety, hammer, trigger guard, pistol grip and buffer. Tonight, maybe I'll finish up with the fancy storage stock I bought months ago. Hiking in our woods is so much a breath of fresh air. Still waiting for somebody to visit and go groundhog skeeting with me. Haven't gone out and practiced shooting yet. Still thinking on learning to shoot my 9mm with one hand. It shoots so beautifully, shouldn't be a problem. Have to work on the small rototiller - didn't run it last year. Probably too late to cut back the old apple trees in the woods. This weekend, we'll go treasure hunting with my metal detector in the woods. That should be interesting. If I could just find a whole chicken at the grocery, I'm make chicken and dumplings. We have been playing cards - that's always fun. Had trouble with a few jigsaw puzzles, but she is a genius and can make headway when I'm stuck. Still planning a camping trip with friends this summer to Kentucky/Tennessee. Have a lot of firewood to split. Even if they put outhouses out at the lake, we won't use them. We're equipped for outdoor Daniel Boone type bathrooming now. Even bought our own outdoor shower for camping. I'm thinking of jazzing it up with a water pump. lol Watching too many girly movies on TV........ Things are a little? tough all over - could be a lot worse for a lot of folks. Take care, stay safe. Wearing a mask is like insurance you don't think you'll ever need.
  24. It's pretty real here - 15,000 plus in Oh have had it, well over 300 have died. I believe we are on a big downturn, haven't found recent numbers yet. We have friends/neighbors helping each other around here. Pretty cool. There's a local Mennonite family that sells fresh eggs. They are in trouble if the feed stops flowing. I've been baking bread, we ordered pickup from out big grocery - but several items are always unavailable like beef roasts. I'm thinking about raising pheasants for meat. Except my Wife and neighbor kids will give them all names. It's getting tough - our local meat producer has serious cuts available for most everything. and they are really, really busy - all take out, and I had to wait for a spot to park. Fishing is open, this weekend I plan to put a bunch of bluegill in the freezer. We have friends who are self-employed, now their business is shut down all this time. That is tough. If potatoes disappear, we'll have to start picking and cooking up cattail roots. Times could get a lot harder for a lot of folks. I hope our grid doesn't get shut down. Then there won't be running water, and that is dangerous. I wish Canton Dawg would give us an update - he's the only person I've heard of with this crap. Social distancing - we can't babysite for our friends now - til later on - her parents can't either - husband is luckily still working. We donated some masks to friends who know nurses. I will have a huge garden, and probably will give a lot of it I can't store, away to friends. I honestly wonder when ? the first mugging after dark? will hit. I don't go out at night, and I'm ccw. We have friends who have delivered some great soups to everybody they know. I'm going to make a big batch of vegetable soup this weekend. Picked dandelion blossoms to make dandelion jelly - it is excellent stuff. And, I have to make wild blackberry jam soon.
  25. he isn't a dr. China demands to control it, let china FUND it. I'm done with the UN. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/03/23/china-helped-get-who-director-general-elected-now-hes-returning-the-favor/
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