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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. deep state protection scheme? Get Flynn out of office by any means? necessary? https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/05/01/is-this-why-michael-flynn-was-targeted/
  2. Excellent. They are corrupt and murder born and unborn children. GREAT JOB !!!
  3. the left loves their false narratives. It makes them happy, and they thrive on emotion. and getting attention, especially negative attention, also makes them happy. emotional knee jerks.
  4. and more serious. Christopher Wray needs to be fired. He sat on these records and didn't let them be known? WTF? https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/05/01/report-durham-disturbed-that-no-fbidoj-whistleblowers-came-forward-early-on-speaks-to-ag-barr-daily/ 'The other interesting information from that interview is that diGenova told Carr there’s now a mole inside the FBI “who is leaking to the press about the current conduct of FBI Director Christopher Wray and his general counsel, Dana Boente. “What’s very clear is according to two stories, one in The Federalist and one in The Daily Caller,” diGenova said, “is someone inside the FBI is now whistleblowing by leaking to the press about what’s going on and boy, it is just fascinating to watch the claim that Chris Wray and Dana Boente did everything they could to prevent the stuff from the Missouri U.S. attorney from being given to Flynn’s attorney. That is the beginning of a very ugly story.” DiGenova remarked, “This story is like a Russian novel. I mean, this is Dostoyevsky, it’s even better than Dostoyevsky.”'
  5. time to drag the corrupt prosecutors into testifying. We already knew Weisman, the corrupt pit bull has gotten into trouble in the past.... but every one of the mueller team - were hard core never-Trumpers. and they hid evidence behind "SCO" to keep it from being discovered? serious stuff. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/05/01/sen.-chuck-grassley
  6. https://www.redstate.com/joesquire/2020/05/01/woman-claims-biden-sexually-harassed-her-when-she-was-14-year-old/ Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14-Year Old Posted at 5:30 pm on May 1, 2020 by Joe Cunningham
  7. also, learned a few things about baking/cooking on tv. If you are baking, and run out of eggs, don't fret. You can use 1/4 cup of banana or applesauce ! so they say. I have never tried it. No idea how they figure that one.... if you are making something needing buttermilk - you can use 1 cup of milk + 1 tbs of vinegar or lemon juice. blackberry jam on chicken breast. Just outstanding.
  8. I had a few friends ask me about getting a gun. I told them first thing is to get trained to own one, about ccw, etc. Bought a survival/snake gun - a little pocket .22 LR. Only about 200 bucks. Close range squirrel gun if need be. Or, big bullfrogs...etc. Finished making my wild blackberry jam. Made and processed 28 jars ! It is amazing - really, really excellent. Great on just about anything. Still have to make some pancake syrup.... Thanks to the self-quarantine crap - I finished my AR-15 lower. I did all the work myself. Had it examined by my friend/instructor/gun dealer (spec ops back in the day) - he said I did a nice job. I was annoyed that I screwed up somehow - the safety would only go on "safe" when the hammer was back. If the hammer was closed, nope. But he looked at it, and said that is how it is made, and showed me the flats that make it that way. HA ! A lot of parts go into that thing. Someday I'll figure out the right upper to get. Would like to get a suppressor with it - I don't know if it still takes two stupid ass years to get one. I prefer a Blackout 300 - quieter - but that ammo is more expensive and not as available. Probably will go 5.56. But they are loud, and I don't want to annoy my neighbors.
  9. I found out a good while ago - that around here, you have to be quick like a bunny and hop to it. LOL
  10. Just saw this today: https://twitter.com/MylesLGarrett/status/1256043619158577152
  11. "I don't have what I need - it's Trump's fault" "I have too much stuff, it's Trumps fault" so tiresome.
  12. yep. Rape is ok is it is their guy - if their guy wins, that makes them happy. emotional knee jerkie. Even with the accuser being of the SAME political party and having evidence directly backing up their claims. and the childish retort about Pres Trump's tax records - his tax records are a fishing expidition. there is no verifiable claim of any wrongdoing.
  13. fair enough - but for two years, obaMao commie's corrupt hacks HE PUT IN PLACE IN HIGH PLACES IN OUR GOV - tried to undo the election and ruin Pres Trump under illegal and false pretenses. It is still being investigated - their coverup has stopped working - Thank GOD for AG Barr. Until the likes of strzok, comey, brennan, etc etc end up on trial, it ain't over til I say it's over. lol
  14. Agreed, I don't complain much about hid tweets because we don't tweet. But he has said some stupid stuff, it's annoying - and his bouncing back ALL the time, is not worthy for a president to be doing. But, the msm and the corrupt obaMao commie hacks have tried to destroy him and his family and anyone working in his campaign. ILLEGALLY by the FBi, CIA, DOJ, etc etc etc - corrupt HACKS remaining over from hoorta's obaMao commie days. Back then, when he was running for pres the first time, I tried to look at it with a positive outlook - he promised to have a most transparent admin, promised he supported the 2nd Amendment, and said marriage was between a man and a woman. He promised he'd be POST RACIAL. That he'd bring us all together.... he lied and lied and lied. and Hoorta, and co. never critcized him once that I remember. Eight freaking years. I bring up the obaMao years because the corruption has been plaguing OUR Real American (but not perfect by any means) president. And they haven't yet been brought to justice. Just cover-ups again and again. but it is coming. Only then will I be done bringing them up. Maybe.
  15. meanwhile, back at the ranch, Biden's accusers are DEMOCRATS. The first one has been verified as making the exact allegations back then. Pres Trump's accusers are never-Trumpers. Like: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-trumps-accusers-allegations-sexual-misconduct/story?id=51956410 Cathy Heller The Guardian reported that Heller's family is in a dispute with Mar-a-Lago regarding their efforts to get refunds of dues, and that Cathy Heller was a Clinton supporter who donated the personal maximum of $2,700 to the Clinton campaign. Jill Harth Harth filed a lawsuit in 1997 alleging that Trump groped her and sexually harassed her, but she withdrew the suit, she says, as a condition of settling a separate financial dispute with him. In a New York Times article published a month before the 2016 election, Harth acknowledged that, even after she had accused Trump of sexual misconduct, she briefly dated him in 1998. The Trump campaign also released emails from 2015 in which Harth, who now owns a cosmetics company, solicited the candidate for opportunities to do his hair and makeup. The Hill reported in December 2017 that Harth acknowledged sending the messages. That report came on the heels of another story in The Hill, which reported that after Harth publicly aired her allegations during the campaign, an unidentified donor came forward to pay the balance of a mortgage on Harth’s New York apartment. ************************************** Oh, I could on. The allegations reek of leftwing hater lies and subterfuge. Joe biden - allegations were made by democrats. so, bad, Hoorta, bad bad bad.
  16. Hoorta - you had eight years to visit and admit obaMao commie was totally corrupt and a liar. I don't remember one time when you did. So, "hypocrite" that.
  17. Facts don't matter to you libs. The dirt on Joe Biden is very verifiable. His son and Ukraine. Him and Ukrain. His first accuser is A FREAKING DEMOCRAT. Kavanaugh's accuser, ford, was a hard core liberal. and her friends contradicted her. With Biden, the evidence is damning - recordings of back then, people saying "yep, she reported it to me" again and again. Guess what? his accuser IS A DEMOCRAT. With Hoorta and the rest - if facts fit, they use them. But if they don't, then facts are just not worth diddley to them, and guys like Hoorta go all in on being all wet in Egypt. Trump's accusers? all hard core democrats. no evidence. Immoral? a good bit back then. But he's a Christian now, so he has been showing a good bit in keeping his promises to us. We criticized your higgardly, and moochelle, you all said we hated all women. But you all ridicule Melania, and Sarah Palin, and any republican woman... and that is ok? The hypocrisy is solely on the hater side.
  18. There is something wrong when lefties bash Pres Trump for tweets, won't admit all the good things he's done, but will ignore the millions of unborn and born children every time. Every time we criticized obaMao commie for what he DID, they cried "racist". We criticized higgardly for corruption, and what she DID, and they cried "misogynist" We stood up for REAL MARRIAGE, as it says in the BIble, and they ridicule God, Christians, and they cried "homophobe". Every time they can't control the narrative, and protect their free stuff new world order - (socialism) they cry with derogatory labels. Every ? time we called them out for saying liberal crap all the time - they go ballistic and claim they are "independents". It never ends. Facts never matter when they attack, and facts get twisted badly to defend themselves.
  19. your taunts are getting more stupid all the time. sad.
  20. said the Trump hater, Trump supporters hater, pro-illegal immigration because we are against it talking head. lol There are plenty of outstanding reasons to bash obaMao commie - none of the complaints on Pres Trump hold water. HE is keeping his promises. Your obaMao commie broke all of this. Still support biden?
  21. He is right, and it means nothing of the sort, not at all. The sec of defense was wrong, so was the CO, except the CO had, for what he felt apparently, justification. I still think the CO was wrong. I believe? that stopping over in Guam was a bad move - they didn't have the logistics to handle the situation. Was he wrong, but had no choice? the Jags will investigate it all. Jury is still out. Too bad you Trump/Republican/America haters can't handle the truth.
  22. yeah, any of the women he has assaulted. He's hiding his records, just like the left's obaMao commie hid his college records.
  23. now, what if we all had said anything like "black king liar" ??? no, that would be racist. but they get to do anything and say anything they want. it's part of their narrative-controlling methodology.
  24. yep. no comment from the resident democrat liberal haters. Oh, my bad, the resident liberal hater "independents" lol
  25. the left ignores truth when it isn't convenient, and loves false accusations when it hits the other political side they hate.
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