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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Two things bother me here. 1. The national disease org, whatever it was called, granted big bucks to that lab. I swear I saw that. Yep. Our own gov gave them the money. Guess who the asswhole marxist commit sombeitch unAmerican traitor president was? 'Paid for the damn virus that’s killing us': Giuliani rips ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/paid-for... Apr 27, 2020 · Rudy Giuliani questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci's involvement in grants from the United States to a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that has been tied to the coronavirus pandemic. "Back in 2014, the Obama ... Any obaMao supporter want to explain that one? 2. The woman scientist said her job was to do research on these natural viruses, and study ways to make them....... more infectious. https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/the-china-virus-was-engineered-in-the-wuhan-lab By 2013 she had isolated the bat coronavirus now known as RaTG-13 and was using it for Gain-of-Function research. The results of this research were not published, although Communist leaders, like Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, were undoubtedly briefed on it. We may never know how many times, or how many ways, she tried to “enhance” it to make it even more infectious and deadly than it was in its natural state. But, at the end of the day, she managed to create, in her lab, a dangerously infectious pathogen. Using her secret bat coronavirus as the “backbone,” she had inserted a receptor binding domain (RBD) from another coronavirus to make it more infectious. It was another Chinese virologist, Dr. Yong-Zhen Zhang, who first pointed out that this RBD was an exact genetic match with the RBD from another known Pangolin (anteater) coronavirus. (The Chinese government has since imposed strict controls on what can be published.) SUBSCRIBE to LifeSite's daily headlines U.S. Canada World Catholic The scientific name of the resulting chimera coronavirus is SARS-CoV-2, but it is known to the world—correctly–as the China Virus. The worst fear of many scientists, that Gain-of-Function research would create a “Pathogen of Pandemic Potential,” or PPP, had been realized. But because Dr. Shi had kept her reckless lab experiments secret, the world had no idea that such a dangerous man-made virus even existed. A virus as infectious as SARS-CoV-2 would have required the strict adherence to the rigorous safety protocols of a BSL-4 “high containment” lab to stay contained. But so lax was the training and the practices of the WIV that even the World Health Organization (!) refused to grant it certification. The lab was an accident waiting to happen. Sometime in the fall of 2019, it did. A lab worker became infected, either from handling an infected animal or from handling the coronavirus isolate directly.
  2. the left always says one person is all persons - when it's reps or Christians. they flip that when it applies to dems. it makes them happy to be hypocrites. I think the guy is a nut.
  3. I think newsom dreams of being the fidel castro of the united states. sick in the head.
  4. but the 2 year long investigation was not. the travesty attempted destruction of Justice Kavanaugh was not. Why? because he's dangerously corrupt - everything else bad for reps, even if FAKE, is good. If it doesn't further his leftist agenda, that's bad, to them. It's all manipulation. You'd think they were reaching out to a bunch of woodpeckers. https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-blasted-gop-request-for-biden-ukraine-docs In unearthed private letter, Obama excoriated GOP-led probe into Biden as aiding Russian disinformation Carlos Garcia 1h He called the request unprecedented and improper
  5. Agreed, of course. Although, measles is making a comeback because we took for granted it was gone. Except illegals with no health care brought it in. Of course, snoples and factcheck said it was false. But it isn't false: https://mynorthwest.com/1258722/dori-measles-outbreak/ and, (oh crap!) https://www.theblaze.com/news/scientists-say-theyve-identified-mutated-covid-19-strain-and-issue-a-dire-warning-about-new-contagion Scientists say they’ve identified mutated COVID-19 strain — and issue a dire warning about new contagion "Scientists say they have discovered what they believe is a mutated strain of COVID-19 — and are now warning that this new strain could be way more contagious than plain old coronavirus. '
  6. I wish I could remember who it was that bitched at me about me referring to the possibility of it mutating and making it tough to have a vaccine.......
  7. fair enough, but I have never once ever said it. I don't take kindly to it - my Wife taught special ed - most of those kids don't deserve the slur about their learning disabilities. That's just me.
  8. Lord knows the liberals on this board could use a Wailing Wall.....
  9. oh, come on, guys. That's pretty good to make that poem in about one minute......lol
  10. if I had time, I'd start on my new novel. But I made 27 jars of wild blackberry jam, and today I"ve made 12 jars of dandelion jelly. good stuff. unless you're diabetic....
  11. time to go buy more ammo. I wish Remington would leave New York. They laugh at screwing over citizens - well, I believe the citizens know better now, than to believe the lies of the dirtbag left. Our Constitution/Bill of Rights ....THANK GOD for it. It's the only way we avoid becoming cuba or venezuela. Look for republicans to surge.
  12. Israel has to deal with being attacked by bioweapons etc forever. They've been threatened with extermination forever, so they are surely very advanced in self defense kind of research. I hope they are successful, and I hope the world appreciates Israel for this. It is probably true... a lot of liberals won't take it because they believe the fake palestinian story, etc. That's how badly liberals need to be "victims".
  13. oh, my goodness. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-19-compared-flu-experts-wrong/story?id=69779116 COVID-19 has been compared to the flu. Experts say that's wrong. The novel coronavirus appears more deadly and spreads more quickly https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu Covid-19 appears far more lethal than flu based on ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/antibody... Apr 28, 2020 · A common refrain is that the disease is not significantly worse than the flu. In this view, the pandemic threat has been wildly exaggerated. Experts demolish studies suggesting COVID-19 is no worse ... https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/04/experts... The findings seemed to support minority arguments that COVID-19 may be no worse than seasonal flu (a leading cause of death in the US) and … COVID-19 Is Deadlier Than The Flu. How Else Do They Differ ... https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/03/20/815408287/how-the-novel... Mar 20, 2020 · COVID-19 Is Deadlier Than The Flu. How Else Do They Differ? : Goats and Soda There are definitely similarities between COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus, and influenza.
  14. I think the only date woodpecker ever had is with a tree. and he believes "it's only good if it's for me!", for as he posts so ignorantly, arrogantly and obtuse, most of us find, his posts have no use. He believes God, the universe, life and love, no greater than he. How can a birdbrain be so lowly and wrong as can be? For all the hate, attacks and smart ass cracks, he is frightened to have opinions; it's courage he lacks. No bravery to be, no courage to stand with honor - when it comes to manning up, featherbrain is a goner. Alas, poor woodpecker's ignorance is his plight, He has no air, to enable his life's flight. And, though Hoorta, jblew, and Tour try as his friend, Woodpecker's lack of being has no end. It is quite true, sad to say - the stupid annoying woodpecker may never go away. The end. But I could make it longer. LOL
  15. I put it in italics to emphasize it more than "football players", darn it.
  16. Report on Your Neighbor (& Let's Repeat Nazi Germany All ... https://Educate-yourself.org/cn/kirwansnitchculture15dec10.shtml Report on Your Neighbor (& Let's Repeat Nazi Germany All Over Again!) [Editor's Note: Unless you grew up in the 1940s or 50s, you never get to see World War II era films on espionage and intrigue There were a ton of those movies made and they always showed the ordinary German citizen being frightened about saying anything critical about the Nazi government in front of … Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report ... https://www.prisonplanet.com/nazi-style... The legacy of training Americans to spy on each other in the name of “safety” has its origins in Operation TIPS, which was supposedly nixed by Congress, a DOJ, FBI, DHS and FEMA coordinated program that would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in Communist East Germany.
  17. I'm waiting for "turn in ALL YOUR GUNS because of the pandemic". Just a matter of time...
  18. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00660-x A handful of genetic and structural analyses have identified a key feature of the virus — a protein on its surface — that might explain why it infects human cells so readily. The new virus spreads much more readily than the one that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS (also a coronavirus), and has infected more than ten times the number of people who contracted SARS. Spiky invader To infect a cell, coronaviruses use a ‘spike’ protein that binds to the cell membrane, a process that's activated by specific cell enzymes. Genomic analyses of the new coronavirus have revealed that its spike protein differs from those of close relatives, and suggest that the protein has a site on it which is activated by a host-cell enzyme called furin. This is significant because furin is found in lots of human tissues, including the lungs, liver and small intestines, which means that the virus has the potential to attack multiple organs, says Li Hua, a structural biologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began. The finding could explain some of the symptoms observed in people with the coronavirus, such as liver failure, says Li, who co-authored a genetic analysis of the virus that was posted on the ChinaXiv preprint server on 23 February2. SARS and other coronaviruses in the same genus as the new virus don't have furin activation sites, he says. The furin activation site “sets the virus up very differently to SARS in terms of its entry into cells, and possibly affects virus stability and hence transmission”, says Gary Whittaker, a virologist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. His team published another structural analysis of the coronavirus’s spike protein on bioRxiv on 18 February3. Several other groups have also identified the activation site as possibly enabling the virus to spread efficiently between humans4. They note that these sites are also found in other viruses that spread easily between people, including severe strains of the influenza virus. On these viruses, the activation site is found on a protein called haemagglutinin, not on the spike protein.
  19. IT seems to be true, that covid19 is far more contagious - hence the reason for masks,... see below *********************************************** https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu Differences: COVID-19 and the Flu Cause COVID-19: Caused by one virus, the novel 2019 coronavirus, now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2. Flu: Caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza viruses. Transmission While both the flu and COVID-19 may be transmitted in similar ways (see the Similarities section above), there is also a possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route, meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near.
  20. he's a political slut, you betcha. I know - Hoorta will probably go "LALALALALALA I can't hear you" https://www.pastemagazine.com/politics/joe-biden/the-10-worst-things-joe-biden-has-done-in-his-poli/ The 10 Worst Things Joe Biden Has Done in His Political Career
  21. The Real Dirt on Barack Obama - RedState https://www.redstate.com/diary/dan_mclaughlin/2008/... Oct 15, 2008 · The Real Dirt on Barack Obama A man with Barack Obama's record has no business being President of the United States. Can Obama be trusted to administer the vast (and, in recent weeks, rapidly expanding) federal power to distribute jobs, favors and resources with restraint and honesty and respect for the taxpayer? Obama Proves How Dirty The Clintons Are - The Daily Banter https://thedailybanter.com/2016/09/03/obama-proves... Nov 09, 2018 · Obama Proves How Dirty The Clintons Are Defenders are quick to say that the Clintons’ many scandals only stem from them being attacked more than anyone else. Obama’s history rebukes that.
  22. now, you TDS haters "haha" ...your turn. YOU post all the promises your pretty obaMao commie kept, and all the great things he did for America. Go ahead. It's your turn. Don't suddenly "be tired". DO IT. show us the accomplishments and kept promises by your obamao commie. and have a nice day whining about not being able to dominate the narrative and hide the obaMao commie was the worst president in American history, and Pres Trump is one of the best presidents in American history, DESPITE some things about him being pretty annoying. The msm and leftist criminals in Congress are annoying too. Try just complaining about THAT once. A little reality and truth would help to set you free of political bigotry.
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