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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. translation: "i'm emotionally disturbed and wanted higgardly to be president so I could sexually fantasize about her for eight years"
  2. Great point. It's a false narrative he makes up, to be able to look superior to humans. It's a birdbrain malady - a disease that manifests itself in a rash of stupid questions and a feverish desire to setup a chance to smart off about something he doesn't have to know anything about.
  3. well, when you need a certain plumbing fitting to adapt from a plumber 2" to a 3", but I don't get the measurements of plumbing sizes, because the interior dimension of the 3? is 3 1/4 "..... I can't order that. lol
  4. schiff should end up in prison somewhere, he's that corrupt. I believe Real America, which includes some democrats, is sick of his act, along with nasty pelosi's, ..... impressions of fidel castro with rabies.
  5. they vote, and they always vote for give away marxists. they live by free stuff. like woodpecker and DH. they vote for every scumbucket that promises them free emotional utopia.
  6. no, Hoorta's TDS isn't the rabid kind. That is what we'd get from Woodpecker
  7. of course not - everybody who wanted to, went into the store. It's allowed to be open. Some don't wear a mask. I do. Some employees do. Whatchutalkinbout, Willis?
  8. notice they won't bash Obamao. I posted 60 things PRESIDENT TRUMP has done FOR AMERICA that would rock solid great. I asked Hoorta or anyone else to list ONE good think obaMao did for America. And, of course, we get silence. Change of subject. They would rather have a do nothing pretty president who sends America into economic despair and civil war. One who doesn't tweet and tells them vague nice utopian things, while he pokes them in the rear with their own gone civil liberties. They want a nice president who runs down his own country all around the world, says stupidass stuff like (I've been to 57 countries) etc. But they want a president who doesn't tweet, who has a skin color that isn't orange, and who is loved by nasty pelosi/schumer/bitemebiden/and all the rest of the leftwing deep state scum in our gov. I'll keep defended our MAGA president, you lillies can keep planting your roots around the deep state - that even now you won't admit exists, because you would have a man up and criticize your precious obaMao commie, who lives in your head and tells you how to feel. Emotions drive liberals, NOT FACTS and GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR AMERICA. BTW, while I'm at it - I keep hearing liberals say "I don't feel" "I don't like when" " I want" " i need"... "I'm not happy with his tweets".....instead of "my country needs fixed after eight years of malaise - worse than jimmy carter's 4 years of malaise, and PResident Trump, warts, fake assaults every day, is KEEPING HIS PROMISES AND WORKING TO MAGA AND IS PROTECTING OUR CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS THAT THEIR PRECIOUS LIAR obaMAO COMMIE TRIED TO DESTROY. Everybody have a nice day. You all who suffer the TDS plague - I hope there is a vaccine to relieve America of your all's hostility, false accusations, and political madness.
  9. for the most part, maybe. But I went to the hardware store, and they don't have carry-out, so....
  10. I would go, for about the last quarter, vs the squealers. In a bee suit, wearing a mask, but they would have to add about 15.000 porta-potties, each would be sprayed professionally after each use. and free rootbeer and hamburgers. Maybe.
  11. I love the site - many of the stories are exactly what we've been posting. What bs about China are you referring to? Nobody? hates the Chinese people. They are outraged, too. and it's very dangerous in that regime to complain. https://www.ntd.com/china-in-focus-april-9-voices-of-discontent-grow-in-china_454098.html
  12. I spray the mail with lysol ! and I do clean my credit card with sanitizer, and use a bleach wipe to handle the gas pump handle. I use bleach wipes on all packages we get from the store. When we get Texas Roadhouse steak dinners, pickup, I empty out the food into our own plates, and throw away the foam containers, etc. I wear a mask every time I go into any store, etc. But I don't use the rubber gloves anymore - I did for the first three weeks - I just use hand sanitizer after getting back into the car. damn china has to pay for the entire world's suffering and deaths.
  13. looks suspicious to me. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/05/06/report-officials-say-coronavirus-researcher-with-significant-findings-found-shot-dead/
  14. common core is an elistist extremely arrogant approach. not all kids are the same, not all learn the same. it leaves behind the special ed kids, the learning disabled deserve far better. and several other problems: https://www.institute4learning.com/2018/04/26/12-reasons-the-common-core-is-bad-for-americas-schools/
  15. translation: "Dishonest Pres Trump-haters look like asswholes now"
  16. more and more corruption - and obaMao put all these hacks into power in our gov. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/05/05/undercover-huber-shares-newly-revealed-texts/
  17. this is from a retired CIA power monger hack - whose arrogance reeks of strzok/clapper/brennan/page/ etc etc etc etc etc. Wee them them out, get rid of them. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/05/05/deep-state-former-cia-officer-says-intel-agencies-will-outmaneuver-trump/ Deep State: Former CIA Officer Says Intel Agencies Will “Outmaneuver” Trump
  18. https://www.theblaze.com/news/china-armed-confrontation-united-states-coronavirus-lies An intelligence dossier from Five Eyes — an intelligence alliance between the U.S., England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand — claims that China suppressed the truth about the virus by destroying evidence, "disappearing" scientists and doctors who knew the seriousness of COVID-19, lied about the virus being transmittable by humans, and refused to provide international scientists working on a vaccine with a live strain of the virus. Meanwhile, an internal Homeland Security report said China dramatically increased its imports of medical supplies and substantially decreased exports of personal protective equipment to hoard the value materials for themselves knowing the severity of the unknown virus. And it's still not clear where the virus originated. Beijing claims it originated in China's infamous wet markets. However, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said last week it is "rigorously" investigating whether the virus accidentally leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan.
  19. as in, makes no sense whatsoever. https://hannity.com/media-room/biden-workers-dont-have-to-leave-work-to-be-fired-in-order-when-they-get-sick-to-be-able-to-live/ BIDEN: ‘Workers Don’t Have to Leave Work to Be Fired in Order When They Get Sick to be Able to Live!’ Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign this week; rambling through a series of questions on social media when asked to comment on paid sick leave during the Coronavirus pandemic. “Workers don’t have to leave work to get, to be fired, in order when they get sick to be able to continue to live!” said Biden. Biden just doesn’t make sense anymore.
  20. and..... obaMao commie is part of fighting back in the day. *********************************************** https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/03/10/second-amendment-may-be-restored-on-army-corps-of-engineers-land/ In 2014, Federal District Judge B. Lynn Winmill (appointed in 1995 by President Bill Clinton) ruled that the ban violates the Second Amendment. The Obama administration then appealed the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. ************************************ Except, this ban had been in place back in the day...when Nixon, one of the worst presidents in American history, ... ************************************ " The prohibition was adopted in 1973, during the Richard Nixon administration. Nixon – -the only U.S. president ever to resign in order to avoid certain removal from office by the House and Senate — thought “guns are an abomination.” His administration promulgated a variety of anti-gun regulations. "
  21. this is a great thing. https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/trump-administration-prepares-abolish-one-america’s-biggest-gun-free-zones Trump Administration Prepares to Abolish One of America’s Biggest Gun-Free Zones
  22. torres went to Harvard and Columbia. naturally, appointed by... buttock obaMao commie.
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