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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. it's sick and twisted - again, turning Real America inside out, upside down, and bass-ackwards at every opportunity. Organized deep state crime has taken over half our country. If we can't stop it, it will take over OUR half - the CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS AMERICAN half.
  2. Pres Trump needs to fire Dr. corrupt Fauci now. yesterday. Amazing video, I buy into it's validity. Half our gov is dangerously corrupt in a very serious way. And apparently, involved in a secret civil war to eliminate all political opposition to them. Big, serious trouble is now here. No more distant future. It's here.
  3. obamao lied again. he KNEW ABOUT THE WIRETAPS ON GEN. FLYNN !!!!!! and, fake ridicule be damned, Pres Trump was absolutely correct - they WERE WIRETAPPED. That is egg on the face of haters who happily bought into the lie, as usual. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/05/07/bombshell-obama-knew-of-flynn-wiretaps-declassified-docs-show-n389078
  4. dirty traitor obaMao commie put all these corrupt dirtbags into our gov. they need to pay a serious price for the lies and fake investigations - they tried to keep control of our country after they lost the election. Too bad so many Americans support the frauds they perpetrated. Like a dangerous cult. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/05/07/trump-warns-a-big-price-should-be-paid-by-obama-administration-for-targeting-general-flynn-n389017
  5. i keep mentioning clapper - now it's PROOF he LIED. prison time for this traitor: *********************************************** Meanwhile, people like James Clapper went on TV and proclaimed to have seen collusion taking place, all the while knowing they had given the opposite testimony behind closed doors and under penalty of perjury. Clapper made those remarks to the House Intel Committee on July 17, 2017 Here is Clapper in May 2019, while being paid by CNN: “What was the Trump campaign doing the same time was essentially aiding and abetting the Russians” https://t.co/569g0DHCcw pic.twitter.com/xhNv9TzorC — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 7, 2020
  6. the deep state has desperately held onto the truth and hid it for over three years. But it's coming forward, and we are finding out it's worse than we imagined. On ZERO EVIDENCE - they manufactured years of "investigations" to try to undo the election where we elected a NON DEEP STATE guy for our president. the stuff is hitting the fan soon. I kept saying "big, serious trouble" was on the horizon - we are finally getting there. A bunch of these arrogant traitors should end up on trial... https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/05/07/adam-schiff-releases-the-russia-investigation-transcripts-now-we-know-why-he-hid-them/
  7. it's a disgrace that none of the liberal hacks on the board supported GENERAL FLYNN - not even the ones who pretended it was terrible to tell the truth about mattis, kelly and mccain. Not one post in support of Gen. Flynn all this time, and he was completely innocent.
  8. getting worse and worse. but the left loves a sexual assault, when it's a real one, and it's their sexual assaulter. they want the power. https://www.theblaze.com/news/court-doc-corroborates-assault-claim-against-biden
  9. just once I'd like one of the more sensible haters to justify the hate comments. Everyday with them is like "Christmas impeachment" day, only they get the shaft, and then they just start another different lie to believe it.
  10. supposed to be announced in about a half hr. Jim Donovan says it will be the fourth weakest schedule in the NFL. about time we caught a break.
  11. without brady and Gronk, butticheck was not on the list at all.
  12. biden is white, though, and they ignore the sexual assault claims -= that are VALID.
  13. I do. had to wear one to go to the dentist office today. could take it off while i was in the chair. and sorry, I don't know what happened to those links... https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/world/coronavirus-how-does-covid-19-attack-the-human-body/ar-BB10EqZe
  14. yep - it isn't politically expedient. The truth only matters when it is beneficial as a weapon.
  15. no president comes up with a giant plan on health care. Pres Trump wouldn't come up with his own plan. obaMao commie care's major flaw - mandatory or get fined... was extremely stupid. Thanks to Pres Trump - it is no more. "if you like your dr you can keep your dr" - obaMao's blatant intentional lies. If you stuck them all in your ear, you would end up deaf. obaMao commie care failed - was a freaking disaster.
  16. The mask will keep it from getting into your lungs. it doesn't attack the eyes. Ever hear of eyes being damaged? nope. hair? nope. I change clothes, and used to take showers to make sure. The danger is letting it into your lungs. and the virus doesn't exist in air by itself. In air, it has been coughed or sneezed out. The size of water droplets containing the virus is far, far larger than the 10-80 nm. Protect your lungs. that is what it hits. ********************************************************** Coronavirus: How does COVID-19 attack the human body? | UK ... https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-how-does... 2:26 Mar 02, 2020 · How coronavirus attacks cells in the lungs. Although just around two months old, experts are slowly discovering more about COVID-19, which appears to be attacking two specific sets of cells in the ... Author: Tania Snuggs How COVID-19 kills: The new coronavirus disease can take a ... https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/02/14/npr-how... But the new coronavirus attacks the lungs, and in about 20 percent of patients, infections can get more serious. As the virus enters lung cells, it starts to replicate, destroying the cells,...
  17. it was a dangerous farce from the beginning, just like the rest of the attempt to get Pres Trump out of office. He doesn't let them control him, and all of us, so they went to their secret war. Flynn lost his home, etc, to defend himself against a fraudulent action by crooks that obaMao put in place. I hope he gets mega millions in his lawsuit, and strzok, page, and all the rest go to freaking prison for what they have done.
  18. apparently, the results are in - it was a cruel, extremely stupidass move that ended in a lot of tragedies. so sad.
  19. no - not true. a good fitting n95 mask will stop droplets in the air. That stops you from inhaling the droplets. it's the lining of the lungs that get the virus attacked to it. and I can't hold my breath that long. Although, back in my air force days, I could swim the entire length of an olympic sized pool underwater. Or course, I was an excellent swimmer and was much younger then. I was actually asked to take over and teach life-saving classes at the base - but I was a short timer, and they found somebody else.
  20. more crap from you, Tex? is that all we are ever going to get? mccain was the only one who voted against it on the rep side, try not to be so obtuse. he voted against it, hurt our country trying to fix health care coverage, which you politically oriented obaMaocommiecare did NOT DO...because he lost the primary to Pres Trump. mccain was a dirt bag. have him be your hero, I don't care. but he's was dirt bag, still in all his years of being a politician that was all in for him and would screw over anybody who got in his way. deep state hack, he was..
  21. a couple of hundred million honks I think, from Real America
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