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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so, If I only could pick two of the greatest pro football head coaches of all time - I'd take Paul Brown and Tom Landry. Similarly, I'd pick Ara Parseghian, Woody Hayes, Bear Bryant....as the greatest college head coaches. lists are subjective - sure. I know - Knute Rockne - is on the list, but that was before my time. I'm not that old, so....
  2. Paul Brown is always on the list - he truly was the greatest of all time. I also think Tom Landry was right up there, too - I always did. "Thomas Wade Landry (September 11, 1924 – February 12, 2000) was an American professional football player and coach. He was the first head coach of the Dallas Cowboys in the National Football League (NFL), a position he held for 29 seasons. Thomas Wade Landry (September 11, 1924 – February 12, 2000) was an American professional football player and coach. He was the first head coach of the Dallas Cowboys in the National Football League (NFL), a position he held for 29 seasons. During his coaching career, he created many new formations and methods, such as the now popular 4–3 defense, and the "flex defense" system made famous by the Doomsday Defense squads he built during his tenure with the Cowboys. His 29 consecutive years from 1960 to 1988 as the coach of one team is an NFL record,[1] along with his 20 consecutive winning seasons, which is considered to be his most impressive professional accomplishment." In addition to his record 20 consecutive winning seasons from 1966 to 1985, Landry won two Super Bowl titles (in Super Bowl VI and XII[2]), five NFC titles, and 13 divisional titles. He compiled a 270–178–6 record, the fourth-most wins all-time for an NFL coach, and his 20 career playoff victories are the second most of any coach in NFL history. Landry was also named the NFL Coach of the Year in 1966 and the NFC Coach of the Year in 1975. "The Great Innovator Landry developed the now-popular "4-3 defense" while serving as Giants defensive coordinator.[9] It was called "4-3" because it featured four down lineman (two ends and two defensive tackles on either side of the offensive center) and three linebackers — middle, left, and right. The innovation was the middle linebacker. Previously, a lineman was placed over the center. But Landry had this person stand up and move back two yards. The Giants' middle linebacker was the legendary Sam Huff. Landry built the 4-3 defense around me. It revolutionized defense and opened the door for all the variations of zones and man-to-man coverage, which are used in conjunction with it today. —Sam Huff[10] When he came to Dallas, Landry refined the 4-3 even further, specifically to counter Lombardi's "run to daylight" strategy. Lombardi's offense was built around sending the running back through any open space, rather than a specific assigned hole. Landry reasoned that the best counter was a defense that blotted out the daylight.[11] The result was the "Flex Defense," which assigned the defenders specific areas of the field to cover. When Landry first implemented it in 1964, fans were initially mystified when they saw the Cowboys defense not swarming to the ball. However, the skeptics were won over when ball carriers invariably ran right into the arms of one of Landry's defenders.[12] The Flex Defense worked so well that Landry had to create an offense to score on it, one which disguised an otherwise simple play with multiple formations.[13]" From 1966 to 1982, a span of 17 years, Dallas played in 12 NFL or NFC Championship games. Furthermore, the Cowboys appeared in 10 NFC Championship games in the 13-year span from 1970 to 1982. Leading the Cowboys to three Super Bowl appearances in four years between 1975 and 1978, and five in nine years between 1970 and 1978, along with being on television more than any other NFL team, resulted in the Cowboys receiving the label of "America's Team", a title Landry did not appreciate because he felt it would bring on extra motivation from the rest of the league to compete with the Cowboys. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1990"
  3. I've thought about that - an American Patriot party. except I suppose it would divide up Real America, and leave the left one party, with deep state traitors all over our government.
  4. hacks, they are. full of themselves BIG SHOTS, BIG MOUTHS, and are power-hungry controllers. deep state like power-hungry controllers. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/05/08/air-force-dropping-mattis-80-aircraft-readiness-goal.html The AF is pretty much telling those two's legacy to shove it. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/05/08/air-force-dropping-mattis-80-aircraft-readiness-goal.html "The Air Force will allow commanders to set their own goals, he said. " " Letting go of the Defense Department's 80% standard may actually allow for units to apply their time and effort toward readiness in a more resourceful way, according to a longtime defense analyst in Washington, D.C. "By letting the commands determine the desired mission-capable rate instead of DoD, it lets the commands move resources around to the missions they think are most likely to be needed, rather than trying to bring particular units up to 80% even if that's not the unit you're likely to need tomorrow," the analyst told Military.com."
  5. "even some Republicans"... Hoorta, you mean "rinos". Disagreements are allowed in the republican party. the democratic party is like pre-WWII nazis. They demand to own and control everything by any means necessary. and CNN? LOL LOL. They have zero cred as a news source, They are just an "SNL" type of show - politics bent to attract the left side of America. and don't think Fox is the flip side - they are anything but, especially the last few years.
  6. Pres Trump needs to get secret service protection for Barr. He's fighting organized crime in our government. Barr is the perfect American AG who isn't corrupted to get all this filth out into the open. The MAN has no fear that will make him not fight for all of us. I'm actually concerned something will happen to him. clinton/deep state style. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/05/08/democrats-in-full-panic-trying-to-take-out-bill-barr-with-new-letter/
  7. https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/05/08/joe-biden-accusertara-reade-provides-details-of-her-alleged-sexual-assault-and-they-are-ugly/ Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade Provides Details of Her Alleged Sexual Assault – and They Are Ugly
  8. If you stand for America - you are their enemy. they stand for themselves like nazis did. The arrogance and corruption is sickening. More and more, the truth is coming out. THIS is "big, serious, trouble", and if they aren't held accountable, we will lose our America. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/05/08/bill-barr-blasts-fbi-perjury-trap-of-flynn-hints-more-coming-on-the-whole-pattern-of-conduct/ Bill Barr Blasts FBI ‘Perjury Trap’ of Flynn, Hints More Coming on the ‘Whole Pattern of Conduct’
  9. fauci needs to be fired. I expect it soon. After that video of the researcher who was berated by fauci to keep her discovery secret.... I hope he gets hit with malpractice suits. He's corrupt.
  10. pretty sick. these dirtbags lie like nazis on war crimes trials - but now they are caught. sure sounds like a "civil war" of sorts to me. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/05/08/russia-transcripts-show-obama-official-was-forced-to-admit-they-lied-on-msnbc-about-collusion/ "Isn’t it amazing how quickly all the stories about collusion changed the moment these people were put under oath? For years, people like James Clapper, Ben Rhodes, and Samantha Power appeared on cable news insinuating, and sometimes outright proclaiming, to have seen evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. When the penalty of perjury came into play though, suddenly they had nothing to offer. Those aren’t the only examples from the formerly covered up Russia investigation transcripts, though. Another Obama official named Evelyn Farkas had to directly admit she lied on MSNBC when questioned about her comments"
  11. these dirtbags must be brought up to trials. This shows dangerous deep state fight in their war to control America, and all of us. They got Flynn OUT, and put their McMaster in. The evidence of deep state dangerous dirty moves is mounting up hugely. Not even pro-obaMao commie cowards can deny it. *********************************************** https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/05/08/new-report-names-a-surprising-figure-now-going-under-the-microscope-over-the-michael-flynn-ordeal/ "Upon Flynn’s firing, McMaster came into the role and absolutely cleaned house. He notably promoted several anti-Trump figures in his office, a point of contention that festered until his resignation. McMaster also played right into the Trump-Russia investigation, refusing to tell the President he was a target. McMaster didn’t tell Trump he was the target of the FBI investigationhttps://t.co/ZSZiTnGP4M — ThunderB, SicSemperTyrannis (@ThunderB) May 8, 2020 Further, there’s the matter of Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who blew the whistle on all the unmaskings that took place during the latter months of the Obama administration. McMaster attempted to fire him but Trump blocked the move initially. Who did McMaster want to replace him with? A Democrat flack who authored the Benghazi talking points that caused so much controversy during that period. McMaster eventually got his way and got rid of Cohen-Watnick. As it pertains to Flynn, there’s no doubt McMaster was well aware of everything that had been done. There’s also no doubt that he was read into all the corruption that occurred involving the FBI and the Page FISA warrants. The entire reason Flynn was targeted was almost certainly because he would have discovered that information. McMaster sat on it, though, perhaps even aiding the cover-up. Given all that, it makes perfect sense that he’s being investigated at this point. We’ll see where this goes."
  12. it IS morphing, as I said way earlier on it would. Except usually, the changes develop over centuries, like many centuries? except THIS one is changing fast, right across the earth. It works exactly like a low-budget trojan horse bio-weapon. Destroy your enemies' economy, establish social chaos, infect their military, put them on the defensive, cause political rivalry gone wild all to hell... and the country that let it loose can simply say it's "natural" .. even though that country insisted on quarantining their own cities, but insisted free travel to Europe and America by infected chinese - who will be healthy enough to make the trip, while infectous. You have college in that, Hoorta. Any explanations ? It doesn't pass the eyeball test to say it's just a freak natural accident. https://www.theblaze.com/news/covid-19-odd-symptoms
  13. only if he gets assassinated - it's what the left does, historically speaking. They already tried to frame people around him, blackmail him into resigning over lies and a fake "dossier", they've had lies told about him all over the media since WE ELECTED HIM AND SAVED OURSELVES, they've threatened his family with ruin, threatened his kids with vile statements, sent anyone they can, by any means possible, to prison... and you are a coward who won't defend Gen. Flynn like you defended your dirty heroes mccain, mattis and kelly for their service in the military. that makes you the board's hypocrite. Have a nice day...someday.
  14. this entire fraud that was created because they lost the chance to seal their power permanently, right when they could have nailed it all, they lost so much of it. and they will do anything to get it back. They will manipulate elections by organized crime methods all they want, to the point of murdering political opponents. They can't go back now - they are KNOWN all over the media, the courts, and Real Americans who still honor their Flag, Constitution/Bill of Rights to the end. Throughout history - there have been corrupt power movements. If the left could get the power- they could own all of America's wealth, and like loyal dirty nazis - they will continue the lies, blackmail, dirty tricks, slander/libel, fake kangaroo investigations and courts... it's history. It's trying to happen to America. All hell could break loose, just my opinion - from history.
  15. truth is, I hope he is the nominee - they could find a far more dangerous asswhole, like someone who woodpecker would want to give great big smoochies to - who would through our entire country into a Constitutional civil war of sorts.
  16. if you can't argue vs the content, you go woodypeckerhead, even over here? pretty trash. I just gave facts, and sure enough, you go back to it again? egad. If a post is wrong, explain why it is, don't just bitch as usual.
  17. well, we paid a little attention to him, that should make him dream of being woodpecker's new nanny.
  18. DH would give obaMao's butt great big smoochies. Not even woodpecker is as negative to the content on this forum. Just as worthless.
  19. Paul Brown won hugely every place he coached. like Massillon Washington High School. and Paul Brown didn't have Lou Groza in hs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Brown Brown began his coaching career at Severn School in 1931 before becoming the head football coach at Massillon Washington High School in Massillon, Ohio, where he grew up. His high school teams lost only 10 games in 11 seasons. He was then hired at Ohio State University and coached the school to its first national football championship in 1942. After World War II, he became head coach of the Browns, who won all four AAFC championships before joining the NFL in 1950. Brown coached the Browns to three NFL championships – in 1950, 1954 and 1955 – but was fired in January 1963 amid a power struggle with team owner Art Modell. ************************************* now, let's look at billy buttheadcheck - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Belichick, who was a loser head coach for the Browns - his first head coaching job. THEN, after being FIRED, he became a head coach with the Jets, but "resigned" after only one day on the job, and went to become the head coach of the Patriots. Belichick began his coaching career in 1975 and became the defensive coordinator for New York Giants head coach Bill Parcells by 1985. Parcells and Belichick won two Super Bowls together before Belichick left to become the head coach of the Cleveland Browns in 1991. He remained in Cleveland for five seasons but was fired following the team's 1995 season. He then rejoined Parcells, first in New England, where the team lost Super Bowl XXXI, and later with the New York Jets. After being named head coach of the Jets, Belichick resigned after only one day on the job to accept the head coaching job for the New England Patriots on January 27, 2000. *********************************************** and, after inheriting a Patiots team that was 11-5 in 96, in 94, 10-5 in 97, 9-7 in 98, and 8-8 in 99.... buttheadcheck became their head coach, and took them to a losing season - 5-11. Only after all that, did he learn how not to be too much of a jerkface, to become a successful head coach. and guess what qb came to the Patriots in Buttheadcheck's FIRST YEAR? yep. Tom Brady.
  20. Thanks for the cigar, Tiam !
  21. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-warned-trump-against-hiring-mike-flynn-say-officials-n756316 Former President Obama warned President Donald Trump against hiring Mike Flynn as his national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News. The warning, which has not been previously reported, came less than 48 hours after the November election when the two sat down for a 90-minute conversation in the Oval Office. A senior Trump administration official acknowledged Monday that Obama raised the issue of Flynn, saying the former president made clear he was "not a fan of Michael Flynn." Another official said Obama’s remark seemed like it was made in jest.
  22. and you swim ten miles in that river in Egypt.
  23. Sorry, Ace, your premise is entirely wrong. See, as a member of PRESIDENT TRUMP"S transition team, he is SUPPOSED to be doing that work. He has the outstanding experience. Why go after Flynn?> because he didn't fall in line with the deep state hacks leftover from the corrupt obaMao regime. In other words, Flynn was fired by obaMao deep state hack commie - because he had the integrity to call things as they really were. You cross these arrogant bureaucrats who stay in our gov from Pres to Pres, and you get your life ruined, if not end up dead. The landscape is littered with files on people who the clintons couldn't trust - who ended up mysteriously...dead. ObaMao commie weaponized the IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, even the EPA - and dramatically increased gov hiring - in a bid to have big government own America where we could never go back. Anyways, obaMAO commie fired Flynn. Anybody think stupidass obaMao commie had any idea on how qualified Gen Flynn was for the position? Of COURSE he was qualified, for goodness sakes. But he wouldn't be one of them. So, he had to go. And they warned Pres Trump to not hire him, either. Why? Because they wanted their mattis, kelly, vindman, whatshisname "whistleblower" and others in their control, to end up in Pres Trump's administration to spy on him, to control him. But they couldn't control Pres Trump, and they started to destroy him and anyone around him. They ran a fake investigation on faked evidence, despite their innocence, and screwed with them via their controlled msm. and that's fact. Gen Flynn was set up so badly, and they threatened his son for no good reason, and destroyed his finances and he lost his home. all over him not being one of the deep staters, who must be controlled to effect the deep state agenda, and to protect them from ever being found out for being the criminals they are. right down to strzok punk and his mistress, Lisa Page, vindman... BTW, the FISA warrants? were obtained illegally and dishonestly with fake evidence from... the DNC, higgardly beatch, the Orrs, Simpson, and all the rest - with Fusion GPS.
  24. DH needs a haircut and counseling.
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