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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, watch out for the old sand. Trust me. S. Padre Island - not a place I would go - rumors of drug running there years ago. I hope you have a winch and a long rope. Like, ...enough rope to tie to the nearest trees. and I would never go unarmed.
  2. Woodpecker is an ignorant loser. Just attacks out of stupidity. I think he would love the refreshment - he's that sick.
  3. explain - schiff refused to release them, until he had no choice. How is it you don't agree with that? It's all over the place.
  4. LOL ! I've been told you have to process the geese right, and they are good. I have my Dad's old 12 gauge black powder shotgun. Hasn't been fired for decades, but it doesn't kick much at all. I'm going to get it checked out by a gunsmith and try it out this summer. I think when I get a good bit older, I'm going to buy a .410 double barrel. I wish we had turkeys up here in NE ohio. I"ve seen big flocks of em in Kentucky and Tennessee. I'm still waiting for Steve to come out to the farm and go groundhog skeet shooting with me, He keeps being "too busy"...
  5. I'm going to make myself some real sassafras tea - it will kill any corvid virus that blows in the wind..... I think.. lol Pine needle tea would be even better. It's stronger.
  6. you want competence, so you will be voting for BIDEN ???? LOL LOL LOL LOL oh my. LOL LOL LOL LOL unbeliev... LOL LOL LOL LOL
  7. don't LOL too loud, there, Hoorta. While it isn't official policy that would get hammered, the fix is in for under the table illegal voting by illegals. SF gave undocumented immigrants voting rights. Now it’s ... https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/matier-ross/... Mar 05, 2018 · Its passage made San Francisco the first California city to give noncitizens the right to vote in any election. Of course, something else happened in that election — Donald Trump won the presidency. SHOCKING: California DMV Registering Thousands of Illegal ... https://www.redstate.com/kiradavis/2018/10/09/... Oct 09, 2018 · The California Department of Motor Vehicles is under fire after it was discovered that illegal aliens in the state had been registered to vote. The problem came to light when the Los Angeles Times ran a story on Canadian who found he was mistakenly registered to vote while trying to replace his driver’s license, prompting a closer look by the paper and authorities.
  8. that is annoying, but I still think I'm right. lol
  9. yes, and thank GOD he won. He's kept his promises - you can't deny it. Biden is a sleazeball with coherency troubles, bigtime. and a liar. and an extortionist. and a sexual predator. Trump is your next vote if you care about our America.
  10. btw, it's not that I'm terrified, it's that my Wife had heart surgery a year/2 years now? ago, and I would do anything to protect her from it. So, I'm just humorously very careful to a fault. Discretion is the better part of valor. I can be pretty brave when I'm careful. lol
  11. not what I mean to say. I say it ACTS like a bioweapon. So does a smallpox virus. Black plague did. A naturally occurring virus that can be used as a bioweapon is not as deadly...but devastating regardless. And, a naturally occurring virus is far more easily used. and it depends on where China was sending their travelers. See, they don't go to the countries that were less impacted for college- they go to the United States. We are their goal - to surpass us economically, militarily ...that is why we got his so hard, CHina deliberately lied, Hoorta. They stopped travel INTO their infected areas, but insisted that AMERICA kept the doors open to travelers from their country. Doesn't that sound wrong to you? Think about it. The entire world got caught unprepared only because China kept it's secrets, and refused help from western governments. They LIED about it being transmissable person to person. THAT is the problem, dammit.
  12. not surprised - you look like Uncle Fester on the Adam's family....
  13. of course - I meant college. He was one of the greatest college coaches.
  14. oops. LOL, doesn't work if I quote Hoorta in your having quoted him. sorry. I went too fast.
  15. crap. I forgot Lou Holtz - he is also one of the great ones.
  16. I type too fast. My keyboard is getting old. Truth is, I was referring to the obvious lies about Kavanaugh by leftwing radical sluts. However, your pervert Joe Biden has women who are of HIS OWN POLITICAL PARTY, the most prominent one admired him hugely...before he sexually assaulted her. So, Tour and anybody else who won't vote for PRes Trump - if you still support biden in the next election, just admit it now, and we'll see how the election goes. There is absolutely NOBODY on the left who is qualified to be president. So, Pres Trump, warts/tweets/orange skin and all - is who you will vote for, unless you want your country to go to hell. PS - I don't think you all want HELL in America. Stop emoting and think about it.
  17. You still going to vote for him, Tour? lol https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe-biden-almost-arrested-for-chasing-college-women
  18. don't worry, if we completely run out of meat - we have groundhogs - and possum...(no, I would never try the latter, either lol)
  19. Well, I'm an expert on root beer, and I can get any brand of root beer I want - it's in the stores. Mostly because, it's a superior product that doesn't go bad. Very, very long shelf life, you know. With root beer, I've always been ahead of the curve, professionally speaking....
  20. Cal, it just goes to show how limited your POV is... So if the Dems only have one Nazi viewpoint- how come there were over a dozen candidates running for President- yeah- they all were espousing the exact identical Nazi stuff. Get out of here with that biased crap. HOORTA *********************************************** Actually, no, I have all sorts of facts that make up my opinions. Your appraisal is all wet in Egypt. Fundamentally, the dems all conform to the irrational disregard for America, and all of us who will never jump onto the socialist train. Every single one of them supports unlimited illegal immigration. Every single one of them wants to "transform" America and all of us, into something we will never become. Every single one of them have a disregard for the limitations imposed on our government - by our Constitution/Bill of Rights. It's a socialist movement - they are all on board. Every single one of them lies to appear not as they really are. American Indian? nope. Leader of defending our Constitution/Bill of Rights? NO. Bring us all together - (that was one of obaMao's lies) while dividing us into racial, economic, religious/non religious, political, and most importantly, cultureal hostile groups? NOPE. You folks who want one of them to be elected, instead of re-electing our president who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES TO US... is what is "limited in POV" Folks all over America are stocking up on guns and ammo - even before the virus crisis. They did when obaMao was elected. Why? It's because if your dems ever do get back into the WH, our 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment rights will be the first of all of them to go out the window. and that is just a fact, jack. all your dems follow in line with the hate. JUST LIKE the nazis did, Pre-WWII. You want me to repost the video of the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen back in the day? Where they talked about their new socialist form of gov, and exterminating millions of Americans who won't go along? Let me know - I'll go find it and edumicate ya. (again, your ObaMao started his political career - in bill ayer's father's home in Chicago).
  21. DH translation " "blabber hate redirect never admit I'm a troll who is wrong on everything pay attention to me " yeah, that's close, I think.
  22. he had no choice - he refused to release them until he had no choice. Trolling, eh? You aren't that good at it. lol You should read more. I know you're busy ...this is from Vambo's post today, from Jaf's nonsense universe of random nothingburgers thread. ********************************************** Schiff Folds: Publishes Russiagate Transcripts After Showdown With DNI by Tyler Durden Thu, 05/07/2020 - 18:25 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/schiff-folds-will-selectively-publish-russia-hearing-transcripts-after-showdown-dni?fbclid=IwAR22h3qeNIB6t6h0NbTygPeFFlJb-yXyB4SAh4i-oY8txs3XNo7UpSkMrbc Following the standoff between Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Acting DNI Richard Grenell, the House Intelligence Committee published all of the Russia investigation transcripts Thursday evening. Interview Transcripts: Interview Transcript of Rinat Akhmetshin (November 13, 2017) Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (January 16, 2018) Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (February 15, 2018) Interview Transcript of Andrew Brown (August 30, 2017) Interview Transcript of Michael Caputo (July 14, 2017) Interview Transcript of John Carlin (July 27, 2017) Interview Transcript of Thomas Catan (October 18, 2017) Interview Transcript of James Clapper (July 17, 2017) Interview Transcript of Samuel Clovis (December 12, 2017) Interview Transcript of Dan Coats (June 22, 2017) Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017) Interview Transcript of Rick Dearborn (January 17, 2018) Interview Transcript of Diana Denman (December 5, 2017) Interview Transcript of Marc Elias (December 13, 2017) Interview Transcript of Boris Ephsteyn (September 28, 2017) Interview Transcript of Evelyn Farkas (June 26, 2017) Interview Transcript of Peter Fritsch (October 18, 2017) Interview Transcript of Michael Goldfarb (December 12, 2017) Interview Transcript of Rob Goldstone (December 18, 2017) Interview Transcript of Jeffrey Gordon (July 26, 2017) Interview Transcript of Rhona Graff (December 22, 2017) Interview Transcript of Shawn Henry (December 5, 2017) Interview Transcript of Hope Hicks (February 27, 2018) Interview Transcript of Ike Kaveladze (November 2, 2017) Interview Transcript of David Kramer (December 19, 2017) Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (December 23, 2017) Interview Transcript of David Kramer (January 10, 2018) Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 5, 2018) Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 10, 2018) Interview Transcript of Jared Kushner (July 25, 2017) Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (January 17, 2018) Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (March 8, 2018) Interview Transcript of Loretta Lynch (October 20, 2017) Interview Transcript of Simona Mangiante (July 18, 2018) Interview Transcript of Andrew McCabe (December 19, 2017) Interview Transcript of Mary McCord (November 1, 2017) Interview Transcript of Alexander Nix (December 14, 2017) Interview Transcript of Carter Page (November 2, 2017) Interview Transcript of Brad Parscale (October 24, 2017) Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017) Interview Transcript of John Podesta (June 27, 2017) Interview Transcript of John Podesta (December 4, 2017) Interview Transcript of Samantha Power (October 13, 2017) Interview Transcript of Erik Prince (November 30, 2017) Letter from HPSCI to Department of Justice (April 30, 2019) Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017) Interview Transcript of Susan Rice (September 8, 2017) Interview Transcript of Jonathan Saffron (October 12, 2017) Interview Transcript of Anatoli Samochornov (November 28, 2017) Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017) Interview Transcript of Keith Schiller (November 7, 2017) Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017) Interview Transcript of Roger J. Stone, Jr. (September 26, 2017) Interview Transcript of Jake Sullivan (December 21, 2017) Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017) Interview Transcript of Matthew Tait (October 6, 2017) Interview Transcript of Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes (August 30, 2017) Interview Transcript of Donald Trump, Jr. (December 6, 2017) Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017) Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017) Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018) Via SaraACarter.com, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff is planning to selectively release information from some of the 53 declassified transcripts of witnesses that testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s Russia probe into the Trump campaign. This move, comes after a long battle against Republican colleagues, who are fighting to make all the transcripts available to the American public, said a U.S. official, with knowledge of Schiff’s plans. Schiff has been fighting the release of the transcripts. The decision for Schiff to publish a selective portion of the 6,000 pages of transcripts comes after a recent public showdown with Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who is also fighting to make all the transcripts public. In fact, Grenell reiterated in a letter Wednesday that if Schiff doesn’t make the transcripts public then he will release them himself. Interestingly, the committee voted unanimously in the fall of 2018, to make all the transcripts public after declassification, which has already been done. “Schiff’s planning to selectively leak to the liberal media what he wants, while keeping the truth from the American people,” said one source, familiar with Schiff’s plans. Schiff’s office did not immediately respond to an email for comment. A congressional source familiar with the issue said “the committee voted in the last Congress to publish all the transcripts together, precisely to avoid any staged release calculated for political effect.” “Schiff has had possession of most of the redacted transcripts for a long time, but he used the fact that he didn’t have all of them as an excuse not to publish any,” said the congressional source. “If he selectively publishes just some of them now, it’ll be rank hypocrisy.” Allegedly Schiff is also having his senior subcommittee staff director and counsel with the intelligence committee contact the various heads of the intelligence community asking them to challenge plans by Grenell to release the transcripts, which were declassified prior to his arrival at DNI. Several sources, familiar with Schiff’s actions, have stated that his refusal to release the transcripts is based on information contained in the testimony that will destroy his Russia hoax propaganda. “Schiff has been sitting on a lot of these transcripts for a long time,” said a Republican congressional source. “They were using this as an excuse to ensure that the White House wouldn’t have access to the transcripts, now he wants to selectively leak and that’s the game he plays – he’s definitely shifty.”
  23. "I'll go first woodpecker, then it's your turn" and woody just keeps not learning. LOL
  24. which is stupid. "haha" makes no sense at all. Barr, if he had to, would through putin into prison for his crimes.
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