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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, explain how strzok, page, brennan, clapper, rice, obamao , biden, mueller, his entire cast of corrupt prosecutors, the Orrs, Simpson, Priestop, sp? , and many more never did anything wrong when the facts are, they did. that is the deep state. Explain how they never lied, when it's proven they did. Explain how Flynn was never guilty, but they threatened him endlessly til they bankrupted him, for NO GOOD REASON. Explain 2 years of a fake investigation based on lies to the FISA court, and they finally came up with NOTHING. Explain all that, or you are just all wet in Egypt !
  2. Good for PRes Trump. It was a stupid ass question, gets worse and worse by these hacks for dollars.
  3. dh wants to give the ignorant ass rino woshippers great big smoochies. corrupt mccain was a piece of scum in civilian life. thanks for playing stupid again. won't work.
  4. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/cartoons/images/2020/05/04/michael_ramirez_michael_ramirez_for_may_04_2020_5_.jpg
  5. touche' but at least Pres Trump KEEPS his excellent promises to us, obaMao commie/higgardly/biden would break all their promises again. "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" - the left never learns.
  6. yeah, but it is far better than bite me biden sexual assaulter can do one coherent sentence in any situation, who helped obaMao commie screw up our country for eight years. Just one example of why you be wrong - obaMao divided America up BADLY - economically, racially, politically, and corrupted our entire gov, using his hacks to destroy any and all political opposition to keep from losing the election to cement their ownership of our gov, all our wealth, and all of us. but they lost, and they've been nazi hell bent on getting it back by nearly? any means necessary. I'm sure you would be happy if I found the same TRUE STORIES at cnn, msnbc, etc. but they won't print it. I've posted from so many sources, and it's odd that every single one of them is "right wing news". Actually, the deep state is PROVEN FACT now. The laws broken in going after Gen. Flynn is out in the open as fact now. The wiretapping of Pres Trump's admin is out in the open and is FACT now. The conspiracy to fraudulently go to the FISA court, and fake a bogus investigation for two years over NOTHING, is out in the open and is FACT now. The FACTS are piling in. It's just too late to "haha" it all away, Hoorta. The clear picture is, the list of names is getting longer and longer - obaMAO commie, biden, holder, lynch, powers, strzok, page, rice, brennan, clapper, higgardly mafioso, the Orrs, Simpson, Priestap, Mueller himself, the entire corrupt prosecutor cast under mueller - including Wiesmann (the Pit Bull prosecutor who was censured for withholding exsculpatory information), dirty arrogant mattis, dirty arrogant kelly, vindman, whatshisname the fake "whistleblower"... and that isn't a complete list. Look into it, Hoorta. It's a devastating situation we all knew nothing about, til they lost the election and went for broke. Despite all his imperfections, Pres Trump is keeping the promises he made, and is doing the right things for America. and anybody what FEELS they want America to go away, and let the global schmobel one world gov take over, can just go sit on a giant thumbtack. If anybody opposes Pres Trump's re-election, they are simply supporting the sickening, dangerous and widespread corruption of power and control obaMao commie helped put in place.
  7. It's true - I have some good friends who say their coworkers are po'd about being called back into work. They wanted the summer off. Free stuff unearned is addictive to certain types of people. Mostly liberals, and lazy liberals. and some "independents". I say that because the democratic party is gone. JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". It was outstanding advice. Anymore, we have a subculture that thrives on bitching and being a fake victim. Bitch about God, Christians, every single thing a republican president does, or doesn't do, bitch about any good/great solution to any problem, bitch about "the rich", if it isn't exactly like THEM, ...they hate it. this is the song of their people:
  8. Oh, Axe, I'm so sorry - never knew that - that's a heartbreaker to hear. You will, someday.
  9. try proving anything? you say with some facts, Tex, to show WHY you say the stupid, meaningless slurs you spew all the time.
  10. the deep state is continuing news. not the mindless, meaningless "orange man bad" crap.
  11. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/05/10/mollie-hemingway-exposes-the-important-timeline-of-leaking-to-the-media-to-undermine-trump/ Mollie Hemingway Exposes the Important Timeline of Obama Admin Leaking to the Media that Helped Undermine Trump
  12. the obaMao commie mafia organized crime spree is out in the open, and all heck is going to break loose and fall down on the leftwing corrupt traitor sombeitches.
  13. I think Hoorta mentioned it, but I didn't believe it. Time to start wearing my sunglasses all the time when I'm in a store with the mask. face shield. that's it. dammit. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8304781/Coronavirus-enter-body-eyes.html
  14. from the previous page - (bad cover up job)
  15. personal health a TWO? I hope is only malaria, or a cold, and not the covid19. 800 miles... I've done 70 once in a day, and it hurt to walk. or sit down....
  16. that pretty much nails it, per the top lawyer of GENERAL FLYNN. Now, Flynn should be taking over the FBI or CIA.... clean house of the filth partisan crooks. https://www.theblaze.com/news/michael-flynns-top-lawyer-makes-stunning-accusation-about-obamas-involvement-in-flynn-case
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