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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the left is at war with Real America. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/twitter-rolling-down-tweets-of-obamagate-by-the-minute/
  2. these corrupt sombeitches are going to pay. their trials are just the beginning. BIG SERIOUS TROUBLE is now here, has been here. https://www.theblaze.com/news/report-richard-grenell-has-declassified-list-of-obama-officials-who-unmasked-flynn?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=theblaze
  3. Best and only choice to save our country. You? what is your excuse, obtuse?
  4. stop being that ignorant. I didn't say anything about him being a hero or not. There are differing opinions on that, from people who served with him. I'm talking about him being a traitor and a worm in his civilian life. It's tough to be a conservative, and try to have any kind of serious discussion with you, dh, and tex. You can't back up your hate, so you resort to trolling. haha. The unreasonable hostility, with no explanation, just slurs and bs, seem to mean that you are trying to goad conservatives to getting kicked on the board or something. If you can't back it up at all, you lose the argument, again. Have a nice day !
  5. most of the criticism IS poltiical hate/bias. like you, they can't admit Pres Trump is doing great things for our country. You just want to be stuck in your bias. too bad. and let it be known, I didn't start name calling you, you started it, liberal. It's what you all do.
  6. With all the hostility from the hater vindictive leftwing asswhole media, I'm not surprised. Meanwhile, obaMao commie was pres for eight years, and the media rarely asked him a serious question. Obama Gives Speeches, Interviews But Few Press ... - ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-barack... Jan 13, 2010 · President Obama has not held a full news conference at the White House since July 22, the night he said that the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly" … ************************************************ Obama scolds reporter for asking question at press conference https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/18/... Oct 18, 2016 · President Obama scolded a journalist Tuesday for shouting out a question — at a press conference — about illegal immigration from Central America. “I …
  7. woodpecker translation: "i'm lonely, Hoorta, would you be my boyfriend? I need a boyfriend. I don't have any friends. DH would probably be my boyfriend, but he is too mean, and I'm a lonely birdbrain"
  8. no, not this expresident. Bush didn't interfere with him for eight years, even while obamao screwed up our gov and our entire country. but obamao has been organized the interference, the coup attempt, and has been trying to keep his power/weapons of our FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA... he's a traitor. STFU buttock. you and your ilk are under investigation for crimes against...all of us. https://www.theblaze.com/news/mcconnell-tells-obama-to-shut-up
  9. I would ask Pres Trump respectful, intelligent questions. not even like you would ask your obaMao commie or your higgardly. and you worship traitors, because they had a lot of military, but you diss Gen Flynn. that is just asswhole hypocrite moves right there.
  10. or...we lose our country completely in corruption, fraud and all those who demand free stuff from the left. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/05/11/balls-to-the-wall-durham-moving-ahead-at-full-throttle/ Balls to the Wall: Durham Moving Ahead at Full Throttle
  11. sure, let the left voters vote TWICE. or three or four times. that would make Tour, dh, woodypeckerhead and Tex emotionally rejoicing and knee jerking. https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/05/11/hundreds-of-ca-25-voters-have-received-multiple-mail-ballots-for-special-election/
  12. technically maybe. but she isn't a Real American.
  13. that's dishonest. you took part of what I said and are acting like you don't know what all I said. Weird. Do you have TDS reading disabilities or what?
  14. stop trying to change the subject - I wasn't there - there are different takes on that Mccain was a corrupt loser sold out asswhole in civilian life. do you deny it and why?
  15. figures. She's chinese? maybe some of you should go live in communist china - you seem to like it so much. or russia - your deep state hacks pulled off a giant KGB op right here in America.
  16. your obaMao commie was putin's puppet, dummy. He and your higgardly sold 25% of our uranium to him, indirectly. Uranium One. Own it, you and all the rest of mindless emotional knee jerking obaMAO commie protectors do.
  17. obaMao commie did so much damage to our country. and some around here refuse to admit it. too bad. They want to feeeeeeeeeeeeellllll wonderful as "citizens of the global new world order" i suppose. or, maybe they just get off on really stupid ass trolling. lol They must need some kind of emotional viagra to make it work or something. Really tough to figure the hypocrisy and ignorance. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/obamagate-trump-flynn 'OBAMAGATE': New evidence suggests President Obama actually orchestrated the FBI’s Trump–Russia probe
  18. demoquack wannabe fascist sombeitch. Just watch as the American people are going to kick these leftwing power stooges out of office next time around. https://www.theblaze.com/news/wolf-threatens-counties-closure-orders
  19. just like nazis pre-WWII, information, even fake information, works for the left.
  20. never said that - I said his civilian life. You don't know the difference, it's okay.
  21. not just covid, but smallpox, etc etc etc. said it long before... it's frickin true.
  22. who is krelim? you have a poster of him on your wall? or is it a krelim picture of nasty pelosi? If you ever live in russia, dude, haha, you would know the difference. when the left is WRONG, and can't back up their emotional knee jerking, they troll out of spite. It's all they have.
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