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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep. nasty nazi pelosi is sick with power. Real America won't stand for it. Just wait til the elections. cnn is a disgrace - they love the power ride with the dems, like some of these trolls on the forum.
  2. Greta on the virus panel of experts... for climate change. the dems are using the virus crisis to make their move for power. Real America is ready to give them the finger.
  3. these bastards are in big trouble. and biden - lied again. "i didn't know about it" to "oh, I knew about it but nothing else" to... being one of the for no good reason unmasking requesters. these dirtbags are in serious legal trouble now. especially for the leaking and conspiracy to defraud our legal system, to get at Flynn and get Pre Trump. Clapper, Brennan, powers, biden, all of em. Corrupt and we keep naming them, I keep naming them. It's worse and they are more dangerously corrupt than we imagined.
  4. if Axe is in a dem gov state - he is 100% correct. The dems are showing Real America just how sick for unlimited power and control over people they are. Watch the elections throw the nazis out.
  5. you are lost in the wilderness in the fall. The leaves are beautiful, you wipe your exposed skin with mud to keep the insects at bay. Stupid mosquitoes and black flies. But, you somehow have cell phone reception, and the Browns are going to be on in a while. Well, fix yourself some eats and watch them march on their way to the playoffs! https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/214172/fried-dandelions-appalachian-style/
  6. nope. Phil Robertson. He was one of the greatest. Terry Bradshaw admits it.
  7. I'll pass- the won/lost criteria doesn't work with me on qb's. Archie Manning was a truly great qb. Never had a chance. I'll go with the smartest and most instinctive qb's, scrawny Johnny Unitas, Otto Graham, Bernie Kosar, Peyton Manning, Dan Marino...Archie Manning..... Phil Robertson..... 😎
  8. I understand about the complaints that "masks don't really stop it"...to a point, it could be true - except it isn't just one micron. We're talkin a lot more than one - from below, a sneeze droplet is less that 100 microns across. A dark human hair is about 2-3 thousands of an inch across, generally. Which is, just about 75 microns. I think. crap, I have to go check lol... Yep. 75 microns = 0.00295276. (I checked with the converter jobbie) https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZTSB&pc=MOZI&q=microns+to+inches So, the size of the droplet is what is important. My opinion - a loose cloth single layer mask might not do it, sure. But a surgical mask, especially an N95 mask, certainly would. We had N95 masks from flipping houses. Pretty good judgement - the gals stopped doing their flipping because of the trends of pricing/sales, at least for a while, and 5 months later, this crap hit. So, while it CAN be true - a good mask could save you from inhaling that droplet, folks. Just my opinion - check with an expert to get a pro opinion. (not Hoorta, he's a goofball. LOL LOL LOL). sorry, Hoorta. Just kidding. Let's all do what we can to stay safe, but we can't hide in our homes for much longer. Life can already be a chance at disaster, but we still live, go on vacations, play golf, etc (not in a lightning storm, ya?), ... I see a lot of older folks out and around now, some stores have someone disinfecting the carts handles, and has customers wait til another customer comes out. Let's get back to it. Freedom isn't free. We'll be careful - the damage done socially, emotionally, financially, etc... is mounting. Depression can set it, a very close friend's Mom had to be hospitalized, heart efficiency, and after a week, no visitors, she was really upset about it. In this opening back up transition - let's try...to be careful, still. ************************** "Sneezing is even worse [see a photo]. It starts at the back of the throat and produces even more droplets β€” as many as 40,000 β€” some of which rocket out at speeds greater than 200 miles per hour. The vast majority of the droplets are less than 100 microns across β€” the width of a human hair. The Gross Science of a Cough and a Sneeze | Live Science www.livescience.com/3686-gross-science-cough-sneeze.html "
  9. that is, Brit Hume - famous TRUE journalist with excellent courage and integrity - and he is absolutely corretct: https://www.theblaze.com/news/brit-hume-media-trump-russia 'It was a disaster': Brit Hume takes media to task for amplifying Trump-Russia conspiracy
  10. https://gunsandgadgetsdaily.com/guns-save-lives-covid-19-home-invasion-edition/?trk_msg=7S3HP5J2574KBB26S3ULF2CN20&trk_contact=P08I8GEDGFU2L78K01F2G6F9FG&trk_sid=J5NKGH79VG45MMOHS4BU16JD24 Guns Save Lives: COVID-19 Home Invasion Edition
  11. and and not even Hoorta will say one word in defense of Flynn. ah well, same old, same old. Just liberal spitting into the wind to pizz the wind off, never realizing that it keeps hitting them in the face every time. No serious discussion with them. They can't control the narrative, own the forum, so they bitch. and bitch. and bitch. and ... bitch some more.
  12. truth is, obaMao and co. blamed American gun owners and gun stores for the gun violence in mexico. the agents were instructed to buy all those guns, and give them to the drug cartels. AND they were told to NOT TRACE THEM. Just one more traitorous, corrupt scandal by the arrogant commie obaMao and corrupt holder - manufacturing fake evidence to make American gun owners look like criminals - and justify making our 2nd Amendment null and void if they could. but they got caught. These left wing ideologues got power, and planned to keep it, once and for all. They've been found out, and Real America is going to stop them from attempting it again.
  13. the list of conspirators is so long, I keep not getting them all in one list. "little nazi" rosenstein, herr mccabe seem to be a couple of them I leave off once in a while. WE desperately have to stamp this traitor crap out. Or, we may as well not have elections, because they will be Putin - they will manipulate every one of them. Well, the organized deep state crime for the last going on 4 years - if they don't stop this, we lose America. The stakes are high - that's an understatement.
  14. nope - sure don't remember all this unwarranted "haha" nitpicky fake outrage during eight years of the traitor obaMAO commie. nope.
  15. It's simple - they have zero evidence to get him, so it's the usual fishing expedition. I'm sure his IRS records would be complicated. tax records is the last gasp of the kgb move to undo the election, (early on), and now, to desperately find some way to stop him from being re-elected. no workee. For all the "haha" negative nancy crap around here, I simply don't think anyone on the forum hates America enough to elect the democrats. They are just having fun not admitting the truth.
  16. Your cognitive abilities are being badly affected by hate stress. I supplied testimony that contradicted your worship of rinos crap. Try to shut up and let the rest of us actually talk about an issue. Your trolling is boring and counter-productive. You already caused one board member to leave the board.
  17. No, AG Barr is a man like JFK - he is REAL AMERICAN. so is Durham. the truth is coming, you all denied it all this time. Liberals "haha" all the way to hate, and obstruction, and being underwater in Egypt.
  18. yep. They knew all this, and hid it, wrongly classified it "secret", and figured out of desperation to avoid prison - that "the best defense is a good offense". so they went on the attack as soon as we elected Pres Trump. serious, BIG SERIOUS TROUBLE is here. and Real Americans are going to FIX IT. Liberals have "haha" refused to admit it, but surely they've been seeing it. Their power led them down felony traitor road. Real Americans are their brick wall they are going to hit on their way to trial. I wonder if Christopher Wray knew this stuff, or they kept it hidden from him? It's been KGB secrecy and destruction since we elected Pres Trump - they had to stop him by any means necessary.
  19. NFL Rumors: Bengals fire Hue Jackson, per report - Cincy ... https://www.cincyjungle.com/2019/1/11/18168877/nfl... Jan 11, 2019 Β· My source says Hue Jackson is out. β€” Elise Jesse (@Elise_JesseWLWT) January 11, 2019 The Bengals actually interviewed Jackson for the head-coaching gig, but he won’t even get a position coach ...
  20. David Njoku says Browns felt 'disrespected' by former ... https://www.upi.com/Sports_News/NFL/2019/07/03/... Jul 03, 2019 Β· Cleveland Browns tight end David Njoku said the team felt "disrespected" by former head coach Hue Jackson, who joined the rival Bengals after the Browns fired him in October.
  21. Hue Jackson blames everyone else for Browns failures ... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/hue-jackson... The former Browns coach, fired on Monday after compiling a 3-36-1 record over two and a half years, could not stop himself from making a media appearance and trying to spin things in a positive light.
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