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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. all the home schooled kids I've known, had terrific social lives with other home schooled kids. They all get together and do things. they also get together and go to school football games, ice skating. you don't think there are any kids their own age they run around with all summer in their neighborhood? "gosh, they don't get exposed to drugs, violence, bad sexual attitudes, anti-God sentiments, and sexual perversion up close" sounds like a great thing, too me. It's a FREE COUNTRY. send your kids to public schools if you want to, let other parents make their own decisions on schools. that is what I"M saying.
  2. sicker all the time. illegals might be able to vote. kids in school won't. https://www.theblaze.com/news/california-newsom-illegal-immigrants-budget Gov. Gavin Newsom to give illegal immigrants $75 million in stimulus money despite cutting $19 billion from schools California is projected to have a budget deficit of $54.3 billion
  3. I went on a ride on our big rototiller. I was tillin like crazy, in a hurry to finish the giant garden before it rained.... and hit a rock. It was liked getting bucked off that pony out in a field of ponies, flying through air and landing in dirt, (the pony wasn't broke - I was a suburban dummy). That rototiller - big engine, all reved up, kicked sideways like a mule. Hadn't expected, held onto the handlebars well, but that didn't keep my feet on the ground. So, I think it was an accident he had. It tipped over and he fell butt first onto the tines. My professional gardener opinion.
  4. It's a great thing I can type so fast. lol
  5. Actually, I disagree with that one too, except I didn't have time to elaborate on any of the points. lol Most people I meet are good people, I think. Except there is the bad side. I would change it to "Most people CAN BE GOOD people". Sadly, some choose to be bad. They do bad things because they thrive on emotion - the joy of getting their way, controlling, or just immediate gratification. Being bad obviously isn't a constructive choice - it's a warped, sometimes dangerous emotional choice. And that brings us to the question - are all liberals bad? Do they all want to control? yep. Do they all turn a blind eye to corruption in their party? We see right now, the liberals ignore completely, the sexual assault charges levied against joe biden. They refuse to admit that they are far, far mor credible that the NOT credible charges levied by Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings. She had friends DISAGREE with her intentions. It's called - she's a political hack ideologue hater. The charges vs joe biden are from a fellow democrat who had idolized him and worked on his staff. He decided to dominate her for his own self-gratiification. Self-gratification is a hallmark ot liberals. That is why they emotional knee jerk most of the time. When ONLY emotions guide a person's actions - that is a BAD person. When a person has solid principles, like based on Biblical principles, or simple the highest honor and integrity - that is a GOOD PERSON. So, I don't believe all people are basically good. Nor do I think most of them are good. The left is filled with screwed up emotionally-based knee jerking bad people. across the board. They've chosen not bad or good - but emotions - and that sends them into bad behavior and stances. You see it everywhere. Emotionally based leftwing people hate God because God is greater than them - that makes them unhappy. Leftwing people hate guns - because they demand everyone be a victim of their society sooner than later. Leftwing people refuse to learn history - it might change their emotional track. Leftwing people hate everything that isn't like them - it threatens their (fake) feelings of superiority. They hate home schooling, Christianity, Real Marriage, ...etc etc.... because they HATE individual liberty and individual choices about life. They don't live life, they simply exist amid everyone else's lives, and make hateful comments on any subject because they aren't in control of everybody else. And they don't understand life, or freedom, or honor, or courage, or humor. They don't understand anything at all about life - only how they FEEL at any given time. Most of the time - they HATE out of envy of REAL AMERICA. Albeit rarely, a very few leftwing emotionally-based people sprout dull pink and purple feathers, and a numb nose, and they peck at everything in their sight. No, they have never been extinct. That's science for ya.
  6. awkward? they felt awkward? because they didn't want to smoke pot and be gay and groom themselves with a featherduster like you? they didn't think they were napoleon, like you, so THEY felt awkward? unbelievable. sad.
  7. no, snowbirdbrain woodpecker. Again, you are so ignorant, you try to use words to describe your miserable feelings, but fail. You don't know how to use the right words at the right time. Sad. *********************** Snowflake A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie "Fight Club" from the quote “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else." Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on the political left, who is easily offended or felt they needed a "safe space" away from the harsh realities of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject. Comedians have a hard time performing on college campuses anymore because of all the little snowflakes running around that get offended by just about anything they say. ************************************ They are overreacting Americans, who demand their freedom. Like the brave men and women who fought for our independence. Freedom is a precious commodity in the world. We have it all guaranteed permanently with our Constitution/Bill of Rights, that can NEVER be taken away. I will say though - the carrying of their weapons takes away from what should be their message - everybody here wants their freedom BACK. STOP YOUR HAPPY PRETEND MARTIAL LAW BS Not everybody likes guns. It's a FREE COUNTRY. But demanding your freedom back - is hardly a "safe space" thing, not one bit.
  8. I believe that most people are inherently good. I believe, when given the chance, most people will do the right thing. I believe that most Americans will do anything for their families. I believe that true Americans love their country. --- I believe in God. --- I believe that opportunity is usually disguised as hard work. I believe that the free enterprise system is a gift from God. I believe that the ability to forgive and forget will set you free. I believe that the harder you work, the luckier you get. --- I believe in Liberty. --- I believe in choosing to be happy. I believe in accepting responsibility for everything that happens to me. I believe that every challenge or obstacle is an opportunity to become a better person. I believe that life can be tough, but at the end of the day, life is what you make of it. --- I believe in my Family. --- I believe that evil exists. It just does. I believe it is my responsibility to protect all that is good from all that is bad. I believe in preparing for the worst while expecting the best. I believe in the natural-born and inalienable right to self protection. I believe that the man or woman who shirks their duty to defend and protect simply doesn’t understand their true responsibility as a God-fearing and freedom-loving American. --- I believe in myself. --- I believe that a gun cannot be good or bad. It is simply a thing, a tool. I believe that the founders of our Country liberated themselves, their families and their country from tyranny with these tools we call guns, and thus started the greatest experiment in Freedom the world has ever seen. I believe the statistics that tell us responsibly armed, law-abiding Americans use guns over 2,739 times EVERY DAY to defend the lives and honor of their loved ones. I believe in being peaceful and avoiding conflict at all costs. But when that conflict comes after me and pushes me in a corner, I believe in fighting as if the lives of my children and loved ones depend on it ... because they do. --- This is what I believe.
  9. The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-cdc... Then the number fell off a cliff, plunging down to around 200,000. As of April 8, the number of those expected to die from the disease by August 4 was down to 60,000, or roughly a …
  10. time for the leftist governments to STOP INDOCTRINATING OUR SCHOOL KIDS. Now that the virus crisis has shown truly what all the liberal schools have been up to - 40% say they will now home-school their kids !!!!!! this is excellent. https://blackchristiannews.com/2020/05/poll-40-of-families-more-likely-to-homeschool-after-pandemic-ends/
  11. there is a worst place in hell, surely for the corrupt asswholes in our government. THANK GOD WE ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP. I'm putting up a bigger Pres Trump sign this year, you BETCHA.
  12. more and more folks are in despair of living in those states - the broken laws, illegals, homeless, extremely high taxes, reckless spending, violations of their civil rights/ignoring our CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS... especially now they their leftist governments are acting like cuba or venezuela during this virus crisis. Real Americans are bailing if they can. Some can't.
  13. baloney. They cult of personality is exactly what you folks are doing, Hoorta. I don't understand why you think it's on the other foot. Ignoring all obaMao did WRONG, which was nearly everything, but he was pretty and talked nice. Ignoring every single thing Pres Trump has done RIGHT, and constantly broken record wise - talking about his orange skin, tanning booth, stupid tweets, stupid tv show etc etc etc.... I despise obaMao for the damage his ACTIONS DID. I defend Pres Trump because of his terrific ACTIONS HE HAS DONE AND IS DOING. All this snide anti-Trump crap bitching about little annoying things, and NOT ONCE, does he get any PRAISE for getting us out of the Iran deal, keeping us out of the Paris accord, trying to complete the wall, stopping runaway ILLEGAL immigration, paying attention to our VETERANS/Improving their health care/giving them rules of engagement that won't tie their hands behind their backs, putting AMERICA FIRST INSTEAD OF LAST, getting our economy roaring/bringing companies back home, improving our trade deals, DEFENDING OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS especially our !ST AND 2ND AMENDMENTS... the list is longer. name one thing obaMao did that was a great thing for America. that is the difference.
  14. YES ! ANOTHER BIG WIN FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP !!! There needs to be consequences for these activist judges ruling on the basis of liberalism and "anti-republican president" an honest wrong judgement is one thing, but these hacks are deliberately judging dishonestly, just delaying the inevitable overrule by the Supreme Court, if necessary. or, they will just keep doing it.
  15. they should become republicans. They don't have an American political party anymore.
  16. "bijillions" and mega-bijillions across the universe" lol. except, it's sad, too. Landslide.
  17. she has charles manson eyes. so does adam schiff4brains. sick stuff.
  18. Tex translation: "we hate it when you call us haters even though we refuse to admit one good/great thing that Pres Trump has done, we ignore and deny he has kept all his promises even while going to war with the commie minded msm, and organized crime political hacks by obaMao, and we hate everybody who calls us haters, even though we hate them, we call them zenophonbes, Trumpy ass kissers, low IQ followers...it isn't fair that they get to talk to us like we talk to them. They have to stop it because we say so." about right?
  19. Here is the problem, Hoorta. Yes, bitch about Pres Trump's tweets - I agree with you. Often, they are not inspiring. But Gorka has you nailed. You can't admit ONE FREAKING GREAT thing that PRESIDENT TRUMP has done? but you want to spend all this time raising hell about a few negatives you can't stand about him? You want PERFORMANCE FOR AMERICA AND ALL OF US, or do you want a pretty face that talks charming bs. For the last time - your parroting negative things about Pres Trump - it's fine. But man up and admit he IS KEEPING HIS PROMISES. and if allegations of "liberal" "TDS" etc bug you, stop with the stupid "xenophobe" "Fox News 8 hrs a day" "kissing Trump's ass" etc etc etc. What goes around, comes around, You haters reap what you sow. Why complain about the negative, and refuse to admit he's keeping his promises, and EVEN under all the coup attempts, which you also won't talk about, and the HOSTILITY that no other President has ever had - he is KEEPING HIS PROMISES> Like it or not - he and his stupid here and there tweets and orange skin is the only man to vote for to save our country from liberalism, leftwing "transformation", and organized crime all over our gov, thanks to obaMAO COMMIE. I wish you would bitch about the deep state as much as you get outraged over Pres Trump's tweets. That is your reality, accept it or not. And nobody? I think, wanted Trump to win because they liked his stupid show. I didn't like Trump, ever. Until he started seriously talking about our problems, and our risks of another deadly, destructive term of corruption and marxism, organized crime if higgardly won. I voted for nasty old unlikable Trump because he wanted to save our country, and eventually, I realized he MEANT EVERY WORD OF IT. Pres Trump is our only chance to not go straight into social and economic and political hell, which will happen if he loses. All this criticism of PRESIDENT TRUMP, some of it deserved, doesn't outweigh the GREAT REAL AMERICAN PROMISES HE HAS ALREADY KEPT. He doesn't even take a salary. Think about that. ONE MORE TIME - NOBODY IS DEFENDING PRES TRUMP's STUPID CRAP: you all are IGNORING THE COUP ATTEMPTS, AND YOU ARE IGNORING THE GREAT THINGS HE IS DOING AS OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Ask yourself why that is. and have a nice Hoorta day !
  20. LOL. liberals can't take a joke, no sense of humor. As I see it, one slur deserves another - you accuse me and others of "kissing Trump's ass" and accuse anybody of supporting the wall of "xenophobia" etc etc etc. The republican party didn't leave you. You left the republican party. Over one excellent American president you don't like because of his weird personality? his stupid tweets? Tanning beds? And I know you didn't show up at the political forum while obaMao was in office. Why is that? EIGHT FREAKING YEARS ? And yes I can - I have been a registered REPUBLICAN since 1970. Or maybe 1971. My 50 years of being an official republican is greater than your 20. I've been a registered republican 2 1/2 times your ten years. As to your angst over Trump - he is KEEPING HIS EXCELLENT PROMISES, and WARTS AND ALL, I support THAT. Don't like him as a person? I understand. But who else could have been tough enough to weather the dishonest, illegal coup attempts over the last going on FOUR YEARS????? PRESIDENT TRUMP did NOT BREAK HIS PROMISES. obaMao commie DID break every single promise he made. Respect Pres Trump for keeping promises - you haven't said as much. Credit where credit is DUE? Unlikable or not, Pres Trump is being an outstanding Real American PRESIDENT. I've often noted - I did not like Trump pre-presidential race, either. I respect him for being a GREAT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT, admit it, or schiff it.
  21. well, well, well. Reality bites liberals - they are pragmatophobes.
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