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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. chicago - the home of corruption in government and fierce anti-2nd Amendment laws.... has a gun problem. Not surprised. so does New Zealand. You take guns from upstanding citizens, and the criminals still have guns. How does any gun control freak not understand that??? https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-zealand-gun-crimes-highest New Zealand gun crimes rise to highest in a decade despite strict gun bans That wasn't supposed to happen
  2. I have believed for a long time, that our world is becoming more and more all the time... a far worse and dangerous place. Falling away from God, disrespecting our environment, the sick and mentally deranged aspect of terroristic violence, more hate, more division, even in our own country - a special blame put on buttock obaMao commie and his organized fasist leftwing asshool sombeitches..... and pollution. in our oceans, rivers and streams. I watched a movie some weeks ago - called "Dark Waters" - a real story about a farmer who wanted to sue the big company that poisoned his farm. Sad, terrible story - in the end, more then ten years later, after all the lawsuits - the company finally admitted guilt etc, and settled for mega-millions, if not billions. Dupont is was, I think. So much population around the world, so much poverty, illegals coming in, far too many with mental illnesses, extremely violent, uneducated and with no moral compass. So much travel all around the world. A lot of folks have feared a pandemic - it would go everywhere quickly. So much interlacing of economics. "global economy"... All it would take is just one virus to get loose, and it could go all around the world. Oh, yeah, it just has this year. Throughout ancient history, countries' rulers have tried to expand control over other countries. The nazis were hell bent on owning the entire earth. Seems like most of the time, we have gone hiking with friends in beautiful places, only to see cans and bottles, etc... tossed by the side of the trail. Shore fishermen leave garbage where they had been. Stupid kids carve up trees to where the grand old trees die. Garbage tossed out a window so often. Now, civil strife over feigned victimhood. It seems so much of the world, ecosystems, etc... are closer linked, and small damage matters. Hate from the left has proliferated to a point where it could be dangerous to wear a hat or t-shirt that lets other people know what you believe in, even when it's about God, or our country, or our president. Big serious trouble. They can blame it on man made global warming, but that is crap. They know it too, so they changed the name of it - "climate change" lol hahahaha. But the idea is to get control over the chaos of freedom. Not going to work in OUR REAL AMERICA. Just.... interesting. I think a lot of folks are buying guns/ammo etc etc etc....because we seem to be headed into even worse big, serious trouble. With so many falling away from God, it seems predictable, eventually, yes?
  3. I blame it on Hoorta trying too hard to be woodpecker's only friend. He's created a monster - "Greta Woodpecka"
  4. I don't know - but Hoorta and woodpecker are allowed to know only one or two homeschooled kids and they can talk about the subject in general. haha. but I know a lot more kids who were, and I'm not allowed to talk about homeschoolers in general. see how that works? (only for them) it is what it is, it is what they do. Their own criteria is emotionally based, not logically/rationally based.
  5. getting worse and worse. obaMao commie and all his scumbuckets have convinced far too many, that they are entitled to take over our gov by force. and his followers are acting out, charles manson family style, against Real America. Skyrocketing number of violent attacks on Trump supporters ... https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/attacks-trump-supporters-maga-hats Aug 02, 2019 · (Above: After President Trump spoke, supporters were greeted by a mob of protestors outside the venue. One young woman tried to take on the protestors on her own and proudly showed off her Trump shirt. She was hit in the face with a watermelon and eggs. A local news reporter said the Trump supporters were “chased down like prey.”
  6. Black Support For Trump Reaches DANGER ZONE For Democrats https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/black-support-for-trump-reaches-danger-zone-for-democrats May 12, 2018 · In a dangerous turn for Democrats, black support for President Trump is skyrocketing. It turns out the era of politics driven by racial identity may be over. With Barack Obama now in America’s collective rear-view mirror – and his race-motivated politics behind us, maybe we can get back to becoming one America.
  7. Here's is what I think - some folks are missing the point. Let's do some bullets: Yes, I'm a big 2nd Amendment guy, and carrying those AR-15's alienate folks who you are supposed to be trying to reach. I get your point, but a Gadsden flag would have been what I would have brought with me. The wussification has occurred for several reasons - the constant taking for granted our FREEDOMS that men and women have fought for over the centuries. Blood, sweat and tears. The idea that FREEDOM could be lost if we lost our Constitution/Bill of Rights seems so far away - tweetybirds don't know American history, don't care about the Revolutionary War, etc etc etc etc. All they care about, is themselves. They've learned that nothing is more important that themselves. God, courage, empathy, principles, honor - nothing is worth protecting. All that is important - is self-gratification and rewards to doing nothing outside of "participating". Public schools teach obedience and parroting. So much of it is ego on the part of instructors who don't really teach. Some of it is ideological - the instructor has a leftwing anti-status quo bent that he feeeeeeeelllllllls should be imposed into his/her students as "social engineering" has become the trojan horse via "common core". It seems that initiative is lost when schools get bigger and bigger, and the lowest common denominator is what causes woodpeckers to fall in line with bitching and looking down on non-compliance with the accepted peer pressure norm. When I took over being an assistant scout master, my best friend went on to Ohio State.......my oldest helper in the troop was a big kid - great young guy - 5'11", 240, very strong, athletic. Still growing. I talked to him once when we were around the campfire - and asked him how good he thought he could be at football. He didn't LIKE football. He loved the outdoors, was determined that he was going to be a game warden. Loved fishing and camping, hiking, wildlife watching, botany....loved it completely. He said he got in a few fights over not playing football. And a defensive coach got upset with him for not going out, and finally got pretty smart ass with him. He told the ass... coach off and walked away. That is the kind of kid a LOT of kids are. They are the future of America - the fighters for what is good and true. And he knew more American history than I did. Amazing young guy. Challenges - some love challenges, some get angry with them. Historically, men and women defeated challenges with blood, sweat and tears, and love for their independence. Courage ran through the veins of Americans, through WWII.... Somewhere along the way, the left kept bitching - telling people that challenges were not "fair" - the government should make them go away. Somewhere along the way - far too many lost adventure, discovery, invention, making their own way, making their own tools... a lot of folks were spoiled rotten. They didn't have to make something work or fix anything. They could just buy a new one. They didn't have to garden, they just went to a grocery and bought everything. They didn't have to have fruit trees. They didn't have to learn anything - they'd just pay someone who knew - to do it for them. Eventually, they ended up lost when hard times hit, and wanted the government to make any hardship go away. History - American history, especially. Learning how oppression squelches the soul - how hard it was for America to become America - how hard it is to WIN freedom. It isn't free - and the price, when freedom is lost, is just as terrible a war the second time around. History teaches lessons to not repeat terrible mistakes made before. It teaches the terrible price our ancestors in America paid to become America. It teaches innovation, self-determination, courage, honor, principles, amazing accomplishments - scientific, mechanical, cultural, economic etc.... that have made America the most unique, profoundly free and powerful and good a country as there is on the planet. and then there are social movements - so many anymore who bitch and belittle everything about life, about our country. They ridicule God, our American past, our Constitution/Bill of Rights, our Veterans/Military, and they helplessly are wired to be taken care of, agreed with, given participation awards, and receive the most attention and encouragement for the simplest grievance. and anything that doesn't fit in their little self-world is hated. Time for cowboy coffee. We need more rugged pioneers. I don't think wussification lends itself to disappearing in the likes of cowards and soft-minded prima donnas.
  8. wait,woodpecker's sample size was a couple of kids in his college, which probably isn't even true, and your sample size is.... what? Hoorta is arguing based on a bit of fact, but it comes back to bite him. I know, let's see 2...+4 + 1 + 4 and I don't know how many were in the other class of homeschoolers... that's 11+. I win, according to Hoorta, who is all wet in Egypt on the subject.
  9. birdboy fell out of his nest once, but only landed on his beak. which was stuck in the hard dirt for three days, til a socialist came along and gave him a flight award for participating....
  10. as well they should. It's inherent in the psych makeup of liberals/leftwingers. they bitch, maneuver and complain til they get their way. Now, they are on the warpath - they nearly owned America completely, with the corrupt obaMao regime's support - but they lost it all when WE ELECTED a REAL AMERICAN president. We are now in big, serious trouble - and the evidence of illegal obaMao commie gov dirty deeds to get back their power they lost, and keep what power they still have in the deep state. I hope every single one of those lawsuits win freedom and justification for Real Americans demanding their freedoms. Or, ..what do we end up with? a kind of a soft civil war we have now, going for a little bit harder civil war? Think what hell we'd be in if higgardly had won and packed the Supreme Court with leftwing activist Constitution haters.
  11. and, Jordan Elliot also loves the game - was team Captain.
  12. this is back in April, ...pretty impressive pick for a third rounder DL. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2020/04/24/instant-analysis-browns-draft-jordan-elliott-scouting-report/ Instant Analysis: What the Browns are getting in Jordan Elliott "Cleveland third-round pick, Elliott has a perfect opportunity to contribute as a rotational defensive lineman next season while also learning from an experienced group. By the time 2021 hits, there is a very good chance Elliott is the Browns’ No. 1 guy on the defensive interior. Last year for the Tigers, Elliott became a staple of the defense as a team captain. He collected 44 tackles and led the team with 10 tackles for loss while matching three sacks. He also swatted down three passes, causing more than just physical disruption from the inside." "...Elliott played both one- and three-technique last season for Missouri, making him a valuable asset for the Browns. His gap presence and explosiveness is what made him attractive in the third round to Cleveland. At the combine, Elliott ran a 5.02 40-yard dash at 302 pounds. Pro Football Focus had Elliott rated as their third-best defensive tackle, behind first-round picks Derrick Brown and Javon Kinlaw. He also is their 23rd overall player. As a rookie, Elliott will have the opportunity to be eased in the mix but he could see his playing time exponentially increase as he adjusts to the NFL. Overall, the Browns notched a great depth piece that can turn into a very good NFL starter in his career."
  13. Then there is Jordan Elliot. I never looked at defensive tackles - but this guy is impressive for a third rounder. He'll benefit hugely with NFL coaching - and a little more strength/agility training. https://www.si.com/nfl/browns/browns-maven-features/cleveland-browns-comprehensive-nfl-draft-review-jordan-elliott-missouri Fit, Usage and Projection with the Browns The Browns are going to have Jordan Elliott play the three-tech, creating a Missouri Tiger tandem with Sheldon Richardson. Elliott is there to earn reps and create a spot in a rotation to be able to give Richardson a break and keep the quality of the defensive line at a high level. The challenge for Elliott is simply due to the amount of reps Richardson typically plays, around 70 percent over the course of a season. Elliott has the ability to bolster the pass rush as well as giving them another player that can contribute against the run. Depending on which one he does better in the NFL early on may impact his role with the team in an effort to maximize Richardson's impact. Elliott projects to have a top end of being a good long term starter in the NFL. He might end up good enough to flirt with the Pro Bowl, but he's more than capable of being a good NFL player.
  14. bs - I live in the real world. I SAID I know several families that have homeschooled over the years. reality [rēˈalədē] NOUN the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
  15. they watch tv, too. they will be just fine and ready to meet people like you. lol some of them take martial arts classes as a social get-together with friends. and they go ice-skating, to movies, etc etc with other kids from other groups. Home-schooling does NOT mean "in a bubble".
  16. I never once said or implied "better". It's a great choice when it works out, it's different, I endorse it, and some school systems allow home schooled kids to take part in some public school activities. I just posted to that, just after you posted your last post. You should know - home schooling isn't a protective "bubble" where the kid enters the world after school and is all not ready for it. Give it a break. That is just ignorant of homeschooling, wrong, and bigoted in woodpecker's case. Of course, he's ignorant, arrogant, and bigoted about every single subject we ever bring up, so no surprise.
  17. but that is not what happens. I know homeschooled kids who went on missions to island countries in the Carribean. They still have friends in the neighborhood who go to public schools. You think bullying is a good thing? egad. You're going off the wrong track. The Columbine two public school murderers lost it over being bullied at school - they struck back at the school. It's also true, btw, that different kids from different homes can get home schooled together. So, they don't have a football team. They still go to football games at their local schools. It's far more complicated than some of you know: https://www.home-school.com/Articles/can-homeschoolers-participate-in-public-school-programs.php
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