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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Pres Trump wins bigly in 2020 ! https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/05/27/on-top-of-the-pandemic-biden-signaled-he-wants-to-kill-millions-more-jobs-if-elected/ On Top of the Pandemic, Biden Signals He Wants to Kill Millions More Jobs If Elected
  2. an indictment of...inner cities? big cities? blue states? https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/survey-covid-death-toll-per-district Pew report breaks down COVID-19 impact by congressional district — Dems won't like the results 'Of the more than 92,000 Americans who had died of COVID-19 ... nearly 75,000 were in Democratic congressional districts'
  3. Four officers "fired" ??? not in jail immediately after being arrested? The sad part is, the rioting - it alienates/undermines their justified cause to be very angry. The busting out of police car windows... it was just another police car, NOT the car of the sick sombeitch that murdered that man. I figure there are a lot of police that are sickened by the sick actions by a few fellow? police. It isn't rational to go off rioting vs ALL police. It seems to strongly suggest that rioting is a fun way of raising hell and looting their favorite store. Just seems that there are other underlying reasons for the riots - which have nothing to do with the sick crime by a few police. Instead of reaching out to the good police, they have alienated them. Pretty stupid, I must say. Also, the other three police? They didn't stop the murderer police idiot? They are complicit in the tragedy. Reports are, the man was unarmed - a lethal move has no place in it. I imagine that there isn't anybody who thinks the corrupt policeman would have done the same to some white man. Sickening. All four should in in jail, pending the investigation and trials.
  4. He took a break - the anti-Christian antagonism disappointed him, I think. He emailed me. Pretty encouraging guy, I hope to give him a call eventually and have a root beer with him around our campfire.
  5. oh, lol. obaMAO commie LIED TO GET INTO OFFICE. about everything. if you go back and look, Pres Trump simply told the freaking truth to get into office. I win right there. btw, being retired, I watch a hell of a lot of that bs "impeachment" trial. You won't win a silly argument on that one. It was totally bogus, and the evidence is piling in that proves it.
  6. I agree with you. Teaching at risk youths is fine by me. The problem is with liberally run school districts. If you wear a Trump t shirt on tshirt day, do you get "at risk youth" put on your school records? That is a problem - what seems like a great idea, innocent enough, actually ends up being a political weapon used by the left. Which, could keep you out of some colleges, right? lose a scholarship? Just because, say, you had the opinion that Pres Trump needs to be re-elected in a hands up survey by a leftie teacher? The 100 rounds thing - it seems all too often this is just a step in the direction of 50. Then 20. Then 10. Then 5. Then.... But a hundred round mag is worse that dumb. I am fine with the training - except I know someone who is combat trained, etc, and who does it. THEY would have to go to training? lol. Then again, a democrat could simply put a $500 fee on that kind of training per person. Again, these laws have ways of becoming weapons after the leftwing nuthatches twist them around. It's too bad, too.
  7. when you constantly take only one side, don't complain when you are thought of as one who only takes one side.
  8. did you get 185 absentee ballots to vote with? then you don't have a point, Hoorta. It IS happening on the dem side.
  9. maybe fake dr woodpecker, now known as dr greta woodpecka, is a bot. or, just hypnotized to be an ignorant asswhole birdbrain.
  10. My opinion - it was the right thing to do - shut down for a bit, It worked, the rise curve flattened. But I took it as voluntary. We happily self=quarantined just for our own safety. WE decided to start opening ourselves back up again. We wear masks still, because we want to. The "experts"... so much for their really invalid predictions. I don't respect fauci for nothin, and whatshername with our gov is a demoquack. But dirty politics is the name of the game for those who lost the pres election, and it's no limit to what they will do. Right now, Real America is on track to track down and send some obaMao bob hansons to trial. We'll see. Well over a hundred countries are demanding an investigation into how all this virus started. China is fighting it desperately.
  11. https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/3-new-gun-control-bills-introduced-ohio-house 3 New Gun Control Bills Introduced in Ohio House by Dean Rieck 7:00am Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Ohio is just now beginning to recover from a mandated shutdown of the state due to fears about coronavirus, which resulted in multiple violations of Constitutional rights across the state. So you would assume that every legislator would be focused on getting the state up and running again. But instead, we saw Democrat House members introduce three gun control bills on May 19, 2020: HB 646 - "To require the Director of Health to establish and operate a pilot program to provide individual, problem-solving therapy sessions and related family support services to youth and young adults in Cleveland who are at a high risk for gun violence." HB 647 - "To amend section 2923.20 of the Revised Code to prohibit the manufacture or possession for sale of high-capacity magazines except for authorized use by law enforcement agencies or for federal military purposes." HB 658 - "To amend sections 109.78, 2923.11, and 2923.122 of the Revised Code to require firearms training for school employees approved to convey firearms into a school safety zone." Let's take a closer look. HB 646 (sponsored by Representative Stephanie D. Howse (D) District 11) requires Ohio's Director of Health to set up what amounts to a "gun violence" intervention program for youth and young adults in Cleveland. Here's how the bill describes it: ... specially trained certified community health workers shall provide individual, problem solving therapy sessions to youth and young adults residing in Cleveland, Ohio, who are at a high risk for gun violence. The certified community health workers also shall provide support services to families of the youth and young adults who participate in the therapy sessions. The provision of therapy sessions to patients, and support services to their families, shall begin not later than October 1, 2021, and conclude on September 30, 2023. The sessions and support services shall be provided in pediatrician practices, primary care practices and clinics, federally qualified health centers, and federally qualified health center look-alikes that are selected by the Director of Health ... That's fine as far as it goes. In blunt terms, it's saying gang members and youth with a criminal background or likelihood of killing people will be put in a program that seeks to reprogram them away from violent actions. The problem is that Ohio's Director of Health is Dr. Amy Acton, who ostensibly issued the orders to shut down Ohio. Acton, a Democrat, worked as a volunteer on the 2008 campaign for Barack Obama, a staunch gun control advocate. That alone should raise concerns about how a program like this could play out. But even more concerning is how this program would be implemented through health care providers, who as a group tend to advocate gun control. This is even displayed by the program's focus on "gun violence" rather than simply on "violence." If the goal of the program is to sway youth away from crime and violence, why the narrow focus on guns? Guns don't cause youth to commit crimes. HB 647 (sponsored by Representative Fred Strahorn (D) District 39) seeks to limit the capacity of firearm magazines to no more than 100 rounds. Yes, you read that right. We thought it was a typo when we first saw it. However, the bill actually spells it out. No person shall ... Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, purposely purchase, manufacture, possess for sale, sell, or furnish a high-capacity magazine. ... "High-capacity magazine" means an ammunition-feeding device with the capacity to accept more than one hundred rounds of ammunition. Okay, there are magazines that hold more than 100 rounds, but they're pretty rare, and often expensive, such as the Armatac 150-round AR-15 magazine. Reliability, size, and weight are also big concerns. Anyone who's serious about shooting will have to consider that if a magazine fails, all the remaining ammo inside is unavailable until unloaded round by round. How many crimes or mass killings have involved magazines with a capacity beyond 100 rounds? Most gun control advocates say magazines with a capacity beyond 10 rounds is "high capacity." So what exactly is the point of this bill? It won't please advocates of gun control or gun rights. It's just one more example of blaming equipment, instead of criminals, for crime. HB 658 (sponsored by Representative Tavia Galonski (D) District 35) changes the law to allow school employees to carry a concealed handgun as long as they have: ... completed a course of advanced firearms training taught by an expert that includes instruction on dealing with an active shooter in a school or classroom environment. In Gabbard v. Madison Local School District, Bloomberg-funded gun control advocates are suing to prevent school employees from carrying firearms in Ohio schools unless they have more than 700 hours of police training, which would effectively shut down employee school security programs. So this bill could be an attempt to recognize the effectiveness of training programs such as our own FASTER Saves Lives, which focuses exclusively on active killer scenarios. However, we maintain that school districts should make all decisions about their own security, as current Ohio law makes clear, and that new laws mandating and specifying training requirements are unnecessary. Laws like this merely invite more meddling in local affairs. Needless to say, Buckeye Firearms Association opposes all three of these gun control bills, and we urge the House to reject them. Dean Rieck is Executive Director of Buckeye Firearms Association, a former competitive shooter, NRA Patron Member, #1 NRA Recruiter for 2013, business owner and partner with Second Call Defense.
  12. still waiting...eight freaking years of silence about the damage obaMao and the rest did to our country, not one freaking word. NOW, it's important to criticize the President who is far from perfect, but who is being a GREAT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. and Biden was his vp, he was right there in the EIGHT YEARS OF TOTAL CORRUPTION. and he was involved in the corruption. TDS infects you haters. You can't admit one terrific thing Pres Trump has done, and the list is getting longer and longer. Give us all a break.
  13. 1. Tell us of anyone you knew or were related to who was killed in War. Personally, no. Our old farmer friend told me last week, he was the only guy of his high school class that was still around. Several died in WWII, and one died of cancer. So many stories about guys who lost friends and relatives in wars over the years I was in the service. 2. What are some of your favorite "War Movies"? My favorites: "13 Soldiers" (based on a true story in Afghanistan) and Heartbreak Ridge. 3. Who are some of your real war heroes? My Dad and his brothers, they enlisted from their farm in the WV mountains...during WWII. Two brothers went into the Army, Dad went into the Navy. Dad was the second youngest - he ran a landing craft - personnel, by himself. The war ended about four weeks after he got to the Philippines. A very good friend - was Special Forces. My cousin was an advisor to S. Vietnamese troops in Laos and Cambodia back in 67/68. He lost friends over there, and eventually got hit, went back. Got hit by shrapnel when a tank he was riding in got hit, went back again...and finally became a recruiter. He never talked about it, and I never asked. He came back a damaged guy, nothing like the funny guy he was before he left. It was many years later, at a funeral, that I met him again. I didn't recognize him because of his white hair and big smile. I thought he was the preacher. 4. What battlefields have you visited that were most moving to you? Gettysburg, the Arizona Monument, and the Navy base at Pearl Harbor..., when we were there, had special permission - we saw where the bullet dents in the cement wall of the mess hall were still there- they paint them, but they didn't ever fix them. I always wanted to go see an aircraft carrier. Dad talked about how huge they were, we never got around to going to the coast. To be there at the Arizona Monument, know the history, smell and see the ocean, see the Arizona underwater with a tiny wisp of oil even then... is a very stunning, solemn moment of time we will never forget.
  14. you betcha that is a great thing. let the truth come out.
  15. my opinion - masks help greatly, but you can get a droplet on your head, etc, clothes. and when you take the mask off, touch your face with a possibly infected hand, you can catch it. it isn't an indictment of masks as being worthless.
  16. OBF left - he was disappointed in how the forum was going. Too bad. I hope he comes back, but I'm sure he has a lot of better things to do.
  17. you're an idiot. he got an honorable discharge in 59. from active duty. He WAS honorably discharged. I wondered when somebody would challenge that. LOL LOL
  18. no, he isn't - oswald was honorably discharged from active duty, the dishonorable came later. justifiably, obviously....
  19. you're the deekhead, asswipe. Initially, he was discharged honorably, into the reserves. the dishonorable came later. He was never discharged dishonorably from active duty. ************************************************************ https://www.answers.com/Q/Was_Lee_Harvey_Oswald_honorably_discharged_from_marines Private Lee Harvey Oswald, despite two court martials and one "office hours" was honorably separated from active duty USMC as customary by a hardship separation being approved. However, he was still under an inactive obligation which terminated with an undesirable, now called other than honorable, discharge when he offered classified material in exchange for USSR citizenship.
  20. oh, go meme yourself, deek. apparently, you are fine to spam the board, if you have TDS. He was discharged in 1959. went to russia in 59. 1960 is the year after that, you idiot. LOL *********************************************** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was an American Marxist and former U.S. Marine who assassinated United States President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Oswald was honorably released from active duty in the Marine Corps into the reserve and defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959. He lived in Minsk until June 1962, when he returned to the United States with his Russian wife, Marina, and eventually settled in Dallas. Five government investigations[n 1] concluded that Oswald shot and killed Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository as the President traveled by motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. About 45 minutes after assassinating Kennedy, Oswald shot and killed Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit on a local street. He then slipped into a movie theater, where he was arrested for Tippit's murder. Oswald was eventually charged with the assassination of Kennedy; he denied the accusations and stated that he was a "patsy."[1][2] Two days later, Oswald was fatally shot by local nightclub owner Jack Ruby on live television in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters. In September 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone when he assassinated Kennedy by firing three shots from the Texas School Book Depository. This conclusion, though controversial, was supported by previous investigations from the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Dallas Police Department.[3][4] Despite forensic, ballistic, and eyewitness evidence supporting the official findings, public opinion polls have shown that most Americans do not believe the official version of the events.[5] The assassination has spawned numerous conspiracy theories.
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