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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/06/01/847973/ Twitter Censors, Suspends Conservative Benny Johnson for Anti-Antifa Posts
  2. Hoorta's Joe biteme Biden is blabbering on Fox news - trying desperately to capitalize on the murder of George Floyd and to get the black vote from leaving him. All sorts of meaningless platitudes that will make any liberal FEEL GOOD, but like higgardly and obaMao, the platitudes are strictly to get elected, then they laughingly violate everything they said AFTER being elected. Not President Trump - he MEANT what he promised, and is KEEPING HIS PROMISES to the American people.
  3. another one - an old GREAT movie... is..."The Scarlet Pimpernel". Oh, this is also one of my favorites. Hadn't watched it in years....til I found in online ! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+scarlet+pimpernel&docid=608002064203321082&mid=A80B3343CEBA1006B77CA80B3343CEBA1006B77C&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  4. and the last part: I actually watched the black and white version for the fun of it, then watched the color series. lol
  5. that is the early version, then there was a series of "Dr. Syn Alias the Scarecrow (1963) [PART 1]"...
  6. Some of those old movies - they used to be outstanding in plot....really told a story. The most prominent one I'm thinking of, is "Dr. Syn - Legend of the Scarecrow". I watched this Disney movie when I was a kid - it was awesome. It was about pioneers in the Revolutionary War - fighting the stupid British - and the head of the pioneers - wore a scarecrow mask to hide his identity, especially when he was running a meeting of fellow pioneer fighters. He rode a fast white horse in the night - from one action to another, one meeting to another. Loved it - loved American history - especially back then. Never saw the movie again. Not once. Until we were self-quarantining, and I found it ONLINE !!! AHA ! Very cool. The sound is the worse for the wear ...this is the black and white movie - after this, there was a series in color - to follow in the next post: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=legend+of+the+scarecrow+movie+disney&docid=608012492459018395&mid=42465D04EBAE6BE96C1142465D04EBAE6BE96C11&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  7. Hoorta and his little orphan bird buddy on the board cherry pick the riots they like. They were vewy vewy quiet about the Ferguson MO riots. Wait, that was in 2014. HAHAHAHAHA. Their ObaMAO commie was president then. HAHAHA. No opinions, all quiet on their posting front. Now, these riots, well, a REPUBLICAN president is in our WH, so it's important for them to comment and be aghast.
  8. exactly. It's just true. They go for the free stuff handouts free services "you are all victims of..."x"" party.
  9. yep, a friend texted me last night "they won't stop blowing up and rioting until they win their reparations - they would all get to "win the lottery".
  10. Furthermore - Hoorta - the POINT is, the one sided political manipulation. That means they have a political agenda. which contradicts the clause where they are not held responsible for content on their board...because they are not themselves an opinion spewing org. once they take sides officially, they are no longer part of the 230 clause whatever. Censorship of extremely nasty content across the board isn't taking sides. I wish they WOULD do some legit censorship. Again, using a social platform to manipulate elections with slanted, one side only "censorship" is not a social media any longer. It's another leftwing political weapon.
  11. that gun control is about as stupid as the mayor of D.C. setting the new required speed limit - for cars etc... to only 20 mph... to....slow the spread of the covid virus. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/29/bowser-lowers-speed-limit-district-20-mph/
  12. private black owned businesses losing their businesses they put their life's savings into is far sadder. once the devastation hits home, they change their tune so quickly....
  13. https://www.theblaze.com/news/ag-barr-riots-far-left-antifa AG Barr: Riots 'planned, organized, and driven by anarchistic and far-left extremists, using Antifa-like tactics'
  14. Susan Rice's e-mail exposes Team Obama's treachery: Goodwin https://nypost.com/2020/05/20/susan-rices-e-mail... To the ObamaBots, Susan Rice’s “Dear Diary” e-mail to herself on Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day is no big deal. To which the rest of the world channels John McEnroe and shouts, “You can .. Flashback: Susan Rice Slams 'Hack' Ambassador Grenell As ... https://flagandcross.com/flashback-susan-rice... Rice was very bad at her job as national security adviser. She was excellent at lying and covering for Barack Obama, but that’s not exactly something of which to be proud. For some reason, Rice decided to blast pro-American Senator Lindsey Graham last October. Susan Rice Has “No Regrets” For Lying About Benghazi ... https://freedomoutpost.com/susan-rice-regrets-lying-benghazi Known liar, former ambassador to the United Nations and current National Security Advisor Susan Rice appeared with David Gregory (known DC lawbreaker) on NBC’s Meet the Press and was asked if she had any regrets in regards to going on NBC, as well as other Sunday shows, and telling the American people that the Benghazi ...
  15. tough question. How can any profession make sure that every single member isn't a racist? or serial killer? or embezzler? rapist? on the take? The story of bob mason ... the traitor, worked high up in the CIA - who sold the names of CIA agents in russia..to RUSSIA? and a whole bunch were executed because he did? Intel workers, military, priests, teachers, police, firemen, you name it. The human condition is all too often affected by sick evil in the world. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/to-catch-a-spy-30-01-2003/ My guess is, to look at the integrity and honor of a prospective employee's life. But even still, a person can for whatever reason flip into evil. A company/whoever has to do their best to hire/draft etc the very best people with heart and character. Not enough attention is paid to the hire of policemen, too.
  16. The Browns had holes in talent at LT, RT, and RG. Now... the stats are not going to show Chubb to be the best rb in the NFL. It doesn't mean he isn't the best rb in the NFL. Again, even Jim Brown gave his offensive line all the credit in the world. Interesting: https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2018/6/28/17514858/finding-the-best-offensive-line-in-history-a-research-study Note - the Browns offensive line hasn't been "great", per this author's opinions, since that time in history - see number 4 towards the top of the list.
  17. I have both white and brown Couch jerseys...I'm waiting for them to become valuable antiques...
  18. True, they aren't comparable, because the times and players are different. JB gave all the credit to his offensive line. The Browns offensive line is not as good as back in the day, the players didn't face the sophisticated defenses with the huge sized, athletic front sevens as they do today. All three - Jim Brown, Bobby Mitchell and my favorite rb from back in the day, Leroy Kelly - were all Hall of Famers behind excellent offensive lines. Gene Hickerson ! But though it's an invalid comparison, it is also false to say Chubb isn't as great as Jim Brown was.
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