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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. You think so, but your explanation is faulty. The left is a completely anti-status quo, anti-America group that demands power, control and free stuff. Think bill ayers and bernadine dorn - FRIENDS OF OBAMAO COMMIE BACK IN THE DAY, and their bombs and murdering policemen etc. The right is Real America. Flag, Patriotism, Freedom, if we lose a presidential election, we just wait til the next one. The left goes verbal "violence" all over the net, the msm goes apecrap with false accusations, and inspires violence against police, American regular American folks, police cars, anyone's cars, American small business owners both white and black, all minorities, and spawns black/brown shirt antifa. There is no moral equivalency in trying to make the point you are trying to make. TDS is not "disagreement" - it is a legit label for the constant false accusations all the time, the parroting of slurs from the mainstream media with ZERO explanation or examples as to why they are saying what they say. "President Trump violates the Constitution every day..." is one of those. I called out Tex on it somewhere else - NAME ONE. they can''t. They characterize anything he says as a lie, so they can call him a liar. THAT is TDS. The false accusations because their choice didn't win the last presidential election.
  2. if violence gets them the total control they demand, then violence is their friend. Sick stuff. The British were abusing, murdering pioneer citizens, denying them their God given rights. The future Americans fought a war to be free. The left is abusing, murdering innocent policemen, (like obaMao's friend bill ayers and bernidine dorn etc did back in the day)...and is denying American citizens their God-Given rights, going for full on violence, with the msm and government democrats in full support. IOW's, the left, including obaMao and the rest...are the British. Real America are now in a "soft civil war" in a very small way now. A lot like the times of organized crime - and the battle to take them out.
  3. I keep mentioning nazis pre-WWII. brownshirts/blackshirts. this is who they are, the same kind of dangerous ideologues. this guy used to be one of them:
  4. Name one thing Pres Trump has done that violates the Constitution. Legitimately. Name just one. Your dirty corrupt deep state tried for years to get him on that, and finally admitted they had NOTHING. It was all a stunt because they lost control over America. asswholes. DID YOU TDSers KNOW THAT YOUR STINKIN AMERICA-HATING obaMAO COMMIE FIRED MATTIS TOO? 'haha' Most all this violent protest has nothing to do with the poor man murdered by a dirty cop, it's about political activism by code pinko types, Antifa, Marxist/communist groups, and dangerously infected with TDS political haters who haven't been getting their free obaMao phones. I sure wish this fake outrage was around during the REAL SCANDALS during the corrupt obaMao years. But you all conveniently had nothin.
  5. it's the usual TDS fake outrage. The sick murder of the black guy.... is just an excuse to go brown shirts/black shirts on our country. It isn't about race. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/06/03/rioters-deface-glory-monument-to-first-black-civil-war-regiment/
  6. Being a liberal/TDSer means never having to admit they're wrong. They just blame Pres Trump https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/06/03/that-big-hydroxychloroquine-study-the-media-went-nuts-over-turned-out-to-be-a-scam/
  7. attack the 2nd Amendment at every opportunity. and, of course, he's a black lefty grad from...Harvard. Naturally, it's decent Americans who are afraid of getting murdered, the hell beat of of them, or their houses invaded and burnt down, who won't be able to buy guns. His rioter friends will still have theirs. See, they don't go with the law. Stupid Harvard grad doesn't understand that? (probably does, but won't admit it - it's a great way to slap Real Americans in the face) https://www.theblaze.com/news/florida-mayor-emergency-ban-gun-sales
  8. soros hates us that much. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/antifa-terrorist-group
  9. has nothing to do with the sickening murder of the black man by the sicko policeman. It's about Marxism. Free stuff. Free jewels from a jewelry store. Free stuff from black-owned businesses that they put their entire life savings into. It's about free "obaMao phones". That is what the TDS hate garbage is about. Free stuff. and feeling happy about a president who kisses their asses. https://www.theblaze.com/news/teacher-protester-defends-rioting-looting
  10. the pastor is a black democrat. the mayor of DC is a black democrat. and Pres Trump DID NOT order protesters away. But let the TDS rule you. Accept any slur against Pres Trump as truth, it will set your hate free. Too bad the msm you parrot wasn't honest about the scandals, corruption and division obaMao commie put our country through for eight yearsl.
  11. oh, that's funny. Hoorta is enjoining Tex and Dh, etc. Nobody has their heads up anywhere - he isn't unqualified, look at the PROMISES HE"S KEPT !!!!! but you won't, you have TDS bad. THANK GOD WE ELECTED PRES TRUMP - or our country would be lost. You think for a second that your haggardly or your obaMao commie was qualified to be our president? No, you don't. Nobody can admit that bite me biden is qualified. He's a mentally incompetent liar/deep state corrupt player. Despite all the hate and fake outrage/fake criticisms...Pres Trump is Making America Great Again. Your ObaMao commie bitched about our country all around the world. and pouty face mattis is just another profoundly arrogant hater because he couldn't control OUR GREAT AMERICAN PRESIDENT for the deep state. You all just hate him because of the color of his skin (looks orange), and all the hater fake labels about anything he says or doesn't say, anything he does/doesn't do. He's a GREAT AMERICAN LEADER we need now. you don't agree for no legit reason. That's TDS.
  12. You are missing the point, TDS style, as in, all totally soaked in Egypt. It's obvious to most? on the forum, that you refuse to say anything good about Pres Trump. And a lot of your comments are accusations apparently taken right out of the worst of CNN. It's popular to bash Pres Trump for little annoyance and fake outrages - and coloring any appraisal with deliberately knee jerk postured hate colored negativism. A legit criticism? some of his tweets, for sure. For instance - his threat to consider using American military, to quell the riots. That is only in the case of insurrection, and Antifa is far from being that kind of threat. His own Sec of Defense is against it. Me? I think Pres Trump is just sending the message to mayors who are allowing the riots/Antifa to run amok, not that he really is going to consider it. still, you can not admit any of Pres Trump's EXCELLENT kept promises. SO, what you have is, "TDS" because you are not objectively criticizing/applauding - you just hate. THAT IS TDS, Hoorta.
  13. if we were in the obaMao years, of destruction to our country, there wouldn't be any riots all over the country. It's a political movement - they want to own all of us. and again, they will do anything to accomplish it. MAKE A CRISIS, so the dishonest left can find ways to benefit.
  14. Trump Average Approval Ratings Skyrocket To Highest Point ... https://dailycaller.com/2019/05/14/trump-approval-ratings-years May 14, 2019 · President Donald Trump has his highest approval rating in over two years, a new polling average released Monday shows. The president’s average approval rating currently sits at 45%, according to RealClearPolitics (RCP), which is based on a compilation of polls from April 26 to May 13. The 45% mark is Trump’s highest RCP polling average since February 2017.
  15. Just so strange, the left supports rioters, corrupt presidents, antifa, burning down of homes and businesses, illegal immigration and the horrible crime that DOES come with it, the illegal drug traffic, lies and character assassination.... but they HATE Americans who rightfully own guns to protect themselves and their homes... it's like they all secretly wear mao tshirts like their sleazebag obaMao commie.
  16. it's a love/hate relationship. He finds it popular to love to hate Pres Trump, but love to not criticize his obaMao and incoherent bite me Joe dirtbag Biden.
  17. yes, you don't like riots, period. yayayaya. But you haven't once complained about your obaMao. Nope. Not one complaint after all the scandals of his and bite me biden of their eight years. and with all of biden's really awful verbal gaffes..... not one word. Ferguson, got nothin. But the times you have lambasted Pres Trump - ya, that is liberal priceless stuff !
  18. and...what's the difference?
  19. when the left hysterically goes violent "protests", of course there are ulterior motives not really related to what they allege is the reason. If these losers don't get their free welfare and obaMao phones, etc etc etc... it's charles manson helter skelter.
  20. waiting for "but, but, but... twitter is ok (as long as it isn't lefties who get treated like this)"
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