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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. bs, keep hoping for some kind of legit evidence that your slurs have some kind of meaning. They do NOT. and you are one...lol. You never started , all you have is "look at me" slurs against the Pres you didn';t want to win. You never STARTED actually participating. You deflect right along with dh and others, diverting subjects at every chance. You don't have any legitmacy so far. ya, George Will is hero to you>? George Will also called your obaMao commie this: "Today’s president is older than that. But he talks like an arrested-development adolescent. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/george-f-will-barack-obama-the-adolescent-president/2014/04/23/a835f872-ca3e-11e3-a75e-463587891b57_story.html who, btw, also fired one of your phoney heroes, napoleon scumbucket mattis. lol
  2. you STILL mad over your "superstar" Josh Rosen ? He can't start for Miami. I suppose he will go to a third team. To be a backup, of course. They drafted Tua. "Best pure pocket passer" you said? Meanwhile, my pick, Josh Allen, started with the Bills, and got them to the playoffs. Maybe you should hang out with me around a campfire sometime. A root beer would do you a lot of good.😎
  3. because joe dirtbag incoherent bite me biden is a fake nominee. https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/biden-called-out-for-history-of-racism/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/police-groups-break-with-biden/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/polls-shows-trump-trusted-more-than-biden-on-economy/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/biden-lags-way-behind-trump-in-fundraising/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/is-biden-ignoring-latino-voters/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/new-polls-troubling-for-biden/ https://www.nationalreview.com/videos/biden-named-in-list-of-obama-officials-who-requested-to-unmask-flynn/
  4. seriously: Corruption: Former Defense Secretary Mattis’ Secret $10 ... https://www.teaparty247.org/corruption-former-defense-secretary-mattis-secret-10... My post of May 24, 2019 was on what may be the real reason why Mattis resigned or was fired: At least seven months before he resigned, Mattis had put together a plan to challenge Trump in the 2020 Republican primary elections. Now, we are told by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. Mattis Faces Congressional Criticism of Local Corruption ... https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-02-06/mattis-faces-congressional... Feb 06, 2018 · Mattis Faces Congressional Criticism of Local Corruption, Pedophilia in Afghanistan Amid troubling reports of the situation on the ground, the defense secretary offered insight into Trump’s ... Corruption: Defense Secretary James Mattis made secret ... https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/corruption... Jun 18, 2019 · Now, we are told by FoxNews’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. As defense secretary, Mattis made a secret, no … James Mattis is linked to Theranos’s massive ... - Vox https://www.vox.com/2018/3/16/17124288/mattis-theranos-board-trum Mar 16, 2018 · Mattis not only served on Theranos’s board during some of the years it was perpetrating the fraud after he retired from US military service, but he earlier served as a key advocate of putting ... Author: Matthew Yglesias
  5. I can't imagine him actually saying that. Maybe a dog barking in the background, the TV - an actor could yell (or another family member) could yell "good"... but proofreading - the couple of times I did NOT proofread were hysterical. Luckily for me, not anything controversial or offensive. It would have been more to the point, had he texted "no killings have been racially based" or something.
  6. https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-shares-letter-from-lawyer-john-dowd-unloading-on-james-mattis-over-mattis-attack-on-trump?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dwbrand FairHooker - this deserves to be it's own thread. It's outstanding, and flat out exact.
  7. you cherry pick your facts. or just refuse to know them. Did you know that GENERAL Flynn's counsel - the first ones - worked for the same law firm that Holder did? Holder was a partner in the same law firm. Did you know that? I don't have to read nonsense when you all don't go with ALL the legit facts. Here, read up about how Gen Flynn was FRAMED and betrayed by "his" lawyers who were actually working against him. Even if he WAS guilty, which he is NOT, that right there is a bombshell - and grounds for a new trial. *********************************************************** you "four different persons" read this and stop with your bigoted liberal crap. ? Whoops? Former Flynn Lawyers (Linked To Eric Holder) Find ... https://conservativedailypost.com/whoops-former... Apr 29, 2020 · Just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation finally produced potential evidence of his innocence, the former law firm who handled Flynn’s ‘guilty’ verdict suddenly It is becoming clearer and clearer to many experts: former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was not just set up by the FBI… he was framed. EXCLUSIVE: Was Obama's Former AG Eric Holder Directing ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/exclusive... Apr 25, 2020 · After working for President Obama for six years, Attorney General Eric Holder returned to the law firm where he had previously worked, Covington, where he became a partner in 2015. Covington notes that “In 2014, Time magazine named Mr. Holder to its list of 100 Most Influential People, noting that he had “worked tirelessly to ensure equal justice.”. Author: Joe Hoft Court To Investigate Whether Michael Flynn's First Lawyers ... https://thefederalist.com/2020/02/11/court-to... Flynn has moved to withdraw his guilty plea in federal court on the grounds that his original counsel, the prominent D.C. law firm Covington and Burling, had a conflict of interest and did not ... Gen. Flynn's Initial Law Firm ... - The Gateway Pundit https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/gen-flynn... May 04, 2020 · On April 25, 2020, The Gateway Pundit reported on former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s role at Covington and Burling as his law firm was representing General Michael Flynn from corrupt deep state operatives. President Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, left a corrupt life in public office and returned to the law firm Covington. While at Covington, lawyers from his firm represented General Mike Flynn …
  8. they demand a free ride - they are so ...."special". They demand the power. they respect nothing - but demand respect in return. or else, they will destroy you. nazis. brownshirts. black shirts. communists... the demand for total control is a disease. The chinese communist lines - sound familiar? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/04/counter-terror-expert-feds-unaware-of-antifa-black-lives-matter-communist-connections-objectives/
  9. some folks with TDS need to stick a cork in it long enough to ask themselves a question ... "Do I want a pres I think is pretty and lies nice lies to me, and hurts America all the time with corruption" or "Do I want a pres I don't like who is actually doing a LONG LIST OF GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA ? but alas, they won't answer themselves honestly. All totally soaked in Egypt.
  10. See? unlike the false parrot catch phrases by the lefties, We have legit reasons for understanding things the way we do. (still waiting for Tex to man up and admit Pres Trump hasn;'t violated the Constitution/Bill of Rights once)
  11. HOW CAN GENERAL JAMES MATTIS GET IT SO WRONG? - One ... https://www.onecitizenspeaking.com/2020/06/how-can-general-james-mattis-get-it-so... Perhaps Mattis should have taken the time to read the ... “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” -- George Orwell “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”-- George Bernard Shaw. Opinion: The Stunning Hypocrisy Of General Mattis https://www.buzzfeednews.com/.../opinion-the-stunning-hypocrisy-of-general-mattis Indulging Trump, Mattis pushed cruel discrimination against thousands of American service members. His pleas for national unity today ring hollow. Indulging Trump, Mattis pushed cruel discrimination against thousands of American service members. His pleas for national unity today ring hollow.
  12. Opinion: The Stunning Hypocrisy Of General Mattis https://www.buzzfeednews.com/.../opinion-the-stunning-hypocrisy-of-general-mattis It’s not surprising that Mattis now seeks to burnish his reputation after tying his fortunes to the most corrupt, amoral, and unqualified US president in history. But it’s pure revisionist history for him to cast himself as above the fray.
  13. Corruption: Former Defense Secretary Mattis’ Secret $10 ... www.genuinechristianitynow.com/2019/06/27/corruption-former-defense-secretary-mattis... Jun 27, 2019 · My post of May 24, 2019 was on what may be the real reason why Mattis resigned or was fired: At least seven months before he resigned, Mattis had put together a plan to challenge Trump in the 2020 Republican primary elections. Now, we are told by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt.
  14. Jeff Bezos corruption party at his DC house. - Democratic ... https://www.democraticunderground.com/100212912452 Jan 26, 2020 · Bill Gates, Elaine Chao, Kellyanne, Jared and Ivanka, Paul Ryan, Norah O'Donnell of CBS, Jim Mattis? It's a giant party of rich, corrupt monsters. What's happening in this country is a giant corrupt game to these people.
  15. yes, he served our military. But his megalomania is out of control - he's a deep state hack now. seriously: Corruption: Former Defense Secretary Mattis’ Secret $10 ... https://www.teaparty247.org/corruption-former-defense-secretary-mattis-secret-10... My post of May 24, 2019 was on what may be the real reason why Mattis resigned or was fired: At least seven months before he resigned, Mattis had put together a plan to challenge Trump in the 2020 Republican primary elections. Now, we are told by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. Mattis Faces Congressional Criticism of Local Corruption ... https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-02-06/mattis-faces-congressional... Feb 06, 2018 · Mattis Faces Congressional Criticism of Local Corruption, Pedophilia in Afghanistan Amid troubling reports of the situation on the ground, the defense secretary offered insight into Trump’s ... Corruption: Defense Secretary James Mattis made secret ... https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/corruption... Jun 18, 2019 · Now, we are told by FoxNews’ Tucker Carlson that, in addition to being disloyal, Mattis is also corrupt. As defense secretary, Mattis made a secret, no … James Mattis is linked to Theranos’s massive ... - Vox https://www.vox.com/2018/3/16/17124288/mattis-theranos-board-trum Mar 16, 2018 · Mattis not only served on Theranos’s board during some of the years it was perpetrating the fraud after he retired from US military service, but he earlier served as a key advocate of putting ... Author: Matthew Yglesias
  16. Hoorta won't listen to facts, won't listen to anything. They can't win the next election, so they are going to start a revolution to take America by force. dream on. we still have our guns and ammo - we don't need to be defenseless in our homes. but the left thrives on fear, just...like.....freaking nazis. brownshirts/blackshirts.
  17. the left deman ds control of America, we elected a terrific REAL AMERICAN president that stopped their revolution in it's tracks. so they have gone public and violent in their revolution. brown shirts/black shirts. that is how it starts.,
  18. the damage is all over our gov. He corrupted as much of our gov as he possibly could. They want to be part of a global new gov, and insist on undermining who we are as America. https://www.theblaze.com/nypd-riots-molotov-cocktail-attack-lawyers Former Obama intelligence official secures bail for NYC lawyer accused of Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD vehicle ********************************************** She told the judge that the firebombing suspect is her 'best friend' and, of course, the dirty name of soros comes up again. *********************************************** " The Washington Free Beacon also noted that Rizvi received scholarship funds from the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, which was founded by the now-deceased brother of billionaire and left-wing financier George Soros. "
  19. maybe after you man up and admit GENERAL FLYNN was RAILROADED and was the victim of a dangerously corrupt fake "investigation".
  20. but it isn't necessarily their fault they don't listen. they operate only on their own emotions. But, things can improve - they can learn. ... or not. maybe?
  21. they don't listen even when wearing NO shirts ! Do all liberals have Betty Davis eyes?
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