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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.theblaze.com/news/mark-levin-has-dramatic-suggestion-for-systemic-racism-and-politicians-will-hate-it
  2. See Hoorta? I left your little friend alone, and he starts it up again. I KNEW he would - it's what he does. pretty sad.
  3. fake news from you. A true post from me. nothing changes.
  4. More Tour cherry pickie. Why the Dow Is Skyrocketing | The Motley Fool https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/06/06/... All 30 Dow components are green as the index is back in positive territory for the year, with Bank of America's (NYSE: BAC) 6% increase leading the charge today. Additional federal reserve action ... Author: Dave Williamson
  5. and now, for "the rest of the story" - context is always missing with cherry picking: (leboob wasn't asked specific questions, he went on a rant because he's a famous asswhole) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/19/587097707/laura-ingraham-told-lebron-james-to-shutup-and-dribble-he-went-to-the-hoop "The journalist insisted that she's "been using variants of that title to call out celebrities for 15 years," citing a book she wrote in 2006 called Shut Up and Sing. " Brees was asked a specific question, and answered honestly.
  6. Salon? LOL. that is so lefty that old sheply loved to quote them. Odd, you didn't mention this: General James Mattis Criticizes Obama For His ... https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/03/mattis-obama... General James Mattis Criticizes Obama For His ‘Catastrophic Decisions’ In New Book ‘Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead’ A book by former Defense Secretary and retired Marine general James Mattis was released Tuesday that in part criticizes former President Barack Obama’s strategic thinking on foreign policy and national defense. UPDATE: General Who Criticized Obama Resigns | NewsOne https://newsone.com/566025/obama-meets-with-general-who-criticized-him Jun 23, 2010 · After an Oval Office meeting with McChrystal in the morning, Obama huddled with his war advisers and planned to announce his decision on the general’s fate to the nation at …
  7. sorry, I meant LEGIT violation of the Constitution, aswhole. A friend of mine left the board because of your insulting a member of his family. Not on this forum, either. PROVE your statements have at least SOME merit, or STFU maybe.
  8. Fair enough - the only ? difference is, the left bashed Bush horribly the entire time, but during eight years of obaMao, it was all "respect the office", when Benghazi, uranium one, irs targeting, etc kept breaking. Obviously, the left railed against anyone wanting to talk about that stuff. But from day one, all hell broke loose when Pres Trum won. Not one conservative that I read about, tried to reverse the election of obaMao. But even before Pres Trump was inaugurated, the left/deep state started trying to ruin Pres Trump, and ruin Flynn, abusing their power for political gain. That set the stage for "no going back", unless all the facts come out, and those who broke laws are punished. Like comey, mccabe, clapper and brennan, strzok, priestap, and rosenstien to name a few. That bs led complete failure, and had the left angrier than they were before Pres Trump won. On this board, it does seem to be typical of where we are now - the exception is, we never called obaMao "the black king", "king liar", and all the other asinine slurs any of the left can come up with. History tends to repeat itself - the burning down of the ROTC building at Kent State, Chicago riots in 68 was it? Mayor dirty daly? The major difference is, now, the left is in revolution mode all the way up to lefty members of Congress, (which seems to be 100 percent of them these days), dem leftwing governors and mayors who give a green light to the violent protestors that are very similar to the german nazi brownshirts, and Mussolini blackshirts. And, there were never brown or black shirt rioters on the right side. What concerns me, is that Real America, even if they don't like Pres Trump, still supports America and our Flag and Anthem, and cherish our heritage and Freedom. The left despises everything about America, and wants to take it all away from Real America. I think? it's because we have a major subculture that wants a free utopian socialist ride, and any excuse to raise hell to get it is a great excuse. The violence and intimidation against Real America is very similar to the violence and intimidation by the British to the pioneers. It isn't Real America protesting, demanding to get rid of the electoral college, demanding the elimination of police departments, and wearing Che' shirts here and there... and talking about making America into a different global place. right now, it seems like we have been in a soft civil war, except we didn't know it.
  9. Your statements are worthless, you made them that way. Come up with ONE Constitution violation on PRESIDENT TRUMP ? eh? still waiting.
  10. Real Americans should just bail and move out of california. it's rotten, like NY and NJ
  11. food for thought. How far will the left push America? to the breaking point? https://www.redstate.com/diary/coolhand/2020/06/05/is-a-second-civil-war-coming/
  12. yep - threatening church folks, but applauding the rioters. how do any of these lefties condone that hypocrisy?
  13. all true except one thing - a soldier not only has the option of not following an illegal order, it's his duty to not follow an illegal order by a superior. and standing by and letting a ,say, training instructor kneel on another airman's neck for enough minutes that the airman couldn't breathe.... that would be a crime, and to not distract that ti verbally by warning him, or stopping him, or at least calling for help if there was some... you would be complicit in it, I think - I'm thinking, per the UCMJ. It's been a long time. It's like the movie "A Few Good Men"... the two young soldiers complied with an illegal order to blanket party another soldier - and that soldier died. The two young soldiers were found guilty. They obeyed the illegal order. The one turned to the other at the guilty verdict and said what ? we didn't do anything wrong." and the one turned to him and said "yes, we did...." if Jack Nicholson had had his knee on a young soldier's neck and was killing him, that crime would have had to be stopped, not just witnessed.
  14. you miss the point. dh is desperately trolling to argue and give anyone crap - and is saying I'm not a veteran. His trolling is a huge waste of time. He never was one to have an intelligent conversation with, I tended to ignore him. Now, he's worse - and he should be ignored more.
  15. well, I'm glad I stopped in. Finally a worthwhile post that means a lot ! Only a turdball goes off on defending all generals, (because they are deep state), but turns around and bashes on General Flynn. that is total hypocrisy and lefty emotional knee jerk. Should have been a separate thread, it will just get buried all too fast with dumb other nonsense. There are other terrific generals out there, I've met some back in the day - I know the difference.
  16. only when they are trash in civilian life. Like kelly, mattis, and mccain. I knew people in the AF who were sleazeballs in the service. You don't honor Flynn - why should anybody honor real honest to goodness lowlife traitors like the three I mention above? I also mention higgardly. and obaMao commie. and preistap, sp? , and rosenstein, comey, brennan, strzok, page, rice, mueller, lynch, clapper, bruce and nellie orr, holder, etc. There's more. I'll call em out for what they have done to America, to the FBI, to our INTEL services, our legal system, to Pres Trump and Flynn, and our entire country., That includes us. I'm a patriot - not a deep state boot licker, and a Patriot I'll always be. Pres Trump ran for office to help America...all of us. He surely didn't do it for money and powr - had plenty of that already. If you can't defend your false accusations, then it's your own fault, not Pres Trumps. Name one time he really did violate the Constitution I said. You can't. Some people are self-absorbed attention seeking trolls. Try not to be one of them, I say.
  17. while the world is preoccupied and affected by covid. the Communist chinese are going full bore to take advantage. Sounds like on purpose to me. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-china-commande/u-s-military-commander-says-china-pushing-territorial-claims-under-cover-of-coronavirus-idUSKBN23C180
  18. this is just nasty. and very, very moronic. It's what liberals/lefties do. They are flagrant hypocrites, and anything is good, if it is on their side of getting power, more wealth, and more control over every narrative. I can't even think of a word nasty enough to describe how ignorant she is. and how corrupt. https://www.theblaze.com/news/left-wing-chicago-mayor-says-law-abiding-gun-owners-shouldnt-use-guns-for-self-defense-amid-rioting-if-theres-a-problem-call-911
  19. oh, don't give em any ideas, if they could, they would. "come on down! we need a new crisis to blame on those conservative Real Americans and Pres Trump !"
  20. anything other people do without the left's permission.... is some slur. It's social manipulation/control. "racist"...etc.... it is just a deceitful way of trying to control others, and control every narrative.
  21. https://www.theblaze.com/news/may-jobs-numbers-far-exceed-projections-in-sign-that-us-economy-is-recovering-from-covid-19 yep. DOW ovre 27000, 2.5+ million jobs bounced back in May alone. We are going to have a historic recovery. so sorry biden and his cohorts in jibber jabber bs. Pres Trump is the RIGHT PRESIDENT for these times. You hate it. haha. You can shove it.
  22. this is true - the dirty cop was completely sick in his behavior. What really bothers me is that 3 rookies were afraid? to tell the veteran dirty cop to stop. or they were bigots and didn't care... those three deserved to be arrested too, they were complicit. Doesn't bode well for the reputation of the entire dept since that is the 3 cowards they hired.
  23. I'm sure you would hope Pres Trump be assassinated, but the protesters have proven themselves to contain violent people. Police have been shot and injured. and again, your childish slur about Pres Trump not being able to read is 100% crap. All presidents are protected that way. your hate is getting more irrational by the week maybe.They can assemble somewhere else. How tough it is for you to figure out? really tough.
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