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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. which, btw, it has been used before. Most recently, in 1992. See? Bill Clinton was president. https://theresurgent.com/2020/06/02/the-insurrection-act-what-it-says-and-how-it-has-been-used/ " As has been noted, the Insurrection Act was most recently used in 1992 during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles. However, a major difference between the 1992 deployment and Trump’s threatened use of the military is that California’s Republican governor, Pete Wilson, requested federal help. In the current situation, federal military help has not yet been requested by any state governor. " Now, that is a REp governor asking a dem pres for federal help in quelling riots. A dem gov asking for fed help from a Rep president? nope - they are actually WANTING to let the riots run violent. to make helter skelter. to blame Pres Trump. The HATE on the dem/socialist side is out of control. If it keeps up and gets worse, it isn't that far fetched to consider a civil war is possible. It wouldn't be geographical, True, as in North/South. But it could be cities out of control and that could flood over into the suburbs. The left has been murdering police. Damaged monuments. Threatened known conservatives. Assauted white folks. It didn't just start with the sick murder by the sicko policeman. Remember a few years? ago? the sucker punching by black groups in social settings? the knockout game? This is a groups thing - seems to be a marxist revolution in the making over decades of encouragement by leftwing professors, leftwing teachers, left wing activist haters all over our government....marxist/communist groups, anarchist groups. Then, when they nearly owned America - they lost the presidency, and their obaMao commie's damage was done, but we elected Pres Trump to save our country. We lose out country if Pres Trump doesn't get re-elected. All gun owners, hunters, Christians, fishermen....all business owners, all conservatives...could easily become "enemies of the state". With all the HATE from the left - historically, that is how civil wars start.
  2. is anybody surprised? hue blew.
  3. furthermore: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/former-mi6-boss-says-covid-19-pandemic-started-accident-chinese-lab ormer MI6 boss says COVID-19 pandemic 'started as an accident' in a Chinese lab The former head of Britain's MI6 intelligence agency is arguing that COVID-19 very likely originated in a Chinese lab, pointing to recent research indicating that the virus appears to have had artificial sequences inserted into its genetic makeup.
  4. https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZTSB&pc=MOZI&q=browns+news Can the Browns come to rescue of Cleveland sports fans? New idea for defensive end See article on: www.cleveland.com By Terry Pluto, cleveland.com 2 hrs ago
  5. http://disq.us/p/1ll36up Carlos Deplorable Irredeemable • 3 years ago • edited ✯✯✯✯✯ It took the Marxist Bolsheviks of 1917 and a Lenin to set the stage for a Stalin tyrant. Fatherless rabble rousers from broken families who owned nothing, had nothing at risk, and thus nothing to lose, the Bolsheviks told the Russian people when they had reached the apex of Russian civilization in the arts, architecture, in everything, We’re going to redistribute and take from the wealthy haves and give to you the havenots, inculcating secular jealousy and class envy. ––Dividing, and in their wake, destroying Russian culture, Russian traditions, and all that was Russian. Then 40 years later in 1957 Havana, two fatherless bearded Cuban brothers and another from Argentina who owned nothing, had nothing at risk, and thus nothing to lose, told the Cuban people after they had reached by so many metrics the highest standard of living in Latin America, We’re going to take from all those Cubans that have too much, and we’re going to give it to you. There is no Cuban culture before us, no God, we know well what is best for you, we are gods. And many Cubans like the Russians before them swallowed that collectivist Marxist rhetoric garbage. Then nearly four decades later, the fatherless Clown in Caracas who owned nothing and thus had nothing to lose, told the Venezuelan people the same after they had reached their zenith with all their natural resources, We’re going to redistribute and take from all those wealthy Venezuelans that have too much, and we're going to give it to you, and the Venezuelans swallowed that, too, while today tens of thousands of Venezuelans remain in exile in Miami-Doral, Florida having lost their culture and their country, their very way of life. Whether it is the Russian, Cuban, or Venezuelan revolutions, they are all the same: Subversive undermining Leftist movements, collectivists that with soothing tones of brotherhood, provide something for nothing, preying on the goodness and decency of their own noble people turning them against their forebears once generations of them have succeeded in their own society of faith and virtue. What did we have in the White House for eight long years, but a fatherless rabble-rousing community organizer and his Vice President, both of whom have never had a real job in the private sector their entire risk-free lives of comfort and bliss, all on the government dole just as their chosen successor, Central planners that turn Americans against themselves, against our forebears who brought us the peace and prosperity we enjoy, against our heritage, our traditions, against everything that is American, By drawing on the basest of human emotions, avarice, jealousy and class envy with their perversions of our language, revisionist history, and their collectivist creed of sloth and deceit undermining us from within. It is but history repeating itself, as secular Leftist movements throughout history do, dividing their own people by first disassociating them from their past and choosing the easy road of making a living off of the ridicule of forebears, not the hard work of building upon them, and by tearing them down, tearing us all down. Ask any American of Russian, Korean, Cuban, Greek, or Venezuelan descent. Mere stage setters for future tyrants, all of them, as history repeats itself, time and again.
  6. "intentional" is the only explanation that makes any sense. https://www.kitco.com/news/2020-05-26/China-has-deliberately-spread-virus-killed-thousands-of-Americans-Gordon-Chang.html
  7. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/08/22/dershowitz_on_statues_liberals_are_doing_what_stalin_did_erasing_history.html?fbclid=IwAR2frwjnXu0e3mzosqt5p9ZwMbMgy-I2mCa2MkUBOd0mqxrWuRheMKLnrD4 Dershowitz On Statues: Liberals Are Doing What Stalin Did, "Erasing History"
  8. yep, little georgie porgie had the will to oppose us electing Pres Trump. haha, georgie. you're a fool, and you embarrassed yourself. thanks for running to msnbc. you never were going to be a real intelligent conservative like William F. Buckley. you are fake news. pitiful.
  9. Never cared for george will. He made a living being a conservative, but now he's a democrat. really? "Trump isn't conservative, ..." so you go all in with the dems? yeah, he can make more money at msnbc, etc. money talks, sleazebags walk. As long as Pres Trump does the EXCELLENT for AMERICA moves, he needs/MUST be re-elected. Stick a cork in it, george will. go count your money. 'This Is Not My Party': George Will Goes from GOP to ... https://pjmedia.com/election/nicholas-ballasy/2016/... Jun 24, 2016 · WASHINGTON – Conservative columnist George Will told PJM he has officially left the Republican Party and urged conservatives not to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump … Author: Nicholas Ballasy
  10. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/05/12/limbaugh_democrats_will_do_their_best_to_keep_economy_shut_down_just_to_ensure_that_trump_loses.html?fbclid=IwAR0ZU95282xrKGtkPy42hKi4XFf4cDvTjmyaNg4nm0HkVc2ziA261phvuaA&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=realclearpolitics
  11. right. burning down black-owned businesses, murdered black police officers. We're talking serious ulterior motives here. read on: https://www.theblaze.com/news/protest-leader-nyc-riots-fire-diamond-district The Diamond District is heavily populated with Orthodox and Hasidic Jews. Fox News anchor Eric Shawn immediately condemned the protester leader's veiled threats. "That person was, basically suggesting that they plan to go to the Diamond District, which is run by Orthodox Jews here in New York City," Shawn said. "Certainly hope that is not the case and we do not endorse, or in fact we condemn that type of language her on the Fox News channel. Someone saying that certainly should be called out in terms of any type of potential threat of any sort that we just heard, live from someone who's interviewed here on this channel." Ace Burns said that he has camped out in front of the Barclays Center since June 3. He added that he is "camped out here indefinitely," as long as there are protests and "so long as there is black people dying in the streets." In a Twitter video, the man told Cuomo that he needs to speak to him. "I'm not requesting anything. You're going to give us a seat at the table," the man said. "My ancestors earned this right. I didn't ask to come here."
  12. the left in gov wants all the power - and they are cheering on the rioters and looters and violence... just like the nazis did in Germany, and Mussolini and co did in Italy. it furthers their cause, until they get all the power, then they didn't need the blown shirts/black shirts anymore.
  13. 'I'm Coming for You': Biden Threatens Gun Makers at South ... https://www.nationalreview.com/news/im-coming-for... Joe Biden speaks at a rally with striking Stop & Shop workers in Boston, Mass., April 18, 2019. (Brian Snyder/Reuters) Joe Biden warned gun manufacturers during a speech in South Carolina on ... Author: Tobias Hoonhout Joe Biden Physically Threatens Voter, Curses and Jabs ... https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/03/10/joe... Mar 10, 2020 · Joe Biden Physically Threatens Voter, Curses and Jabs Finger in His Face. Posted at 1:00 pm on March 10, 2020 by Bonchie
  14. Hoorta created a monster - his little friend is on another rampage.
  15. https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/06/05/chief-out-after-offering-support-for-armed-citizens/
  16. https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/06/05/chief-out-after-offering-support-for-armed-citizens/
  17. I knew you wouldn't research legitimately for yourself. your posts have no cred at all.
  18. https://www.redstate.com/jeffc/2020/06/06/watch-white-blacklivesmatter-protesters-attack-black-police-officer/
  19. no, this isn't just like in the past. a second civil war seems more like it. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/06/06/ga-police-three-protesters-tracked-cops-to-their-homes-threw-molotov-cocktails-at-their-cars/
  20. Egad. Seems like this crap is intentionally being brought here. a bio-9/11. https://www.redstate.com/beccalower/2020/06/06/behold-the-next-plague-west-nile-virus-2020/
  21. this is who obaMao commie brought out of the woodwork, and who bad violent people use for cover. I suppose the dem gov in minneapolis want a new police force. yeah, like islamic radical law enforcers.....? https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/06/06/man-shouted-allahu-akbar-before-stabbing-cop-shooting-two-officers-police-urge-caution-on-motive/
  22. nope. https://www.theblaze.com/news/minneapolis-mayor-allowed-protesters-to-destroy-city-now-he-wants-taxpayers-to-pay-for-damage
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