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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. On 2/12/2020 at 5:37 PM, calfoxwc said: child porn is sick and most certainly NOT LEGAL. The arguments about making these things legal are narrow minded in focus. Legitimizing drinking to excess - I understand prohibition didn't work - but how many children and maybe one parent, have had their lives ruined over alcoholism? How many children have been born with learning disabilities/physical deformities by drug abuse? How many husbands will get blackmailed by going once to some hooker? How can a society constructively survive with immorality run amok? Legalizing this stuff advocates abuse, advocates addiction, addvocates all the crime that comes with it. It's a disease. It's like the show on TV, where they have a time of the year when anyone can commit any crime and it's legal. Society dies. Which, is what some pitiful misguided people think is a good thing, then it can grow back again in utopian form. Society can't stop...."x"...so it should be legal? Then, what if "x" is rape? murder? Rapes keep happening. Why not.... the point is, I could keep adding instances, all different, of the left wanting chaos in our society. Why have speed limits? after all, nobody wants a "nanny state" ? We already have a disease of sex abuse-human sex trafficing happening in this country. Why in the heck would you want to legalize it? Then the result would be a LOT MORE human sex trafficing. The left FEELS issues like this, without analyzing the repercussions/liabilities/damage done to our society? ***************************************************************************** (Woody): My god Cal you're a fucking moron. The absolute emotional nonsense that spewed onto the screen as you typed this could only come from someone with legitimate mental issues. I know I haven't laid into you in a while as I hadn't been posting here as much but ... fuck... your post is batshit insane. That's the post that people read and go "well, I'm just putting him on ignore." It is the type of post that makes me concerned your vote counts as much as everyone else. It is the type of post that makes me wonder if you have any actual grasp on reality.
  2. like you have you head buried up into the tailfeathers of woody ? Posted 23 hours ago Hoorta created a monster - his little friend is on another rampage. JAF never said one word to woodpecker
  3. I can't wait for Hoorta to lambast conservatives on the board for not keeping to the subject of the OP. lol
  4. and your little woodpecker friend is allowed to do it to anybody he wants? to Gorka? AND Steve? AND OBF? (who vacated the forum over it). and I know for a fact that you know a good friend of mine left because Tex ridiculed a member of his family, with zero provocation. So haha, nice try, but you would have more legitimacy by not letting your friends raise hell with people, in the first place. But letting them go on and on and on, and you defend them? priceless, and disappointing. But, that is the symptoms of TDS. and Tex started the name-calling with me. But that's ok, because... why? he's special because he has TDS too? Yep. just like a cult.
  5. sometimes I wonder if they are intimidating Real Americans to make them leave so they can't vote anymore in local or state elections if they move out of state.....
  6. stick a cork in it, then. I've insulted woodpecker IN RETURN. and Tex started his garbage. it started with woodpecker back when someone ASKED ME about my Christian faith, and I told a story. woodpecker ridiculed me, God, and my story endlessly over a long period of time. So jumping in and taking sides now is dishonest and/or all wet in Egypt. You want to butt in and defend your liberal friends, go ahead. and I post differently on the Browns forum, so you can STFU with that. boy, you hating TDS'ers stick together like gay glue.
  7. Thanks being deliberately hateful and ignorant, and emotionally knee jerking is a subculture, as in, a CULT. No membership dues, but with the promise of attention, money to appear on salone or cnn or msnbc, and maybe even free stuff.
  8. I didn't call you a coward at first, you liar sombeitch snowflake. and I never once denigrated your courage in battle. But you started the crap, and I dished it back, and you went crying to the mods because you like to dish crap out, but you don't think you should have to take it in return. but on the forum, you are AFRAID of the TRUTH, can't HANDLE THE TRUTH, you lie and rant with zero justifying reasons for the crap you spew. The TDS disease doesn't control anything - it simple calls irrational haters for who they are. Like the mueller two years of fake investigation, ended up with NOTHING. After lies to the FISA court, lies to Congress, the FBI violating their standard protocol, comey lied, and/or mccabe lied, rosenstein lied, strzok lied, obaMao always lied, and biden lies stupidly. Oswald got an honorable discharge from active duty. do you think he was a hero all the rest of his civilian life? yes or no ? Answer the question, or run and hide. I knew active duty officers and one msgt who were slime. I'm sorry you have TDS bad, too bad being a combat veteran doesn't shield you from that disease. At least it isn't covid, and you aren't a woodpecker.
  9. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/retired-generals-admirals-endorse-trump-227755 Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals By NICK GASS 09/06/2016 06:45 AM EDT *************************************** you TDS wonks can keep your few deep state corrupt retired generals. (who are actually democrats, like allen, etc.) Whatcha wanna bet that the vast majority of retired generals and admirals still support Pres Trump in 2020.
  10. Tex won't. if he watched that, he'd have something go wrong with his health.
  11. Here's an idea. You give Steve a thousand bucks, and I will show him my veterans papers, even two insignia off my dress blues, and a couple of regular good conduct medals. and pictures of me in uniform. and my veteran's card. and my book from basic signed by my TI's and friends. and I get the money, but will tip Steve nicely. 80-20. Put up or shut up, eh?
  12. woodpecker liar. He thinks he can screw with people now that he thinks he has Hoorta wrapped around his little finger.
  13. woody bitch-chirped until he got somebody to hide it.
  14. wow. That was GREAT. 4 yrs from now, it would be great if Cruz is president...after Pres Trump. KAGA I was a Cruz guy early on. The dems are a disgrace to America, plain and simple.
  15. another mindless ignorant post. controlling the narrative means not allowing dissenting opinions. like screwing with other people, and then running to the mods when they are mean to you back. like you did me. I just post things of interest to me, maybe others. I research a lot of the time to make sure I'm making a valid point. Say, haven't you found ONE instance where Pres Trump violated the Constitution? no? a lot like bs, right?
  16. finally dh did his own research and made a worthwhile post. lol obviously, it's still bill clinton's fault, because he's part of the deep state.
  17. Interesting to know that - didn't say what was copyrighted. the music? Unlike the "nickleback" video - that was valid... I don't get this one. How does the music conflict with any copyright?
  18. it is getting to that point. The left can't control, dominate, intimate, destroy Real Americans.... unless they can successfully disarm them. https://defendingthetruth.com/threads/the-stalinist-movement-in-america.65716/
  19. the leftwing jackwagons want to control the narrative, control the election. THEY get to censor messages on political opponents. so dangerous. https://www.theblaze.com/louder-with-crowder/censoring-trumps-twitter
  20. Colin Powell is a hardcore liberal. He even admitted in his book - Americans would be shocked if they knew how his politics ran. he's a leftwinger. but he isn't a corrupt supremely arrogant slut or a liar or a corrupt sombeitch like mattis, kelly and mccain. he's just honestly a leftwinger. Of course he'd go deep stater. Time to get a big PRES TRUMP ELECTION SIGN. Bill Clinton used federal troops during riots, Colin Powell. Did you disagree THEN? of course not. " On December 31, 2004, Powell rang in the New Year by pressing a button in Times Square with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to initiate the ball drop and 60 second countdown, ushering in the year 2005. He appeared on the networks that were broadcasting New Year's Eve specials and talked about this honor, as well as being a native of New York City.[69] "
  21. where is Hoorta now? HELLO ??? lol liberals flock together like birds. THEY get free speech, others don't. They all want to own the narrative. or they will bitch and try to get people censored. or cause them to lose their jobs. or, if they can't stop a Kavanaugh from being nominated, they will destroy him with fake hater "witnesses" and destroy him if they can. or, if they lose a pres election, they will try to destroy that new unapproved by them presidency by any means necessary. it's the leftwing way.
  22. of course that is true. But when a "conservative" who left the republican party years ago, supports unlimited abortion, runaway spending, dissing our police force, supports all the corruption during the obamao commie eight years, ignores Benghazi, Uranium One, the IRS targeting scandal...I could list a long, long list..... That isn't conservative. It's going with the political flow, where the big money is. A lot of pundits are terrified of the left. Conservative pundits have had to add serious security to their homes. A support of biden is support for the brownshirts/blackshirts, globalism selling America out, and extreme liberalism, anti-2nd and 1st Amendments, anti-Constitution, leftwing activist judges every where, all over our judicial system. All hell would break loose. I few boxes of ammo before they screw with your ability to buy it by declaring war on producers, and war on gun manufacturers. and no more free speech. if biden were actually to win, we lose our country. Hate Pres Trump - but love joe biden? seriously? nah. nobody can seriously go there.
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