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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, we'll see in November. But your professor is a hard core liberal. I mean, look at the other articles in the series: A Catholic case for Elizabeth Warren Feb 11, 2020 A Catholic case for Bernie Sanders Feb 10, 2020 A Catholic case for Amy Klobuchar Feb 7, 2020 A Catholic case for Pete Buttigieg Feb 6, 2020 View all › democrat. whatever. lol. you have one Catholic. I have an entire org. Catholics For Trump! https://catholics.donaldjtrump.com Catholics For Trump. Catholics for Trump will energize and activate the Catholic community in re-electing President Donald J. Trump by sharing the many successes of the Trump administration. Re-electing President Trump will ensure continued victories in pro-life issues, judicial appointments, and religious freedom.
  2. yeah, I think he would have put Bitonio on the top ten. I suppose he may have checked with Bitonio and Garrett before he mentioned them, since they are still playing....
  3. yep. Businesses will leave - I also expect many of them - a mass exodus.
  4. and now, for the rest of the story that disputes the being all wet in Egypt on mail in voter fraud. It's one thing to have your ballot sent to you, btw, and giving anybody/everybody blank ballots to fill in. 15 Election Results That Were Tossed Over Fraudulent Mail ...https://www.dailysignal.com › 2020 › 04 › 21 › 15-election...Apr 21, 2020 · Voter fraud is too nominal to make a difference in any given election, goes one popular line of argument. But tell that to voters in parts of Flor
  5. 15 Election Results That Were Tossed Over Fraudulent Mail ... https://www.dailysignal.com › 2020 › 04 › 21 › 15-election... Apr 21, 2020 · Voter fraud is too nominal to make a difference in any given election, goes one popular line of argument. But tell that to voters in parts of Florida, Missouri, New York, and North Carolina in ...
  6. and in Ohio, there was a lawsuit that tried? to stop them from cleaning up the old voter registration lists. Anything that enables the left, they will insist on.
  7. Joe Thomas is just an impressive funny guy - I love listening to him. Can't disagree with his picks, naturally. https://www.brownsnation.com/joe-thomas-ranks-his-top-5-cleveland-browns-teammates/
  8. Answer: because he doesn't fit the political agenda.
  9. this is an EXCELLENT POINT. I have heard stories of folks who are disgusted that fellow coworkers got ANGRY when their jobs opened up. It's similar to unions - some members want to raise hell to go on strike - because they want a vacation to go on trips etc, especially when they've used up their own vacation already. Corrupt advantage is convenient when they can get away with it. Worse yet, when they are told they are "victims" of whatever, and DESERVE that corrupt convenience.
  10. and, get this - minneapolis wants federal money to fix the damage done by the riots they allowed to happen, even encouraged.... unbelievable. Then when the fed gov refuses, they can blame Pres Trump election wise for the sad damaged state of affairs in minneapolis, you betcha. Minneapolis Mayor Asks Trump For Aid After Riots Cause At ... https://www.dailywire.com › news › minneapolis-mayor... The Minneapolis mayor is asking for federal help cleaning up and rebuilding his city after rioters caused at least $55 million worth of damage through looting, burning, and defacing public and private property. That cost estimate is likely to increase in the coming days as government officials continue to tally the damage done in the […] Minneapolis Mayor Now Asking Trump for Relief Money After ... https://www.redstate.com › bonchie › 2020 › 06 › 05 › ... Jun 05, 2020 · Minneapolis Mayor Now Asking Trump for Relief Money After He Let His City Burn ... Minneapolis Mayor Now Asking Trump for Relief Money After He Let His City Burn. Posted at 8:00 pm on June 5, ... Minneapolis will need state and federal aid as it attempts to rebuild hundreds of structures after the riots following George Floyd’s death, ...
  11. somewhere along the way, if you are even a fake victim for the left's cause, you are still a famous hero. it encourages more and more of it - to feed the hate of the left. It's out of control now.
  12. and, btw, the lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is supposed to work against the virus, so tell people to hide inside their homes.... no sense does it make.
  13. because it has nothing to do with you, BJ, but you are too immature to mind your own business? Maybe YOU think Tex can't fight his own battles? BJ stands for... bird junk? bird .... I'll have to ask Axe.
  14. actually, that is possible. I wonder about the long term benefits of breathing lysol and hand sanitizer for hours at a time......
  15. yep, and the other one about kneeling. But it's summer, not much going on football wise. whatever.
  16. too bad, Bush was the left's hero for a while there. like mueller for two years of fake investigation, finding nothing.
  17. I don't know - there is also the fact that covid is causing some kind of other disease symptoms in children, etc. I believe it was right to shut down for about 2-3 weeks to let it die out as much as possible, but it went on so long that dems looked at it as a chance to get serious control over people - especially over people they hated. Pres Trump, Christians, gun stores/manufacturers/owners..., but not over their "brownshirts". Like in any cult - anyone who does their bidding is "special" and has very special "rights" that non-cult members don't have.
  18. and it was a setup. he faked his way into being a victim.
  19. LOL. Many, many, many years ago, we went fishing. Driving through a small town, a bit before dark, we got pulled over. Now, I never got pulled over for nothin - so, I was driving, and thought I'd get out of our pickup truck to see what was wrong. I look in the back of the truck, but the gear and stuff was fine, tied down, and the back tailgate was up, no problem. And then, I turned to the police car, and the two policemen were yelling at me to get back into my truck. Except, there was a very loud few motorcycles going by and I couldn't tell what they were saying, until the motorcycles passed by. THEN, I sheepishly got myself the hell back into our truck. Turns out, we forgot to get new licenses for the truck, and it was over six months. I thought it was in my Wife's name, but it was in my name, different birthdays... All turned out well, The police were very polite afterwards, and didn't kick my ass. They had to confiscate our truck - over six months, sorry, policy, they said - and we had to call a friend to drive all the way there to pick us up. The police stayed around til the tow truck got there and a while afterwards til they got a call. Our friends were laughing. The police were initially concerned I was an anti-gov citizen. They ended up happy to know I was just not knowing what to do...correctly. What is sad, is if we had been black, and it happened in the wrong town/city, with two bad cops, things would have been very bad. Just because of being black.
  20. it's sick. Seems to be ...they want Real Americans to be afraid. let the bad guys have guns, but pass laws against Real Americans owning them. Let protesters riot and burn down buildings, let them threaten people's families... but tell the Real Americans to NOT shoot home invaders ...just "call 911". and who would show up? THERE IS NO MORE POLICE if you got rid of the police. "helter skelter" - to take down the system at every chance, in every way possible, to get total control.
  21. Therefore, I TRUMP your one reference to James Epistle, your toe seems to have stepped into a pile of stinky poo. I have never called anyone, ever, a "dodo". go back and look forever. Here is my other point to you - none of us ever said Pres Trump was perfect, and I don't deny he was not the best person around before. But he got himself right, because he has been a GREAT LEADER of AMERICA, and has been doing GREAT THINGS for America, and has been making GREAT DECISIONS for America. Now, get off your nasty high horse and explain how you see your biden and obaMao commie moral. Which is silly, you can't. You support obaMao and biden, maybe you should THINK before you vent. haha. I know independents, and you, sir, are NO independent. lol "works..." Big gotcha on Hoorta.
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