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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. wait. dems demand unlimited free murder of born and unborn CHILDREN, but bear cubs and pups are off limits? If you don't hunt critters, they will overpopulate and starve and menace. Born and unborn CHILDREN are not a menace. It's the LACK OF PRINCIPLE that is so common. Caring little about murdering children? but using feigned outrage over the hunting of overpopulated young animals? From the article above on Alaska hunting: " “From our perspective, the Park Service was infringing on our territory,” said Eddie Grasser, director of wildlife management for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, adding that some of the hunting practices now allowed in national preserves are part of indigenous culture. " That is ALASKAN DIRECTOR OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FOR THE ALASKA DEPT OF FISH AND GAME. Not Trump's idea. The principle is, less federal way too big government.
  2. "losing the last election makes me sick, losing an election is a public health crisis" gettin pretty bad....
  3. snowflakes _"make that bad history go away, so it never happened" just pitiful.
  4. Harris? seriously? egad. .............................................er....
  5. this is how insane the "democratic" left is. https://www.theblaze.com/news/tim-scott-rebukes-leftist-racism
  6. if you care about your country, even if you really dislike Pres Trump - https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related https://www.theblaze.com/news/harvard-professor-indicted-chinese-espionage
  7. hostile corrupt dems control the purse strings, the infighting was by the dems who were po'd they lost the election. give the house back to the reps, stop all the hate garbage, and I think the reps will finally have the backbone to solve some problems. the dems are stopping everything in the House. plain and simple.
  8. Hoorta said: "From the article- they're talking about me... "One voter, who requested anonymity due to threats, wrote in a message: “Considering how far right the Trumpublican party has moved, I’m now considered left.” Can I have an AMEN!!! There? " It doesn't matter. and I don't believe voters who talk like that, btw. Probably wanted to be anonymous because he was an activist liberal democrat.... it's what they do. So, what IS it that you think Pres Trump's policies for America are so terrible? I agree with every single one of them. Not the tweets, some of his statements, nope. Did Pres Trump put a corrupt IRS chief in charge of targeting liberal political and religious groups? NOPE Did Pres Trump put corrupt asswhole chiefs in charge of our FBI and Intel to target innocent American citizens, and undermine who we elected as president? NOPE Did Pres Trump and co. sell 25% of our uranium to russia? NOPE Did PRes Trump do the illegal gun running in Mexico, to frame American gun shops and owners for the drug cartel violence? NOPE Did Pres Trump let our diplomat anywhere and staff get murdered, and lie about it, while doing NOTHING when they could have? NOPE NOPE NOPE. I could go on and on, Hoorta. I know Pres Trump is far from perfect, but what he is doing for AMERICA is a lot of GREAT THINGS. You go ahead and explain why you think biden is the better choice for pres. those are your two choices. the biden/whoever grass is NOT GREENER on the other side of the fence, Hoorta. It's a giant pile of corruption and cowpie. Choose wisely.
  9. Egad. That's terrible. Impressive that you made a spreadsheet, though. I ...well, everybody? have that problem with spam.... but have always zealously protected our address/phone, etc because I used to get phone calls from recruiters all over the country, literally. From my resume' - which I posted online to one recruiter - it got crazy. We would never relocate. So, between politics and the NRA, the phone calls were annoying. Worse, before my Wife retired from teaching, the scumbucket dems had her info and we got calls, more calls, mail, etc etc etc constantly from the dems. and dem unions. and dem orgs. Like I've mentioned before- my Wife was even sassed by their union rep because she wouldn't say who she was voting for, which had better be democrat, until her friends/co-workers told her to apologize quickly and back off, and STFU before I found out ..I really would have arranged a meeting with the superintendent. Everything was fine by the time she got home and told me and laughed. lol I love the NRA, but the phone calls asking for money, upgrading my membership, out in the garden, fishing, on vacation, visiting friends. I kept telling them to go away and never call me again, it finally worked...
  10. I have never donated to the rep party, or any party for that matter. These past years, there isn't one demoquack I could ever vote for, but there are fake republicans I would never support, too. But at least there are a lot ? of good reps out there. there is no more democrat party. I admired JFK and Bobby back as a kid, I really liked Hubert Humphrey... LBJ was a toad.... then there was mcgovern, never cared for Nixon - just seemed like a split personality or something.... I liked Obamao, but became concerned when I looked at his background all the way up to the senate in Illinois...but hoped he meant what all he said. he didn't. but going back to the corruption and complete failure of the obamao biden fiasco to solve any problem in America, and make them WORSE... regardless of how much some folks really don't like Pres Trump. Fault find with him...easy. Fault find with biden, far easier. Lesser of two evils, says I. Pres Trump MUST be re-elected in 2020, or we lose America.
  11. lol. sorry, but the quote from somewhere about George Will not supporting Pres Trump in 2020, I was just expressing how little I respect George Will, he was applauded as a "republican", and I was pointing out he left back then. that's all - it would have gotten buried quickly in the thread the original post was. my bad. But it deserved to be brought up.
  12. BTW, here is an article I like, about what the author would do if you saw a situation like the George Floyd situation. https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/how-does-one-safely-intervene-when-cops-are-mistreating-prisoner
  13. https://hannity.com/media-room/mcconnell-to-dems-why-are-protests-permissible-but-prayer-still-too-dangerous/
  14. this is just political trash behavior - leftwing political bigotry - and using the pandemic as a political weapon. https://www.theblaze.com/news/jewish-children-park-coronavirus
  15. Well, GREAT for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I'm always reminded of stuff the anti-war people did, that alienated who they allegedly wanted to influence. The middle class, most of America. They demanded their free speech, but during a protest, they let it be known that if you carried a camera with you, they would assume you were the enemy of the cause and you would get the hell beaten out of you. etc etc etc. I know bad cops roughing up/shooting blacks because they were black, is a giant problem. I know the war was a giant problem. But actions that alienate those who the parties pretend to want to get on board... simply falls under"ulterior motives" category of behavior. I don't believe klaaperdick wanted to inspire anyone as to his cause, and I think the disrespecting our Anthem and Flag is exactly what it is, and exactly what is counter-productive to their alleged cause.
  16. romney is no republican - regardless of what he has registered himself as.
  17. Actually, I understand that. But, if biden were to win and they keep the house? we lose our country.
  18. Do I get a virtual trophy? lol
  19. https://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/2020-candidate-joe-biden-identifies-as-catholic-but-breaks-with-church-teac
  20. Newly launched ‘Catholics for Trump’ initiative sets ... https://www.marketwatch.com/story/catholics-for... Apr 05, 2020 · Promoting Trump’s anti-abortion record to Catholics but ignoring the president’s proposed cuts to immigration and aid for the poor “isn’t how traditional Catholic teaching asks us to think ... Catholics for President Trump - Home | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CatholicsForTrump Catholics for President Trump. 10 hrs ·. The White House. On June 6, 1944, our Greatest Generation bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy. "Those who fought here won a future for our nation. They won the survival of our civilization. And they showed us the way to love, cherish, and defend our way of life for many centuries to come."
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