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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. no, sometimes I am even MORE the voice of reason.....like Uncle Si on "Duck Dynasty". 95% of my stories are true, Jack !"
  2. T wasn't a hero, never said that. T screwed up out of being harrassed and screwed with, and he went over the edge of acceptability and ended up gone. That's all. I never said "pm'd". Hoorta did. The left wants it shut down so they can go over and have a lot more nasty leftwing company to talk politics with - I suppose they would be a controlling dominant minor majority. Maybe. It happened before, THAT IS WHY THIS FORUM EXISTS. I never said "best friends" in my post.
  3. lol. good move. I suppose they won't get an answer - a "no" will make them look as bad as they are.
  4. For newcomers, it's probably good to explain it all. Years ago now, there was no political forum. And the left talked hate politics vs the republican president, etc etc etc. Well, it is supposed to be about football. But, it wasn't deleted at all. So, I made one post, of all the denigrating pictures of ...Bush? I posted one picture to counter all the political hate posturing. It was just the opposite of what all they were posting. and it got deleted immediately. I noticed it, and wondered if my mouse or keyboard acted up or something, so I posted it again. Deleted immediately. I still thought something had gone wrong, but nope. Third time deleted. None of the hate stuff was deleted in the thread. Just my response pic. haha. So, eventually it was such a problem with politics overtaking football, they created the political forum. This was great, I hated talking politics on the football side. The moderator, a very good guy, was fair. But the left started hating him, because he didn't take sides. They gave him so much crap, that he got annoyed, and started deleting their crap. I told him, after a while, that they were trying to get him to respond in a bad way so they could get him gone and replaced. But he got upset with all the hate attacks, didn't listen, and got gone. And a few of them admitted it, and laughed. Then Westside Steve became the mod, and he doesn't take sides. Sure enough, lol, he's gotten some flack because he doesn't. Not ever from me. He does a great job. Which, infuriates some on the left. Steve won't help them control the narrative. Of course, he won't help the right, either, which makes the left happy. Dang, being a lefty is a conflict in existence, isn't it? So, we have Hoorta, mod over on the football side, come over. And he bashed Pres Trump, bashes and bashes.....and sides with the left, and criticizes the conservatives on the board, especially me, and bashes Pres Trump irrationally as the rest of the left. And the left can troll all they want, he says not one word. But one of us trolls? trolling THEN is bad. Now, Hoorta admits that three different people asked him to ask Kathy to get rid of the political forum, which, is how I have always said they operate. They emotionally demand to control the narrative, because they operate on emotion. When they can't control the narrative, they can't control other's free speech, they freak out and HATE. A lot like the deep state can't control OUR PRES TRUMP - so they hate him. The next pres election decides America's fate. And they lost the big one last time, this one is bigger. So, they are desperate. Over on the football side, Hoorta is a liberal (oops, my bad "independent"- who wants to shut us up, I've heard that Zombo is a democrat but I don't know, and over there, hacks like woody will have a controlling friend who is biased for them. They don't have it here, so they want this forum shut down, and own the football side again. That leads to the question - who are the three who want this forum shut down? lol If I was a bettin man...I'd put a thousand bucks on Woody. you betcha. lol The other two? dont' know, but...... Woody started the political thread about kneeling on the football side, which is very controversial, but it also pertained to two Browns. I tried to avoid it, but I kept reading the hostility, and replied mildly maybe once, or twice. I've said for a few years, many times, "big serious trouble". I didn't know how big and serious it was going to be. it's worse than I imagined, as far as the corruption in our gov. I've also said for years - that the left demands to control everything - that is what they do. I wish I could post on the political board like I ....almost....always post on the football forum. You see it all around the country now. The police stand in the way of intimidating America. Our Pres Trump stands in the way of them owning America. Republicans in the Senate stand in the way of them controlling America. Our Constitution/Bill of Rights stand in the way of them owning and controlling the American people. The left has always demanded their free speech - 1st Amendment !!!!. But as always, they find every way and every excuse to deny their political opposition THEIR free speech. Funny how that works, isn't it? Our 2nd Amendment stands in the way of them intimidating and frightening into submission - the American people who don't agree with them. Our immigration laws stand in the way of them flooding our electoral process with fraud - and votes by people who don't speak English, have little? education, don't know about our Constitution/Bill of Rights, and are easily manipulated because they are destitute without welfare help from the big welfare state. They demand control of everything. Pres Trump kept his promises - on the Supreme Court. And they tried to stop Kavanaugh with activist liar fake witnesses, hideous slurs and tried to completely destroy him and his family. They have done every thing they could think of, to try to destroy Trump's chances to become president, and then when that didn't work, they went back to their "insurance policy" (per strzok and page) in case he won. He won, and they set out to destroy him and his family ever since. Obamao commie insisted to Pres Trump that he not hire General Flynn, who HE fired. for no good reason. Gen Flynn was not one of them. They couldn't make him dance the deep state dance, which is very dangerous because General Flynn knew way, way, way too much. But, Pres Trump did hire him - and they immediately set out to destroy General Flynn and his entire family too. It goes on and on. It's a now violent deep state/marxist/liberal/globalist etc revolution. Biden is as corrupt as the day is long in the summer, but the left hates Pres Trump for his tweets, and pretends to hate everything he does and doesn't do for unknown reasons they won't divulge... but they will vote for biden anyways. And Biden says he's coming for our guns. and has already picked the guy who will come for them. So, with the most election coming up, the left cannot stand to not own this forum completely. OBF is a good friend, who was far more eloquent than I am, extremely smart....very non-confrontational, really intelligent, great natured, full of grace Christian poster. And he met with the hostility, and decided there were more important things he wanted to work on. You can bet that if I had posted that same thread about the kneeling, and had the opposite opinion, it would have been moved to the political forum immediately. lol That is how the left rolls. In emotion. You agree with them, it's great. You don't - all hell from them breaks loose. Lastly, here is also how it works with the left: "hate speech" means "conservatives shut up". "man made global warming (oh, sorry, "climate change") , means do what we say, vote how we say "dirty cop murders black man" means "get rid of all police, burn them out, unfund them out, so WE CAN BE the AUTHORITY. with the "cancel" weapon- they can make anyone, everyone fearful of losing their jobs/careers if they politically disagree with the left. They get control of the IRS - it means they harass/obstruct and target conservative groups. They get control of our intel agencies and FBI - you know how that went. Sick and corrupted weapon for the left. They get control of the DOJ - look at higgardly and obaMao commie. Look at holder and lynch. They get control of the social media - look at that fiasco. They get control of the msm - yep. you betcha it is in the tank for the left - the left owns it. on and on it goes. It's a sociological movement that has created a large sub-culture in America that hates America. No, they won't admit it. They just demand unlimited murder of born and unborn children, demand that conservatives lose their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, they demand everything. It seems that this movement attracts flies like a dead fish on a shore. we just HAVE to re-elect Pres Trump and get the House back. Enough of their garbage hate crap. "and now, you know.......the rest of the story"
  5. way in the past. doesn't matter, knew it long before... Pres Trump is doing a LOT OF GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA.
  6. I agree with him. In uniform, it is inappropriate to politicize. No big deal.
  7. All liberals laugh at reality - their emotions rule completely.
  8. I didn't say you did have anything to do with it. You explained in derogatory terms, adding your opinion. Remember how you lambasted me for talking about Josh Allen as much as you and your friends talked about (actually, a little more - I couldn't keep up) Josh Rosen? So far, I, and a few others who agreed with me, were totally right. We are right over here, too. I'll bet the water is pretty warm over in that Egyptian river. See ya, and God Bless.
  9. ah. I see your bias has no limits. egad. The reason for this forum, is because the lefties had a huge audience and insisted on destroying the football forum with politics some years ago. I had the idea to create a separate forum, as well as others. Earlier on, you even admitted I do a great job of separating the two. Well, you shut this forum down, and a lot of folks will leave the Browns board because it will be a worthless clusterfook of politics. Three people asked you.... well, of course they did. They want that huge audience over on the football side again. They don't like the odds of saying stupid crap they can't back up at all, again and again and again and again, and never explain why they said it. Rich did the same thing that you and your other liberal faves do - he bitched and b itched and bitched, and repeated "offensive linemen are a dime a dozen" for freaking ever, just to argue. Rich was the incessant troller. and never could back up his asinine assertions, JUST LIKE YOU AND YOUR PRES TRUMP HATERS DO. Your parallel is nothing. Are you saying you mad because 90% of the politics forum is populated by enemy "America First Pres Trump" supporters? You can never EXPLAIN why you say what you say, and this is just another example. The only hate is the irrational hate toward the president, like you, and the irrational worship of obaMao commie and all his corrupt sombeitches. ALL WE EVER GET from you haters is bad things about PRes Trump that make no sense at all, that you can NOT explain at all. Then, you get outraged that you can't win your arguments. Here's a hint: politics is already over on the football side. I told ya - you are a liberal, Hoorta. Your emotional outburst make little sense at all. Again - the reason for this forum is to protect the football forum from politics. But I'm sure lefty Pres Trump haters would love to have hate for PRes Trump all over the football side, WHILE CENSORING ALL PRES TRUMP SUPPORTERS off the forum because "it's supposed to be about football". That is just how the left rolls. They demand to own the narrative. You all can't own it here, so... of course you are asked to get rid of this forum. Have a nice day swimming in Egypt with your friends.
  10. but no, not one criticism about obamao anything, for eight freaking years. Lose the last election, and even before Pres Trump was inaugurated, they bashed his presidency.
  11. for those who are aghast that Pres Trump is a liar and a fake - (except unlike their obamao fake god, Pres Trump is DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA) watch this, unless you are afraid you will see the truth about your fake hero.
  12. how convenient for obaMao-ites. forget the damage "supreme symbol of hope" did to our country for eight years, then call Pres Trump a "king"..."arrogant".... reality. Emotions-ruled people often don't like it.
  13. lol. Hoorta...you are one of the nastiest liberals on this board, who woulda thunk it.
  14. https://rabblerouserruminations.blogspot.com/2008/07/i-am-one-for-whom-you-have-been-waiting.html "(T)his is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for." And: "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions." "Well, YEAH, if what the world has been waiting for, and what represents America returning to its "best Traditions" is an arrogant, narcissistic, sexist, thuggish, unethical, pandering, coercing, power-hungry Messiah-wannabe, then, yes - Obama is our guy!!!" " "A cult forms around a charismatic individual who promises something. This individual professes some special knowledge. Sometimes the claim is access to ancient secrets, sometimes it's an entirely new discovery to which he or she alone is privy. Sometimes it's a combination of both. The leader offers to share the information with those who follow. Some leaders offer utopia. Or a way out. Just come along, follow me. I'll make the decisions. All will be fine." "How does that differ from a priest or rabbi?" "In a cult it's this charismatic leader who eventually becomes the object of devotion; in some cases he's actually deified. And as that happens, the leader comes to hold extraordinary control over the lives of his followers. "Cults are totalistic, authoritarian. The leader is supreme and delegates power to very few. The leader's morality becomes the only acceptable theology. The only acceptable behavior. And, as I said, veneration is eventually centered on him, not on supreme beings or abstract principles. "And often there is a double set of ethics. Members are urged to be honest and loving to each other but to deceive and shun outsiders. (Emphasis mine.) Established religions tend to follow one set of rules for everybody." "How does a leader gain such control?" "That's another important element. Thought reform. Cult leaders use a variety of psychological processes to manipulate their members. Some leaders are fairly benign, but others are not and really exploit the idealism of their followers. "The way I see it, there are two broad types of cults, both of which use thought reform. The commercially packaged 'awareness programs'" - he gestured quotation marks - "use very intense persuasion techniques. These groups keep members by getting them to buy more and more courses. "Then there are the cults that recruit followers for life. These groups use organized psychological and social persuasion to produce extreme attitudinal changes. As a result they come to exert enormous control over the lives of their members. They are manipulative, deceptive, and highly exploitative." Amy here - hmmm, let's just guess which one I think Obama is?!?! Ahem. The discussion continues, but I thought this was significant: "I still don't see why anyone but a nutcase would fall for such crap." "Not at all." He shook his head. "It's not just marginal people who get sucked in. In some studies approximately two thirds of the respondents come from normal families and were demonstrating age-appropriate behavior when they entered a cult." "Has your research shed light on why people seek out these movements?" "Often they don't. These groups seek you. And as I've said, these leaders can be incredibly charming and persuasive." AMY here - the discussion continues, and then this question: "I just don't get it, Red. How can people be so gullible?" "It's seductive to think that you're elite. Chosen. Most cults teach their members that only they are enlightened and everyone else in the world is left out. Lesser in some way. It's powerful stuff." (Kathy Reichs, Death Du Jour, 1999, pp 295 - 300) See what I mean?? Do you see it?!? To me it is crystal clear. Obama has been engaging in "thought reform," as discussed in this book, and has taken it to a massive level. For him to come to the House of Representatives as The Anointed One, elevating himself to a height neither deserved or REAL, says a lot. And it says just as much about all of the House members who clapped themselves silly. They want to bask in the glow of The One, they want to show they, too, are in his employ. It is frightening stuff, and we cannot allow him to take over this country. There is no telling what will happen if he does. I thought Bush was bad, but I fear Obama more. He has demonstrated time and time again that he is beholden to no person, no position. He can dismiss even relatives with seeming ease, and change positions as the wind blows. He is a dangerous man, and his followers likewise. Not all of them, mind you, but enough of them seem to have this mentality, which is mighty scary. (The lengths to which some of them have gone is truly scary - hanging a dead rabbit on someone's door and slashing their tires, for example. That is one extreme, but stealing caucus packets to ENSURE the victory of their One is in the same realm - they will stop at nothing to ensure their Master's success.) Again - Superdelegates - this man has flown off into incredibly heady flights of fancy, and cannot be trusted with the most important job on the face of the planet. A cult leader is not what we need to lead us out of our current climate. We need someone whose feet are on the ground, who is clear-headed, who stands with ALL Americans, not just her cultish gathering. There is time. Start now. Lay the groundwork. And come the end of August, protect us from this self-proclaimed Messiah. This heathen has no use for him. "
  15. Black Georgia state trooper refuses to kneel at a Black Lives Matter protest: ‘I only kneel for one person' 'And that's God'
  16. I don't get the hostility. He just had his own opinion. That isn't allowed? Offending people because kneelers have a legit grip about racism - alienates the folks they want to get the message out to. Which tells me, that the ulterior motive is getting attention for getting attention's sake. Media hype and fame. Not the cause. And it doesn't solve anything - it's counter-productive. Just how I see it. I agree with the sentiment, not the taking away from the reason fans go to the games - to see the GAME.
  17. sorry, I kinda jumped to that - you can vote dem and not be a liberal? Maybe obaMao's first term, but surely not the second, unless that person is all in on liberalism. I don't know your views on abortion - it's just that I understand hunting - the need for it. Sorry, I did jump to talking about all dems? open abortion views and being po'd about Pres Trump ending that ban, in agreement with the Fish and Wildlife folks of Alaska. It's no indictment of Pres Trump, is my point. I do believe you are genuinely an independent.
  18. The more the left can intimidate and control all narrative, and all political opponents, they more they are happy to feel good about themselves.
  19. oh, just go away. You can't come up with ONE JUSTIFICATION for your Pres Trump slurs? Ever occur to you that you are mad because you are on the wrong side of things? Take your ball and go home, pouty pouty every step of the way? I asked a simple question, and mentioned a simple reply - EXPLAIN your hateful slurs, and EXPLAIN your dissing of all that Pres Trump has done that is GREAT for AMERICA. You say you're an independent - but you can't back up your points, you're all emotional, you are angry because you can't control the narrative and shut conservatives and pro-Pres Trump/pro-AMERICA FIRST folks up. You slur OBF as being "called out" and criticized him, but you don't like being called out when you can't list EVEN ONE example, VALID example, of your slurs. I haven't mentioned the wall for a good long time. That's pretty irrational to go all fake outrageous emotional knee jerk. You were done when you started slurring and giving your little liberal friends a green light to be as disruptive as they want to be, while getting bitchy about conservatives on this forum. You don't have to get all nasty and nasty just because you are wrong and can't come up with ONE FREAKING EXPLANATION that I asked for? that is liberal, way liberal. You are an independent liberal. Voting for biden because... is just like whacking yourself in the nose to spite your face. It's self-defeating. Liberalism is self-defeating and destructive to America. Liberals FEELINGS rule - not love for America, our Flag, our Anthem, nothing. Just hate for anything that doesn't make liberals feel wonderfully good. Have a nice day, you can't handle the truth, and God Bless ya !
  20. and the VP winner will be, I believe: Keisha Lance Bottoms. mayor of Atlanta. To try to flip Georgia. She's black. Against the 2nd Amendment. unlimited abortion. pro gay everything, pro trans everything, totally pro obaMao"care", totally pro-illegal immigration, not pro police, pro fake man made global warming, extreme activist partisan, hater, cold blooded racist big mouth. Hates ICE. Couldn't care less about our Constitution/Bill of Rights. A nasty rabble rouser. yep. Just the kind of VP to take the attention off biden, just the team to go after everything good about America, and incite a civil war. biden admits he's coming for our guns first. worse than big serious trouble
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