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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. he is absolutely correct, too. Biden's "not black enough" comment is just a tip of the iceberg on how the dems have taken the black community for granted, even kept them where they are, because they wanted the votes again later. Eight years of a dem black president, all the legit serious scandals, all the sickening obaMao commie corruption all over our gov and judicial system, all the racial hostility etc etc etc... is taking it's toll on the dirty player biden
  2. https://www.reuters.com/video/watch/idOVCELRP0H
  3. just read this on Texas poisonous snakes - didn't know baby copperheads were just as venomous. I caught a milk snake bout a year ago, got it identified by state wildlife - harmless - but beautiful. I thought it was poison something from somewhere.... https://www.wideopenspaces.com/how-to-spot-texas-most-dangerous-venomous-snakes/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  4. lol No, I meant "Real American protest songs about 'we ain't losin our country over you losers'" not a big deal. lol
  5. it gets worse and worse. I wonder who was sitting on all these documents all this time. Christopher Wray has a lot of questions to answer. Comey/brennan/strzok/mueller/clapper/all the names - now with LEGIT EVIDENCE - and it went all the way to the top - obaMao commie himself, and joe biden. they lied. they all lied. We are in serious danger of losing America to permanent corruption of our government - they nearly owned it completely. Some folks may not like his "orange skin" and his bad tweets, but he is our only hope to save our country from obaMao/biden/clinton organized government corruption and crime. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/06/25/peter-strzoks-bombshell-notes-on-flynn-case-expose-anti-trump-hypocrisy/ "One, it shows that Barack Obama was not only intimately involved in targeting a political opponent, he was the driving force behind keeping the case open. He posited that the “right people” need to be involved. This came after Comey told the former president that the conversation between Flynn and then Russian Amb. Kislyak seemed “legit,” as in not improper. Two, we found out that Joe Biden told a bald-faced lie when he said he had no knowledge or involvement in the investigation of Flynn. Not only did Biden know about it, he was the one who came up with the predicate to keep the politicized investigation going."
  6. Nobody I read hated obaMao commie - he was what he was, and his scandals were real, and the serious damage he did to America here and around the world is nearly? profound. Admit it, or quit it. And, perhaps you missed it - we had posters "hahaha" about the spying on the Trump Campaign. Oh, the links are there with real evidence now. Two investigations on that alone - are happening now. The same for General Flynn - obaMao commie was a totally corrupt, manipulative liar, divider on race, wealth, religious, ideology...you name it - he used it to screw with America. ObaMao commie's political career STARTED in BILL AYER'S FATHER's basement. But I'm fine with you hating Pres Trump, and ignoring all the great things he's done. Yep, "orange skin" and "bad tweets" are bad, but eight years of obamao pandering to the rabid extreme left, and causing serious racial division... you got nothin. That isn't conspiracy, that's just pandering to leftwing whiners. It's a subculture. Question for ya - how DID you end up picking a side between how you see it ? anti-obaMao commie and anti-Pres Trump? How does that happen to someone who is NOT a birdbrain?
  7. er...wait...anti-Vietnam War songs misses the point. It's about not losing America, not fighting a war/war is bad. Not the same thing, darn it.
  8. Lyrics I wish a buck was still silver It was back when the country was strong Back before Elvis, before Vietnam war came along Before the Beatles and yesterday When a man could still work and still would Is the best of the free life behind us now And are the good times really over for good? Are we rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell With no kinda chance for the flag or the liberty bell Wish a Ford and a Chevy Would still last ten years like they should Is the best of the free life behind us now And are the good times really over for good? I wish coke was still cola And a joint was a bad place to be It was back before Nixon lied to us all on T.V Before microwave ovens when a girl could still cook, and still would Is the best of the free life behind us now Are the good times really over for good? Stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell Stand up for the flag and let's all ring the liberty bell Let's make a Ford and a Chevy That would still last ten years like they should 'Cause the best of the free life is still yet to come And the good times ain't over for good Songwriters: MERLE HAGGARD © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC For non-commercial use only. Data From: LyricFind
  9. I missed the mark with my rambling? well, crap. lol If I had the power - I would have shut down, asked the American people to stay in, like they did, but a month and a half? nope. Two weeks at max, and asking for social distancing and masks....only voluntary.and shutting down of businesses - that's pretty tough. China did this to us - we were screwed over by their lies about covid, with the WHO's complicity. I don't have much of a better idea, outside of shortening the stay at home instructions, and not shutting down all businesses. Like Cysko said - protecting the elderly should have been a main focus. China and the WHo = "was not transmittable person to person". that murdered hundreds? of thousands around the world. If I had the power, I would arrange a world wide boycott of trade with china. just end it.
  10. https://www.theblaze.com/news/strozk-notes-obama-biden-flynn Newly disclosed Strozk notes raise more suspicions about Obama and Biden potentially ordering the Flynn investigation 'Make sure you ... have the right people on it'
  11. right. you had better things to do than comment during eight years of scandals, and damage to our country. but you have all sorts of time to bash Pres Trump despite all the great things he is doing for our country. Call yourself an independent all year, but if it walks like a liberal hater, and talks like a liberal hater... there is at least a similarity there. The Lincoln Project? hahahahahahah, LOL. There ARE NO democrats who support our Constitution. YOU should DROP THAT. (it's probably funded by the dnc and george soros. and the communist party) EDIT: and if it demands to control the narrative, etc... you betcha...
  12. I see it as NO deaths are "acceptable" - you try to limit the scope of it. The initial "stay home" was fine by me, after 3? weeks of that, the roar of the pandemic was gone for the most part. Still, it lurks here and there, transmitted from person to person again. But you can't go past what we've done - and closing all those businesses - I think I wouldn't have done that for more than two weeks. It limited what could have happened, went for too long, ...we're a free people - give us CORRECT INFO and advice, and let the American people make their own decisions. The assisted living in Texas where the fatherinlaw is...they had window visits only. Now, who is going to travel cross country for a window visit? Now, they realize the senior citizens there are upset they haven't had loved ones visit, and don't get much from the "window visits". I know a great percentage of folks are in those assisted llving/nursing homes/etc, but testing seems to be required and let those who don't have it, enter and visit. When you are 97, you can't wait a year for a lot of folks to visit - they may not be there later. No deaths are acceptable - and China did this on purpose, there is no other explanation. China must pay, and pay dearly. Time to just shut them the hell out for lies about the virus.
  13. Woody, want a receipt? You happily bought it.
  14. goes to show the out of control corruption at the highest levels of the obaMao commie regime. pretty much organized crime. Good for Flynn - I hope he sues them to get compensated for all the defense costs. It was a political "kill shot" FRAUD from the beginning.
  15. yet, not ONE WORD about it on this board....for eight years. yeah, I can see how you were filled with rage all that time. yup.
  16. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/06/23/twitter-censors-harmful-and-abusive-trump-tweet-heres-what-it-said/
  17. and I wasn't talking to you, or about you, you self-appointed woodpecker nanny. lol it does no good to take Pres Trump seriously when he's joking, that's a sure fire sign of advanced critical TDS. You choose your choice - bite me liar do nothing but allow corruption to run rampant, or Pres Trump, who has done a long list of outstanding things for America, but you don't like his tweets etc. You don't like the color of his skin...etc. Not one of us said "black king", or anything like it. for eight years. That's kind of a racist statement flag, don't ya think? I've made it clear all this time - I don't LIKE Pres Trump - I LOVE WHAT HE IS DOING FOR OUR COUNTRY. You want to give joe bitme biden great big smoochies, you go to it. Odd, Pres Trump's faults are minimal compared to addle-minded corrupt biden. Yet, you won't criticize biden at all. Just, weird, that is, eh? Pretty impressive to claim to be an "independent" and go lock stock and barrel for the dems, and hate the reps constantly. Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
  18. or smarter than democrats and woodpeckers.
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