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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. because they WISH they had that power over Americans. They desperately crave it. this past months of turmoil is a giant hell raising to get it. With the dems' support.
  2. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/5-reasons-you-me-and-everyone-else-should-use-a-suppressor/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  3. "all people are imperfect, so they all have to go" er......
  4. but you didn't ask how to do groundhog skeet. That is where you, as my guest, reach into the groundhog hole, pull him out, throw him up into the air, and I shoot him. Steve would have, but is always ...too busy. Of course, I'd take my turn after you................................😁
  5. well, next will be the white marbles - in "Aggravation". and anywhere. No more egg whites. They'll pass a law that the yolk can be yellow, but the rest of it will have to be genetically colored in some non-white color. Although, most all colors have some white in them. Oh hell, obaMao has to go - he must leave America. He's half white. And white lightning. Has to be outlawed. white bread - verboten - RACIST no more white lies. racist.
  6. getting more stupid as time goes on. Feigned outrage for power and control. "Flaky crispy squares of stuff that you can crumble up and put into soup" is NOT going to fit on the box. https://www.theblaze.com/master-bedroom-whitening-products-words-banned
  7. ha. you've been watching "Red Dawn" too many times, I reckon. Nobody I know has a bunker - but we did go out and teach our friend how to shoot. She'd never shot a gun - she's pretty good with a .22 rifle now. Not real comfortable with the 9mm. Say, Hoorta - you want to come out to the farm and do some groundhog skeet? ...............
  8. Well, I'm not all that a republican - I just am conservative. The woodpecker is just a beaked wannabe smart ass who hates everything and every subject, and refuses to know anything about said subjects. You'll be around forever. lol
  9. corruption everywhere. https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe-biden-cancer-initiative-nonprofit Biden cancer nonprofit paid millions to top executives before shuttering The Biden Cancer Initiative spent nearly two-thirds on staff compensation
  10. The whole world knows who started the world wars... you lefties refuse to blame china for the corvid virus explosion all over the world. all wet in Egypt.
  11. woodpecker translation: "I look like a birdbrain's ass for denying everything that is true, so all I can say is some ignorant personal slur to the poster"
  12. it's what communists/liberals/marxists/progressives do. Control everything, dominate everything, corrupt everything. They have shown the corruption by passing anti-2nd Amendment laws, then allowing leftist thugs to make Real American folks fearful. Brownshirts/blackshirts...tyranny...loss of rights, and fear of politically opposing them.
  13. that's just plain stupid. Mail in voting is electoral voting fraud. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-jersey-politicians-charged-in-massive-voter-fraud-scheme-in-election-with-only-mail-in-ballots
  14. of course they did, of course it would be a gigantic problem for America - the elections would be corrupted to the left, the left wants it so badly. Between giving illegals the vote, and going mail in voting as much as possible, they desperately want to corrupt our elections so they always win. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-jersey-politicians-charged-in-massive-voter-fraud-scheme-in-election-with-only-mail-in-ballots
  15. lol. YEP. meanwhile, biden says he will use all the federal power to force Americans to always wear a mask. unless you are rioting, and then, only if you are rioting in support of the left.
  16. UK has found it out, too: UK: Dozens of Illegal Boat Migrants Brought Ashore Despite ... https://www.breitbart.com › europe › 2020 › 04 › 26 › uk... Apr 26, 2020 · Dozens of illegal boat migrants were brought ashore at Dover after being intercepted in the English Channel by the Border Force, despite coronavirus outbreaks in migrant camps in France. On Friday, the Border Force brought ashore 76 migrants attempting to cross the Channel in five small boats.
  17. 150,000 immigrants from 72 nations with coronavirus ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com › washington... Some 150,000 illegal immigrants from 72 nations with cases of the coronavirus have been apprehended or deemed inadmissible from entering the United States … Biden: Illegal Aliens with Coronavirus Will Not Be ... https://www.breitbart.com › politics › 2020 › 03 › 15 › ... It is unclear, though, whether Biden’s plan would extend deferring deportations to border crossers who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border with coronavirus. As Breitbart News reported, nearly 151,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border since October 2019 from 72 coronavirus-affected countries.
  18. yep, you smart ass like a liberal, alrighty. The truth would set you free, but you and your little woodpecker can't handle the truth. 'Sanctuary' California Begs Trump for Help After Illegal ... https://pjmedia.com › news-and-politics › victoria... May 04, 2020 · It’s hard not shake your head at California officials asking the Trump administration for help after illegal aliens with coronavirus began spilling into hospitals on the US side.
  19. https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/06/26/what-impact-will-millions-of-new-gun-owners-have-on-the-2020-election/
  20. get trained, get plenty of ammo before a liberal gov tries to stop it anyway they can. https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/06/26/fl-sheriffs-be-prepared-get-armed/ FL Sheriffs Warn Citizens: Be Prepared And Get Armed Posted at 11:00 am on June 26, 2020 by Cam Edwards
  21. A HUGE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS IN ORLANDO & FLORIDA - LIFA https://www.golifa.com › huge-number-illegals-orlando-florida February 14, 2017. Legal Immigrants For America (LIFA) is based in the Orlando, Florida, area, and a new report states that Miami and Orlando are among the biggest areas in the entire USA for illegal immigrants. The report, based on 2014 data analyzed by Pew, estimates that there are 450,000 illegal immigrants in the greater Miami area, which also includes Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, … The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Floridians ... https://www.fairus.org › issue › publications... May 01, 2020 · As part of its ongoing series of reports about the fiscal impact of illegal immigration on state and local taxpayers, FAIR published The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Floridians in 2005. After closely examining costs incurred to provide K-12 education to the children of illegal aliens, unreimbursed public health care, and for incarceration of criminal aliens, FAIR concluded that the costs to Florida …
  22. Obama Fires Top General Without Even a Phone Call https://www.washingtonexaminer.com › weekly-standard › ... P resident Barack Obama fired General James Mattis, the head of Central Command, without even calling the general to let him know he was being replaced. "I am told that General Mattis was... Why did Obama fire James Mattis? Are Trump’s claims over ... https://www.hitc.com › en-gb › 2020 › 06 › 04 › why-did... Trump claims to have fired James Mattis himself but officially, just like in Obama’s administration, Mattis resigned as the Secretary of Defence. However, the president is understood to have sped...
  23. it's more like firing to cover up scandals, (like obamao fired Flynn)... and firing dishonest obaMao scandal activists currently underming Pres Trump's chances of winning, and BEING president, and trying to destroy his ability to get re-elected. peter strzok referred to it, the evidence has come out now, and more is on the way. McEnany: 'No one seemed to care' when Obama fired holdover IGs https://thehill.com › homenews › administration › 498492... White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Tuesday that “no one seemed to care” when former President Obama fired holdover inspectors general from the preceding administration, amid an... Author: Justine Coleman Obama Fired an Inspector General to Cover Up a Sex Scandal ... https://pjmedia.com › news-and-politics › matt... May 18, 2020 · The Obama White House also deliberately misled Congress about the reasons for the firing. Walpin was ultimately cleared of the allegations made by the Obama White House. Author: Matt Margolis
  24. worse yet, woodpeckers don't use toilets at all, they just crap all over the place.
  25. what a weirdo. and he can't even muster one legit comment on the statues removal. he has nothing to offer. no leadership, no integrity, no principles, ... nothin good - as in nothing good happened in his and obaMao commies EIGHT YEARS https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/06/26/joe-biden-on-the-destruction-of-monuments-by-rioters-no-comment/
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