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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. stupid comment. No, you can make more than you make at work with unemployment AND the covid relief checks. But most all your comments are birdpoop. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/27/how-unemployed-workers-could-get-more-than-100percent-of-their-paycheck.html The coronavirus relief bill may allow some Americans who lose their jobs to collect unemployment checks that are bigger than their actual paychecks.
  2. Sorry....I figured it was common knowledge. https://www.americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2020/4/24/here-is-joe-biden-s-anti-gun-wish-list/
  3. had to go back and edit, and simply paste the link back in for it to be active. I have no idea why.
  4. https://www.heritage.org/environment/report/why-president-bush-right-abandon-the-kyoto-protocol oh, the reason it failed? because WE did NOT want to fund it with 350 billion ? while ruining our economy while all the developing nations were not bound by it. Like china and india. etc etc etc etc. it would have been stupid to go with it. UN redistribution of wealth again.
  5. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2017/05/31/every-bad-thing-avoided-rejecting-paris-climate-accords/ Dropping out of the agreement will let the U.S. avoid several deleterious effects of the agreement. Goodbye to ‘American Last.’ The Paris agreement was basically an attempt to halt climate change on the honor system. Its only legal requirements were for signatories to announce goals and report progress, with no international enforcement mechanism. As a result, it was likely that the United States and wealthy European nations would have adopted and implemented severe climate change rules while many of the world’s governments would avoid doing anything that would slow their own economies. The agreement basically made the U.S. economy and Europe’s strongest economies sacrificial lambs to the cause of climate change. Industrial Carnage. The regulations necessary to implement the Paris agreement would have cost the U.S. industrial sector 1.1 million jobs, according to a study commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. These job losses would center in cement, iron and steel, and petroleum refining. Industrial output would decline sharply. Hollowing Out Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The industrial carnage would have been concentrated on four states, according to the Chamber of Commerce study. Michigan’s GDP would shrink by 0.8 percent and employment would contract by 74,000 jobs. Missouri’s GDP would shrink by 1 percent. Ohio’s GDP would contract 1.2 percent. Pennsylvania’s GDP would decline by 1.8 percent and the state would lose 140,000 jobs. Smashing Small Businesses, Helping Big Business. Big businesses in America strongly backed the Paris climate deal. In fact, the backers of the climate deal reads like a “who’s who” of big American businesses: Apple, General Electric, Intel, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, General Mills, Walmart, DuPont, Unilever, and Johnson & Johnson. These business giants can more easily cope with costly regulations than their smaller competitors and many would, in fact, find business opportunities from the changes required. But smaller businesses and traditional start-ups would likely be hurt by the increased costs of compliance and rising energy costs. Making America Poorer Again. A Heritage Foundation study found that the Paris agreement would have increased the electricity costs of an American family of four by between 13 percent and 20 percent annually. It forecast a loss of income of $20,000 by 2035. In other words, American families would be paying more while making less. Much Poorer. The overall effect of the agreement would have been to reduce U.S. GDP by over $2.5 trillion and eliminate 400,000 jobs by 2035, according to Heritage’s study. This would exacerbate problems with government funding and deficits, make Social Security solvency more challenging, and increase reliance on government’s spending to support households. The Paris deal was, in short, a disaster for America and a nothing-burger for climate.
  6. BTW, woodpecker's nanny - you go read up on the kyoto treaty and paris accord. 'it was all about huge sums of money - redistributed. You betcha it's a farce. You and I both have seen glaciers calving. But I don't stupidly buy into America giving up billions/trillions of dollars to other countries because of it. 4 Reasons Trump Was Right to Pull Out of the Paris Agreement https://www.heritage.org/environment/commentary/4... The Paris Agreement was c ostly and ineffective. The Paris Agreement is highly costly and would … The agreement w asted taxpayer money. In climate negotiations leading up to the Paris … Withdrawal is a d emonstration of leadership. The media is making a big to-do about the fact that … Withdrawal is good for American energy competitiveness. Some proponents of the Paris Agreement …
  7. lol. I"m not riled up. I gave you facts on mmgw. You choose to illegal mexican alien hat dance around them by diverting the subject to not voting for Pres Trump ! You should be embarrassed bigtime. It's nice you pm your little woodpecker before you post. Like I said, I've been fighting this silly battle over the fraud that is manmadegooberwarning for years. The longer it goes on, the more evidence keeps coming in that it's a farce.
  8. this is worse than you liberals who want to murder by violent means, born and unborn innocent children? that is nearly ALL the democratic party....this is one goofball. this one guy, saying something dumb, is terrible. But violently murdering unborn and born innocent children is just fine with you all. worse and worse.
  9. more PAC's than you can shake a stick at. Wonder who funds it. "conservative Trump haters for Biden" of course... lol https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/02/the-atlantic-nukes-the-lincoln-project-on-where-the-money-they-get-is-going/
  10. Gun ownership is a REAL AMERICAN GOD GIVEN RIGHT. that means all of us. All races. Another hero of mine:
  11. Now THIS man is a HERO, too ! https://www.theblaze.com/news/black-sheriff-deputize-gun-owners Black Florida sheriff has a message for would-be rioters: I will deputize gun owners if you think you can bring your lawlessness here 'You've been warned'
  12. lol. For every action, there is a reaction....(still plenty of time to decide to buy an upper AR-15). With democrat government sponsoring brown/black shirt terrorism (summer of love bs), you betcha American need to arm themselves. https://www.theblaze.com/news/june-record-high-gun-sales Record high gun sales continue in June. Some retailers say they're running out of stock. 2020 may be the greatest year for gun sales in American history
  13. If ccc (triple crap) = Beavis, then woodpecker = Butthead
  14. Actually, I posted this somewhere.... yep, corruption is sanctioned by the DNC. corruption is freaking everywhere in the dem party. "Dirty Democrat" is an oxymoron?
  15. what part of the UN admitting mmgw is to redistribute wealth globally? the beginning, middle or end? liberals believe in falsehoods that make them FEEL IMPORTANT and FEEL GOOD. what part of a thousand scientists saying "HOLD ON A FRICKIN MINUTE HERE" don't you get? or.. don't FEEL like getting. Liberals do that. That must mean that Hoorta....... never mind. Here's a nice article about your daily swimmin hole: Nile - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nile The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, and is the longest river in Africa and the disputed longest river in the world, as the Brazilian government says that the Amazon River is longer than the Nile.
  16. Why, you'd think Hoorta is thinking about growing feathers. Here's some truth for ya - https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/michael-shellenberger-climate-scare 'It's just unconscionable': Acclaimed environmentalist explains his STUNNING apology for 'climate scare' 'Apocalyptic environmentalism' has become a TOXIC religion
  17. Actually, it IS a few years older - custom built by an expert. Everything else works great, and "Sniper Ghost Warrior 3" runs blazing fast.
  18. all over the msm : "brennan/clapper/comey leak secret new Trump Pentagon program - production of robotic murder hornets to sting the hell out of anyone who protests anything" (vote for biden you morons)"
  19. and I gave it a "Upvote the same day
  20. the fake mmgw theory keeps coming around like a plague of locusts. Read this, Hoorta, and it's ok if you sing the "I'm So Sorry Song". and stop slobbering all over your al gore is god poster.
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