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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Hoorta translation: "NO MAS!" you liber... I mean...."independents" raged about Clinton - "what he does in his private life is nobody's business" yet, everything about Pres Trump is your business. Kinda silly how that works. Ben Franklin and George Washington ran with the ladies. So did JFK. It is what they did in the WH that counts. Emotional knee jerk flippity flippity = hypocrisy
  2. Well, I did say "less than a third"... meaning fourth or fifth...a party pizza from East of Chicago....a pickup truck bed full of root beer.....
  3. I believe he should be put into a rubber room. He makes no sense and seems to be highly self-destructive.
  4. ha, I'm move my comment over here, Steve: "that was great. Obviously, Crenshaw is unflappable, and has his sense of humor about life. Rarely have much use for Bill Mahr, he has his moments of being honest."
  5. that was great. Obviously, Crenshaw is unflappable, and has his sense of humor about life. Rarely have much use for Bill Mahr, he has his moments of being honest.
  6. apparently, his value is said to be less than a third round pick. I agree, keep him, make him play, if he screws it up, he never gets a big payday. If he does play great, which I doubt, he is worth a higher draft pick.
  7. triple c needs remedial grade school. Far more ignorant than even woody. that's really bad.
  8. no, it isn't crap. your bill clinton never acted as president as though he was a Christian. President Trump most certainly has. He's kept his promises to America. Clinton broke them. I have been reading about the great men who helped America become America. Ben Franklin was certainly not perfect growing up. nope. George Washington wasn't either. But they became GREAT AMERICANS later on in life. So has Pres Trump. Clinton? just a loser as a human. probably til the end. See, read up on Phil Robertson. He admits he was a terrible person. But he became GREAT. Bill Clinton did bad things to America. Your obaMao commie ONLY did terrible things to America. Pres Trump is DOING GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. TDS away. He isn't perfect either. Maybe you'd like to go back and revisit the gay guy that had an affair with your obaMao hero. or his cocaine use. or his gay pedophile mentor in Hawaii. TDS. Apparently no cure.
  9. no link, you opinion does stink. A covered wagon pulled by mules is the same thing as a hot rod to you emotional liberal...er..."independents".... because they both are rides to get somewhere. sorry to disappoint you lib...er..."independent".... but the Park Service and the Secret Service would have done the same thing had your obaMao commie gone there. Have a nice l....er...."independent" day.
  10. except stormy had zero evidence and it was so many years later. your bill clinton had the blue dress, and that was WHILE HE WAS IN THE OVAL OFFICE. if you aren't going to try to hide your TDS, so be it. You GOT it, bigtime.
  11. read up on cloward-piven, and read up on this: https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-tv/1619-project-the-real-agenda
  12. China does NOT want to send this all over the world on purpose. It's TOO dangerous. https://www.theblaze.com/news/china-bubonic-plague-warning-alert City in China issues a bubonic plague alert but it's okay - they also "discovered" a new swine flu that is easily transmissable to humans.
  13. nope. SS and Medicare - we pay into that all our working lives. Unless you figure that they want to give it also to illegals.....
  14. global marxism. bad. really, really bad. and really ignorant. https://www.theblaze.com/news/racist-fish-little-mermaid-statue
  15. then post a link showing what I posted is NOT TRUE, or go just keep TDS blabbing. It's what liberals do.
  16. your post implied that it was so terrible that the Lakota tribe lost their ownership of the Black Hills. You're going to call someone who just kicked your whining to the curb with real history, "loser" ? Why, I thought you didn't like the name calling. That is extremely liberal of you. Yes, some white men deceived Indian tribes, did bad things. That is a completely different subject. Atrocities by white men, yep. Atrocities by indian tribes against white folks ? yep. Atrocities by Indian tribes against other indian tribes? of course. You ain't got no point thar, feller.
  17. riotous protesters, the democrats, radical msm ..... good article: https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2020/07/04/how-will-this-revolution-of-entitled-privileged-snobs-play-out/
  18. https://www.redstate.com/diary/cheetah772/2020/07/04/before-july-4th-my-fathers-escape-from-communist-hungary/ THAT IS HISTORY. Libs had better learn it and think about it, before letting our America go to hell (that is biden/deep swamp total corruption and control of our gov)
  19. not too lame - look at you, you defend the "peaceful protesters". A. Pres Trump did not order the tear gassing - the U.S. Park Service did use pepper balls and smoke bombs. Not tear gas. B. The use of pepper balls was totally justified, your "peaceful protesters" were throwing projectiles at the officers, and tried to grab their weapons. No tear gas was used. Once again, I'm teaching you some real history, and you are just plain wrong. C. It was not all peaceful. from the article: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-were-protesters-tear-gassed-to-clear-the-way-for-trumps-walk-to-church/507-911916a1-1b43-4579-a93e-1124a7f4359b However, the U.S. Park Police depicted the protesters differently in its release on the incident. It said the protesters were combative, threw projectiles at officers and tried to grab their weapons. “Officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area,” it said. No arrests were made, it said as well. The CDC says “riot control agents (sometimes referred to as 'tear gas') are chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin.” Other definitions - like this 2013 study published in the National Library of Medicine - say only certain chemicals qualify as “tear gas.” And that’s why this is a semantics argument. Officials are separating “pepper balls” from “tear gas,” but the objective of the two are the same; to irritate your skin and eyes as a form of riot control.
  20. maybe YOU should learn some history about the Black Hills. The Arapaho tribe never "owned" the Black Hills. And the Lokota tribe fought a bloody battle to defeat the Cheyenne to take the Black HIlls. Before that, the Cheyenne fought a lengthy, bloody war against the Kiowa tribe to take the Black Hills. Seems to me, the Kiowa Tribe are the real owners, The Lakota Tribe took the Black Hills by force in a bloody war. Have a nice day. https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1312967/ In 1776 ... in bloody warfare the Lakota defeated the Cheyenne who had earlier taken the Black Hills from the Kiowa after a lengthy war.
  21. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/07/04/trump-delivers-the-mount-rushmore-speech-we-needed-to-hear/
  22. That is SO OUTSTANDING. I've never heard that before.
  23. it was an EXCELLENT SPEECH ! Apparently, the "protesters" who left vans on the highway going to Mt. Rushmore, and slashed the tires, got arrested, vans gone, a LOT of Real Americans showed up, and it was a GREAT speech.
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