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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. being a fake victim by current white people for slavery. any excuse to hate is a good excuse for revolutionaries - they believe, or pretend to, that wealth is due to them, and it's everybody else's fault they don't hand it over. a sick and twisted subculture that has grown with prominent democrat assistance and encouragement, along with leftwing professors.
  2. yep, the dems want to "transform" America again. They had eight years of damage to America - no utopian "transformation". Just a leftwing promise of imaginary "pie in the sky" and damage control when nothing they promise turns out. They really must think America, especially the black community as a whole - is really, really dumb.
  3. Mattis is just plain dishonest. https://noqreport.com/2020/06/04/president-releases-scathing-letter-from-john-dowd-that-obliterates-jim-mattis/ Former Marine Corps Judge Advocate and State Department attorney John Dowd wasn’t happy with recent remarks by General Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis regarding President Trump’s handling of the riots. The former Secretary of Defense went public with his displeasure towards the President, echoing Democratic talking points while embracing the leftist mentality of supporting protesters and defying law enforcement. Dowd sent a letter to Mattis. He apparently copied President Trump, who subsequently posted the blistering letter on Twitter (transcript below): I thought this letter from respected retired Marine and Super Star lawyer, John Dowd, would be of interest to the American People. Read it! pic.twitter.com/I5tjysckZh — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2020 Jim, I slept on your statement and woke up appalled and upset. You lost me. Never dreamed you would let a bunch of hack politicians use your good name and reputation—earned with the blood and guts of young Marines. You did what you said you would—engage in this discourse. Marines keep their word. The phony protesters near Lafayette park were not peaceful and are not real. They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew. Jim, this is the new nihilism. See Dan Henninger in WSJ today. Marines support the police in harm’s way. Did you forget that President Bush used active duty Marines to quell the riots in LA? President Trump has countless cities and some snowflake governors and mayors wetting themselves in the use of force to protect innocent lives and property. The AG of Massachusetts thinks burning property is good protest. Three more policemen were stabbed and shot in NYC last night. Think about it. Should he be upset about the obvious failure in leadership? Where are you Jim? Marines go to the fight. No one divided this country more than Obama. He abandoned our black brothers and sisters. He gave guns to the cartels. He apologized for our precious sacrifice and generosity overseas. You remember, he fired you. President Trump has done more to help our minority brothers and sisters in three years than anyone in the last fifty. Ask the black pastors. Ask the leaders of the black colleges and universities. He got them funded. Ask them about the prison reform which ended the draconian sentences imposed on young black men by the law enacted by Biden and his hacks. You need to bone up on your homework and stop listening to Uncle Leon. I understand, you had to stick to the assigned narrative which did not include three years of corrupt investigations and evidence to destroy this President, his office, and his lawful free election. Nancy has no tolerance for dissent in the ranks—including those with stars. You said nothing of the ugly, hate filled, disgraceful comments of Pelosi, Schumer, Perez and other Democrat hacks defaming the President and his office. You said nothing of the unlawful sanctuary cities and the unlawful release of hoodlums. You said nothing of the resistance movement to paralyze our courts and our government operations. You said nothing of the obstruction and subversion of our immigration laws. You said nothing of MS-13 killers and the drug cartels who own huge sections of our major cities. Jim, do you think that rhetoric and those corrupt actions were inspiring and unifying? Do you think the DI’s at Parris Island would find such behavior as unifying? Maybe, your problem, is a lot deeper. Perhaps you ought to explain how and why you (and John Allen), as CG Central Command, did not engage and take out Iranian Major General Soleimani who roamed the Middle East and wreaked havoc and death on our American boys with his infamous IEDs? Why did it take President Trump to have the instincts and balls to take him out (of course over the objection the geniuses in the Pentagon)? Looks like the Persian mullahs were a one horse sleigh and Trump nailed the horse… forever. It has been quiet ever since. Perhaps, your anger is borne of embarrassment for your own failure as the leader of Central Command. Did you applaud when the President recognized the central problem in the Middle East? Did you applaud the President when he wanted to save American lives by bringing them home in one piece? John M Dowd What Dowd said about Jim Mattis is what America needed to hear. President Trump has been justified in his decisions, from taking out Soleimani to pressing for these senseless riots to end. Mattis is a Democratic operative, a verbal rioter, and part of the “Resistance.”
  4. We finally have a coaching staff that drafts *football players" and not just terrific athletes on paper. Meanwhile, go suck another egg:
  5. Cleveland Storms...no that's racist.... Cleveland White Caps, oops, that's racist. Cleveland Buckeyes, no that is racist, too. A buckeye is dark brown on the outside but white on the inside. crap. Okay, here's an idea - the Cleveland Ones, starting with them winning the superbowl this coming season. Then the team they beat in the superbowl, maybe Kansas City - name them the Kansas City Twos. In order that they end up in the draft, all the way down to "cincinnatti 32's" and "pittsburg 31's" ........ none of those numbers are racist, so there ya go. It doesn't work so well for jerseys, every year? the name would change........
  6. Make YOUR list on your obamao commie and bite me biden. Go on, do it. Eight years of corruption and damage vs almost 4 years of doing great things for America and keeping promises. or, stick a cork in it, you're done. lol
  7. blah blah. I never said Pres Trump IS a womanizer, I clearly said Washington and Franklin were in their younger days. So was Pres Trump - in his younger days. Your slurs are getting to be more irrational, dishonest and hateful the more you try. Comparing Pence with Bite Me Biden? seriously? biden had EIGHT YEARS, Pence only 4. Man up and list your obaMao accomplishments over eight years. It's a short list, get on it. If you have a blank page at the end, you did good. Now, you want me to repeat how many excellent accomplishments Pres Trump and Pence have accomplished in only nearly 4 years? Go ahead, TDSHoorta, make my hay. (it's going on the second cutting)
  8. a different "me too" movement. "look at me, I hate more than you, look at me! I want to be a media darling!"
  9. You FINALLY complain about your obaMao commie ! HELL MUST HAVE FROZEN OVER !
  10. We got together with friends, and got out a metal ammo box of fireworks from 5 years ago. lol several of them fizzled and didn't go off. (have to be careful with those...), some were cool, and only let off one of the bigger explosion jobbies... smaller than an m-80? Good thing we had grilled chicken and hot dogs etc, the fireworks were funny when they failed but it was anti-climatic. Next year, I want to do what you did - have serious fireworks. Although, we sat out in our driveway and watched several other places off the other neighborhood set off a bunch. That didn't cost any of us a thing. Some giant roman candles would be in order for next year, etc. We have a farm - all the room we need. Back when we were kids growing up in an allotment...we'd toss m-80's down the sewer, to watch how high the heavy metal round lid went up in the air. Two m-80s at one time was our limit, and it did go up and flip a few times. Then we quit that. Hope everybody had a great Independence Day.
  11. On the surface, it looks ironic, but I suppose that differentiating between a virus and an errant particle of smoke are seriously different tasks. Viruses can mutate, and mulitply. Find one, and you got it. With a particle of smoke, or several particles, did somebody walk through a coffee house? or are they under the influence to where it affected their driving? Just thinkin.
  12. https://www.redstate.com/alexparker/2020/07/06/herschel-walker-defund-the-police-freedom-of-speech-sins-of-ancestors/ I Want to Be United’: Herschel Walker Speaks Out on the First Amendment and a Biblical View of Reparations https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2020/07/06/terry-crews-stood-his-ground-again-on-fourth-of-july-weekend-n2571903 Terry Crews Stood His Ground Again Over Fourth of July Weekend
  13. Whatever. Cleveland is on the lake - Cleveland Walleyes Cleveland Fighting Fish. Cleveland Shipwrecks. wait, that last one is terrible. never mind.
  14. good question. I can imagine thousands of folks should turn their backs and pretend to moon it. Or, sing our National Anthem during it. "that's racist, that's racist !"
  15. The one point should be made - for example - special ed kids with legit disabilities can get SS. I think it's the classification, not that their parents had to have paid in. On rare? examples, kids have tried to be classified special ed, so they could qualify, when they most certainly did not. School psychologists had to determine the fakers. But it isn't socialist.
  16. Brit Hume calls them out on it hugely: https://www.theblaze.com/news/brit-hume-trump-speech-media Brit Hume dismantles media's 'dishonest and biased coverage' of Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech 'Unbelievably misleading'
  17. But Pres Trump visits, and it's "offensive" etc etc etc. all dishonest political hackery. https://www.redstate.com/bradslager/2020/07/06/video-after-glowing-praise-of-obama-and-sanders-visits-the-press-has-managed-a-complete-reversal-on-mount-rushmore/
  18. liberals on the forum: "NOOOOOO ! Make it go away, we want to say there is no voter fraud!"
  19. My Dad had one favorite song - this was it. Charlie Daniels - if I made a list of "if I had the chance to hang out with someone for a day, who would it be?" Charlie Daniels would have been on it. Note - if you watch the video - the guy on the keyboard has one arm in a sling...
  20. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/arts/music/charlie-daniels-dead.html
  21. I've been learning to do some real pickin on my guitar. I love this song, going to practice it now.
  22. Another great musician gone. https://www.theblaze.com/news/charlie-daniels-music-icon-dies Country music icon Charlie Daniels — an outspoken proponent of conservative values — dies at 83
  23. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/12/26/best-things-trump-has-done/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trumps-list-289-accomplishments-in-just-20-months-relentless-promise-keeping ********************************************** Now, anybody on this board can read all those accomplishments. Hoorta - you name the good accomplishments by your joe biteme Biden. You don't have to like Pres Trump - but he IS keeping his promises, and IS doing great things for America. your obaMao commie and bite Biden broke every one of their promises, and damaged our country badly. Make you choice come Nov. Your bitching about Pres Trump's imperfections don't matter.
  24. Hoorta translation: "nani nani boo boo and screw you" lol. TDSers can't win arguments - their emotions don't allow for rational explanations of reality.
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